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We have asked by our course instructor to complete a report on diIIerent scenarios oI

organizations Ior getting Acquisition & Downsizing as a part oI the course Human resource
Planning & Policy (HRM-406).At Iirst I chose two companies Ior acquisition in which Dream
Bangla Telecom is a modern and large company which have large number oI employees. On the
other hand Desh Telecom is a small and traditional company which has small numbers oI
employees. Then we have tried to include all dimensions when these two company going to
acquisition. And we also have tried to explain impact & beneIits oI both target company and
acquiring company. In the part 2 oI the report we choose a company Ior clearing aspects oI
downsizing in which Asian Batteries Ltd who does business in Bangladeshi market has strong
human resources. We have tried to show diIIerent areas oI downsizing and impact & beneIits oI
the company.
Executive Summary
When a company decides to acquire a company they have to consider diIIerent dimensions like
chose or target a company Ior acquisition, asset value oI target Company, Iinancial value, market
impact, technological impact, human resource impact. They go through a process Ior acquisition
where they give a proposal to top level management oI target Company, iI the management oI
target company agrees with then they will go Ior Iuture discussion Ior acquisition. BeIore taking
dicsision oI acquisition both company analysis their costs & beneIits oI acquisition. In this report
we have explained HRM activities oI both company like recruitment, selection, training and
development, perIormance appraisal, compensation & beneIits etc. AIter that we have discussed
how &why these two company go Ior acquisition. Then we have shown the impact and beneIits
oI acquisition in those HRM areas in both target company and acquiring company. Then we have
given some recommendation to both companies. In part 2 in the report, we choose a company
and give some preview about company. Then we have explained HRM Iactors oI this company,
HRM department, human resource, activities oI HRM department.Then we have explained the
terms downsizing, causes and impact oI downsizing on the company aIter downsizing. AIter that
we have given some dimention & some strategy Ior reducing the badly impact on the company.

Dream Bangle 1elecom
ompany overview
Dream Bangla Telecom is committed to distinctive quality and unparalleled customer service in
all aspects oI their business. Dream bangla operates its business in Bangladeshi market.It launce
as a limited company in 1992 Ior doing business in telecommunication sector. It has around 15
million customers. They want provide services with low cost to their customers. They have to
earn trust and respect oI their customers. Every day in order that the customers make the decision
to choose their services. Their success is guaranteed by creative, productive employees who are
empowered to make suggestions. Their jobs are designed to IulIill their mission. The primary
goal oI Dream Bangla Telecom is to live their vision and continue their business to be a market
leader in Telecommunication industry. They achieve this through dedicated hard work and
commitment Irom every employee. It is the desire oI Dream Bangla Telecom`s management,
Irom top to bottom, to have every employee succeed in their job and assist in achieving their
Dream Bangla Telecom is an equal Opportunity Employer. They will extend equal opportunity
to all individuals without regard Ior race, religion, colour, gender, creed, national origin, age,
disability or handicap status. This policy aIIirms Dream Bangla Telecom`s commitment to the
principles oI Iair employment and the elimination oI all vestiges oI discriminatory practices that
might exists.Dream Bagla has almost 12000 Iull times employees and around 350 part time
employees. It has 450 customer cares across the country. Regular work hours are 9:00 am to 5:00
pm, Saturday to Thursday.
Mission of Dream Bangla
Vission of Dream Bangla
Dream Bangla Telecom`s vision is to become the primary service provider oI all communication
needs oI subscribers in Bangladesh supported by exemplary customer care. This can only be
possible by a vigilant eye on all aspects oI our operations Irom network quality to innovative
services. We want to live up to our motto oI We Care.
ompany Organogram

ompany Logo

Key Strength of Dream Bangla Telecom

The Network:
Dream bangla has strong network across the country. It can provide better service Irom others in
terms oI network. People can close together by Dream bangle network. Dream Bangla Telecom
oIIers the best voice quality and state oI the art GSM & GPRS network.

Service beyond comparison:
At Dream Bangla Telecom customers are served with the mindset that they are our most
important stakeholders Ior the organization. The reliable and accurate billing system oI Dream
Bangla Telecom endows a sense oI contentment to our subscribers through its transparency.
Furthermore customers have the convenience oI selecting Irom multiple billing options, which
are designed to Iacilitate diIIerent individual and corporate usages.

HRM policies in Dream Bangla Telecom

Dream bangle takes appropriate actions in dramatically changing culture, changing in technology
and trends in the composition oI labor Iorce. They also conduct an analysis that how many
people are currently working on diIIerent jobs have relevant skills according to their jobs. Dream
bangla Telecom has long term goals. They set their goals by making the analysis oI labor supply
and demand. They also Iocus on our product and try to improve it with the passage oI time. They
hire workers on both temporary and permanent basis. Mostly workers are hired on Permanent
basis. Some workers are hired temporary but based upon their work, aIter some time they are
also appointed as permanent workers.
To be a business leader Dream Bangla Telecom`s HRM department deals with Iollowing areas:

Providing Equal Employment Opportunity and a SaIe Workplace

Planning and Recruiting

Selecting Employees

Analysis & design JD and JS

Training Employees

Job Design

Customer Services

Salary Structure

Compensation and BeneIits

PerIormance Appraisal

Employees Conduct and Ethics

Problem Solving

Providing Equal Employment Opportunity & a SaIe Workplace

From these dimensions I discuss some areas in the perspective oI Dream Bangla Telecom:

Providing Equal Employment Opportunity and a Safe Workplace:
Dream BanglaTtelecom is providing equal opportunity to its employees. They will extend equal
opportunity to all individuals without regard Ior race, religion, color, gender, creed, national
origin, age, disability or handicap status. So that all the employees working in Dream Bangla
telecom work with Iull conIidence.
In Dream Bangla Telecom, there is no any kind oI discrimination. We hire the employees
irrespective Ior their gender, race and religion. In the company we have a mixture oI the peoples
but they all work like a happy Iamily. The workplace is suIIicient Ior all the employees.
Company provides necessary equipments to its employees to do their work with ease and
comIort. Moreover the atmosphere oI the company is peace and calm.
Recruitment & Selection:

