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Ignorant Vs Arrogant Beliefs against Knowing Some time ago, while attending art school in America, we attended a meeting

of our peers well we thought they were our peers at the time. Pondering back we can say with a sense of surety that stupidity is in every corners of life. The gift of Divine willis using the stupidity of others as source on creative inspirations. Well anyway back to this meeting. Upon entering art school our strongest desire was the creation of a printed media for the student body. After speaking to the then director of student affairs, we was guided to attend this meeting of the student governmental body. In so doing we mentioned the prospect of creating a student newspaper or a student magazine, being the only black being there, this did not fazed our inspired focusing determination as we expressed our ideals on creating such an entity for the student body. An impasse came when members of the student governmental body decided that they would operate and controlled this new entity on creative free speech. Of course, coming from a journalistic background we opposed this directive adamantly, so much so that we stated; No government, whether local, national or student should ever be in the position of controlling free speech of the press. Oh they did not like that, shortly after we was summoned to the directors office. He was told; we was being rude, disruptive likewise we attempted to hijack the student government. When we asked who made such claims on our being, named them, he refused. In our defense, we stated the meeting was recorded, back then any & all conversations we had were recorded. Shockingly he asked did you get permission to recorded & did the others aware you had recorded the meeting? The recording was for our posterity, for when we created our own museum we stated. The next thought that the director shared, even to this day its still very much a puzzlement; The Directors words were we should turned down our aura. How do you do that we asked? However, no reply again was given. Over the years this type of stupidly we have encountered many, many times. Theyre by & from those who are living in ignorant or by those who have accepted ignorant as standardized consciousness. While living in evil Holland, a lesser black male stated something, which we found to be very truthful and profound. He said when you know your self others will call you arrogant because of your awareness, when you dont know yourself, then the same people who called you arrogant, they will be happy seeking only to exploited your ignorant. Deep message from an evil Dutch male, for the Dutch are still the evil masters on exploitations of this world and in particular they are part of the neo germanic collective set on the path of destruction towards our Divine Black identities. Now those suffering under the trauma of the brain-rapes & the brain dirtying cycle of belief systems; are not adhering to the African proverb: Know Thy Self. Thus, they have embraced the rituals of anal-sexuality via deconstruct of spirituality & theyll be quick to utter arrogance in regards to anyone having or revealing a sensational sense of one's own divine importance or creative abilities. Basically, they hate themselves & they hate others who know themselves. Know thy self to heal thy self we say to them. Poetic Essay As We Continue By : Prof :NKWNGR : - : 2011 UK

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