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AUSkey frequently asked questions

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ABR Help Topics ABN AUSkey Other registrations Update ABN Record Access ABN Record Complaints, Objections and Appeals Security Supporting Information Printable version What is AUSkey Are you eligible Who can 'register' for an AUSkey at Does each person in the business need an AUSkey or can we share Types of AUSkey Will your AUSkey expire When should you cancel your AUSkey What can you do if you disagree with a decision we make about your AUSkey

AUSkey frequently asked questions

About AUSkey

Getting and setting up your AUSkey

For the first time

How to register if you have an ATO digital certificate How to register if you do not have an ATO digital certificate What information to have on hand if we ask you to phone us Registering more than one person at a time Registering for a Device AUSkey How to install a Standard/Administrator AUSkey on your computer How to install a Standard/Administrator AUSkey on your USB stick About installing Device AUSkeys Installing AUSkey to networks Backup your AUSkey How to link your AUSkey to government agencies

After the first time

How to access the AUSkey software after installing your AUSkey How to request an additional copy of your AUSkey

How to 12/12/2011

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Use an AUSkey that is installed on a USB stick Change your password Upgrade to an Administrator AUSkey/Downgrade to a Standard AUSkey Update your name on our system if you have changed it Move your AUSkey to a different location Cancel your AUSkey Delete an AUSkey from your computer or USB stick Change the custodian of a Device AUSkey

Technical information
Operating systems and browsers MAC OS 10.7 (Lion) Active X JavaScript Restrictions on download, installation or USB access Anti-virus software

Lost activation code Lost download and install email Did not receive an email after completing an AUSkey registration Cannot login to government online services using AUSkey Cannot remember your AUSkey password Lost or stolen computer or USB stick AUSkey corrupted Received an operating system not supported message Received an error message or experienced an issue while trying to register or download an AUSkey Creating new user accounts Why have I been redirected to the AUSkey software installation page

How to know you are accessing the official AUSkey website How to check you are using your AUSkey securely Guarding against hackers

About AUSkey
What is AUSkey
AUSkey is a common authentication solution for business-to-government online services. Rather than needing different user IDs and passwords to access each online service that you use on behalf of your business, your AUSkey will give you access to all participating online services. AUSkey is a small piece of software (saved to your computer or a USB stick) that you can use to: login and use to participating government agencies' online services lodge reports directly to government through Standard Business Reporting (SBR)-enabled business, financial and payroll software. Visit and select 'Where AUSkey is accepted' from the left hand menu to learn which government agencies are participating. To learn about SBR-enabled lodgment, go to Back to top

Are you eligible to have an AUSkey

AUSkeys are issued to people who work for or who are associated with businesses in Australia. Your business must have an Australian business number (ABN) for its staff to be eligible for AUSkeys. If you have more than one ABN, will need a separate AUSkey for each ABN. Back to top

Who can 'register' for an AUSkey at 12/12/2011

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Registering for the first AUSkey of your business The first person in your business to receive an AUSkey will get an Administrator AUSkey. Who should register your first Administrator? You must be listed on the Australian Business Register (ABR) in one of the following capacities to: register the first AUSkey Administrator of your business complete the registration form at

Business type Company or incorporated association

Eligible to complete the registration form at Public officer or director.

Unincorporated association or body Office holder. of persons (for example, sporting club, social club or trade union) or The office holder for an unincorporated association or not for profit body of persons is a member of the committee of management. For example, someone who occupies the position of: president vice president treasurer secretary. A public officer must be appointed if the unincorporated association or body of persons is carrying on a business. School (unless operating as a company) Partnership Trust The principal. Named partners only. Trustee for the trust. If the trustee is a company, it is the public officer. Superannuation entity Trustee for the entity. If the trustee is a company, it is the public officer. Deceased estate Government agency or entity Sole trader (Individual) Executor, executrix or administrator of the deceased estate. Chief executive officer or authorised contact. Only that individual.

