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IS Development

When the systems approach is applied to the development of an information systems solution to business problems, it is called information systems development or application development


The Systems Approach

A problem solving technique that uses a systems orientation to define problems and opportunities and develop appropriate and feasible solutions Analyzing a problem and formulating a solution involves these interrelated activities: Recognize and define a problem or opportunity using systems thinking Develop and evaluate alternative system solutions Select the solution that best meets your requirements Design the selected system solution Implement and evaluate the success of the system

What is Systems Thinking?

Seeing the forest and the trees in any situation
Seeing interrelationships among systems rather than linear cause-and-effect chains Seeing processes of change among systems rather than discrete snapshots of change

See the system in any situation

Find the input, processing, output, feedback and control components


Systems Thinking Example


Systems Analysis and Design

SA&D is the overall process by which information systems are designed and implemented
Includes identification of business problems

Two most common approaches

Object-oriented analysis and design Life cycle


Conceptual System Design

Define Problem Set System Objectives Identify constraints Determine Information needs Determine Information sources Develop various designs Document the conceptual design Prepare the report


Detail System Design

Project Planning and Control Involve the User Define the Detailed Subsystem Input/Output Design Feedback from User Database Design Procedure Design Design Documents


Project Planning and Control

Project Planning
Formulate the project objectives Define the project tasks Prepare the network diagram Schedule the work Prepare the budget

Project Control
Get feedback of actual performance of the project with respect to time, costs and work of the project Take corrective actions


Define the Detailed Subsystem

System Sub-system
Functional Component
Task Sub tasks Operational Element


Input/Output Design
Output Design
Who will receive the output When and how often output is needed What is its planned use How much details are needed


Input/Output Design
Input Design-Objectives
Control the volume of input data Avoid processing delays during data entry Avoid data entry errors Keep process simple

Input Layout
Heading and date of data entry Data heading and value Data type and width of the column

Database Design

Identify all data tables and record types Identify fields for each tables Determine the data type and width of each field Normalise the data tables Properly document data dictionary


Procedure Design
Data entry procedures Run time Procedures Error hadling Procedures Security and Backup Procedures Software Documenting Procedure


Systems Development Lifecycle (SDLC)


Systems Development Process

Systems Investigation
The first step in the systems development process May involve consideration of proposals generated by a business/IT planning process Also includes the preliminary feasibility study of proposed information system solutions


Systems Development Process

Feasibility Studies: a preliminary study to determine the
Information needs of prospective users Resource requirements Costs Benefits Feasibility

In some cases, a feasibility study is unnecessary


Operational Feasibility
How well the proposed system will
Support the business priorities of the organization Solve the identified problem Fit with the existing organizational structure


Economic Feasibility
An assessment of
Cost savings Increased revenue Decreased investment requirements Increased profits Cost/benefit analysis


Technical Feasibility
Determine the following can meet the needs of a proposed system and can be acquired or developed in the required time
Hardware Software Network


Human Factors Feasibility

Assess the acceptance level of
Employees Customers Suppliers Management support

Determine the right people for the various new or revised roles


Legal/Political Feasibility
Possible patent or copyright violations Software licensing for developer side only Governmental restrictions Changes to existing reporting structure


Systems Analysis
An in-depth study of end user information needs
It produces the functional requirements used as the basis for the design of an information system

It typically involves a detailed study of the

Information needs of a company and end users Activities, resources, and products of one or more of the information systems currently being used Information system capabilities required to meet the information needs of business stakeholders


Organizational Analysis
Study of the organization, including
Management structure People Business activities Environmental systems Current information systems
Input, processing, output, storage, and control


Analysis of the Present System

Before designing a new system, it is important to study the system to be improved or replaced
Hardware and software Network People resources used to convert data resources into information products System activities of input, processing, output, storage, and control


Logical Analysis
A logical model is a blueprint of the current system
It displays what the current system does, without regard to how it does it It allows an analyst to understand the processes, functions, and data associated with a system without getting bogged down with hardware and software


