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1o. .vn ,ov ]vvc nv vn 1I ovnnc i. ni.c, incncncv..

AIter giving any learning programme, the instructor should stop and look
back at his/her work and ask him/herselI iI s/he has accomplished her/his goals
eIIectively. In doing this s/he can discover the weaknesses and strengths in the
content, her/his techniques and her/ his students. S/he should ask questions such as;
does the programme make any diIIerences in the students' levels, does it improve
their skills Ior learning and their skills Ior liIe. This ,oI course, must lead her/him
to be very observant. The students' results and perIormance either in classrooms
activities or in liIe situations are clear indicators oI the success in the
implementing stage.
When the instructor gives her/his exams s/he should be careIul in writing
the questions. They should not measure the students' ability to cram but must
measure their understanding oI the language and its usages. Their results will help
the instructor to discover some oI the weaknesses in her/his programme. S/he
should Iollow a certain scale in measuring students' achievements in exams.
Getting 'excellent' applies an achievement oI " a very high quality " while 'good'
Ior example shows that "improvement is required".
Student' perIormance in the classroom is also important. The instructor
should see his/her students in the class to see iI they can talk together in the target
language, do they depend upon themselves in doing their assignments, do they ask
questions about what they didn't understand. Students' participation using the target
language shows iI the students master the language or not. For example, iI students
use the "let's" aIter studying making suggestions that means that this goal is
already achieved.

Another aspect is students' perIormance in liIe. The instructor should notice
iI the programme meets the students' needs and iI it enables them to communicate
with other outside the class walls. This can be tested ,Ior example, by taking
students to visit places they can use what they have learned such as hospitals,
airports, hotels .etc.
In my experience as a supervisor, I can judge my teacher's implementing
oI the curriculum by noticing students' results and perIormance in classrooms.
AIter the exams take place, we visit schools and study the results. By attending
classes, I notice their perIormance with their teacher. I can notice the teacher's
weaknesses by her students' responses to her questions and their participation in
her activities. The greatest problem we, supervisors, Iace with teachers that they
change their techniques and methods as we attend their classes. This oI course will
be shown in their students' behavior during the lesson. For example, some teachers
doesn`t use Arabic at all , in my presence, while they used to explain in Arabic Ior
their students. In this case, students will Iace diIIiculties in responding to their
questions . This indicates her Iailure to meet one oI her goals in class, which is
students communication with her.
It's very necessary look " honestly and critically at our practice". Two
important questions should be asked and answered; " How good are we now? " and
" How good can we be?". The Iirst question helps us to Iind our weakness and
the second one makes us think oI what action we will take to improve our current

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