Who should be an AUSkey Administrator? Administrator AUSkey holders need to be people you can trust. They have the ability to: sponsor new AUSkeys for the business update your ABN record at transact or change your business information with participating agencies, for example, information held by the ATO. Some government agencies give AUSkey holders automatic access and privileges in relation to their online services. Please contact the government agencies you deal with for more detailed information about what AUSkey holders can do in their online systems. This information should factor into your decision about who should have Administrator AUSkeys. Registering for subsequent AUSkeys Once you have an Administrator AUSkey holder, you should rely on them to set other people in the business up with AUSkeys. How to register people for AUSkeys if you have an AUSkey Administrator 1. Login to with your Administrator AUSkey. 2. Select Register new user from the left hand menu and follow the prompts. Back to top

Does each person in the business need an AUSkey or can we share

No, you cannot share your AUSkey. It is a breach of the terms and conditions you agree to when you install your AUSkey. Each of your staff will need to register for their own. When you install your AUSkey, you will be asked to select a password. You must not share your password with anyone and you should change it regularly at If your staff share the same computer, each person should set up their own profile or account to prevent inappropriate use or access of another AUSkey stored on that computer. Back to top 12/12/2011

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Types of AUSkey
There are three types of AUSkey: Standard AUSkey Administrator AUSkey Device AUSkey

Standard AUSkey Standard AUSkeys will be suitable for most people within your organisation. They allow access to most government online services with the exception of your business details on the Australian Business Register. Staff members who need to access the ABR will need Administrator AUSkeys. Standard AUSkey holders can login to and do the following in relation to their own AUSkey: view and update contact details delete and cancel the AUSkey change their password get an additional AUSkey for another computer or USB stick view the details of any Device AUSkeys for which they are custodian (if applicable) Using Standard AUSkeys to interact with government What Standard AUSkey holders can do with their AUSkey will vary from agency to agency. Some agencies will give them automatic access to their online services. Others may require them to have their access activated by someone of authority in the business before they can get started. Subject to permissions, Standard AUSkey holders will have the ability to access and change the tax information of your business. Please contact the government agencies you would like to deal with for more detailed information about what Standard AUSkey holders can do in their online systems. Administrator AUSkey Administrator AUSkey holders have extra abilities over and above Standard AUSkey holders. They can view and manage all AUSkeys associated with the business when they login to They also have the ability to register others in the business for AUSkeys. The first person to get an AUSkey in your organisation will receive an Administrator AUSkey. After that, they can login to and set up the rest of the business with AUSkeys. How many Administrator AUSkey holders does each business need? As Administrator AUSkey holders can sponsor new AUSkeys in the business, we recommend you keep them to a minimum. You will find that Standard AUSkeys are suitable for most people in your business. If you minimise the number of Administrators, you make it easier to keep control over the access your staff have to your business information. What should I consider when choosing my Administrators? Administrator AUSkey holders need to be people you trust. They have the ability to sponsor new AUSkeys for the business, update your ABN record at and change your business information (including taxation information held by the ATO). Using Administrator AUSkeys to interact with government What Administrator AUSkey holders can do with their AUSkey will vary from agency to agency. Some agencies will give them automatic access to their online services. Others may require them to have their access activated by someone of authority in the business before they can get started. Please contact the government agencies you would like to deal with for more detailed information about what Standard AUSkey holders can do in their online systems. Device AUSkey Once your business has an Administrator AUSkey holder, you are eligible to register for a Device AUSkey for your business. If your business operates over a network or has download restrictions, a Device AUSkey may suit your needs. A Device AUSkey is saved on your server and identifies the business as a whole rather than individuals within the business. This means your staff do not need to worry about having or maintaining their own AUSkeys. We recommend talking to your IT administrator before registering for a Device AUSkey 12/12/2011

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to confirm its suitability for your IT environment. Limitations of Device AUSkeys At this time, Device AUSkeys are restricted to lodging reports to government through Standard Business Reporting (SBR)-enabled software. If you want to lodge through online services other than SBR-enabled software, for example, the ATO's Business Portal, the staff who perform this role for you will need Administrator or Standard AUSkeys for that purpose. Please contact the government agencies you deal with directly for advice on whether they accept Device AUSkeys for the lodgments your business makes. Back to top

Will your AUSkey expire

Your AUSkey will not expire as long as you use it at least once every 12 months. In the event that your AUSkey does expire and you would like to continue to have one, you will need to register for a new one. Back to top

When should you cancel your AUSkey

You should cancel your AUSkey when you: no longer work for the business associated with the AUSkey no longer need it because your role has changed think someone else may have access to it. When you cancel your AUSkey, any other AUSkeys you have for the same ABN will also be cancelled. You will no longer be able to use them to login to government online services.

Example 1 - Both AUSkeys are cancelled

You have an AUSkey on your computer and an AUSkey on a USB stick. Both are attached to the same ABN. If you cancel the AUSkey on your computer, the AUSkey on your USB stick will also stop working.