There is no speciIic number oI per year vacancies in Dream Bangla telecom. It depends upon the
number oI employees needed per year. It also depends on organizational strategies Ior next year
like expansion business, more time Ior individual customers, company diversiIication etc. The
company plans and hires the employees itselI. It does take the services Irom any other
recruitment Iirm. The company Iorecast the demand Ior labor every year. During Iorecasting
they include measures oI the economy, labor market trends, political situation, unemployment
rate, governmental regulation etc.
There are Iollowing Iive steps include in Recruitment & Selection process:
1. Decide what position to Iill, through personnel planning and forecasting.
2. Build a pool oI candidates Ior those jobs, by recruiting internally or externally.
3. Have candidates complete application forms and perhaps undergo initial screening
4. &se selection tools like tests, background investigations, and physical exams to identiIy
viable candidates.
5. Decide who to make a oIIer to, by having the supervisor and perhaps others interview the
Dream Bangla Telecom use both internal and external sources to Iill the vacant positions.
Internal Source: In this source any one employee, within the company who will be able to done
the high post job, is selected. The inIormation about the post or vacancy is pasted on bulletin
boards; on co-operate intranets and anywhere else. This source is used less.

External Source: In this source the advertisement is published in newspapers. Candidates are
selected Irom applicants by conducting interviews. In this case people also use some reIerences
to gain the jobs. This source is used more.
Moreover they also publish the vacancies also on internet. So the peoples apply Irom internet are
called Ior interviews and Ior Iurther process. II the company made its Iranchise on any rural area,
then company preIer to hire the person Irom that area because it is easy Ior customers to
Selecting Employees
Dream Bangla Telecom has also a specialized procedure Ior selecting the employees. The
selection involves some steps that as Iollows:

Requisition raised by concern department.

HR Department processes this requisition.

Publish the advertisement in the newspapers

Checking ReIerences.

Select the person.
They select the employees on the basis oI work experience and knowledge. Good results are also
matters but knowledge is very essential Ior concerned job. In selecting the company conducts
tests Ior clerical jobs. There are some engineering tests, communication skills tests, computer
knowledge tests and many more based upon the vacancy.
ine Managers and Human Resource Managers conduct interviews Irom the candidates. But iI
there is an interview Ior some special posts like General Managers etc, then Board oI Directors
and ChieI Executive OIIicers conduct interviews. The company conducts all types oI interviews
like structured, situational, behavior description, and panel interview. In most oI the cases, there
are panel interviews. The selected candidates are inIormed by both e-mail and postal services.
Performance Appraisal
All new staII (except GMs or above) will have to undergo probation period Ior 3 months.
PerIorm the probation may be extended or his/her service may be terminated. All such decisions
are made in consultation with HR Department.

Every employee`s has some assigned duties that the employees have to perIorm as well as they
have Iixed standard. AIter a period the employees` current perIormance will match with the set
standard. Each job evaluation is assigned with a grade which has a particular salary associated
with it. This range is applicable to all positions assigned to that grade. Every salary range
associated with a grade, has a minimum and maximum level.

PerIormance appraisal involves:

Setting work standard
Assessing the employee`s actual perIormance relative to those standard
Providing Ieedback to the employee with the aim oI motivating him or her to eliminate
perIormance deIiciencies or to continue the perIormance.
In perIormance appraisal Dream Bangla Telecom considers some Appraisal Methods, those are:
Graphic Rating Scale Method
Alternation Ranking Method
(BARS) Behavior Anchored Rating Scales
MBO (Management By Objective)
Computerized and web-based perIormance appraisal
Dream Bangla Telecom considers what to measure Ior choosing perIormance appraisal method.

Training Employees
Dream Bangla Telecom believes that it is necessary Ior individual employees or groups oI
employees to take job related training courses that enhance their values to the company, keep
them up to date on the latest trends, technologies and knowledge, oIIering a great chance to
interact with peers. Training need is identiIied through gap analysis, perIormance appraisal,
proIile assessment or one on one meeting.
Training is considered as a learning intervention used Ior the personal as well as proIessional
development oI employees. The employees are given in house trainings and they also sent Ior
trainings Irom well reputed and specialized training institutes. In Dream Bangla Telecom, they
use all training methods like
On The Job Training
OII The Job Training
Computer based Training
Behavior modeling
Roll Plays
Case Studies
Business Game
Audio/Visual, Practical, workshop, etc

AIter providing training, there is a training evaluation Iorm. Due to this Iorm the company
realized that how much a person has trained.

ompensation and Benefits

Dream Bangla telecom provides attractive salary and compensation beneIits to its employees
comparison to its competitors. In order to provide additional incentive to attract quality
employees, as well as keep competent workers who are already associated with the company,
many businesses oIIer a compensation package that is much more detailed than simple salary or
wages. The compensation package may include a number oI other beneIits. Dream bangla
Telecom also provides Iollowing beneIits:
Group iIe Insurance.


Out Patient Medical Practice.

Dental Treatment.

Cellular Phone Policy.

Car Policy.
Group liIe insurance coverage is provided to all employees. In the case oI an employee`s death
the beneIiciaries oI the employee shall receive the insurance beneIits .the amount would be
doubled in case oI accidental death.
All employees their spouse and children up to the age oI 25 (no limits Ior the unmarried
daughters) dependent parents are eligible Ior the hospitalization. For details please watch
compensation and beneIicial departments The employees are eligible to claim their medical
outpatient expenses up to a maximum oI one month`s gross salary each year. The outpatient
treatment involves Consultation, Prescribed medicines, Pathological/clinical tests and x rays.

The Company reimburses the cost oI Iollowing vaccinations Ior employees and their dependents:

Small pox




Whooping cough( inIants and children)


BCG Ior children only


Gamma Globulin


All employees would be given a cellular connection, with the monthly maximum limit
considering their level oI responsibility and job Iunctions. It is expected that employees with the
company cellular phone Iacility keep their mobile activated Ior business use 24 hours a day and 7
days a week. II the cellular phone bill exceeds the stipulated limits, additional bill is deducted
Irom salary oI the employee.
Dream Bangla Telecom provides all eligible employees (except GMs) with the corresponding car
allowance to compensate them Ior oIIicial commute, business and personal use.

