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For Australia, Japan and New Zealand and UK - highlighted items released early morning local time are shown on the date of release but with times in GMT.

US Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City President Hoenig to retire

Building approvals (Aug) 0:30 Trade Balance (Aug) 0:30 RBA - Overnight Rate 3:30 EU FinMins meet 7:00 CIPS Construction PMI (Sep) 8:30 PPI (Aug) 9:00 Factory Orders (Aug) 14:00 Ben Bernanke to testify on the economic outlook 14:00 EU EcoFin Meeting AU AU AU EU UK EU US US

AU AIG Services PMI (Sep) 22:30 UK BRC Shop price index (Sep) 23:01 UK KPMG/REC Employment (Perm. Appointments) (Sep) 23:01 AU Retail trade (Aug) 0:30 IE Services PMI (Sep) 6:00 ES Services PMI (Sep) 7:13 IT Services PMI (Sep) 7:43 FR Services PMI (Sep) 7:48 DE Services PMI (Sep) 7:53 EU Composite PMI (Sep) 7:58 EU Services PMI (Sep) 7:58 NO Norges Bank Regional Network Report 8:00 UK CIPS Services PMI (Sep) 8:28 UK Current Account (Q2) 8:30 UK GDP (3rd Est.) (Q2) 8:30 EU Retail Trade (Aug) 9:00 US ADP Employment Survey (Sep) 12:15 US ISM Non-Manufacturing (Sep) 14:00 FR BoF Business Sentiment (5th-12th) (Sep)

ES Industrial Production (Aug) 7:00 CH CPI/HICP (Sep) 7:15 CH Foreign Currency Reserves (Q3) 7:30 NL CPI/HICP (Sep) 7:30 UK BoE Housing Equity Withdrawal (Q2) 8:30 UK Index of Services (Jul) 8:30 DE Factory orders (Aug) 10:00 UK BoE Interest Rate Announcement 11:00 EU ECB - Interest Rate 11:45 EU ECB press conference following interest rate announcement (11:45) 12:30 CA Building permits (Aug) 12:30 US Initial Claims (01/10/2011) 12:30 CA Ivey PMI (Sep) 14:00 PT BoP releases Autumn 2011 Economic Bulletin

AU AIG Construction PMI (Sep) 22:30 JP Leading indicator (Prelim.) (Aug) 5:00 CH Unemployment (Sep) 5:45 FR Trade Balance (Aug) 6:45 SE Budget Balance (Sep) 7:30 NO Industrial Production, Manufacturing (Aug) 8:00 UK Industrial/Manufacturing Production (Aug) 8:30 UK Input/Output Prices (unadj.) (Sep) 8:30 DE Industrial Production (Aug) 10:00 IE CPI/HICP (7th-12th) (Sep) 10:00 CA Net Change in Employment (Sep) 11:00 US Non-farm Payrolls (Sep) 12:30 US Private Payrolls (Sep) 12:30 US Unemployment (Sep) 12:30 UK NIESR GDP Est. (Sep) 14:00 US Wholesale Inventories (Aug) 14:00 US Consumer Credit (Aug) 19:00 GR CPI/HICP (Sep) JP BoJ MPC - Overnight Rate (7/10/2011)

AU AIG Manufacturing PMI (Sep) 22:30 JP Tankan (Q3) 23:50 NZ Monthly Economic Indicators Released by Treasury 0:00 NZ ANZ Commodity Price (Sep) 0:00 AU TD-MI Ination Gauge (Sep) 0:30 JP Vehicle Sales (Sep) 5:00 IE Manufacturing PMI (Sep) 6:00 SE Manufacturing PMI (Sep) 6:30 NO Manufacturing PMI (Sep) 7:00 UK Halifax House Price Index (3rd-7th) (Sep) 7:00 ES Manufacturing PMI (Sep) 7:13 CH Retail Sales (Aug) 7:15 CH Manufacturing PMI (Sep) 7:30 IT Manufacturing PMI (Sep) 7:43 FR Manufacturing PMI (Sep) 7:48 DE Manufacturing PMI (Sep) 7:53 EU Manufacturing PMI (Sep) 7:58 GR Manufacturing PMI (Sep) 8:00 UK CIPS Manufacturing PMI (Sep) 8:28 UK Minutes of prior 20 Sep BoE Financial Policy Committee meeting released 8:30 IE Unemployment (3rd-7th) (Sep) 10:00 US Construction Spending (Aug) 14:00 US ISM Manufacturing (Sep) 14:00 EU Euro-Area FinMins meet 15:00 IT Budget Balance (Sep) 17:00 US Vehicle Sales (Sep) 21:00 EU Eurogroup Meeting

