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Blessed Hope International Mission - Chaplains for Christ International Mission

Mission Trip to Romania

September 6th 19th, 2011

Dear mission partners and friends, Again I say Praise the Lord. I want to give you an update of our mission trip to Romania. Excitement filled our hearts when I met Pastor Nathaniel Barkat two years ago in Pakistan where the Lord used him to make a great impact. I felt the same excitement when I met Pastor Clifton Charles White this year in Sri Lanka. They both had something in common; both of them showed great interest to minister in Romania. God prepared the month of September for Pastor Clifton, Pastor Nathaniel, Pavel Sav and I together with my son Tiberiu to have the privilege to minister to the people of Romania. We ministered to jails, prisons, churches and families throughout Romania. The saving of souls is in great demand in Romania. Every day we hear the present Macedonian cry, Come and help us, were dying, were sick, were oppressed, were prisoners, we are hopeless! To accomplish Gods purpose, He needs faithful ministers that know to redeem the time: Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:16. A lot of things, thoughts, deeds and activities take our time in this time to redeem. We also have so many needs that want to take our time but there is a practical step that honors our God and it is to be an active part of soul deliverance, salvation, healing, rescuing orphans, starving children, helping widows, and to give Hope for a good life to those even at the margin of society. Some people have a negative attitude towards prison ministry. Even though inmates are convicted criminals, they dont have to spend eternity where they deserve. God granted every soul a chance to repent in this life. This is why prison ministry is so compelling to us. It is good to never pray for justice instead, only pray for mercy. We are set free from the eternal consequences of our sin. We need to share the gift of Salvation with others because as miserable incarceration is; an eternity completely without God is indescribably worse. We need to extend the mercy of God everywhere. Remember the warning we are given in the book of James; And ye have respect to him that weareth the gay clothing, and say unto him, Sit thou here in a good place; and say to the poor, Stand thou there, or sit here under my footstool: James 2:3. It is our job as Christians to carry the message of eternal mercy. Mercy does not mean we ignore sin and pretend it is somehow ok. It does mean we recognize that being in prison doesnt make a person any less in need of hearing the message of Gods grace. What good is ministering to only those we deem good enough for Gods grace? We cannot limit the power of the cross. It is amazing how receptive inmates can be to the Message of the Gospel. There are people who often realize more than most how much they need Gods mercy and they are so grateful for it. After a long flight we arrived in Bucharest and from the airport we began our mission in Jilava Prison where we ministered to about 60 inmates who were already waiting for us. The message proclaimed by Pastor Nathaniel and Pastor Cliftons testimony was so encouraging and inspired the inmates to a Holy life and a life of dedication to Jesus Christ. Some of them surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ. Even though we were very exhausted, we were filled with joy to see those lives transformed. That same night we stopped in Urziceni where the church of Urziceni was helping the poor with hot meals and we helped paid for some of them. We were hosted by Pastor Constantin Gramada and his wife and we spent the night in their home. Early in the morning we drove toward Suceava and arrive in the afternoon. At night, we ministered at a church in Balcauti. The church in Romania was so happy to meet a Pastor from Pakistan for the first time. We ministered to about 50 inmates in a prison in Botosani the next day. Portop Vasile from New Life accompanied us and made arrangements for approval and entrance to prisons throughout. We gave hygienic gifts to the inmates and prayed for them. Some of them surrendered their life to Jesus Christ while others that Ive met before in previous trips and they are faithful to the gospel and growing in faith. After the prisons we went to the Patria Orphanage and visited the children and Director Mircea Boldea. We also visited an old friend Daniel Turcoman and his family. From there we went to Radauti, Bucovina where they were hosting an ordination service where Brother Ghita Crasnean was ordained as a deacon exhorter. After the ordination there was an extended night of prayer. We helped a few poor families in that region. Later, we met again with Mihaiuc, a brother that was diagnosed with severe leukemia in August 2006 and had no chance of living within months according to
All biblical verses used are taken from the King James Version Holy Bible

