Initial Problems Faced After The Creation of Pakistan

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Name. Hassaan favaid

Roll no # . 23
Subfect . Pak Studies



Pakistan came into existence on 14th august 1947. Soon aIter its establishment
Pakistan Iaced number oI problems. Most oI the problems oI Pakistan were related with
Pakistan dispute with India, such as the accession oI the princely states, canal Water dispute,
reIugees' problems and distribution oI armed and military assets. InIect most oI these
problems were deliberately created by India itselI so that Pakistan would not maintain its
independent status and soon merged with India. (Nehru told General Sir Frank Messervy in
1945, 'his deliberate plan would be to allow Jinnah to have his Pakistan, end gradually makes
things so impossible economically and otherwise Ior Pakistan that they have to come on their
banded knees and asked to be allowed back to India.

The award was partial, unjust and unIair to Pakistan as cliII handed over number oI Muslim
majority areas which were contiguous to the boundary oI Pakistan to India but none out the
Hindu majority areas to Pakistan; Award also paved the way Ior the disputes between India
and Pakistan over Kashmir and Canal Water.

RadcliII Award Handed over Some oI the Muslim Majority Areas that were
Contiguous to the Boundary oI Pakistan to India: These areas included.
Sub-district oI Ajnala in Amritsar district
Sub-district oI Nakadar and Jullundur in Jullundur district
Sub-district oI Ferozepur and Zira in Ferozepur district
Sub-district oI Batala and Gurdaspur in Gurdaspur district
RadcliII award, allotted sixty-two percent oI the area oI undivided Punjab to India, with IiIty-
Iive percent oI the population.

4 RadcliII Award Paved the Way Ior the Accession oI Kashmir with India: Gurdaspur
was a district contiguous to Pakistan. Out oI its Iour Sub-District Gurdaspur, Batala
and shakergarh were the Muslim majority and Pathankot was a non-Muslim majority
sub-district. At the time oI partition the only rail and road communication between
India and Kashmir was possible through the district oI Gurdaspur, iI RadcliII had only
awarded the Hindu majority sub-district oI Pathankot to India still it would not have
had access to the state oI Kashmir; by assigning two Muslim majority sub-district oI
Baal and Gurdaspur RadcliII provided India a link with Kashmir. In 1948 India
entered its Iorces in Kashmir through Gurdaspur and annexed the state to India.

4 City oI Calcutta Handed Over to India: Though Calcutta was a Non Muslim majority
city but. Pakistan had a strong claim on it. Firstly large population oI Calcutta
consisted oI schedule east Hindus that were with Muslim League. Secondly East
Pakistan was separate Irom West Pakistan by more than one thousand miles and Ior
the communication point oI view the port oI Calcutta was very important Ior Pakistan.
Thirdly East Bengal produced the bulk oI raw jute but mostly the jute Iactories were
situated in Calcutta. With out Calcutta East Pakistan would be a rural slum.

4 Announcement oI the Award was Delayed: The Award was to be announced on August
12, 1947 but it was mysteriously delayed till August 16, 1947.

India and Pakistan had no boundaries Ior the Iirst two days oI their existence.
In some places both -Indian and Pakistani Ilags were raised.
In some cases oIIicials sent to work in territories that later became port oI India or
Pakistani. Many administrators joined the last-minute Ilow oI reIugees themselves,
disrupting administrative system by leaving their posts empty.


At the time oI partition there were 462 princely states in subcontinent that cover 1/3 oI Indian
Territory and 1/4 oI its population. Rulers oI these princely states were given option by the
British government either to join India, Pakistan or remain independent. However these states
were advised to consider geographical location and religious trends oI their respective states
beIore accession to the either country. By 15
August most oI these states announced their
accession to either India or Pakistan except Kashmir, Hyderabad and Junagadh.

At the time oI partition was a state with 77.11 Muslim population it covered the
84,471 square miles and ruled by a Hindu ruler called Hari Singh. Sharing 1/3 oI its boundary
with Pakistan Kashmir is situated on the north oI Pakistan. Muslim majority oI Kashmir
wanted to join Pakistan whereas Maharaja Hari Sing wanted to maintain the independent
status Ior his state. He tried to suppress the large Muslim majority oI Kashmir by starting a
brutal campaign to kill the Kashmiri Muslims. Kashmiri Muslim resisted and started a
struggle Ior their Ireedom. When situation became out oI control, the Maharaja requested
Indian government Ior the assistance. Indian government promised to help on one condition,
the Maharaja announced the accession oI Kashmir with India on October 26, 1947. Maharaja
secretly signed on the documents oI succession and Ilew to England.

Indian army entered in Kashmir through Gurdaspur the only Exit Ior India to
Kashmir. It was a Muslim majority district situated at the border oI India it but unjustly
assigned to India by the RadcliII Award. It proved the Iact that accession oI Kashmir to India
a pre planed conspiracy between Congress and British government. As Pakistan's boundaries
were in danger, so Pakistan had to move its armies it resulted an undeclared war between
India and Pakistan on the issue oI Kashmir India Iilled a complaint in UNO describing
Pakistan as an aggressor.

Kashmir problem is still unresolved. It is not only a source oI tension between India and
Pakistan but also it is a threat to the peace and security oI the entire region. As both the
counties are nuclear power now and thy already had several wars on the issue.