NZ Retail Card Spending (Sep) 21:45 NZ Full Year Financial Statements released by Government 22:30 UK BRC Retail Sales Monitor (Sep) 23:01 UK RICS Housing Survey (Sep) 23:01 JP Current Account (Aug) 23:50 AU NAB Business Conditions (Sep) 0:30 AU NAB Business Condence (Sep) 0:30 JP Consumer Condence (Sep) 5:00 JP Economy Watchers Survey (Sep) 5:00 DE Wholesale Price Index (11th-18th) (Sep) 6:00 ES CPI (Sep) 7:00 ES HICP (Sep) 7:00 NL Industrial Production (Aug) 7:30 SE CPI (Sep) 7:30 SE CPIF (Underlying) (Sep) 7:30 UK DCLG House Prices (Aug) 8:30 UK Trade Balance (Non-EU) (Aug) 8:30 UK Visible Trade Balance (World) (Aug) 8:30 CA Housing starts (Sep) 12:15 US IBD Consumer Optimism (Oct) 14:00 US Budget (Sep) 18:00 US FOMC minutes from prior (20 Sep) meeting released 18:00 JP BoJ Monthly Economic Report WLD OPEC Monthly Oil Market Report published

AU Westpac Consumer Condence (Aug) 23:30 JP Key Machinery Orders (Aug) 23:50 AU Housing Finance (Aug) 0:30 AU Lending Finance (Aug) 0:30 FR CPI/HICP (Sep) 5:30 FR Current Account (Aug) 6:45 NL Trade Balance (Aug) 7:30 UK Average Earnings (incl. bonus) (Aug) 8:30 UK Claimant Count Change (Sep) 8:30 UK Claimant Count Rate (Sep) 8:30 UK ILO Unemployment Rate (Aug) 8:30 EU Industrial production (Aug) 9:00 CA House Price Index (Aug) 12:30 EU EU Reports on Croatia, Iceland and other candidates released WLD IEAs monthly Oil Market report published

NZ BNZ-Business NZ PMI (Sep) 21:30 NZ Food price (Sep) 21:45 JP Bank Lending Data (Sep) 23:50 JP METI Tertiary activity index (Aug) 23:50 JP Minutes of prior Monetary Policy Meeting (6-7 Sep) published 23:50 AU Employment (Sep) 0:30 AU Unemployment Rate(Sep) 0:30 DE CPI/HICP (Final) (Sep) 6:00 CH Producer & Import prices (Sep) 7:15 NL Retail Trade (Aug) 7:30 EU ECB releases Monthly Bulletin 8:00 SE AMV Unemployment (Sep) 8:00 PT CPI/HICP (Sep) 9:00 CA Merchandise Trade (Aug) 12:30 US Initial Claims (08/10/2011) 12:30 US Trade Balance (Aug) 12:30 EU EU FinMins meet GR Unemployment (Jul)

CGPI (Sep) 23:50 M2 Money Supply (Sep) 23:50 CPI (Sep) 6:00 CPI (Sep) 8:00 EU Trade balance (Aug) 8:00 Total Trade Balance (Aug) 8:00 HICP (Final) (Sep) 9:00 Trade Balance (Aug) 9:00 CPI/HICP (Final) (Sep) 9:00 Manufacturing sales (Aug) 12:30 Import Price Index (Sep) 12:30 Retail Sales (Sep) 12:30 Trade Balance (Aug) 13:00 Univ of Mich Sent. (Prelim.) (Oct) 13:55 US Business inventories (Aug) 14:00 WLD G20 Finance Ministerial Meeting (to 15 Oct) JP JP FI AT IT IT EU EU IT CA US US BE US

UK Nationwide Consumer Condence (10th-14th) (Sep) 23:01 NZ REINZ House Price Index (10th-12th) (Sep) AU ANZ Job Ads (Sep) 0:30 DE Current Account (Aug) 6:00 DE Trade Balance (Aug) 6:00 FR Industrial/Manufacturing Production (Aug) 6:45 DK CPI/HICP (Sep) 7:00 SE Industrial Orders (Aug) 7:30 SE Industrial Production (Aug) 7:30 IT Industrial Production (Aug) 8:00 NO CPI (Sep) 8:00 NO PPI inc. Oil (Sep) 8:00 EU Sentix Indicator (Oct) 8:30

with the compliments of OANDA supplied by 4CAST


NZ BNZ-Business NZ PSI (Sep) 21:30 UK Rightmove House Price Index (Oct) 23:01 AU New motor vehicle sales (Sep) 0:30 JP Capacity Utilisation (Aug) 4:30 JP Industrial Production (Final) (Aug) 4:30 SE Average House Prices (Sep) 7:30 NO Trade Balance (Sep) 8:00 UK CBI Industrial Trends (17th-20th) (Oct) 10:00 CA Motor Vehicle Sales (Aug) 12:30 US Empire State Survey (Oct) 12:30 US Capacity utilisation (Sep) 13:15 US Industrial production (Sep) 13:15 EU EU European Council Assembly EU Two-Day Summit held by EU Leaders (to 18 Oct)