doctors (when I first met him in London and prayed for him in the hospital). God healed him while he was in London and he is now married with two children and lives in Adelaide, Australia! Saturday morning we went to Piatra Neamt where Pastor Liviu Axinte organized a youth conference where over 1800 youth from the region attended. The purpose of the conference was to teach the youth to walk in the integrity of God. After the conference, Pastor Liviu gave us a tour to a site in Dumbrava Rosie where they are building a center for children and elders. We donated to a few families in need there. We also visited the church in Piatra Neamt that afternoon. At night we ministered to the church in Voitinel. Pastor Clifton White from Good News Church in Wisconsin had a message to the church to walk in the narrow way where people stay in the presence of God. After the service, we went back to Suceava and arrived around midnight. Sunday morning, we ministered to Maranata Church in Radauti. Pastor Nathaniel Barkat from Pakistan had a message, Be attentive to the cry of the people because there are people all over in desperate need of help and their inner being cries for help and there arent many that help them and so we have to be like good Samaritans to show the mercy of Jesus to them. Through Jesus Christ, the void of the human heart is filled with Gods presence and your life is fulfilled and all your needs are met. We prayed for the people at the end of the service and the presence of the Lord filled and satisfied their hunger. The young leader, Florin Mitric, gave us a tour to the new church construction project and we asked for Gods blessing in fulfilling his plan. We also helped them with some money for the project. We had lunch at my mother-in-laws house and we met with all the other members of the family from my wifes side. In the afternoon, I visited the village of my birthplace and helped a few widows and families in need. At night, we ministered to Betel Church in Radauti. Monday morning, I met with the overseer of Moldova and discussed a report of the churches in Falticeni, Olniceni, Boroaia and Vorniceni that our mission supported years ago. Aurel Soltuz presented the condition of some of the churches in Piriu Negru, Suharau, Comanesti, Radauti, Plut, Mitoc and others. Pastor Soltuz invited us to preach at his church to the youth. All three of us had a message for them to make choices involving Gods will that will help them build a life with a solid foundation with the teachings of Jesus Christ. Tuesday morning on our way to Radauti, we stopped in Slobozia where we were called to pray for a friend named Sorohan who then gave his life to Jesus Christ. In Radauti we stopped at our relatives and friends houses; Petru and Otelia Moloceniuc, Catalin Sireagu our affiliates and partners in the mission field in Romania. After lunch we headed toward Putna a legendary village with monasteries and historical sights. We had a prayer meeting there at a familys house. On the way back to Suceava, we stopped in Radauti where the Suceava Chief of Police who is born again came to meet us and exchanged badges with Pastor Clifton also a Chaplain for the Police of Beloit, Wisconsin. Afterward we stopped in Satu Mare where my parents home was donated to Nadejdea Binecuvantata with a purpose to develop a plan to build an elderly home because we see the need of the elderly people that were neglected in that village. We have to pray for Gods will to be done in this matter also. Wednesday morning, our driver Danut Mazareanu (a police officer that gave his life to Christ), drove us from Suceava to Timisoara with another team which was on their way to Italy. We stopped at Cimpulung Moldovenesc and prayed for and helped Negriuc Garafina and a few other families that were in great need of help. Other stops were made in the afternoon was in Campia Turzi where my brother-in-laws mother lives whom was diagnosed with cancer. Five other women were there that came for a special prayer and anointing with oil. God in his mercy touched a few of them and they were healed instantly What a

great God we serve who is a leader, deliverer, provider and much more! Through us, He also provided them with some monetary help. The road was with some obstacles and dangers but the Lord protected us and we arrived safely Thursday morning in Timisoara where brother Pavel was waiting for us. During the day a police officer from the area came to us and asked to pray for family. After the Revolution, a lot of officers repented and turned to Christ. Thursday night, we ministered to the church in Timisoara on Romulus Street. It was a very blessed night with the presence of the Lord and mighty manifestation of the Holy Spirit that melted the cold hearts of people to the tears. Some of them were convicted of their sin and confessed it to receive forgiveness and make peace with God. He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall After the church service on the street, we visited a memorial site where the Romanian Revolution began in

have mercy. Proverbs 28:13.

December 1989. Friday morning, we visited the jail from Timisoara located on Popa Sapca Street . In this prison, about 55 inmates responded to the Gospel of Jesus Christ presented by us to their hearts. Some of them were already believers who committed their life to Jesus Christ during our previous mission trips there. We rejoiced to see them in their serious walk in faith and not easy going. Goods were offered to them and prayed for them. Friday night, we had a service at Maranata Church in Ghiroda where we preached the Word of God and prayed for the people. Saturday morning, we visited Casa Betania a center built for the orphan children of the streets and the elderly. In the afternoon we went to Village of Comlusu Mare where we held a church service where we enjoyed the presence of God once again. We prayed for the sick people there helped with the new construction project of the new church. We arrived home very late that night at Pastor Livius house in Ghiroda. Sunday morning and night, we ministered again at Maranata Church and the messages were so powerful and the hearts of people were opened. Pastor Nathaniel Barkat spoke of A sleepless church; encouraging the church to be awake and not sleepy which was a revival message and refreshed the first love for Jesus Christ. Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of
heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. Matthew 13:24-25.

We prayed for the people and anointed the sick with oil. I spoke about ..for the joy of the LORD is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10. At night, Pastor Clifton and I preached the Word of God on the topic Words have power encouraging the people to be careful of what words they choose to speak.
Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Proverbs 18:21 Now in the morning as he returned into the city, he hungered. 19. And when he saw a fig tree in the way, he came to it, and found nothing thereon, but leaves only, and said unto it, Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward forever. And presently the fig tree withered away. 20. And when the disciples saw it, they marveled, saying, How soon is the fig tree withered away! 21. Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done. 22. And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. Matthew 21:18-22

Monday morning, we departed from Timisoara and headed back home. Our faith is the heartbeat of this ministry which is to follow our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, working with the poor and oppressed, to promote human transformation and bear witnessed to the Good News of the Kingdom of God and hope because many people are without hope and without God in the world. Across Romania and around the world this year, we are proclaiming hope in Jesus Christ and lives are being changed. We are not only called to promote humanitarian aid but we are called to share the gospel. As the Apostle Paul wrote to the Church of Corinth, Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
18. And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; 19. To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. 20. Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God. 2 Corinthians 5:17-20.

We are ambassadors who represent Christ in all circumstances to reflect Christs character. Love and compassion flow out naturally when we show people love. They feel the love of God themselves. It is our prayer that we redeem our time efficiently choosing to share Gods mercy with others and in doing so, God will grant mercy to our self. Lets actively strive for the blessings Jesus promised in his famous Sermon on the Mount Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. Matthew 5:7.
Rev. Constantin Lupancu together with the Blessed Hope International Mission Team.

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