Desh 1elecom

ompany overview

esh Telecom is 100 owned subsidiary oI Reliance group.It was acquired by Reliance group in
2002, and aIter a complete overhaul and the deployment oI a new gsm network, its
telecommunication services were re-launched under the brand name Desh telecom. When Desh
Telecom began operations in Bangladesh in Iebruary 2003, its impact was Ielt immediately:
overnight mobile telephony became an aIIordable option Ior customers across a wide range oI
market segments.
Desh Telecom`s success was based on a simple mission: "bringing mobile telephony to the
masses" which was the cornerstone oI its strategy. Desh Telecom changed the mobile phone
status Irom luxury to a necessity and brought mobile telephone to the general people oI
Bangladesh and made a place in their hearts. The mobile phone has become the symbol Ior the
positive change in bangladesh.
This positive change that is quite correctly attributed to Desh Telecom has become the corporate
positioning oI Desh Telecom. This corporate stance oI "making a diIIerence" has been reIlected
in everything Desh Telecom does.
Desh Telecom attained 5lack subscribers by december 2007. Desh Telecom currently has 2
million subscribers as oI march 2010, representing a market share oI 15.
ompany Organogram

ompany Logo

HRM over view in the company
Desh Telecom believes that an organization can diIIerentiate Irom others by their employees. II
an organization has strong human resource they are in good position in competition. Desh
Telecom has an active HRM department Ior achieving company`s by increasing employees
eIIiciency.There are Iollowing key activities done by HRM department oI Desh Telecom:
Human Resource Planning
Job Analysis, Job Description and Job SpeciIication
Providing training
PerIormance appraisal
Compensation & BeneIits etc.
Human Resource Planning
Human resource planning (or HRP Ior short) is all about the Iirst (underlined) Iunction in the
deIinition above. It is the absolutely vital Iunctions that look Iirstly at strategy, and then deploys
the necessary human capital (people) where it is called Ior in the organization by the strategy.
Human resource planning involves getting the right number oI qualiIied people into the right
jobs at the right time so that an organization can meet its objectives. HRP thereIore Ialls into the
wider area oI employee resourcing (planning Ior, acquiring and allocating the desired human
resources Ior the organization). We saw in the Armstrong diagram that employee resourcing is
an arm oI the HR Iunction. HRP entails knowing in advance, what the staIIing needs oI the
organization will be, assessing the supply oI the relevant workers in the organization and labor
market, and Iinding ways to IulIill the staIIing needs oI the organization. Organizations are
greatly aIIected by their demand Ior labor, and thereIore by the supply oI labor
Human Resource Planning as a process involving the Iollowing activities:

Forecasting oI Iuture human resource requirements

Task oI inventorying present resources and assessing the extent to which these resources
are optimally utilized

Anticipation oI human resources problem, and

Planning oI necessary human resource program.

ob Analysis, ob Description and ob Specification
ob Analysis:
'Job Analysis is the process oI determining and reporting pertinent inIormation relating to the nature oI a
speciIic job.
Bayers and Rue
It is the determination oI tasks, which comprise the job oI the skills, knowledge, abilities, and
responsibilities required oI the holder Ior the successIul job perIormance. Putting it in other words, it is
the process oI getting inIormation about the job incumbent`s skills, education and training to carry out the
job eIIectively and terms on time Ior completion, perIormance standard. Job analysis is the systematic
assembly oI all the Iacts about a job. The purpose is to study the individual elements and duties. All
inIormation related to the salary and beneIits, working hours and conditions, typical tasks and
responsibilities are required Ior the job analysis. The results oI job analysis are job description and job
speciIication. It is the systematic assembly oI all the Iacts about a job.
It is procedure by which pertinent inIormation is obtained about a job, i.e. it is detailed and systematic
study oI inIormation relating to the operations and responsibilities oI a speciIic job.

ob Description: Job description is written record oI the duties, responsibilities and
requirements oI particular jobs. It is concerned with the job itselI and not with the work. It is a
statement describing the job in such terms as its title, location, duties, working conditions and
hazards. In other words, it tells us 'What to be done, and how it is to be done and why. It is a
standard oI Iunction, in that it deIines the appropriate and authorized contents oI a job.
Typically, it includes-
Job Title
Title oI immediate supervisor

Statement oI the Purpose oI the Job

Primary Responsibilities
ist oI Typical Duties and Responsibilities

General InIormation related to the job
4 Training requirements
4 Tool use
4 Transportation

Signature oI the person who has prepared the job description

ob specification: Job speciIication is a standard oI personnel and designates the qualities
required Ior an acceptable perIormance. It is a written record oI the requirements sought in an
individual worker Ior a given job. In other words, it reIers to a summary oI the personnel
characteristics required Ior a job. It is a statement oI the minimum acceptable human qualities
necessary Ior the proper perIormance oI a job.
Typically, this would include-
Degree oI education.
Desirable amount oI previous experience in similar work.
SpeciIic Skills required.
Health Considerations.

SuccessIul human resource planning should identiIy our human resource needs. Once we know
these needs, we still want to do something about meeting them. The next step in the acquisition
Iunction, thereIore, is recruitment. This activity makes it possible Ior us to acquire the number
and types oI people necessary to ensure the continued operation oI the Organization. Recruiting
is the process oI discovering potential candidates Ior actual or anticipated organizational
vacancies or Irom other perspective, it is a linking activity- bringing together those with jobs to
Iill and those seeking jobs.

Recruitment Process:
The steps to recruitment process as Iollows-

A vacancy arises; sometimes this is due to the creation oI a new job, on other occasions it
may be because oI an existing member oI staII has been promoted or is retiring.

The job description is updated and an employee speciIication is written. The job
description lists the duties oI the job whilst the employee speciIication gives details oI the
experience, skills and abilities needed to carry out the job.

A vacancy advertisement is been written and is circulated via weekly bulletin; other
media can be used including newspapers, internet recruitment sites, specialist
publications and the employment service.

Application Iorms are sent out along with copies oI the job description and employee
speciIication and must be returned on or beIore the closing date that has been set.