AU Minutes of prior (4 Oct) Reserve Bank Board meeting released NO Bank Lending Survey Q3 released UK CPI (Sep) IT Current Account (Aug) DE ZEW (Current Conditions) (Oct) DE ZEW (Economic Sentiment) (Oct) EU ZEW (Economic Sentiment) (Oct) US PPI (Sep) US Net Long-term TICS Flows (Aug) US NAHB Builders survey (Oct) 0:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 12:30 13:00 14:00

AU Westpac-MI Leading Index (Aug) 23:30 AU DEWR Skilled Vacancies (Sep) 0:00 JP All Industry activity index (Aug) 4:30 EU Current Account (Aug) 8:00 IT Industrial Orders (Jul) 8:00 UK Minutes of prior (5-6 Oct) MPC meeting released 8:30 NO Norges Bank - Interest Rate 12:00 CA Leading indicator (Sep) 12:30 US Building Permits (Sep) 12:30 US CPI (Sep) 12:30 US Housing Starts (Sep) 12:30 BE BNB Consumer Condence (Oct) 13:00 NO Press Conference following Norges Bank Interest Rate announcement 13:00 US Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis host Annual Educators Conference Understanding Exchange Rates and Monetary Policy Systems 13:30 US Beige Book released 18:00 AU Merchandise Imports (Aug)

AU NAB Business Condence (Q3) 0.30 JP Leading indicator (Final) (Aug) 5:00 CH Trade Balance (Sep) 6:00 DE PPI (Sep) 6:00 NL Consumer Condence (Oct) 7:30 NL Unemployment (Sep) 7:30 SE SCB Unemployment (Sep) 7:30 IT Non EU Trade balance (Sep) 8:00 UK Retail Sales (Sep) 8:30 CH Credit Suisse ZEW Survey (Oct) 9:00 EU ECB hold non-rate setting meeting 11:45 CA Wholesale Sales (Aug) 12:30 US Initial Claims (14/10/2011) 12:30 EU Flash Consumer Sentiment (Oct) 14:00 US Existing home sales (Sep) 14:00 US Leading Indicator (Sep) 14:00 US Philadelphia Fed Survey (Oct) 14:00

NZ External Migration (Sep) 21:45 AU Export price index (Q3) 0:30 AU Import Price Index (Q3) 0:30 FR INSEE Business Condence (Oct) 6:45 NL Consumer Spending (Aug) 7:30 DE IFO Business Climate (Oct) 8:00 DE IFO Current Conditions (Oct) 8:00 DE IFO Expectations (Oct) 8:00 UK Public Borrowing (PSNB ex interventions) (Sep) 8:30 CA CPI (Sep) 11:00 EU ECB Executive Board Member Praet takes part in panel discussion on Cooperation between Host and Home Supervisors: How to tame unsustainable lending booms? EU ECB Executive Board Member Stark takes part in panel decision

JP Customs Cleared Trade (Sep) 23:50 AU PPI (Q3) 0:30 FR Flash Manufacturing PMI (Oct) 6:58 FR Flash Services PMI (Oct) 6:58 DE Flash Manufacturing PMI (Oct) 7:28 DE Flash Services PMI (Oct) 7:28 NL Producer Condence (Oct) 7:30 EU Flash Composite PMI (Oct) 7:58 EU Flash Manufacturing PMI (Oct) 7:58 EU Flash Services PMI (Oct) 7:58 EU Industrial New Orders (Aug) 9:00

NZ CPI (Q3) 21:45 CH UBS Consumption Indicator (Sep) 6:00 FI Unemployment (Sep) 6:00 FR INSEE Consumer Condence (Oct) 6:45 ES PPI (Sep) 7:00 SE PPI (Sep) 7:30 IT Retail sales (Aug) 8:00 UK BBA Mortgage Approvals (Sep) 8:30 UK GDP (1st Est.) (Q3) 8:30 IT ISAE Consumer Condence (Oct) 9:00 UK CBI Distributive Trades (25th-30th) (Oct) 10:00 CA Retail Sales (Aug) 12:30 BE BNB Business Sentiment (Oct) 13:00 CA BoC - Overnight Rate 13:00 US S&P Case-Shiller Home Price (Aug) 13:00 US Consumer condence (Oct) 14:00 US FHFA House Price Index (Aug) 14:00 WLD WTO Dispute Settlement Body Meeting

