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A Institute of Management, Kanpur Pre-UPTU Examination Communication For Management (MBA 018)
Total Time: 3 Hours
SECTION A Match the following: a) b) c) d) e) Acknowledgement Recommendation Y Pattern Previewing & Skimming Sales letter Select the correct code I. a-4, b-3, c-2, d-5, e1 II. a-2, b-3, c-5, d-1, e4 III. a-4, b-3, c-5, d-2, e1 IV. a-3, b-2, c-1, d-4, e5 1) To sell a product or service 2) Basic steps to properly reading a case 3) Contains suggestions based on results & conclusion 4) Contains names of persons who contributed in making a report 5) Two subordinates communicating to a single superior. Max. Marks: 100 (5*1)

True & False: (15*1) 1) Communication is always a one way process of passing information & ideas to someone else. 2) Formal communication channels are based on social relationships in which employees talk about work during informal social gatherings. 3) Letters placing order may not specify items or services, quantities, dates, prices& payment method. 4) A report is a formal document written for a specific audience to meet a specific need. 5) Oral communication does not include non verbal communication. 6) On the basis of direction formal communication can be divided into a) Horizontal or Lateral b) Vertical & Diagonal c) Both (a) & (b) d) None of these 7) Suggestion box, employee grievance letters to senior officials is considered to be ---------- type of communication a) Downward b) Upward c) Horizontal d) Lateral 8) Which of the term best describes the informal unofficial form of communication found in an organization? a) Horizontal b) Lateral c) Gossip d) Grapevine

9) The term which best describes the use of language where a message is hidden in double meaning and is meant to be different from original words used a) Alpha communication b) Inter-personal communication c) Meta communication d) None 10) Expressing information by way of facial expressions and gestures comes under a) Oral communication b) Written communication c) Both (a) & (b) d) None Fill in the blanks 1) Paralanguage is also called _________ 2) ______ is a short notice used for communicating information officially in an organization. 3) Meetings held due to some particular rule & regulation or law is called ________meetings. 4) The three elements of oral presentation are audience, intent & _______ 5) _______ meetings lead to analysis & problem solving. SECTION B Attempt ANY TWO Q1 Write a letter to a candidate congratulating him on his success for being short listed in an interview, and calling him for joining the office. OR Q2 Draft a sales letter for advertising 50 LCM laptops and persuading your customers to buy it by explaining its various features. Q3 Being a manager you have been asked to prepare a report for analyzing the requirement of new machines in your production department to increase production. What will be the format of your report and what all headings you will include in it? OR Q4 What are the various types of meetings held in an organization? Assume you are the Head of Department in an organization. You have to call your sub-ordinates for a meeting. Assume the reason for meeting and draft a notice and agenda that you will carry out for convening the meeting. (30)



ATTEMPT ANY 4 Q1 In business communication courtesy & clarity are as important as conciseness and completeness. Discuss? OR Q2 What is the objective of interviews? List out the various types of interviews relevant to a business organization? Q3 Discuss the various forms of business letter and also explain its importance in todays business scenario? OR Q4 What is the importance of Group Discussion? What are the major four classifications of different types of groups in an organization? Q5 Write short notes on ANY TWO. a) Minutes b) Various types of reports c) Types of Non Verbal communication and its significance. OR Q6 What are the various types of credit letters? Explain each only with relevant information.


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