A shortlist is compiled oI applicants who are going to bee invited to attend Ior interview.
This is done by the recruitment panel that compare each application Irom with the
requirements oI the employee speciIication, Feedback can be provided to those not short
listed and applicants have the right to complain iI they Ieel they have been unIairly

Interviews are held. The panel will use the same set oI questions with each interview. The
interview may include a selection test. Feedback can be provided (upon request) and
unsuccessIul applicants have the right to complain iI they Ieel they have been unIairly

ReIerences will be requested. The successIul applicant Ior jobs working in certain areas,
including working with children or vulnerable adults, will be asked to apply Ior a
criminal disclosure check through the Criminal Records Bureau and responsibility the
selected candidate.

BeIore appointment the successIul candidates medical checkup and arrange induction

Selection is increasingly important as more attention is paid to the costs oI poor selection, and as
reduced job, mobility means that selection errors are likely to stay with the organization Ior
longer. Selection and evaluation techniques are explored that help you pick among qualiIied
candidates. SuccessIul selection activities entail a lot oI careIul planning and careIul thought.
Employee selection processes are critical to hiring a superior staII.
According to R.M. Hodgetts 'Selection the process in which an enterprise chooses the applicants
who best meets the criteria Ior the available position.
Selecting Process:
Desh Telecom Iollows the Iollowing steps Ior employee selection:
Preliminary selection
Employment tests
Selection interviews
VeriIication oI reIerences
Medical evaluation
Supervisory interviews
Realistic job previews
Hiring decision
Performance Appraisal
Once the employee has been selected, trained & motivated. , He is then appraised Ior his
perIormance .PerIormance appraisal is the step where the management Iinds out how eIIective it
has been at hiring and placing employees .II any problems are identiIied steps are taken to
communicate with the employees & to remedy them.
PerIormance appraisal is deIined 'as a process oI evaluating the perIormance oI a job in terms oI its
The Evaluation Process
Desh telecom Iollows a process to evaluate the employees job.The evaluation process involves
Iollowing steps:
Establish perIormance standards
Communicate perIormance expectations to employees
Measure actual perIormance
Compare actual perIormance with standards
Discuss the appraisal with employee
II necessary, initiate corrective action
Methods of Performance Appraisal
Desh telecom Iollows the Iollowing methods Ior evaluating employees perIormance:
Straight Ranking Method
Paired Comparison Method
Man-to-Man Comparison Method
Grading Method
Graphic Method
Forced Choice Description method
Management by Objectives (MBO
Assessment Center method
360 degree perIormance appraisal
Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales

An acquisition is the purchase oI one company by another company. Consolidation is when two
companies combine together to Iorm a new company altogether.
When one company acquires another company. The company, that is acquired is known as target
Iirm. The company, which acquires is called acquiring company. An acquisition may be either
Iriendly acquisition, when both the companies agree to the tender oIIer or may be unIriendly
acquisition when the companies do not agree with the tender oIIer.
Now Dream Bangla Telecom`s top level management decide to acquired a company to increase
their productivity and eIIectiveness oI services by reducing overall costs. They want to acquire a
company operate business in same market as well as same industry. In this situation they choose
Desh Telecom as their target company to acquire.

onsidering Factors
Dream Bangla Telecom has to analyze some important things o beIore acquire. There are Iour
Iactors the company should consider in evaluating an acquisition:
Financial value
Asset value to your company
Possible resale value oI the company and its assets
Strategic impact on your company
a. Market impact
b. Technology impact
c. Human resource impact
d. Distribution impact
e. Supplier market impact
Financial value:
Dream Bangla should analyze their Iinancial value beIore taking decision oI acquisition. Is it
possible to buy, iI buy acquisition will happen what will be the Iincial conditions, every things
should be analyzed.
Asset value :
Dream bangle should measure their all asset value beIore acquisition.
Possible resale value of the company and its assets:
Dream Bangla should measures what will be the value iI we want to resell Desh Telecom.
We will not spend much time on the assessment oI the Iirst three items, because they are well-
addressed elsewhere. The Iourth, strategic impact can most easily be assessed by deciding to
treat the strategic impact as an element oI Iinancial value, asset value or resale value -- but this
requires making some very speciIic assumptions.

a. Market impact
Market impact is the eIIect that combining your company with the target will have on market
behaviors. For example, reducing the number oI competitors may decrease price competition,
increasing margins Ior the remaining competitors. A combined company may also generate
higher value Ior customers by oIIering a broader product line, simpliIying terms or raising the
overall quality and service levels in the market. These will, in turn, enable the acquiring
company to strategically shiIt the competitive dynamic so that market success is dictated by
diIIerent strategic competencies.

b. Technology impact
Sometimes you may consider an acquisition because the target company owns a technology that
will be strategically useIul to your company. This is usually strategically valuable when a
technology can diIIerentiate your company by helping you meet a speciIic customer need or
preIerence better than your competition.
c. Human resource impact
In some situations, the human resources oI a target company will create value Ior the acquiring
company. While just having warm bodies will only create value in a time oI labor shortage
(which we saw in technology companies during the dot com boom), it's not uncommon to see
speciIic skilled employees creating a considerable part oI the perceived value oI the target. For
example, insurance agencies may Iind other agencies desirable because they have a number oI
skilled and experienced producers. ikewise, in technology, you may want to acquire a company
to get a team that is especially skilled in a certain type oI soItware (such as mobile device social
media) because the technological competency oI the team will help you meet customer needs
better -- or even create a wildly diIIerentiated product.
d. Distribution impact
An acquisition target may give you enhanced ability to penetrate a new distribution channel -- or
give you the concentrated power to dictate terms to an existing channel. For example, Acco
Corporation owns several well-known oIIice product brands, which gives the company increased
leverage with powerIul oIIice superstore chains.
e. Supplier market impact
everage is not restricted to customers and distribution channels -- iI you control most oI a
market, you may also have greater bargaining power with suppliers. This may allow you to
dictate product Ieatures, terms or even pricing with your supplier base, because you have power
over their access to your market. This kind oI power gives companies like Wal-Mart the ability
to have much higher proIitability than competitors, because selling to the largest customer can be
the key element in maintaining dominant market share.
As you can see, there are many ways an acquired company can add real value to your bottom
line beyond simple adding sales volume or cash Ilow. In our next article on this subject, we will
more closely examine how to put a price tag on these gems oI value, so that you will be more
likely to make solid oIIers on the targets that make the most strategic sense.

Acquisition Process

The Acquisition Process can be divided in to some steps. The stepwise implementation oI any
merger process ensures its proIitability.

