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Dear arent] Guard|an

|ease note the fo||ow|ng

Women's kefuge Anyone who wlshes Lo drop any glfLs ln we wlll be brlnglng Lhem up Lo Lhe refuge
on Wednesday mornlng 1he women's refuge caLers for famllles who have had Lo leave Lhelr home
resulLlng from domesLlc abuse resenLs are glven Lowards a ChrlsLmas parLy for Lhe famllles who
are belng caLered for Lhere As a school we have supporLed Lhelr parLy slnce we opened
Chr|stmas resents for 1eachers 1eachers have asked Lo leL parenLs know LhaL we do noL expecL
presenLs aL ChrlsLmas from parenLs/chlldren Lveryone has enough expenses aL Lhls Llme of Lhe year
Chr|stmas |ay 1lckeLs are now on sale for each famlly each mornlng from Llalne/Maeve 1wo
LlckeLs are avallable unLll nexL 1uesday mornlng AfLer LhaL addlLlonal LlckeLs wlll be avallable Lo
purchase should famllles wlsh Lo do so
kegard|ng the n|ghts of the p|ays 1eachers wlll hold onLo chlldren unLll Lhey are collecLed elLher aL
Lhe end of Lhe play or prlor Lach nlghL Lhe !unlor lnfanL chlldren can be collecLed afLer Lhey flnlsh
whlch wlll be aL roughly 630 or aL Lhe lnLerval aL seven o clock 1here wlll be an lnLerval of
10mlnuLes Lo allow for Lhls Senlor lnfanLs wlll also be flnlshed by seven o clock We ask LhaL chlldren
arrlve aL 340 ln order for us Lo sLarL aL 6pm 1he whole evenL flnlshes aL 8pm
S|ng|ng Cuts|de As Lhe weaLher ls so cold aL Lhe momenL l am suggesLlng unLll afLer ChrlsLmas LhaL
we leave Lhe slnglng and assemblles ouLslde We wlll conLlnue wlLh Lhe LoLLo eLc over Lhe lnLercom
ln school 1he LoLLo has ralsed 1000e so far for Lhe school bus 1he LoLLo lasL year purchased our
CAA school klL whlch cosL over 1000e purchased games for Lhe chlldren and also wenL Lowards
SporLs LqulpmenL for L Agaln we would llke Lo Lhank all parenLs 1he LoLLo ln effecL means LhaL we
do noL have Lo ask for a volunLary conLrlbuLlon or have Lo conLlnuously fundralse
Lth|cs 1he fo||ow|ng from now unt|| end of term
Dec 8
8odh| Day
Dec 8
Immacu|ate Concept|on Dec 10
numan k|ghts Day
Dec 13
St Luc|a's DaySweden Dec 21
W|nter So|st|ce
|ease note that the ch||dren |earn about a|| be||ef strands |n Lducate 1ogether Schoo|s and a|so
|earn about a|| fest|va|s and ce|ebrat|ons such as Chr|stmas]na||o'ween]D|wa||] etc 8e||ef Strands
are on|y part of our Lth|cs Curr|cu|um art of our Curr|cu|um |s that ch||dren |earn about each
other We ask that a|| fam|||es respect every fam||y's be||efs and none as th|s |s a ma[or part of the
ch||d's deve|opment |n our schoo|

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