Example 2 - One AUSkey is cancelled, the other continues to work

You have two ABNs and have an AUSkey for each. If you cancel the AUSkey associate with the first AUSkey, the second AUSkey will continue to work. This is because they are associated with two different business entities.

Example 3 - Device AUSkeys

Cancelling your personal AUSkey (Standard or Administrator) will not automatically cancel a Device AUSkey for which you are the custodian. Instead, all AUSkey Administrators in the business will be notified by email that a new custodian needs to be assigned to the Device AUSkey. This can be done by logging in to After 30 days, if nobody has nominated a new custodian, the Device AUSkey will automatically be cancelled. If you cancel a Device AUSkey, it will not cancel your personal AUSkey or any other Device AUSkeys assigned to you with different names. Back to top

What can you do if you disagree with a decision we make about your AUSkey
You can lodge an objection if the Registrar of the Australian Business Register: refuses to give you an AUSkey refuses to cancel your AUSkey cancels your ABN or AUSkey. More information about objections Back to top

Getting and setting up your AUSkey

How to register if you have an ATO digital certificate
If you have an ATO digital certificate, you already have approval to register for an AUSkey. This includes secondary ATO digital certificate holders. You do not need to wait for your primary digital certificate holder to register first. You can get an AUSkey at any time. 12/12/2011

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Registering for an AUSkey will not affect your ATO digital certificate. You can continue to use it until it expires or is cancelled. The type of AUSkey you receive is determined by the ATO digital certificate you currently hold. Primary ATO digital certificate holders receive an Administrator AUSkey. Secondary ATO digital certificate holders receive a Standard AUSkey. For more information, refer to

1. Go to the computer on which your ATO digital certificate is installed. (Your digital certificate must not have expired for this process to work successfully). 2. Visit 3. Select Register 4. Wait for the following screen to display. This screen will only appear if an ATO digital certificate has been detected on your computer. If this screen does not appear after 10 seconds, select Cancel and check that you are registering from the computer on which your ATO digital certificate is installed before trying again.

5. Select Yes 6. Save or write down your activation code. It is essential for installing your AUSkey. Do not close your browser until you have recorded it. Back to top

How to register if you do not have an ATO digital certificate

Register for the first AUSkey of your business The first person in your business to receive an AUSkey will get an Administrator AUSkey. Who can register your first Administrator? You must be listed on the Australian Business Register (ABR) in one of the following capacities to: register the first AUSkey Administrator of your business complete the registration form at

Business type Company or incorporated association

Eligible to complete the registration form at Public officer or director.

Unincorporated association or body Office holder. of persons (for example, sporting club, social club or trade union) or The office holder for an unincorporated association or not for profit body of persons is a member of the committee of management. For example, someone who occupies the position of: president vice president treasurer 12/12/2011

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secretary. A public officer must be appointed if the unincorporated association or body of persons is carrying on a business. School (unless operating as a company) Partnership Trust The principal. Named partners only. Trustee for the trust. If the trustee is a company, it is the public officer. Superannuation entity Trustee for the entity. If the trustee is a company, it is the public officer. Deceased estate Government agency or entity Sole trader (Individual) Executor, executrix or administrator of the deceased estate. Chief executive officer or authorised contact. Only that individual.

Who should be an AUSkey Administrator? Administrator AUSkey holders need to be people you can trust. They have the ability to: sponsor new AUSkeys for the business update your ABN record at transact or change your business information with participating agencies ,for example, information held by the ATO. Some government agencies give AUSkey holders automatic access and privileges in relation to their online services. Please contact the government agencies you deal with for more detailed information about what AUSkey holders can do in their online systems. This information should factor into your decision about who should have Administrator AUSkeys. Registering for subsequent AUSkeys Once you have an Administrator AUSkey holder, you should rely on them to set other people in the business up with AUSkeys. How to register people for AUSkeys if you have an AUSkey Administrator 1. Login to with your Administrator AUSkey. 2. Select Register new user from the left hand menu and follow the prompts. Back to top

What information to have on hand if we ask you to phone us

When you register for an AUSkey, we match the details you supply against our records. If the details do not match, we will email you and ask you to phone us so we can verify your identity. You need to be prepared to provide the following details: your telephone number, business, residential, postal or email address (maximum of one) your bank account number (BSB number not required) details from an ATO-generated notice (maximum of two different notices, for example, the sequence number from any notice of assessment issued to you) your personal tax file number. You are not legally required to provide your personal tax file number (TFN) however, providing it will make it quicker and easier for us to help you. Back to top

Registering more than one person at a time For the same ABN
Administrator AUSkey holders can lodge bulk registration requests for up to 500 Standard AUSkeys in a single transaction. 1. Create a registration details file to upload to our system. It must be saved in CSV (comma separated values) format. For each person, you must provide: full legal name (given name and family name) email address. For example: Jonathon Jemima Doe Doe 12/12/2011

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Will William

Smith Smith

2. Login to and select Register for AUSkeys in bulk from the left hand menu. 3. Upload your CSV file. Once the request has been successfully processed, each person listed will receive an email containing instructions for installing their AUSkey. If you nominate someone who already has an AUSkey for your business, they will automatically be excluded from this registration process.