Preliminary Assessment or Business Valuation
In this Iirst step oI Acquisition Process, Dream bangle Telecom measure the market value oI the
Desh Telecom or target company is assessed. In this process oI assessment not only the current
Iinancial perIormance oI the company is examined but also the estimated Iuture market value is
considered. The Dream Bangla Telecom, engages itselI in an thorough analysis oI the Desh
Telecom`s business history. The products oI the Iirm, its' capital requirement, organizational
structure, brand value everything are reviewed strictly.
Phase of Proposal
AIter complete analysis and review oI the target Iirm's market perIormance, in the second step,
the proposal Ior acquisition is given. Generally, this proposal is given through issuing a non-
binding oIIer document.

Exit Plan
When Dream Bangla Telecom gives proposal to buy out the Desh Telecom Iirm and the Desh
Telecom agrees, then the latter involves in Exit Planning. The target Iirm plans the right time Ior
exit. It considers all the alternatives like Full Sale, Partial Sale and others. The Iirm also does the
tax planning and evaluates the options oI reinvestment. In this situation, Desh telecom decides to
Iull sell, and Dream bangle agrees this decisions.

Structured Marketing
AIter Iinalizing the Exit Plan, the target Iirm involves in the marketing process and tries to
achieve highest selling price. In this step, the target Iirm concentrates on structuring the business

Origination of Purchase Agreement
In this step, the purchase agreement is made in case oI an acquisition deal.

Stage of Integration
In this Iinal stage, the two Iirms are integrated through Acquisition. In this stage, it is ensured
that the new joint company carries same rules and regulations throughout the organization.

auses of Acquisition:
There are many reasons behind acquisition or takeovers. For instance, a particular company is
very good at administration while some other company is good at marketing strategies or in
operations. II the expertises oI both are amalgamated, it produces synergy. A new company is
Iormed in the process, which has a potential much higher and superior to what the individual
companies previously had.

By applying the rules oI synergy eIIectively, a merger can be made a success. Several other
reasons Ior mergers are as Iollows:
Enhancing company productivity. There is also a general tendency that the
merged companies would monopolize the market, thereby ousting others.
Political Iactors.
Cutting down expenses and increasing revenues.
When a company is not selI suIIicient to operate on its own. Hindrances may be
in the Iorm oI insuIIicient investment capacity, excessive competition due to
which the company is not able to keep pace with other companies. &nder such
circumstances, the subsidiaries may merge with the parent company Ior better

nalysis of companies after acquisition

Target company or Desh Telecom

Key benefits of seller:
There are Iollowing three key beneIits oI seller-

Seller oI target company or desh telecom will receives Iavorable tax
treatment due to either stock sale (versus asset sale)
Earnings oI Target Company may become partially or 100 Iree oI
Iederal and most state income taxes.
Corporation receives tax deduction on Desh Telecom debt principle and
interest payments

HRM Review of Desh Telecom

A critical part oI the due diligence conducted beIore a buyer acquires the stock or
Assets oI a target company is a review oI the employee beneIits oIIered and
maintained by the target company. The objective oI employee beneIits due diligence
is to identiIy all oI the potential issues and liabilities associated with the target`s
employee beneIits and to adequately address these issues in the acquisition
Stock Purchase vs Asset Purchase
II the acquisition is structured as a stock purchase, the target company`s employees
will not have their employment terminated and the buyer will automatically inherit all
oI the target company`s employee beneIit plans. This is advantageous because
termination oI employment oIten triggers payments to the employee under employee
beneIit plans. Due diligence is important in a stock purchase in order to identiIy the
types oI employee beneIit plans the target company maintains, to determine whether
the plans have been maintained in compliance with their terms, and applicable law,
and to establish whether there are any potential issues relating to the employee
beneIit plans.
II the acquisition is structured as an asset purchase, the buyer has the Ilexibility to
choose the assets and liabilities it wishes to acquire, including the employees and
employee beneIit plans. In an asset purchase, the target company`s employees`
employment with the target company will terminate, which creates additional issues.
Due diligence is important in an asset purchase in order to assist the buyer in
determining which employee beneIit plans, iI any, the buyer is willing to assume.

What to Look For
The Iollowing is a general list oI the types oI documents a buyer should request and
review as part oI due diligence, as well as a brieI description oI the inIormation that is
relevant to the acquisition:
Employment, hange-in-ontrol, Retention, and Severance
These agreements should be reviewed to determine whether the employee is entitled to any
enhanced payments upon the acquisition or upon the employee`s termination Irom employment
aIter the acquisition. It is also important to determine iI key employees are subject to a
noncompetition or nonsolicitation provision. There can be signiIicant tax consequences to an
executive oI the target company.

Nonqualified Deferred ompensation Plans:
A nonqualiIied deIerred compensation plan is typically an unIunded promise to pay a beneIit in
the Iuture. As such, these plans should be reviewed to determine how much the target company
has promised to pay its employees and whether any employees are entitled to payments as a
result oI the acquisition.

Qualified Retirement Plans:
Generally, qualiIied retirement plans should be reviewed Ior compliance with applicable laws.
Any deIined beneIit pension plans should be reviewed to determine whether the plan is
underIunded and the potential liabilities associated with such underIunding.

Postretirement Benefits:
Similar to nonqualiIied deIerred compensation plans, postretirement beneIits are typically an
unIunded promise to pay a retiree a certain amount in the Iuture and are oIten in the Iorm oI
postretirement medical beneIits. Postretirement beneIits may carry signiIicant liabilities Ior the
target company and oIten may not be modiIied or eliminated easily.

Health and Welfare Plans:
Generally, health and welIare beneIits should be reviewed to determine which types oI beneIit
plans the target company oIIers to its employees, whether the plans have been maintained in
compliance with applicable law, and how the buyer would like to treat these plans aIter the
acquisition (i.e., maintain, terminate, or merge into buyer`s similar plans).

ollective Bargaining Agreements; Multi-Employer Plans
Collectivebargaining agreements and multi-employer plans should be reviewed to determine the
obligations the target company may have with respect to any union employees and whether
withdrawal liability will be triggered by the acquisition.

