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UNIVERSITY NADU AGRICULTURAL TAMIL P E O P E N N DD I S T A N CL E A R N I N G R O G R A M M E A Adminisiraiion Masterof Business s M B A6 0 1- P r i n c i p l ec f M a n a g e m e n t 2007 EX.A.MINATION FINALTHEORY T i m e: 3 H o u r s Daie :03.01.

PART* A of Answerany TF-N ihe following /\1. l\2. A3. A4. A5. 46. as givenby PierF. Druckei cf Definition l\,'lanagernent Define lanning. P Organizatlcn? is Vvhat a matrix Decentrallzation. Deflne Define,lobanalysis motivation. Define ' i 0x 1 = 1 0 Max.Marks:6d Semestel : I

A7. Definecontrolling. A8. A9. of in the Define termneedof power ihe theory motivation social responsibiliiy. Define

and Eificiency Effectiveiiess beiween A10. Diftereniiate anci ft4anage|nejrt Adnrinisiiaticn. between A11. Differentiate coordination. A12. Define PART _ B AnsweranyfEN ofthe following B1. 82. tj3 10 x2= 20

and unityof principles uniiyof direction of Fayol's between Difientlate command. Plan. andSianding Single UsePlans Difierentiate MBO beh^/een andMBE. Differ-entiate

84. 85. 86. -*87.

goals Compare and contrast beh^.reen and objectives. policies strategjes. Differentiate between terms ihe and in making. Listthe stepsinvolved decision Briefly explain process brainstorming. the of

sources power? of BB. Whatare the different 89. a'rd Briefly explain disrirct.on tne Detween autho.ity power.

spanof control. determining effective the 810. Listoutthefactors explain sources recruitment. the of 811. Briefly of in management. B'12. Listoutihe importance comrnunication

PART_ C Answer any gX of the following


C1. C2. C3. C4.

Explain scope l\,4anagement. the of skills for management. Discuss detail managerial needed effective in the contribution thefieldof l\,4anagement. to Discuss aboutF.W.Tayior's in Explain modern the management appfoaches brief.

planning process. the C5. Explain strategic of C6. Whatarethe principles Organization? procedures. in in the C7. Describe detail stages selection C8. qualities for about leadership the fequired effective management. Explain


February 2b09 FinalTheoryExamination, MBA601 Principles Management of

Degree :MBA FIRST Semester: PART- A Answerany l!! A1. of the following Max. Marks:60 Time: 3 Hou(s


Define Management.

by A2. Whatdo you rnearr planning? A3. A4. A5. 46. by Whatis meant M.B.O. of Whatareallihe levels Managef? of Whatis themainadvantage centralization? Whatdo you meanby job?

A7. Whatis Recruiiment? A8. A9. Whatis motivation? Define Staffing

can A10. Howcommunication be classified? control. Al 1. Define coordination. A 12. Define

PART- B AnsweranyIE! ofthe following 81. B2. of Whatareihe functions management? of Whaiareallihe roles manager? 10 x2= 20

83. 84. 85. 86. 97. 88. 89.

planning? manager;al Whatsteps necessary effective are for Writea shortnoteon l\,4.8.O. Whatarethestepsin Decision Making Process? Define description. Job Listoutthe usesofjob analysis. Whatarethe objectives training? of Listoutanyfourqualiiies a leader. of

to 810. Listoutanyfourbarriers communication. of control. B1'1. Wriiethe requirementseffective coordinaiion? of 812. Whatareallthetechniques effective PART- C AnsweranygX of the following management a process. as C'1. Discuss C2. C3. of thought. Write downa noteon the evolution management i) andprocedure Distinguish between Policy ii) Budget programme and policy and iii)Origjnated appealed of Explain sources recruitmeni. the in Discuss contents JobAnalysis. the of Explain process communication. the 6 x 5 = 30

C4. C5. C6.

process? elements control of C7. Whatarethe basic of business. responsibilities C8. Writea noteon social

MBA 601- Principlesof Management Degree : MBA Semester; FIRST PART- A AnsweranyTENof the following A'1. Define Management 42. 43. 44. Whatis rneant ofganizjng by function? Whois thefather Managemeni? of Define Planning 10x1='10 Max.Marks: 60 Time: 3 Hours

,A5. Whatis l\4BO? 46. Whatis an cn-the-job training?

A7. Whois a leader? A8. A9. Whatis meani trait? by Listanytwomethods ofjobevaluation.

410. Whatis communication? A11. Whatis meant negative by motivation? 412. Name twotypes Interview. any of

PART_ B AnsweranyIEN of the following 81. 82. 83. Write short notes theearly on managemeni approaches. Whatarethechafacteristics of planning? Explain process [.48O short. the of in 10x 2 = 20

of the B'4. Describe importance organization. 85. 86. 87. kinds interview. of explain various ihe Briefly making? with associated decision Whatareihe problems of on Write sho( notes ihe importance training.

of on BB. Write anytwotheories leadership. 89. X between andY theories. Bring thedifferences out

of theory hierarchy needs. on on B'10. Brief Maslow's of types communication? 811. Whatarethediffefent process? in involved control B12. Whatarethesteps PART- C AnsweranySjX ofthe following c1. C2. 6 x 5 = 30

process. of on in and Define Planning explain detail thesteps planning of in on Explain detail thetypes training.