For different ABNs

If there is more than one ABN involved, you will need to submit a separate bulk registration request for each ABN. AUSkeys are linked to your ABN. You can only register several people for Standard AUSkeys in a single transaction if they are associated with the same ABN. Back to top

Registering for a Device AUSkey

You must hold an Administrator AUSkey to register for a Device AUSkey. To register: 1. Login at 2. Select Register for Device AUSkey During the registration process, you will need to provide the relevant IP address or server name. You will also need to nominate either yourself or someone with a Standard or Administrator AUSkey to act as the custodian of the Device AUSkey. This person is responsible for installing and managing the AUSkey. We recommend you talk to your IT Administrator before registering for a Device AUSkey to confirm it is suitable for your environment. Back to top

How to install a Standard or Administrator AUSkey on your computer

If you are sharing a computer with someone who has an AUSkey, you must first set up your own profile/user account on your computer before you install your AUSkey. Step 1 Install AUSkey software You need to install AUSkey software on each computer where you would like to use your AUSkey. This is the case even if you are using a roaming profile. 1. Go to your Inbox and open your 'Download and install your AUSkey' email. 2. Click on the first link listed under Install your AUSkey to your computer. (a) If a web page titled AUSkey software opens, choose the version of AUSkey software that is appropriate for your operating system. Double click on the file you have downloaded to install it to your computer. (b) If you are not redirected to the AUSkey software download page, it means a copy has already been installed on your computer. The AUSkey installer will automatically skip you ahead to 'Step 2 Install your AUSkey'. Step 2 Install your AUSkey 1. Close all web browser windows. 2. Open your 'Download and install your AUSkey' email again. 3. Click on the first link listed under Install your AUSkey to your computer and follow the prompts. You will need the activation code you printed or saved during the registration process to activate your AUSkey. Back to top

How to install a Standard or Administrator AUSkey on your USB stick

You need to install AUSkey software on your USB stick before you can install your AUSkey. If the software has already been installed on the USB stick, you will not need to do it again. Each AUSkey holder should have a separate USB stick for their AUSkey. Standard and Administrator AUSkey To install a Standard or Administrator AUSkey on a USB stick: 12/12/2011

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1. Open your AUSkey download and install email. 2. Select the hyperlink under Install your AUSkey on a USB stick or go to Download AUSkey software. 3. Click on the link under Install my AUSkey on a USB stick and save the file on your computer. Please note, this option is only available for Windows operating systems. 4. Plug in your USB stick. 5. From your computer, double click 'AUSkey software for USB.exe'. (Depending on the speed of your USB stick, it may take up to 40 minutes to install the software). 6. After installation, find the 'AUSkey browser' file in the main folder of your USB stick. Double click on this file to open a web browser. 7. Copy the download and install hyperlink from your AUSkey email and paste it into the web browser you have opened. Follow the prompts. Back to top

About installing Device AUSkeys

Your Device AUSkey's custodian is responsible for installing your Device AUSkey. Device AUSkeys can be installed: directly onto a server that is connected to the internet onto a computer and later transferred to the appropriate server. Device AUSkeys can only be used for lodging reports directly to government through SBR-enabled software. For this reason, you should check your software manual to see if your software provider has a preferred location for the Device AUSkey. You will be prompted to specify a location during installation. If your software provider does not specify where to save your Device AUSkey, we recommend choosing a location and file name. This makes the Device AUSkey easy to find later if you need to transfer it to a different location. If you do not specify a location when prompted, the AUSkey installer will choose for you. It is highly advisable to seek assistance from your IT administrator when trying to install a Device AUSkey. Back to top