Acquiring ompany or Dream Bangla Telecom

As acquiring company is Dream bangla they use their own name oI the new company Dream
Banla 1elecom continue their business aIter acquired Desh telecom.

Key benefits of Dream bangla telecom

Acquisitions in the telecom sector in Bangladesh provide certain beneIits in terms oI -
InIrastructure - Building inIrastructure Ior telecommunications is not easy. Moreover it
consumes much time. Acquisition provides access to inIrastructure much easily.
Network - BeneIits oI existing network are available much easily through acquisitions.
icense - In certain region there may be restrictions on getting new license. In such a case
mergers and acquisitions provide an option to run services in that region.
Customer base.
Brand value.
Benefits of Acquisitions are maniIold. Mergers and Acquisitions can generate cost eIIiciency through
economies oI scale, can enhance the revenue through gain in market share and can even generate tax

The principal benefits from acquisitions can be listed as increased value generation, increase in cost
eIIiciency and increase in market share. BeneIits oI Mergers and Acquisitions are the main reasons
Ior which the companies enter into these deals Mergers and Acquisitions may generate tax gains,
can increase revenue and can reduce the cost oI capital. The main beneIits oI Acquisitions are the
Greater Value Generation
Acquisitions oIten lead to an increased value generation Ior the company. It is expected that the
shareholder value oI a Iirm aIter acquisitions would be greater than the sum oI the shareholder
values oI the parent companies. Acquisitions generally succeed in generating cost eIIiciency
through the implementation oI economies oI scale.
Gaining ost Efficiency
When two companies come together by acquisition, the joint company beneIits in terms oI cost
eIIiciency. Acquisition is able to create economies oI scale which in turn generates cost
eIIiciency. As the two Iirms Iorm a new and bigger company, the production is done on a much
larger scale and when the output production increases, there are strong chances that the cost oI
production per unit oI output gets reduced.

An increase in cost eIIiciency is aIIected through the procedure oI acquisitions. This is because
acquisitions lead to economies oI scale. This in turn promotes cost eIIiciency. As the parent
Iirms amalgamate to Iorm a bigger new Iirm the scale oI operations oI the new Iirm increases. As
output production rises there are chances that the cost per unit oI production will come down.

Greater market share
Acquisition can prove to be really beneIicial to the companies when they are weathering through
the tough times. II the company which is suIIering Irom various problems in the market and is
not able to overcome the diIIiculties, it can go Ior an acquisition deal. II a company, which has a
strong market presence, buys out the weak Iirm, then a more competitive and cost eIIicient
company can be generated. Here, the target company beneIits as it gets out oI the diIIicult
situation and aIter being acquired by the large Iirm, the joint company accumulates larger market
share. This is because oI these beneIits that the small and less powerIul Iirms agree to be
acquired by the large Iirms.

Acquisitions are also beneficial
When a Iirm wants to enter a new market
When a Iirm wants to introduce new products through research and development
When a Iorms wants achieve administrative beneIits
To increased market share
To lower cost oI operation and/or production
To gain higher competitiveness
For industry know how and positioning
For Financial leveraging
To improve ProIitability &EPS

Corporate downsizing has been the biggest Iallout oI the troubled times, the world is witnessing.
As we continue our eIIorts to Iight the global downturn, downsizing has become a stark reality.
Downsizing reIers to a process where a company or a Iirm simply reduces its work Iorce in order
to cut the operating costs and improve eIIiciency. It has become a legitimate option Ior business
growth strategies, especially aIter the 1980s. It is in Iact, the most preIerred option oI companies
to sustain operating costs and comply with the existing scope oI the business. It is an important
management venture and requires large assistance Irom the human recourse management team.

ompany overview
Asian Batteries was Iounded as a trading company in 1996 by ate Mr. RaIikul Chowdury. In
1998 the company was incorporated as a limited company called Asian batteries limited. Asian
Batteries is a company that has grown Irom a small trading concern into the regional player that
it is today. The company has expanded, diversiIied and consolidated in its quest to corporate
value and customer satisIaction. Asian Batteries is poised Ior a new phase oI dynamic growth.

Asian Batteries is one oI the respected and reputed business houses in Bangladesh. It has crossed
15years oI operation. Asian Batteries td has endured turbulences oI the last 15 years and has
been able to transIorm itselI Irom a small trading company into a leading diversiIied business
house. This is, indeed, a milestone, which Asian Batteries has achieved with trust, support and
dedication oI all stakeholders, past and present, most importantly, its customers. First Asian
Batteries start it journey in 1998 as a trading company. Then it entered into collaboration
agreement with &CAS, & Ior setting up manuIacturing and distribution system oI ead-Acid
automotive batteries at Dhaka and now it`s a giant company it not only sell batteries but many
other products like &PS, IPS, electric equipment, solar system etc. Asian Batteries vision is to
become a company oI 2000 crore within 2015 .With the growth oI the company.
Asian Batteries has an extensive distribution and network extending to the international markets.
It has expanded its business reach to Europe, &SA, Middle East and South East Asia. Asian
solar, Asian superstore limited, Asian energy services, Asian CNG.
As a well known company Asian Batteries (Bangladesh) ltd always try to ensure its product
quality as well as customer satisIaction. Currently it has 20000 employees. All those are
employees are working sincerely Ior increasing company proIit as well as welIare. Asian
Batteries td also motivates their employees using several incentives.

Vision, Mission, Values:
22 ompany Vision:

Asian Batteries (Bangladesh) limited already pass their 15 year with the people oI this country as
well as with many other Ioreign countries. The corporation vision is 'To be the most admired
and trusted organization through excelling in everything we do, Iollowing ethical business
practices and adding value to stakeholders.
Be an enterprising Group oI Taka 2000 crore by the year 2015 with a diversiIied business
portIolio Iocused on dynamic growth, excellence, innovation, customer delight in enriching our

HR vision: Drive business excellence and create rewarding workplace through people.

222 ompany Mission:

To improve proIitability by 30 every year.
To achieve zero deIect by adopting an advanced process technology.
Continuous cost improvement.
To achieve OHSAS18000 certiIication, and implement battery recycling
To ensure perIormance oriented culture through employee empowerment

224 ompany Values:
Asian Batteries (Bangladesh) limited has several values by which it tries to satisIy its customers
and try to achieve their organizational goals. There are Iour speciIic values which are: -
Integrity in all our dealings.
Excellence in everything we do.
Total commitment to customer satisIaction.
Thinking ahead and taking new initiatives.