Functional Requirements
This step of systems analysis is one of the most difficult
Determine what type of information each business activity requires Try to determine the information processing capabilities required for each system activity The goal is to identify what should be done, not how to do it


Examples of Functional Requirements

User Interface: automatic entry of product data and easy-to-use data entry screens for Web customers Processing: fast, automatic calculation of sales totals and shipping costs Storage: fast retrieval and update of data from product, pricing, and customer databases

Control: signals for data entry errors and quick e-mail confirmation for customers

Systems Design
Systems design focuses on three areas


Prototyping is the rapid development and testing of working models
An interactive, iterative process used during the design phase Makes development faster and easier, especially when end user requirements are hard to define Has enlarged the role of business stakeholders


Prototyping Life Cycle


User Interface Design

Focuses on supporting the interactions between end users and their computer-based applications
Designers concentrate on the design of attractive and efficient forms of user input and output Frequently a prototyping process Produces detailed design specifications for information products, such as display screens


Checklist for Corporate Websites

Remember the customer Aesthetics Broadband content Easy to navigate Searchability Incompatibilities Registration forms Dead links


System Specifications
Formalizing the design of
User interface methods and products Database structures Processing procedures Control procedures


Examples of System Specifications

User interface specifications Use personalized screens that welcome repeat Web customers and that make product recommendations

Database specifications
Software specifications

Develop databases that use object/relational database management software to organize access to all customer and inventory data and to multimedia product information
Acquire an e-commerce software engine to process all e-commerce transactions with fast responses, i.e., retrieve necessary product data and compute all sales amounts in less than one second Install redundant networked Web servers and sufficient high-bandwidth telecommunications lines to host the company e-commerce website Hire an e-commerce manager and specialists and a webmaster and Web designer to plan, develop, and manage e-commerce operations

Hardware and network specifications Personnel specifications

End User Development

IS professionals play a consulting role, while uses do their own application development
A staff of user consultants may be available to help with analysis, design, and installation

Other support
Application package training Hardware and software advice Help gaining access to organization databases


Focus on IS Activities
End user development should focus on the fundamental activities of an information system
Input Processing Output Storage Control


Focus of End User Development


Doing End User Development

Application development capabilities built into software packages make it easier for end users to develop their own solutions


Encouraging End User Web Development

Look for tools that make sense
Some are more powerful or costly than needed

Spur creativity
Consider a competition among departments

Set some limits

Limit what parts of a web page or site can be changed and who can do it

Give managers responsibility

Make them personally responsible for content


Encouraging End User Web Development

Make users comfortable
Training will make users more confident It can save the IT department the trouble of fixing problems later on It can limit the need for continuous support


Implementing New Systems

The systems implementation stage involves
Hardware and software acquisition Software development Testing of programs and procedures Conversion of data resources Conversion alternatives Education/training of end users and specialists who will operate the new system


Implementation Process


Project Management
The skills and knowledge necessary to be a good project manager will translate into virtually any project environment
The people who have acquired them are sought after by most organizations


What is a Project?
Every project has
A set of activities with a clear beginning and end Goals Objectives Tasks Limitations or constraints A series of steps or phases

Managing a project effectively requires

Process Tools Techniques

Sample Implementation Process


Phases of Project Management

There are five phases in most projects
Initiating/Defining Planning Executing Controlling Closing


Initiating/Defining Phase
Example activities
State the problem(s) and/or goal(s) Identify the objectives Secure resources Explore the costs/benefits in the feasibility study


Planning Phase
Example activities
Identify and sequence activities Identify the critical path Estimate the time and resources needed for project completion Write a detailed project plan


Execution Phase
Example activities
Commit resources to specific tasks Add additional resources and/or personnel if necessary Initiate work on the project


Controlling Phase
Example activities
Establish reporting obligations Create reporting tools Compare actual progress with baseline Initiate control interventions, if necessary


Closing Phase
Example activities
Install all deliverables Finalize all obligations and commitments Meet with stakeholders Release project resources Document the project Issue a final report