Installing AUSkey to networks

AUSkeys can be used on a network. A personal AUSkey (Standard or Administrator) is automatically stored under the login profile that is open when it is installed. If your staff have roaming profiles set up for their network login, their AUSkey will be stored under their roaming profile. Their roaming profile controls how they login to Windows. Your staff can access their AUSkey from any computer accessible by that Windows login. However, the AUSkey software will need to be installed on each computer that they want to use. A Device AUSkey is different. As it is designed for lodging reports to government through SBR-enabled software, you should seek advice from your software provider as to whether a Device AUSkey is suitable for you. You will be prompted to choose an install location when you download your Device AUSkey. Check your software manual and seek the advice of your IT administrator before attempting this task. Back to top

Back up your AUSkey

Your AUSkey is saved to a key store. We recommend backing up your key store every six months so you can restore your AUSkey if your computer system crashes. To do this, you will need to make a copy of the AUSkey keystore.xml file. Step 1 Find your AUSkey keystore.xml file You can find that file in the following locations: Operating system Windows XP/2003 Server Windows Vista Windows 7 MAC OSX USB Location C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\AUSkey C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\AUSkey C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\AUSkey Finder/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/AUSkey USB Drive\AUSkey OR AUSkey Browser\AUSkey

If you use a Windows operating system and you cannot find your keystore.xml file, you may need to enable the View hidden files and folders functionality of your computer. How to view hidden files and folders Windows XP: 12/12/2011

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1. Open any folder. 2. Select Folder Options from the Tools menu. 3. Select the View tab. 4. Select Show hidden files and folder. Windows Vista/ Windows 7: 1. Open any folder. 2. Select the Organize button. 3. Select Folder and Search Options. 4. Select the View tab. 5. Select Show hidden files and folder. Step 2 Copy the keystore.xml file to your backup location 1. Right click on the file and select copy. 2. Open your preferred backup location (for example, external hard drive or a USB stick). 3. Right click (using your mouse) and select paste. Back to top

How to link your AUSkey to government agencies

Some government agencies need you to go through a one-time process to link your AUSkey to their systems. This is so their systems will recognise your AUSkey when you login and/or lodge reports via SBR-enabled software. The process will vary from agency to agency.

Instructions for checking if 'linking' is required

1. Go to and select Link AUSkey to government on the left hand menu. 2. Check which government agencies require 'linking'. 3. Follow the hyperlinks to instructions for linking your AUSkey to the online systems that apply to your business If an agency is listed as 'No link required', it means that your AUSkey will work with their online services immediately after installation. You can come back to the Link AUSkey to government page at any time and set yourself up to deal with additional government agencies. You are not restricted to working with the ones that you link to when you first install your AUSkey. Back to top

How to access the AUSkey software after installing your AUSkey

You will be automatically re-directed to the AUSkey software download page during installation if you require it. However, you may find you need an additional copy of the AUSkey software post-installation. You can access the AUSkey software installers at any time from . Select AUSkey software from the left hand menu. Back to top

How to request an additional copy of your AUSkey

For security reasons, each 'download and install' email you receive for your AUSkey will only work once. If you want to install your AUSkey in several locations (for example, on your computer and a USB stick), you will need to request an additional copy of your AUSkey so you can install it in the second location.

1. Login to using your AUSkey. 2. Select Get additional AUSkey from the left hand menu and follow the prompts. We'll send an installation email to the email address you nominate. To install your AUSkey to the new location, simply open the email and follow its instructions. Don't forget that you will need to install a copy of the AUSkey software in the new location before you can successfully install your AUSkey. You'll find all current versions of the AUSkey software at on the AUSkey software page. Back to top

How to
Use an AUSkey that is installed on a USB stick
1. Plug in your USB stick. 12/12/2011

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2. Find the AUSkey browser (.exe) file on your USB stick and double click on it. This will open a special web browser that tells AUSkey-compatible online services to look for your AUSkey on your USB stick. 3. Use your favourite AUSkey-compatible online services as normal. If you forget to use the special browser and try to login using a regular browser, the online service will behave as if you do not have an AUSkey. This does not mean your AUSkey has been damaged - it just hasn't been detected. Simply close the browser and follow the instructions above. Back to top

Change your password

Login to and select Change password from the left hand menu. Your password is only known to you. For this reason, it cannot be reset. If you forget your password, you will need to register for a new AUSkey. Back to top