2 The Organogram:

Figure-1:AB Organogram

ompany Logo

HRM Practices in the ompany:
Asian Batteries imited is a large battery manuIacturing organization in Bangladesh. In AB
there are 2000 employee works (including Iactory and head oIIice). Among these 2000
employees, 300 are managers & executives, 1200 are NONACS and 500 are ACS. The size oI
the employee shown in the below pie diagram:

The HR department oI AB is very strong in order to maintain a large number oI employees.
There are about 60 employees` works under the HR department. Among these employee 15 are
managers & executives, 35 are Non-ACS and 10 are ACS. The overall employee oI HR
department in RB shown as Iollows:

In order to maintain these large employments oI personnel Human Resource Department (HRD)
prepares HR plan, job description, and job speciIication and perIorms job analysis Ior all level.
The organization have corporate strategic plan and prepare human resource plan every year aIter

Lmp|oyee |n A8L
Manager LxecuLlves nonACS ACS
EmpIoyee in HR Department
Manager &
consulting with respective department. That is prepared by HRD. Asian Batteries used ratio
analysis, trend analysis, statistical analysis, management judgments and computerized
Iorecasting Ior Iorecasting human resource method. The principles oI recruiting and selection are
the incumbent should be creative, trustworthy, responsive and courageous, should have
experience, skills and good qualiIication.

Asian Batteries prepares job description Ior diIIerent position. In order to prepare job description
at Iirst particulars department prepares job description, which is signed by the department head
and then send to HR department. HR department then review the job description and approved
the job description Ior that particular position.

For recruitment oI a particular position particular department sends a recruitment requisition
which is signed by the ChieI Operating OIIicer (COO) and then send to HR department. AIter
getting that requisition HRD uses online or newspaper, advertisement Ior that position and
collects CV up to certain period.

Selection oI the incumbent diIIers in Asian Batteries according to the levels oI management. For
selection grade 5 and 6 that means oIIicer and sr.oIIicer post the organization Iirst screen the
collected CV`s then short listed candidate ask to give a written test that called ability test. Then
the selected candidate Irom the ability test asked Ior the interview. AIter checking reIerences and
all other requirements HRD makes the Iinal decisions and Iinally makes the orientation program
Ior the new employees.

On the other hand, Ior selecting the executive levels they took two interviews Irom short listed
candidate. First interview is Ior selecting candidate Ior the Iinal interview. AIter having Iinal
interview, organization selects that employee who meets all the requirements.

Again, in order to selects manager and above level oI management all the process done by Asian
Batteries corporate oIIice.

Decision for Downsizing
Now Asian Batteries decides to downsizing or layoII, that`s means cutting the layer oI human
auses of Downsizing
There are some reasons behind why the Asian Batteries decide to downsizing. The Iollowing
reasons are most important Ior downsizing AB employees.
hange in management:
The change in the top brass oI a company can also result in downsizing. The working methods
and procedures vary with the management. ThereIore, a signiIicant change in the management
roles may drastically aIIect the employee size to suit a particular style oI working.
Economic crisis:
This is the single biggest cause oI downsizing. OIten, it consists oI huge lay-oIIs by a number oI
organizations across various domains. The recent economic recession Iacing the world, has
triggered a number oI lay-oIIs in many reputed and popular Iirms in the world.AB decide to
downsizing Ior take over their economic crisis. Most oI the organizations consisting oI higher
percentage oI managerial staII downsize more than the ones with higher percentage oI
production process employees.
Excessive workforce:
In a period oI high growth, AB hires excess staII, to meet the needs oI a growing business.
However, now the times oI recession the business opportunities dwindle, leading to downsizing
oI the surplus staII that was hired.

Increase in efficient work flow and computerized services:
Now AB work process is extremely Iast and easily meets the requirements oI the market, it
may downsize some oI its workIorce. Similarly, AB reduce the manual work , now it done by a
machine, in a much better and cost-eIIicient way, it also results in the reduction in the number oI
These practices result in downsizing, which is a rampant practice prevalent these days. EIIicient
management oI the existing skill set and constantly acquiring new skills and education is a sure
way to beat the eIIects oI downsizing.

Result after downsizing
The analysis oI the data showed that 12 oI the respondents reported that their organization
abolished all product development projects aIter downsizing, 44 reported a signiIicant
decrease in the introduction oI new product, and 28 reported no signiIicant change and only
15 reported an increase in the number oI new products aIter downsizing. 44 downsized to
reduce cost and 55 downsized to Iocus on their core activities. 48.1 downsized over a period
oI 1 to 6 months, 22.2 over a period oI 6 to 12 months and 29.6 executed the downsizing
over a period oI no less than 12 months. Regarding the percentage oI workIorce reduced, 18
reduced by 5 - 10, 44.4 reduced their workIorce by 10 - 20 , and 35.8 reduced their
workIorce by more than 20.
The Long Term Effects
When managers are Iaced with downsizing, they tend to Iocus on the immediate and practical
needs that emerge at the time when staII are being let go. AIter all, employees need to be
selected and notiIied, one oI the most diIIicult tasks Ior any manager. Jobs responsibilities need
to be shuIIled, and generally the period where downsizing is occurring is very busy and
emotionally taxing.
&nIortunately, there is a tendency Ior managers to Iocus on those that are leaving rather than
those that remain. This also holds true Ior central training and consulting agencies who are
asked to support the laid oII employees with career development help, counseling, and other
supports. There is no question that laid oII employees deserve and need these kinds oI supports
and services. &nIortunately, there is a tendency to Iorget that aIter the laid-oII workers are gone,
the "survivors" must soldier on, and the manager must deal with the long-term eIIects on the
remaining organization.
We are now seeing the eIIects oI downsizing on those that remain in the Asian Batteries
td. One oI the most telling comments is oIten put Iorth by employees a year or two aIter
downsizing, and it goes like this: "Sometimes I think that the ones who were laid oII are the
lucky ones". They usually go on to describe a workplace where employees Ieel:
A lack oI executive commitment to their Iunctions
ConIusion about the priorities oI their organization
Increased workloads
ConIusion about their mandate
A sense oI being betrayed by executives and managers
A proIound sense oI distrust
A sense oI Iutility with respect to long-term planning
&ndervalued and unappreciated

