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Adrian Herrera 3rd Period

Greek Newspaper
Then and Now
The Greek government was based on direct democracy. This is a form of government in which citizens rule directly and not through representatives. Even the poorest could serve if chosen by lot because they had paid salaries. Because of this, Athens had more citizens engaged in self-government than any other city-state. This reform made Athens one of the most democratic governments in history. Political rights though, were still limited to those with citizenship status. Greek government was also similar to our government now. Both had the three branches of government and political powers exercised by citizens. Greek art consisted of temples and lots of sculptors. Temples were built to honor gods and goddesses. Sculptors where built to create figures that were graceful, strong, and perfectly formed. Their faces showed neither laughter nor anger, only serenity. Greek sculptors also tried to capture the grace of the human body in motion. Their values of order, balance, and proportion became the standard of what is called classical art. As well as art, the Greeks built the first theaters in the west and invented drama. The Greeks believed that athletic competitions were a way to please the gods and honor dead heroes. The Olympic's was one of many Greeces many athletic festivals, that still continues today. Dedicated to the god Zeus, the Olympics began in 776 B.C. The Greeks even suspended wars between city-states so that athletes could compete. The Olympic Games consisted of foot races, wrestling, boxing, jumping, javelin and discus throwing events. About 40,000 Greeks crowded into the stadium built in Olympia to watch the competitions. The event takes place every four years just like it did when they first started.

Pericles had three goals for Athens. His first goal was to strengthened democracy. He did so by increasing the number of paid public officials. The introduction of direct democracy was an important legacy of Periclean Athens. Pericles expressed great pride in Athenian democracy. Pericles second goal was to enlarge the wealth and power of Athens. He used the money from the Delian Leagues treasury to build Athens 200-ship navy into the strongest in

Adrian Herrera 3rd Period the Mediterranean. A strong navy was important because it helped Athens strengthen the safety of its empire. Pericles third goal was to glorify Athens. He used money from the empire to make Athens more beautiful.Compared to Alexander the Great, Pericles did not expand his empire as far as Alexander. However, Pericles did strengthen Democracy for Athens which led to more citizens engaged in selfgovernment. Pericles didnt have a strong ambition like Alexander. Alexander focused mainly on conquering other empires and defeating Darius and Pericles focused on other things like enlarging the wealth and power of Athens.

Advice column
Q: Dear Aphrodite, I really like this girl but I don't know if I should tell her or not. I don't know if she feels the same, and I am scared of what she might say so what should I do? A: I think you should just follow your heart and tell her how you feel. Im sure she feels the same way to. Q: Dear Helios, it has been really hot lately, and I was wondering if maybe you could help us out and make it be less hot? A: Well we are getting in to October so I suppose I could try and lower the heat from the sun. Q: Dear Hera, my parents are going threw a hard time with their marriage, and I don't know what to do anymore what do you think I should do? A: Don't worry your parent's will be fine. All parents argue sometimes but they will be fine I will make sure of it. Q: Dear Hermes, lately I have been having weird dreams and I don't know why. Why do you think this is happening to me? A: Well everybody sometimes has weird dreams but they all have meanings. I don't know exactly what your dream is but every dream has a meaning and sometimes they try to send you a message.

Socrates, 469-399 B.C., was one of the most powerful thinkers in history. He encouraged Greeks to go further and question themselves and their moral character. Those who understood Socrates admired him deeply. The majority of citizens, however, could not understand this strange man and his ideas. In 399 B.C., when Socrates was about 70 years old, he was brought to trial for corrupting the youth of Athens and neglecting the citys gods. The jury disagreed and condemned him to death. Later, he died after drinking a slow acting poison.

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