Upgrade to an Administrator AUSkey or downgrade to a Standard AUSkey

If you need to change the privilege level assigned to your AUSkey (Standard or Administrator), please see your AUSkey Administrator. You will be notified by email when the request has been actioned. If you request an upgrade from a Standard to an Administrator AUSkey, you will need to provide some additional information to confirm your identity. The email will explain how to provide this information. AUSkey Administrators To change a person's privilege level: 1. login to 2. select Manage AUSkeys from the left hand menu 3. look at the Standard/ Administrator tab 4. click on the appropriate person to display their full AUSkey details 5. select either Upgrade to Administrator or Downgrade to Standard AUSkey at the top of the screen 6. follow the prompts. Upgrades will only be successful once the AUSkey holder confirms their identity with us. They will receive an email explaining how to do this. Back to top

Update your name on our system if you have changed it

If you have changed your name and would like your AUSkey to reflect your new name, you will need to cancel your AUSkey and register for a new one. Back to top

Move your AUSkey to a different location

Once you have installed your AUSkey on a computer or USB stick, you can order a copy for another computer or USB stick through the AUSkey website. Please see how to request an additional copy of your AUSkey for instructions. If you are disposing of the original computer or USB stick, we recommend you delete your AUSkey from that location. Back to top

Cancel your AUSkey

Any AUSkey holder can login to and cancel their own AUSkey. Once you have cancelled your AUSkey, you will need to delete it from your computer or USB stick. AUSkey Administrators You can also cancel any AUSkey associated with your business: 1. Login to 2. Select Manage AUSkeys from the left hand menu. 3. Select the appropriate AUSkey. 4. Select Cancel AUSkey from the Details screen. Back to top 12/12/2011

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Delete an AUSkey from your computer or USB stick

We recommend that you regularly review the AUSkeys stored on your computer or USB stick and delete any that have expired or have been cancelled. This is especially important if you are going to dispose of your computer or USB stick. To delete an AUSkey on your computer: 1. Login to 2. Select List AUSkeys from the left hand menu. 3. Select the AUSkeys you want to delete from your computer. 4. Select Delete. To delete an AUSkey from your USB stick: 1. Plug in your USB stick. 2. Select AUSkey Browser (or AUSkey Browser.exe) from the main folder of your USB drive. 3. Login to 4. Select List AUSkeys from the left hand menu. 5. Select the AUSkeys you want to delete from your computer. 6. Select Delete. If you no longer have an active AUSkey and cannot login to, please read backup your AUSkey to find out where to find your AUSkey files. You can delete them as you would any other file on your computer or USB stick. Back to top

Change the custodian of a Device AUSkey

AUSkey Administrators 1. Login to 2. Select Manage AUSkeys. 3. Select the relevant device from the list. 4. Select Change custodian on the Details screen. Back to top

Technical information
Operating systems and browsers
AUSkey is compatible with many operating systems and browsers. To find out which operating systems and browsers work with AUSkey, go to Technical support. Back to top

Mac OS 10.7 (Lion)

You need Java runtime installed on your computer to use AUSkey successfully. Java runtime is no longer automatically installed as part of the Mac operating system. If you are using Mac OS 10.7, you will need to complete the following steps to use your AUSkey: 1. Re-install AUSkey software for Mac 2. Go to, select AUSkey software from the left hand menu. Select the download for Mac. 3. Go to Applications > Utilities > Java Preferences Open Java Preferences If Java is installed, skip ahead to step 4. If Java is not installed, you will see the following message.

Click Install. 12/12/2011

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The following screen will display during installation.

4. Check that the most recent version of Java is at the top of the list in Java Preferences and that a tick appears in the box next to it. If you have just installed Java, you may find that the 64 bit version appears at the top of the list. We recommend dragging the 32 bit version to the top of the list (select and hold, then move up). If you have multiple versions of the 32 bit Java installed, you need to drag the most recent version to the top. Back to top

If you use Internet Explorer, you will need to enable its ActiveX capabilities to use the AUSkey website. If ActiveX is disabled on your computer, you may see this bar at the top of Internet Explorer:

Selecting this bar will allow you to enable ActiveX. If you are unable to enable ActiveX, you should seek help from your technical support area. Back to top

If you use Internet Explorer 6, 7 or 8, you may see this bar at the top of Internet Explorer:

1. Select Allow Blocked Content. 2. Select Yes. The page should refresh and warning messages should disappear. If the JavaScript warning reappears: 1. Select the Tools menu. 2. Select Internet Options. 3. Select the Security tab. 4. Select Internet as the web content zone. 5. Click on the Custom Level button. 6. Scroll to Scripting. Under Active Scripting select Enable. If you use Safari 1. Select the Edit menu. 2. Select Preferences. 3. Select Security. 4. Check the boxes next to Enable Plug-ins, Enable Java and Enable JavaScript. If you use Firefox 1. Select the Tools menu. 12/12/2011

