Quinta Essentia Lodge Program Dec 12 2011

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Labore est orare


Entered Apprentice Degree and Festive Board December 10th, 6011 A.L.
So that we grow not weary with well doing....

Quinta Essentia Lodge U.D., New Haven, Connecticut | www.quintaessentialodge500.org


Degree Program

Opening Ceremony Reception of the District Deputy The East - Bradley K. Cooney The West - Kenneth I. Greenhill The South - Theodore J. Doolittle Senior Deacon - Kristian Maiorino Senior Steward - James A. Tirrell Obligation - Bradley K. Cooney Apron Presentation - Charles H. Tirrell Working Tools - Kenneth I. Greenhill Webb Lecture - James A. Tirrell and L. Scott Brand Charge - Charles H. Tirrell Business Closing Ceremony
Quinta Essentia Lodge U.D., New Haven, Connecticut | www.quintaessentialodge500.org


Festive Board Program


The Ceremony of the Six Toasts Opening of the Feast and Assembly Welcome - Bradley K. Cooney Invocation God Bless America 2nd Section Lecture - Kristian Maiorino Visiting Brethren 3rd Section Lecture - Theodore J. Doolittle Entered Apprentice Song The Tilers Toast Benediction Auld Lang Syne Closing of the Feast and Assembly
Quinta Essentia Lodge U.D., New Haven, Connecticut | www.quintaessentialodge500.org


For these and all Thy mercies given, We bless and praise Thy Name, O Lord; May we receive them with thanksgiving, Ever trusting in Thy word. To Thee alone be honour, glory, Now and henseforth for evermore. Amen. So Mote It Be.

Visiting Brethren
(TUNE: What shall we do with a Drunken Sailor)
Brethren of the Craft, and of other Lodges Sailors of the Broads, and of open waters, Visitors all from every quarter, Glad we are to see you. Chorus: Hooray and raise your glasses, Hooray and raise your glasses, Hooray and raise your glasses, Hearty greeting to you. Brethren from the East and the West we greet you, Brethren from the South and the North we greet you, Brethren from near and from far we greet you, Welcome to our Meeting.

God Bless America

God Bless America, Land that I love. Stand beside her, and guide her Thru the night with a light from above. From the mountains, to the prairies, To the oceans, white with foam God bless America, My home sweet home.

Chorus Leave all you cares and your woes behind you, Steer for the shore and Masonic shelter, Sail into harbour, and drop your anchor, Peace and joy surround you. Chorus Tis our delight, every reg'lar Friday, After the Lodge at the supper table, To join hand in hand with the Visiting Brethren, Singing loud the chorus. Chorus

Quinta Essentia Lodge U.D., New Haven, Connecticut | www.quintaessentialodge500.org


The Tilers Toast

To all poor and distressed Freemasons wheresoever dispersed over the face of the Earth or Water, a speedy return to their native land, if

Entered Apprentice Song

Come let us prepare, we Brothers that are, Assembled on Merry Occasion, Lets Drink laugh and sing, Our wine has a Spring, Heres Health to an Accepted Mason. The World is in Pain our Secrets to Gain, But let them still Wonder and Gaze on They Neer can Dene, the Word or the Sign. Of a Free and Accepted Mason. Tis this and Tis that, they cannot tell what, Who so many great Men of the Nation, Should Aprons put on and make themselves one, With a Free and Accepted Mason. All Brethren stand, join hands and sing along Then Join Hand in Hand, by each Brother rm stand, Lets be Merry and put a Bright Face on, What Mortal can Boast so Noble a Toast, As a Free and Accepted Mason.

they so desire. Let us, with reverence, invoke for all the favor of the Great Architect of the Universe, that it may please Him to succor the unfortunate and bring them to safe and good harbors. Be pleased to unite with me in delivering the most sincere of toasts to this last health. To our Absent Brothers.