Evaluating Hardware, Software, Services

Establish minimum physical and performance characteristics for all hardware and software
Formalize these requirements in an RFP/RFP

Send RFQ to appropriate vendors

Evaluate bids when received

All claims must be demonstrated Obtain recommendations from other users Search independent sources for evaluations Benchmark test programs and test data

Hardware Evaluation Factors

Major evaluation factors
Performance Cost Reliability Compatibility Technology Ergonomics Connectivity Scalability Software Support

Software Evaluation Factors

Hardware evaluation factors apply to software, as do these
Quality Efficiency Flexibility Security Connectivity Maintenance Documentation Hardware
Software that is slow, hard to use, bug-filled, or poorly documented is not a good choice at any price


Evaluating IS Services
Examples of IS services
Developing a company website Installation or conversion of hardware/software Employee training Hardware maintenance System design and/or integration Contract programming Consulting services


IS Service Evaluation Factors

IS evaluation factors include
Performance Systems development Maintenance Conversion Training Backup facilities and services Accessibility to sales and support Business position and financial strength Hardware selection and compatibility Software packages offered

Other Implementation Activities

The keys to successful implementation of a new business system
Testing Data conversion Documentation Training


System Testing
System testing may involve
Testing and debugging software Testing website performance Testing new hardware Review of prototypes


Data Conversion
Data conversion includes
Converting data elements from the old database to the new database Correcting data errors Filtering out unwanted data Consolidating data from several databases Organizing data into new data subsets

Improperly organized and formatted data is a major cause of implementation failures


User Documentation
Sample data entry screens, forms, reports System operating instructions

Systems Documentation
Method of communication among those developing, implementing, and maintaining a computer-based system Detailed record of the system design Extremely important when diagnosing problems and making system changes

End users must be trained to operate a new business system or its implementation will fail
May involve only activities, such as data entry, or all aspects of system use Managers and end users must understand how the new technology impacts business operations

System training should be supplemented with training related to

Hardware devices Software packages

Major System Conversion Strategies


Direct Conversion
Direct conversion
The simplest conversion strategy The most disruptive to the organization Sometimes referred to as the slam dunk or cold-turkey strategy May be the only viable solution in cases of emergency implementation or if the old and new system cannot coexist Has the highest risk of failure Involves turning off the old system and turning on the new one

Parallel Conversion
Old and new systems are run simultaneously until everyone is satisfied that
The new system functions correctly The old system is no longer needed

Conversion to new system can be single cutover or phased cutover

Has the lowest risk, but the highest cost
Can cost 4 times more than using the old system

Best choice where an automated system is replacing a manual one


Pilot Conversion
Scenarios best suited to a pilot conversion
Multiple business locations Geographically diverse locations

Advantages of single location conversion

Can select a location that best represents the conditions across the organization Less risky in terms of loss of time or delays in processing Can be evaluated and changed before further installations

Phased Conversion
A phased or gradual conversion
Takes advantage of both the direct and parallel approaches Minimizes the risks involved Allows the new system to be brought online as logically ordered functional components

Takes the most time Created the most disruption to the organization over time

Post-Implementation Activities
The single most costly activity
Correcting errors or faults in the system Improving system performance Adapting the system to changes in the operating or business environment Requires more programmers than does application development May exist for years


Systems Maintenance
There are four basic categories of system maintenance
Corrective: fix bugs and logical errors Adaptive: add new functionality Perfective: improve performance Preventive: reduce chances of failure


Post-Implementation Review
Ensures that the newly implemented system meets the established business objectives
Errors must be corrected by the maintenance process Includes a periodic review/audit of the system as well as continuous monitoring


Document is the process of maintaining written reports describing the scope, purpose, information flow and operating procedures of the system. Advt of Documentation
New personnel training Designers can refer to the document Common refrence for the managers


Documenting a Manual MIS
Summary of scope, interfaces with other system, constraint for design etc. Organization chart- old and new and comparison of the number and kind of people before and after the installation. Flow chart and layouts Forms Output reports and formats Methods of controlling and revising system


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