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2. Select Options. 3. Select Content. 4. Check the boxes next to Enable Plug-ins, Enable Java and Enable JavaScript. Back to top

Restrictions on download, installation or USB access

The AUSkey installation process relies on you being able to download some software and your AUSkey to your computer or a USB stick. If your business has IT system restrictions, you should consult your IT system administrator to determine alternative registration and installation arrangements for your IT environment. Back to top

Anti-virus software
The antivirus software you use to protect your computer may inhibit you from downloading your AUSkey or AUSkey software. You should run a live update of your antivirus software and (if necessary) add AUSkey to the exemption list of your anti-virus software. If you still experience difficulty, contact us. Back to top

Lost activation code
Your activation code is presented to you on screen once you have submitted your AUSkey application. For security reasons, your activation code cannot be reissued. If you lose it you will need to register for a new AUSkey. Back to top

Lost download and install email

Administrator AUSkey If you were registering for an Administrator AUSkey and you have lost the download and installation email, you can contact us and request that your email be resent. Ensure you still have the activation code before you call. If you have not kept the activation code, you will need to register again or contact the person who initiated the registration process for you. Standard AUSkey If you were registering for a Standard AUSkey and you have lost the download and installation email, contact an Administrator AUSkey holder in your business and ask them to: 1. login to 2. go to the Awaiting download tab in Manage AUSkeys and delete your original registration 3. go to the Register new user tab and register you for a new AUSkey. Back to top

Did not receive an email after completing an AUSkey registration

If you dont receive an email within 24 hours of completing your AUSkey registration, check to see if the email is quarantined in your junk email folder. If this is not the problem, please contact us. You will need to quote the reference number you received when you registered. To confirm your identity, you may be asked to provide: your date of birth your telephone number, business, residential, postal or email address (maximum of one) your bank account number (BSB number not required) details from an ATO-generated notice (maximum of two different notices, for example, the sequence number from any notice of assessment issued to you). Ensure you have the activation code before you call. If you have not kept the activation code, you will need to register again or contact the person who initiated the registration on your behalf. Back to top

Cannot login to government online services using AUSkey

1. Are you using the right computer? Is your USB stick plugged in? AUSkey - installed on your computer 12/12/2011

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Check that you are using a computer with both the AUSkey software and your AUSkey installed on it. If the computer you are using does not have both these items installed on it, you may see a message on-screen advising you to download your AUSkey. AUSkey- installed on a USB stick If your AUSkey is installed on a USB stick, make sure it is plugged in properly. To ensure AUSkey-compliant online services can detect your AUSkey, you must login using the special browser on your USB stick. 1. Look for the AUSkey browser (.exe) file on your USB stick and double click on it to open a browser. 2. Use your favourite AUSkey-compliant online service as normal. 2. Is your AUSkey still active? It may have expired or been cancelled. Unless you delete them, expired and cancelled AUSkeys will continue to appear in the list of AUSkeys you can select from when you login. 3. Is the online service temporary unavailable? Check with the government agency who owns the online service to ensure that it is working. You may be unable to login because the website is temporarily down for maintenance. Most government agencies have a systems' maintenance page on their website to advise you about planned and unexpected outages. Back to top

Cannot remember your AUSkey password

If you forget your AUSkey password, you will need to register for a new AUSkey. When installing the new AUSkey: 1. make three attempts to provide your existing password (that is, the password you have forgotten). 2. enter a new password when prompted 3. delete all AUSkeys that used the previous password by selecting next when prompted. If you had AUSkeys for other ABNs stored in your user account you will need to register for them again. Back to top

Lost or stolen computer or USB stick

If your computer or USB stick is lost or stolen, you should cancel your existing AUSkey immediately. An Administrator AUSkey holder can do this for you. If there is no AUSkey Administrator in your business, contact us and we will cancel your AUSkey for you. You will need to confirm your identity. To confirm your identity, you may be asked to provide: your date of birth your telephone number, business, residential, postal or email address (maximum of one) your bank account number (BSB number not required) details from an ATO-generated notice (maximum of two different notices, for example, the sequence number from any notice of assessment issued to you). Back to top

AUSkey corrupted
If your AUSkey has been corrupted, you should register for a new one. You should also delete the corrupted AUSkey from your computer or USB stick. Back to top

Received an 'operating system not supported message'

