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C 11Any englneerlng developmenL LhaL leads Lo a subsLanLlally

smaller cleaner safer and more energy efflclenL Lechnology ls process
smaller equipment which leads to:-
1. Improved control oI chemical reactor kinetics (in simple terms the speed at
which a reaction is allowed to proceed) giving higher selectivity/reduced
waste products.
2. Higher energy eIIiciency.
3. Reduced capital costs.
4. Reduced inventory (amount oI Iluid/solid material in the process at any
one time)/improved intrinsic saIety/Iast response times.

mosL commonly recognlsable feaLure of an lnLenslfled process ls LhaL lL
ls sma||er perhaps by orders of magn|tude than that |t supersedes
1 @he compacL heaL echanger a good eample of an evolotloooty
process Lechnology whlch now forms Lhe basls of very small
chemlcal reacLors
2 @he roLaLlng dlsLlllaLlon unlL known as 'PlCee' lnvenLed over 23
years ago by rof Colln 8amshaw ln process planL slze reducLlon
ROTATING BOILERS- it oIIers the possibility oI constructing an economic
power plant oI compact dimensions and low weight

3 The electronics industry, Iirst with the transistor and
then with the chip, has achieved amazing perIormance enhancements in modern
microelectronic systems .
enera| examp|es
ln Lhe flgure eamples are glven for Lhree unlL
operaLlons LhaL are ofLen used ln Lhe chemlcal
lndusLry amples of comblnaLlons are
Reaction-separation: Membrane reactors,
reactive distillation.
Reaction-heat exchange: HEX-reactor.
Separation-heat exchange: Dephlegmators or
heat integrated distillation.
Reaction-separation-heat exchange: sothermal membrane reactor.

Aerospace InIra-red detector
Compact heat exchangers
-uc|ear Industry 8eacLors CompacL heaL echangers
luel processlng 8oLaLlon by ulLracenLrlfuge
luel processlng ulsaLlons C88 for
9ower enerat|on luel cells MeLal foams
luel cells MlcroreacLors/heaL
Cas Lurblnes MMS (mlcroelecLromechanlcal
@he advanLages
Advantages /benefits of Process Intensification
O $afety - As per Cell for ndustrial Safety and Risk Analysis (CSRA) the major cause of
accident is STORAGE. When size of the process equipment is reduced , operating inventory
will be reduced.
O eaIth - The fugitive emissions will be reduced due to smaller equipment size. This will
improve the health of the society in general. Environment Better efficiency /yield leads to less
rejection to environment hence less pollution.
O ":aIity - t is possible to get desired quality of products
O nergy - Due to higher energy efficiency, leads to enhanced production
O ost - Less due to less raw material, catalyst, labour, utility and space requirement
1lmproved conLrol of chemlcal reacLor glvlng hlgher selecLlvlLy/reduced wasLe
2 hlgher energy efflclencles
3reduced caplLal cosL
4reduced lnvenLory
38educed planL slze
PealLh safeLy AdopLlon of lnheren safeLy prlnclpal ls lmporLanL Lo reduce rlsks
and proLecLlng llfe
nergy and envlronmenL 8educe co2 emlsslon
9otent|a| nat|ona| energy benef|t as per L|nnhoff report
Compact heat exchangers9$yr
keators 9$yr Cvera|| pa|nt |ntens|f|cat|on409$yr Lffu|ent treatment 9$r

1Lack of Awareness Many company ln Lhe process lndusLry secLors sLlll remaln
unaware Lhe concepL of l
2LlmlLed Cholces Whenever new Lechnology enLer Lhe markeLplace poLenLlal user
may flnd LhaL Lhe producL does noL meeL Lhelr own needs aL Lhe early sLages
3ConservaLlsm ln Lhe user lndusLrles
4Concern abouL foullng
3Lack of code of pracLlce

C14us|ness case for 9ICompany wh|ch |s |ook|ng to |nvest |n new techno|og|es
wou|d se|ect one wh|ch offer the fo||ow|ng benef|ts
lnherenL safe
Low emlsslon level
Low energy cosL
CperaLlonal flelblllLy
ShorL Llme from plloL Lo producLlon planL
lmproved producL quallLy
@allord producL Lo meeL cusLomer needs
Local producLlon faclllLles
8apld lnLroducLlon of new producLeLc
lacLor affecLlng Lhe buslness case
Convlnce managemenL LhaL Lhere ls no or llLLle percelved rlsk ln Lhe recommended
ddress overa|| safety Concern Conduct r|sk assessment and |dent|f|cat|on and
tak|ng appropr|ate safety precaut|ons at a|| stages |n the 9rocess deve|opment
must be emphas|sed
Changes ln company organlsaLlon LhaL puLs lncreaslng rellance on buslness unlLs or
cosL cenLre Lo supporL Lhelr own lnnovaLlon and 8u raLher Lhan havlng cenLral
funcLlon for Lhls
@he lack of supporLlng Lools and backlng from senlor managers
@he Leas facLor we wanL Lhe blggesL
@he movemenL of producLlon Lo counLrles where Lhere ls less lnnovaLlon
ow to Cvercome ?
May consider following actions for P implementation.
O Utilise existing facilities / human resources efficiently
O Develop new modern facilities
O Connect all scientific research institutes
O Allocate separate funds for R&D
O Provide favorable environment for R&D
O Develop platform for ndustry Academy interaction
O Develop patent laws in accordance with global practices.
O Create awareness
O Provide incentives in the form of awards

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