Junagadh was a small Hindu majority state covering 3337 sq miles oI the area. It
situated 300 miles down to the coast oI Karachi Indian coast oI Kathiawar. The Muslim rulers
ruled the state. AIter independence the request Ior the accession with Pakistan by its rulers
was accepted by the Quaid-e-Azam. Indian government reacted sharply and an economic
blockade oI the state oI Junagardh was imposed that resulted in Iood shortage. By the end oI
October 1947 the rulers oI the state oI Junagadh were Iorced to leave the state. On 9th
November 1947 the Indian army occupied the state. Pakistan took that matter in UNO where
it is still pending.


Communal violence that had already started reached to its height aIter the
announcement oI RadcliII Award on 16tn August 1947. Hindus were angry over the division
oI the Subcontinent whereas Sikhs were unhappy over the loss oI their religious places. Sikhs
and Hindu armed with deadly weapons slaughter the man woman and even the small
children. Condition in East Punjab was worse than anywhere else where rulers oI the states oI
Alwar, Kapurthala, Patiala and Bharatpure played the most inhuman role in that human

Due to the communal violence millions oI Indian Muslims leaving there property
started migrating towards Pakistan. Apart Irom communal violence another reason Ior the
migration oI Muslims was their desire to live in a newly established Islamic state. When the
news oI the brutal massacre oI Indian Muslims reached in Pakistan atrocities were committed
with Hindus in the same way; that resulted the migration oI Hindus and Sikhs in Pakistan's
area as well. At the time oI partition largest migration oI the modern world history took place
between India and Pakistan.
The arrival oI reIugees created problem Ior both the countries but the issue was more serious
in the nascent state oI Pakistan that was already Iacing no oI problems. It was estimated that
only West Pakistani received 5.5 million reIugees and one sixth oI the entire population oI
West Pakistan consisted oI reIugees. It caused economic and administrative problems, as
Pakistan did not have suIIicient resources to provide Iood, shelter and medical aid to the
growing no oI reIugees Ior the jobs that were waiting Ior them. It resulted serious dislocation
Ior Pakistan in its economic liIe.


It had its origin in RadcliII Award which drew the boundary India and Pakistan in
way that it cut across the rivers and canal making India the upper beneIiciary and Pakistan the
lower beneIiciary, It also handed over the control over two important head works over river
Ravi (Madhupure Head works) and Sutlej (Ferozpure Head works) to India. There was no
reason oI assigning these head works to India, as these two Head works used to control the
Ilow and distribution oI water in the area that were included in Pakistan, except to put the
economic liIe oI Pakistan in danger. It was not only a theoretic possibility. India proved it by
stopping the Ilow oI water in March 1948.

As being an agricultural county where rainIall is scanty and agriculture is greatly
depending on irrigation by canal and rivers. Stopping the Ilow oI water by India caused
heavy economic loss Ior Pakistan. Some time even Pakistan Iorced to purchase water Irom

Dispute was Iinally settled when an agreement called Indus Basin treaty. The treaty
was signed between Ayub Khan the president oI Pakistan and Nehru the Indian Prime
Minister on September 19, 1962. To over come the shortage oI water World Bank, India and
other Iriendly countries provided Pakistan Iinancial assistance to construct two dams, Iive
barrages and seven link canals.


ilit,ry Assets:
It was announced on July I, 1947 that Indian army would also be divided in ratio 65 to
35 in India's Iavour it was with reIerence oI the communal balance present in the British
Indian Army. Field Martial Auchinleck was appointed as incharge oI the distribution oI
military assets. Whatever Pakistan received was nothing but scrap and out oI order machines,
broken weapons, unserviceable artillery and aircraIt. There were 16 ordnance Iactories and all
were located in India. Pakistan was given 60 million rupees towards its share in the ordnance
Iactories. Later an ordnance Iactory was established in Wah. Pakistan received six Armour
divisions to India's Iourteen, eight artillery divisions to India's Iorty and eight inIantry
divisions to India's twenty one.
Division of fin,nci,l ,ssets:
At the time oI division there was cash balance oI 4 billion rupees in the reserve Bank
oI India which was to be divided between India and Pakistan in the ratio oI 17 to India and 5
to Pakistan. Pakistan was to receive 750 million rupees, which was in initially delayed by the
Indian Government. AIter the protest oI Pakistan, India agreed to pay 200 million rupees. As
the war between India and Pakistan had started on the issue oI Kashmir India again stopped
the rest oI the amount by saying that Pakistan could use it to buy arms. AIter the protest Irom
Pakistan and the threat oI hunger strike by Gandhi, Nehru was Iorced to pay another 500
million rupees. However the remaining 50 million rupees are still not paid. The money was
Pakistan's rightIul share. India deliberately withholds it because they hoped that Pakistan
would become bankrupt.


Immediately aIter the establishment oI Pakistan language controversy was started
between East and West Pakistan when the members oI the Constituent Assembly belonged to
East Pakistan demanded that instead oI Urdu, Bengali should be made national language oI
Pakistan. Liaqat Ali Khan then the Prime Minister oI Pakistan reIused to accept the demand,
which created resentment among East Pakistan. ReIusal oI the demand ultimately
transIormed into a political movement. In March 1948 while addressing at Dhaka, Quaid-e-
Azam declared, 'Urdu and Urdu alone would be the national language oI Pakistan". Advice
oI Quaid-e-Azam temporarily took the heart out oI language movement but the issue was not
settled. It exploded latter aIter the death oI Quaid-e-Azam.

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