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Project Team Building

Team is small no of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, set of performance goals and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable Team building is one of the prime responsibilities of the project manager. Team building involves a whole idea of management skills required to identify, commit and integrate to various tasks group To make the team effective it must have a # REASON AND CHARTER from the larger system # INTER-DEPENDENCE, members need each others skills and knowledge to support the project # WORKING TOGETHER will lead to more effective decisions than working alone # TEAM creates measurable accountability to a larger or main system. TEAM building process consists of following as a monitoring part - IT develops a role for understanding and clarity on the part of members - IT must define and refine the very purpose of the team - PROPER communication for enhancing the efficiency of effectiveness of team - GROUP members need emotional and resource (material) based support - PERSONALITY of team must be known by processes and dynamism of team - PROBLEM solving strategies must be clarified at all levels - CONFLICT must be used more as opportunity for creativity than for destruction - ABILITY to work with other group in collaborative way is must - TEAM must develop a sense of self-consciousness and group-consciousness TEAM must be built on following solid foundation THE team must share the LEADERSHIP ROLE IT must carry individual and mutual accountability THE team is formed for specific purpose and ensure it delivers THE team works collectively and encourages open ended discussion PERFORMANCE measurement must be on collective (Team) basis REAL team is one that discusses, decides, and delivers To make the team effective, involvement of all concern must be integrated properly by effective and understandable communication. The team must aim at professional growth of team members, who develop sense of commitment to the project

At the end we can say that team building and development has five stages like- Forming / Storming / Norming / Performing / Adjourning

Different types of groups cover - Membership group / Reference group / In-group and Outgroup / Friendship group and Informal group Team structure shall shape the behaviour of the employees like leader, role, norms, group status, size etc Team exists in organization mainly to share information so as to enable the members to perform his role within pre designated area of responsibility. Effectiveness of team depends on variables like work design, composition of team, context of team etc.

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