JP CSPI (Sep) 23:50 NZ NBNZ Business Condence (Oct) 0:00 AU CPI (Q3) 0:30 DE GFK Consumer Sentiment (Nov) 6:00 SE Trade Balance (Sep) 7:30 EU ECB releases Bank Lending Survey 8:00 IT ISAE Business Sentiment (Oct) 8:00 US Durable goods orders (Sep) 12:30 US Durables ex defence (Sep) 12:30 US Durables ex transport (Sep) 12:30 US New Home Sales (Sep) 14:00 CA BoC Monetary Policy Report released 14:30 DE Retail Sales (26th-2nd) (Sep) PT BoP releases Bank Lending Survey US The Buttonwood Gathering of key Policymakers, Banking Executives and Regulators to discuss important current Economic and Financial Issues (to 27 Oct)

NZ RBNZ - Cash Rate 20:00 NZ Trade Balance (Sep) 21:45 JP Large Retailers Sales (Sep) 23:50 JP Retail Sales (Sep) 23:50 DE Import Price Index (27th-4th) (Sep) 7:00 ES Retail Sales (Sep) 7:00 SE Riksbank - Repo Rate 7:30 EU M3 Money Supply (Sep) 8:00 EU Business Climate Index (Oct) 9:00 EU Consumer Sentiment (Oct) 9:00 EU Economic Sentiment (Oct) 9:00 EU Industrial Sentiment (Oct) 9:00 IS CPI (Oct) 9:00 BE CPI (Oct) 9:15 US Core PCE Price Index (Prelim.) (Q3) 12:30 US GDP Annualised (Prelim.) (Q3) 12:30 US GDP Deator (Prelim.) (Q3) 12:30 US Initial Claims (21/10/2011) 12:30 US Pending Home Sales (Sep) 14:00 DE CPI/HICP (Prelim.) (Oct) JP BoJ MPC - Overnight Rate (27/10/2011) JP BoJ releases Outlook Report (The Banks View)

UK GfK Consumer Condence (Oct) 23:01 JP CPI Core (Nation) (Sep) 23:30 JP CPI Core (Tokyo) (Oct) 23:30 JP Real Household Spending (Sep) 23:30 JP Unemployment (Sep) 23:30 JP Industrial Production (Prelim.) (Sep) 23:50 FR Consumer Spending (Sep) 6:45 ES Flash HICP (Oct) 7:00 ES Unemployment (Q3) 7:00 NO NAV Unemployment (Oct) 7:00 SE Economic Tendency Survey (Oct) 7:15 SE Manufacturing Condence (Q3) 7:15 SE Consumer Condence (Oct) 7:15 SE Retail sales (Sep) 7:30 IT Hourly Wages (Sep) 8:00 CH KOF leading indicator (Oct) 9:30 US Core PCE Price Index (Sep) 12:30 US Employment cost index (Q3) 12:30 US Personal income (Sep) 12:30 US Personal spending (Sep) 12:30 BE GDP (Prelim.) (Q3) 13:00 US Univ of Mich Sent. (Final) (Oct) 13:55

EU & UK Daylight Saving Time ends, clocks go back one hour

NZ Building Permits (Sep) 20:45 NZ Monetary Aggregates M3 (Sep) 1:00 AU Private Sector Credit (Sep) 1:30 JP Construction orders (Sep) 4:00 JP Housing starts (Sep) 5:00 UK Nationwide house prices (Oct) 7:00 FR PPI (Sep) 7:45 NO Retail Sales (Sep) 9:00 UK BoE - Mortgage Approvals (Sep) 9:30 UK BoE - Net Consumer Credit (Sep) 9:30 UK BoE - Secured Lending (Sep) 9:30 UK M4 Money Supply (Sep) 9:30 UK BSA Mortgage Statistics (Sep) 9:30 EU Flash HICP (Oct) 10:00 EU Unemployment (Sep) 10:00

31 continued
CPI/HICP (Prelim.) (Oct) 10:00 PPI (Sep) 11:00 GDP (Aug) 12:30 Industrial product price index (Sep) 12:30 CA Raw Materials Price Index (Sep) 12:30 US Chicago PMI (Oct) 13:45 ES Current Account (Aug) EU ECB President Trichets eight year term expires, to be replaced by Mario Draghi NO C2 Credit growth indicator (Sep) IT IT CA CA
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