Explain of C3. Whatarethequalities leadership? to process? Whatarethe Barriers Communication C4. Whatis communication process? of theories Motivaiion on C5. Discuss ihevarious C6. C7. C8. on Explain deiail JobAnalysis. in process. the about recruitment and Recruitment explain Define of techniques control. Explain thevarlous on

TAMIL NADUAGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY OPENAND DISTANCE LEARNING PROGRAMMEFEBRUARY2OlO MBA 601 - principlesof Management Degree : MBA Semester: FIRST AnsweranyTENof the following 41. 42. 43. 44. A5. 46. 47. A8. A9. Management Decision Making. i\,4otivation. Forecasting. Planning. Decentralization. Leadership Directing. Communication. PART- A lO x 1 = 10 Max.Marks: 60 Time: 3 HouIs

A 1 O ,T Q M . 411. Stafiing. A12. Co-ordination. PART_ B Answerany TENof the following 81. Scientificl\,4anagement 10x2=20

82. Formal Informal and organization. 83. Management Objective. by P'4. Tasks of'the Professional l\y'anager. 85. Steps Planning. in 86. l\,4anagemeniprocess. 87. Authoriiy Power. and B8. Budgetjng. 89. Limitationsplanning. of 810. Delegatjon Decentralization. Vs B1'1. lmpodance i,4otivafion. of 812. Pedormance Appraisal.

PART- C AnsweranySIXof the following


(MlS). System Information Management c1. Describeof and Nature, Principle Elements Directing? c2. Writea noteon Scope, of Qualiiies Leadership.. lmportance, the c3. Discuss Characteristics, Stafiing affecting and External Internalfactors Listandevaluate Making. in and the c5. 'Write Importance Steps Decision in Steps Planning. the c6. Write various of and Process Barriers Comn'lunication. c7. Describe s anC Tneory HerzbergMotivationof s Maslow Hierarchy Needs c8. Describe lheory. Hygiene

TAMIL NADU AGRICULTUR{L UNIVERSITY ODL PG - MasterofBusiness Administration Final TheoryEramination- July 2010 Year :I Semester: I Time:3Hours Max. Marksi 60

MBA 601Principlesof Management

PART - A Ansrver:any f!\ A l. r''2. A3. ,\4 . A5. A6. l.7. A8. A9. ofthe following l0 X t= 10


\ c s I e' MBO Centralization Manpower piaruing Balrien in communication Standards Whatdo youunderstand tbetelmpolicy? by Define- 'Authority' Dellne- 'on thejobtraining'

410. List outanytwo qualities leader. ofa A11. Define contuol A12. Whatis rileant democratic leadership? by style PART _ B An$ver anyEN of the following 81. 82. Bl. 84. 85. 86. Socialresponsibilityofbusiness Maslow's theory ofhierarchical needs S o u r c e sp o u e r of Leadershipqualities Management art andscience is Distinguish bettveen policyandprocedure f 0 X 2 - 20

B7. 88. B9.

ofrecruitment soutces List outtheextemal to Whatarethebauiers colrmunication? ation coordin o List outthetechniquesf effective

control of B10. Wfitetherequirements effective offthej ob training? B11. Whatareall themethods.of Bl2. planning'? benefits olmanpower what ared1e PART - C anylflof Ans\r'er Cl. C2. C3. C4. C5. co. the follo*irtg 6X5=10

erampLes u'ith control techniques sLlitable various Explain ofnotivatior bYHe|tzirerg theor)' the Discuss two factor in process adopled organizations the Nafiate communication its and Movement bringoLtt relevance ofHrman Relations the Discuss principies in modem situations the Brieflyexplain typesolplan o wr.Le nor. n a i 1 . e c ' ' i om a kt r g t o c e ' ' D n i p tree ii).Decision is in abo Discuss ut thecontents j ob analys with an ;llustration the in Elaborate steps planning

C'|. C8.

TAMIL NADUAGRICULTURAI UNI\ERSITY ODLPG Master Business of Administration FinalTheory ExaminationJanuary 2011
: I (2010 Year Regular) I Semester: Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60

MBA 601 Principles of Management PART- A

Answer.any IEN of the following A1. A2. 43. A4. A5. A6. Whatis TimeStudy? Whatis Gang Plank? Whatarethethree managerial identified Mintz Berg? roles by Whatis MBO? Writeanyt"!vo sources recruitment of commonly adopted software by companies. What is neant by DownwardCommunication?

r' I

I i


A'1. Whatis meant JobAnalysis? by A8. ,49. Whatis Unity of Command? DefineLeadership.

by A10. Whatis meant JobEnrichment? of A 11. Whatarethe Channels Communication? Audit? A12. Whatis social

Ansrver any _tM\ or tne rottor!rng


B1. 82. B3. 84. B5. B6.

Whatarethethee levels ofManagement? Define Productivity. What arethe typesofPlan? Differentiatebetween and Quantitative Qualitativeobjectives. Deflne Delcriprior. ar e\ample. Job Cive What is meantby SensitivityTraining?

B'1. Whatis CeDtralisation De-centralisation? and

88. 89. 810.

'Short-teimManpol'er Plan]]ing' Write a noteo11 Leadership? and What is Tlansactional Transformational involved in a conhol plocess? What arethe steps

B11. What is meantby FeedforwardControl? Bl). T B B r i e f l )\ t d t e e f o . B d s eu d g e l i n !

PART - C AnsweranySILof the following C1. C2. Funclions. the Erplainin detailabollt Management ofan petlormance for is and HorvRespoDsibility AccounEbility important thebeltef Organization? C3. C4. ;5. C6. C'|. C8. alid Croups, Teams? in the Ho$'to manage conflicts Committees, in Decision Making. Explainthest+s involved Rational communication? Whalaretheba(iersto effective to Effectiveness. Theoryandjts approach Leadership the Explain Path-Goal for is Why social responsibility necessary organizations? Techniques? the Whataxe Controlling 6 X 5:30

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