1.1 Background of The Study Area

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Chapter 1:

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background of the study area.

Music has an uncanny power to transform the life of people all over the world irrespective of their race, culture or gender. Music unarguably enjoys the position of the most influential universal language. Music forms a separate culture group spread across the world in its variety of forms. The different disastrous if it falls in the hands of the wrong section of the society.

genres of music constitute these various forms of music. Like anything in the world, music can also be

Hard rock and heavy metal music have been causing controversy since they were first

invented, and many people believe the music to have a negative effect on young people. Music featuring distorted guitars, bass, drums and loud or screaming vocals can be thought of as "hard rock," and bands such as Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin and Judas Priest can be classified in this way. Parents are often concerned when their children begin listening to hard rock because of the aggressive sound and occasionally explicit lyrics. If you are concerned, investigate the possible negative effects of hard rock. 1. Satanic Influence Many Christians, including a researcher and professor of theology from Andrews University, believe that rock music embodies a spirit of rebellion against God. Marilyn Manson said that when people listen to his album "Antichrist Superstar," God may be destroyed in their heads. This shows that the message of some rock music is an anti-Christian one; however, just as Christians have the right to express their love for God, anti-Christians have the right to express their distaste. This may be construed as a negative effect of rock music, but all the rock music can do is expose people to a conflicting idea. Ultimately, they choose what they believe. Rock Music and Sexual Arousal Samuele Bacchiocchi, theology professor from Andews University, also states that rock music that whilst music does increase arousal as compared to silence, classical music increased the skin conductance response and skin conductance level measured by the experiment similarly to rock music. The study found that fast-paced classical music had more of an effect on arousal

can cause sexual arousal. A study published in "Media Psychology" looked into this, and found

than fast-paced rock music. This indicates that music in general, not rock music specifically, can cause arousal. Reckless Behavior A researcher from the University of Missouri conducted a study into the effects of music on reckless behavior. The study found that adolescents who liked hard rock showed a higher level of reckless behavior, such as drug use, unprotected sex, casual sex, drunk driving, speeding and vandalism. Girls who listened to rock music were also found to have low self esteem. The researchers commented, however, that they believed that "sensation seeking" behavior was to

blame for these acts, and not rock music. They noted an exception with regard to unprotected sex, but the theory remains that people who seek sensations, such as those provided by the acts listed above, are driven to rock music---rather than rock music causing the reckless behavior. Suicide The most famous case linking rock music and suicide revolved around the band Judas Priest, and the allegation that the album "Stained Class" contained backward subliminal messages. The words "do it, do it" were said to be heard when certain sections were reversed. In 1986, James Vance shot himself, and the family alleged it was Judas Priest's fault for including these messages in their songs. Prior to the incident, Vance had run away from home 13 times. He'd also tried to choke his mother at age 8, and had once threatened to shoot her with a loaded music. The judge concluded that when you reverse songs, you may coincidentally find messages such as this, particularly if you are predisposed to finding them. The Effects of Rap Music on Kids Depending on which studies capture the popular imagination, rap music is either an unfairly overlooked underdog's idiom--or a violent subversion of language that gratifies the lowest common denominator in all the worst ways. Somewhere between these two analyses lies an unconventional art form. Effects On Education gun. The court found these factors to be responsible for Vance's attempted suicide, not rock

overlooked truth--the impact of rap music on young listeners depends on their affinity for this

Rooted in oral storytelling traditions, rap music can be credited with reviving young students' interest in poetry and self-expression. The unsparing social commentary of "conscious rap" artists like themselves, while helping children to build linguistic and communicative skills. According to Baba Brinkman, writing for the National Reading Campaign, "there emerges in hiphop culture a counter-narrative to the prevailing school-negative ones... Whatever else can be said about the influences of hiphop culture, it has arguably been responsible for inspiring written or musical genre in the past few decades." Effects On Language Evaluating the music's impact requires understanding of how its artists develop their skills, rap artist and medieval scholar Baba Brinkman argues. Anybody can grab a microphone and spit out rhymes, but rappers will fade quickly if they don't develop their language skills. The discipline required to create distinctive rap lyrics, Brinkman asserts, helps children build their oral narration and poetry skills. These efforts, in turn, provide a foundation for the long-term development of literacy. Effects On Behavior Measuring rap's effects on behavior remains an important goal for academics that see children as the ideal raw material for its artists' messages. These messages often encourage risky behaviors, such as criminal activity, sexual activity and drug use. For example, an Emory University study of 14- to 18-year-old African-American women who called themselves heavy video viewers were more likely to take risks sexually, drink excessively and use drugs. The lyrics also speak of women as not being equivalent to men. These kinds of results suggest that rap artists exert a more powerful influence on behavior than they're ready to admit. Effects On Lifestyles The link between rap music and hardcore gang lifestyles is another common criticism. Hiphop subculture is viewed as supporting a violent, gang-related way of life from the dress to the behavior of the youth who listen to this music. While serving as a police officer, gang expert Jared Lewis recalled meeting many juvenile offenders who saw criminal activity as their ticket to stardom, he told the "Rocky Mountain News" in February 2007. Other commentators see more young people to pick up that pen and start writing on their own initiative than any other heroes like KRS-One and J-Live--a former public school teacher--has inspired numerous other

negative social influences--such as growing up a single-parent home--as the most powerful indicator of future criminal behavior.

Negative Effects of Rap Music on Teens Whether you love it or hate it, a discussion of rap music often elicits strong opinions. As one of has a negative impact on teens. Lyrics that glamorize violence, drug and alcohol abuse, crime, overt sexuality and the objectification of women are just some of the negatives critics cite when discussing rap music.

the more controversial forms of modern music, many parents and professionals believe that rap

1. Substance Abuse A study by Denise Herd of Berkeley's School of Public Health showed that 77 percent of the rap music studied made references to drug and alcohol abuse. Country music followed in second ages of 14 and 18 who watched these types of music videos for 14 hours per week or more were 1.5 times more likely to drink and use drugs than other girls. Violence Frequent references to guns, shootings, violence, robbery and revenge pepper the lyrics of rap music. Songs promoting violence against men and women are common. The WebMD articles outlines how black teen girls who are frequent viewers of videos are "three times more likely to hit a teacher" or "2.5 times more likely to get arrested." The gratuitous violence of rap songs and videos present violence as a viable or even preferable course of action during conflict. Sexuality Frequent graphic references to sexual acts between men and women are another hallmark of rap music, and promiscuity is promoted in songs. A view of women as sexual objects pervade the music, and influences the youths who listen to it. The same girls referenced in the WebMD article were "twice as likely to have multiple sex partners" and "1.5 times more likely to get to get a sexually transmitted disease." place with only 36 percent. According to a WebMD article, African American girls between the

Language and Profanity Rap music presents an entirely new vocabulary your teen won't pick up in English class. Expletives, explicit language and profanity appear to be a requisite part of many rap song's lyrical composition. Parents do have a fighting chance in this battle, however. Parental guidance ratings now appear on controversial music to alert them to CDs whose content includes inappropriate or offensive language. Some argue, however, that the stickers only serve to attract young consumers, rather than deter them.

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