You will receive an 'operating system not supported' message if you are using a combination of browser and operating system we have not tested against. This does not mean you cannot continue. We are just making you aware that we have not tested against this combination and cannot guarantee that the relevant system will work reliably. In most cases, you simply need to wait a short time, or click Ok to continue. To find out which combination of operating systems and browsers we have tested against, go to technical information. Back to top 12/12/2011

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Received an error message or experienced an issue while trying to register or download an AUSkey
There are a number of issues that could occur when trying to register for or download an AUSkey. Some of these are related to your computer. The following suggestions are the most common solutions. Please refer to your computer operating system manual for instructions about how to perform these actions. Clear your brower's cache. Add the ABR and AUSkey websites to your list of 'trusted websites'. Using a wildcard url is the easiest way ,for example, * Restart your computer. Back to top

Creating new user accounts

If you are sharing a computer with someone who has an AUSkey, you must first set up your own profile/user account on your computer. Windows XP 1. Open Control Panel from the Start menu. 2. Double click on User Accounts. 3. Select Create a new account from the Pick a task list box. 4. Type the name that you want to use for the account. 5. Select Next. 6. Select Computer Administrator. 7. Select Account. The new administrator user account will be created. Windows Vista and Windows 7 1. Open Control Panel from the Start menu. 2. Double click on User Accounts and Family Safety. 3. Double click on User Accounts. 4. Select Manage another account (if you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation). 5. Select Create a new account. 6. Type the name that you want to use for the account. 7. Select Administrator. 8. Select Create Account. The new administrator user account will be created. MAC OSX 10.5 and MAC OSX 10.6 1. Launch System Preferences by clicking the icon in the dock. 2. Click the Accounts icon to open the Accounts preferences pane. 3. Click the lock icon. 4. Enter the password for the administrator account you are currently using. 5. Select OK. 6. Click the plus (+) button located below the list of user accounts. 7. Select Administrator from the dropdown menu of account types, once the New Account sheet appears. 8. Enter the name for this account in the Name field. 9. Enter a nickname or shorter version of the name in the Short Name field. Short names should not include spaces or special characters. (Your Mac will suggest a short name which you can accept or enter the short name of your choice). 10. Enter a password for this account in the Password field. You can create your own password or click the key icon next to the Password field and the Password Assistant will help you generate a password. 11. Enter the password a second time in the Verify field. 12. Enter a descriptive hint about the password in the Password Hint field. (Do not enter the actual password). 13. Select the Create Account button. The new administrator user account will be created. Back to top

Why have I been redirected to the AUSkey software installation page

When you download your AUSkey or login to an online service with an AUSkey, we will automatically check whether you have AUSkey software installed on your computer. If we do not detect the AUSkey software, we will redirect you to the AUSkey software 12/12/2011

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installation page. Back to top

How to know you are accessing the official AUSkey website
When you want to access the AUSkey website you should always type into the address bar of your browser. You will be diverted to the web address: The important thing to notice about that web address is that it begins in https. This means the connection between your computer and the AUSkey website will be encrypted. Back to top

How to check you are using your AUSkey securely

The locked padlock icon
Before you use your AUSkey to login to a web service or submit information through an e-service, you should look for the padlock icon and check the servers security certificate.

Where to look for the icon

Internet Explorer
Bottom right hand corner of the browser.

Top right hand corner of the browser.

Firefox v5
Firefox has a site identity button rather than a padlock icon. Youll find it on the left hand side of the browsers address bar.

Firefox (prior to v5)

Bottom right hand corner of the browser.

Check the websites security certificate

A secure website will have a locked padlock icon, or site identity button, displayed on the browser. Click on the padlock, or site identity button, to check that the websites security certificate is valid and up-to-date. The padlock icon means that the link between your computer and the website will be secure and any information you submit will be encrypted. Example for AUSkey website ( 12/12/2011

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Guarding against hackers

You will find comprehensive information about protecting yourself from hacking at however here are some general tips that apply to all internet users: Use current anti-virus and anti-spyware software on your computer to detect and remove viruses and spyware. Have a firewall to prevent unauthorised users from gaining access to your computer or network. Keep up to date with patches and security updates for your operating system and browser. Updates provide new features, improve the performance of your computer and provide protection against new types of online threats (for example, viruses, Trojans and spyware). Microsoft Windows use Windows Update Apple Mac OS X Use 'Software Update' within Finder. Updates are released monthly but may come more frequently if there is an urgent need. You can configure you computer to automatically download and install updates. Back to top
The electronic version of this document is the only authorised version. Last updated: 12/09/2011 12/12/2011

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