Quinta Essentia Lodge U.D., New Haven, Connecticut | www.quintaessentialodge500.org


Auld Lang Syne

by Bro. Robert Bums (1759-1796) Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and days of auld lang syne. Chorus For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne, well take a cup of kindness yet, for auld lang syne. And heres a hand1 my trusty ere, and gies a hand2 o thine, Well take a right guide-willie waught for auld lang syne! Chorus

Entered Apprentice Degree

Cocktail Hour

Festive Board

The Lord bless us, and keep us: The Lord make His face to shine upon us, and be gracious unto us: the Lord lift upon us the light of His

At this point, each Brother reaches to his left with his right hand. 2 As he takes the hand proffered by the brother to his right.

countenance, and give us peace. Amen. So Mote It Be.

Quinta Essentia Lodge U.D., New Haven, Connecticut | www.quintaessentialodge500.org


We hope to nd true light and understanding.......

The rst Grand Lodge--in England--was established on St. Johns day in 1717. Our lodges in America are dedicated to the Holy Saints John --- St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist. The feast days for these two pillars of our Craft have nothing to do with the dates of their birth, or martyrdom, or any other nite thing connected to their lives. Feast days in the ancient church were assigned as a mark of distinction or importance. The two Saints John received two of what I think must have been the most coveted positions: the winter and summer solstices. The solstices mark that cosmic cusp when night can not expand any further and the light of day begins to grow (in winter); or when daylight rst yields to the growth of night (in summer). We stand at another cusp, today. And like the course of the sun through the heavens, our new path treads ancient ground. We are forming a new Lodge in Connecticut. Our hope, though, is that this new Lodge will foster old traditions: our gatherings will be in public houses (duly tiled); there will be a festive board at every meeting; and we will hold ourselves to the high standards and sublime principles taught in the Ritual. At the same time, as our name implies, we are attempting to understand and practice the essentials of our Craft. We hope to nd true light and understanding wherever it becomes manifest in a variety of disciplines and teachings. And we will try to divest ourselves of those superuities of life (and lodges) that sometimes get in the way. We wont be introducing everyone who comes to Lodge with a recital of their titles. We will wear
Quinta Essentia Lodge U.D., New Haven, Connecticut | www.quintaessentialodge500.org

plain aprons, although their shape may suggest old forms. The line of ofcers will not be progressive; balloting for ofce will be based on who best can serve. Each ofcer will install his successor; excellence in ritual will be the norm. This new lodge will be called Quinta Essentia. It is our goal to become quintessential Masons. Ive just been reading through a journal I kept years ago, while trekking in the Himalayas. It contains a story of an ancient Buddhist monk who lived on the slopes of Chomolongma (now Mount Everest), subsiding on small ferns, so much so that his skin took on a slight green hue. His name was Milarepa; and The Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa is a sacred book in what was--or is--Tibet. The story tells of a time when several student monks had journeyed to the high Himals to study with the old sage. As they were taking their leave of him to return to the world, one of the students asked for his parting words. Milarepa replied: "Life is short, and the time of death is uncertain, so apply yourselves to meditation, avoid doing evil, and acquire merit, to the best of your ability, even at the cost of life itself. In short, the whole purpose may be stated thus: Act so that ye have no cause to be ashamed of yourselves; and hold fast to this rule." I like this lesson because it boils things down to the essentials. Thats what we seek to do here. So mote it be.



Bradley K. Cooney - Worshipful Master Kenneth I. Greenhill - Senior Warden Theodore J. Doolittle - Junior Warden Paul L. Chello - Treasurer Charles H. Tirrell - Secretary Kristian Maiorino - Senior Deacon L. Scott Brand - Junior Deacon Howard D. Turner - Marshal James A. Tirrell - Senior Steward David O. Stern - Junior Steward Jordan T. Yelinek - Chaplain Martin Ede - Tiler and Historian Alfred J. Lobo - Master of the Works
Quinta Essentia Lodge U.D., New Haven, Connecticut | www.quintaessentialodge500.org

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