Arising Problems
In operational terms, this translates into a number oI problems.The Iollowing problems have
been seen among the existing employees:
The organization moves towards less risk-taking and innovation
Destructive conIlict tends to increase
Internal competition Ior resources increases
Individual staII members devote less eIIort to working together and more attention to
doing things that will protect themselves.
General listlessness and lethargy
Increases service levels and increased public hostility
It is easy to understand these eIIects when they occur close to the time when down-sizing occurs,
and remaining staII "grieve" the loss oI Iriends and colleagues. But, these eIIects are now being
seen as long as one or two years AFTER the downsizing period. There are indeed long term
eIIects oI downsizing that need to be addressed.
We are seeing more oI the long-term eIIects oI downsizing on organizational health. When
downsizing is undermanaged, there is the danger that an organizational downcycle will be
created, and leIt to continue unchecked over several years. The results can be destructive to the
organization and the individuals that work there.
It is Iar easier to avoid or correct this cycle at the time when downsizing occurs, and Iar less
costly. It is important that downsizing trigger organizational renewal strategies immediately.
II proactive action is missing, or is ineIIective, corrective actions down the road will require a
long term commitment. Once an organization reaches the bottom oI a downcycle, it will take
considerable time to reverse the process.
From above discussion about downsizing and analyzing aIIect on Asian Batteries Ltd aIter
downsizing I recommend some techniques and also some strategies that help to Asian batteries
Irom very badly eIIect.
Some Prescriptions
Proactive management activities are always required when downsizing occurs.
Managers must realize that they "can pay now or pay later", and that delaying actions
designed to revitalize the organization will result in a huge cost down the road.
Managers should consider that the period immediately aIter downsizing is critical. Action or
inaction during this period will determine whether the organization moves into a depressed
downcycle, or makes the commitment to move Iorward. Downsizing time should also be a time
when the organization's mandate and vision are revisited. It should be a time when the manager
dedicates him/herselI to the long-term health oI the organization by clariIying, supporting and
building trust. Above all, this is the time where the manager's prime responsibility is to
communicate, both with staII, and with executives. One Iocus oI communication should be
clariIying mandate, vision, priorities
and commitment levels.
Proactive long-term approaches should also be applied by any central agencies charged
with "helping" downsizing organizations. Support should be oIIered to those that are
displaced, but, in the long term, help oIIered to "survivors" will be much more important
in determining organizational health. As a manager, ask, or demand that these services
be made available by central agencies, or procure them Irom private vendors, iI the
central agency won't do the job.

II you are in the unIortunate position oI managing an organization that is
"downcycling", you need to be aware oI two things. First, it will get worse iI
neglected. Second, interventions to turn the cycle around must be considered as long-
term projects. One shot consulting or training isn't going to do much, and it may be
damaging. Remember that your organization may have been moving downward Ior a
year or two, and that it is going to take a substantial period oI time to reverse the
process. Positive change will require a consistent eIIort on your part, and may require
consulting help over a period as long as a year.

Some Strategies
Your organization is either thinking about or has initiated layoIIs, downsizing, rightsizing, staII
cuts, or managed redundancy. Whatever you call it, these strategies Ior layoIIs and downsizing
will minimize the damage to those employees you lay oII and the layoII survivors who remain.

Best practices in layoffs

Best practices in layoIIs matter Ior the employees you lay oII and the employees who survive the
layoIIs. Employee layoIIs allow you to cut costs while preserving your relationship with your
most critical employees. These are best practices oI employers toward the employees they must
lay oII. Find out how to help the employees who survive the layoIIs maintain positive morale
and motivation.

Getting Fired or laid off

Employment termination - no matter the cause - is scary, disorienting, and disruptive to habitual
patterns. Getting Iired is never Iun; layoIIs are equally disheartening. In either scenario, your
Ieelings oI selI worth are dealt a blow. Just when you need a positive outlook to help you Iind
your next opportunity, you Ieel dizzy as iI your whole world is spinning out oI control. Don`t
despair. Better? Prepare yourselI Ior your next layoII or employment termination beIore the
IateIul meeting.

How to cope when workers lose their jobs

You`re sad, you`re scared, and you`re worried that your job might be the next to go. You`re also
relieved, you`re thankIul, and you Ieel guilty that you still have a job. You`re suIIering Irom the
loss oI your coworkers, and despite being a downsizing survivor, you Ieel a bit like a victim, too.

Downsizing survivors: motivating employees who remain after Downsizing

For whatever reason, your organization scheduled layoIIs, is downsizing, right-sizing,
eliminating redundancy or cutting staII. No matter what you called it, you all have something in
common - layoII survivors. earn more about addressing the needs oI your layoII survivors and
your organization Iollowing a layoII or downsizing.

Downsizing with Dignity
Downsizing or doing layoIIs is a toxic solution. &sed sparingly and with planning downsizing
can be an organizational liIesaver, but when layoIIs are used repeatedly without a thoughtIul
strategy, downsizing can destroy an organization's eIIectiveness. How you treat people really
matters - to the people who leave and the people who remain.

Severance pay

Severance pay is money that an employer might want to provide Ior an employee who is leaving
their employ. Normal circumstances that might warrant severance pay include layoIIs, job
elimination, and mutual agreement to part ways Ior whatever reason. Severance pay usually
amounts to a week or two oI pay Ior each year oI service to the company. In some instances, a
severance package might include extended beneIits and outplacement assistance.

Performance exist Interview: Question for exist employees

The exit interview is your opportunity to obtain inIormation about what your organization is
doing well - and, what your organization needs to do to improve. Exit interviews are key to
organization improvement since rarely will you receive Irank Ieedback Irom current employees.
The exit interview questions you ask help you taking action Ior the next time.

How did you cope with the loss of workers in layoffs?

You Ieel loss. You Ieel guilt. You're sad, discouraged, and Iacing an increased workload. You
lost good Iriends and coworkers in your company's recent layoIIs. You are happy you survived
the layoIIs, but you need to cope with the loss oI your coworkers. And, you need to rebuild your
trust in your company's management and direction. Your managers can help.

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