Bai Co Hoa Chuong 2

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H Tn: Trn Th Thanh Kin Lp: 47K TVT

Bi tp chng 2
Cu 1: For an AM DSBFC modulator with carrier frequency fc = 200 KHz, and a maximum modulating signal frequency fm(max) = 10 KHz, determine: a) Frequency limits for the upper and lower sidebands b) Bandwith c) Upper and lower side frequencies produced when modulating signal is a single-frequency 6 KHz tone. Cu 2:

For the am wave form above determine: a) Peak amplitude of the upper and lower side frequencies. b) Peak amplitude of the unmodulated carrier. c) Peak change in the amplitude of the envelope. d) Coefficient of modulation. e) Percent modulation. Cu 3: One input to a conventional AM modulator is a 400 KHz carrier with an amplitude of 25 Vp. The second input is a 5 KHz modulating signal that is of sufficient amplitude to cause a change in the output wave of 6 Vp. Determine:

a) Upper and lower side frequencies. b) Modulation coefficient and percent modulation. c) Peak amplitude of the modulated carrier and upper and lower side frequency voltages. d) Maximum and minimum amplitudes of the envelope. e) Expression for the modulated wave.

Cu 4: For an AM DSBFC wave with a peak unmodulated carrier voltage Vc = 20 Vp, a load resistance of RL = 20 ohms, and a modulation coefficient m = 0.8, determine the power of the modulated wave.

Bi lm Cu 1: a) Frequency limits for the upper and lower sidebands + Frequency limits for the lower sidebands: T (200 10) KHz n 200 KHz hay t 190 KHz n 200 KHz. + Frequency limits for the upper sidebands: T 200 KHz n (200 + 10) KHz hay t 200 KHz n 210 KHz. b) Bandwith: B = 2 fm(max) = 2 x 10 KHz = 20 KHz

c) Lower side frequencies: (200 6) KHz = 194 KHz. Upper side frequencies: (200 + 6) KHz = 206 KHz.

Cu 2: a) Peak amplitude of the upper and lower side frequencies:

Eusf = Elsf = Em 1 = (V 2 4 V )



E usf = E lsf =

1 (32 4) = 7V p 4

Vi: Eusf = peak amplitude of the upper side frequency Elsf = peak amplitude of the lower side frequency b) Peak amplitude of the unmodulated carrier:
Ec = 1 (V 2
m ax


m in

Ec =

1 (32 + 4) = 18V p 2

c) Peak change in the amplitude of the envelope:

Em = 1 (V 2



1 (32 4) = 14V p 2

d) Coefficient of modulation:
m= Em V max V = Ec V max + V
min min

28 = 0.78 36

e) Percent modulation:
Em 100% = 0.78 100% = 78% Ec

Cu 3: a) Upper and lower side frequencies: USF = (400 + 6) = 406 KHz LSF = (400 6) = 304 KHz b) Modulation coefficient and percent modulation:
m= 6 = 0.24 25 6 100% = 24% 25

percent modulation =

c) Peak amplitude of the modulated carrier and upper and lower side frequency voltages: + Peak amplitude of the modulated carrier: EC (modulated) = EC (unmodulated) = 25 Vp + Upper and lower side frequency voltages:
Eusf = Elsf = Em mE c 0.24 25 = = = 3Vp 2 2 2

d) Maximum and minimum amplitudes of the envelope:

m ax

= Ec + Em ;

m in

= Ec Em

m ax

= 25 + 6 = 31Vp

m in

= 25 6 =19 Vp

e) Expression for the modulated wave:

Cu 4: Carrer power:
Pc = Ec 2 20 2 = =10 W 2R 2( 20 )

The power of the modulated wave:

Pt = Pc (1 + m2 0.82 ) =10 (1 + ) = 13 .2W 2 2

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