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1o Reusons WIy New ProducLs & ServIces uII

Why do fewer than 10% of all new products/services produce enough return on the
company's investment to survive past the third year?
Here's our top 10 list of reasons new products and services fail:
1. Marketers assess the marketing climate inadequately.
2. The wrong group is targeted.
3. A weak positioning strategy is used.
4. A less-than-optimal "configuration" of product or service attributes and benefits
is selected.
5. A questionable pricing strategy is implemented.
6. The advertising campaign generates an insufficient level of new product/new
service awareness.
7. Cannibalization depresses corporate profits.
8. Over-optimism about the marketing plan leads to a forecast that cannot be
sustained in the real world.
9. The marketing plan for the new product or service is not well implemented in
the real world.
10. The marketer believes that the new product and its marketing plan has died
and cannot be revived, when, in fact there is the potential for resurrection.

What can marketers do to improve the likelihood of new product success in an age
of promotion and unprecedented competitive response? Testing the product before
launch is one solution.
Typically, if a company decides to do a test market before launching the product,
managers run a test market. Traditional test markets are fraught with problems,
starting with how companies select themoften because they are easy to manage
rather than because they represent the actual markets a company wants to reach.
Traditional test markets are expensive and competitors can steal ideas and
sabotage results.

A well-done simulated test market, on the other hand, reduces the risks of launching
a flop by collecting data a company needs to forecast the likelihood of success,
more securely and more efficiently than a traditional test market.

likes to cherish his or her memories. When you go on a holiday or a trip or you are just traveling, there are times
when you wish to capture the moments which want to remember in future. Earlier, we used to click pictures with a film
camera but with the emergence of digital cameras, it has become convenient to take as many as pictures you want
with great clarity. n the recent years, digital cameras have been manufactured. The high-end features incorporated in
these trendy devices have made them a favourite among all. Some of the impressive features of this device include
high resolution screen, video capture, a huge memory space, etc.

After digital cameras, came camera mobile phones. These phones not only support camera but also other
functionalities like music, SMS, video recording, connectivity features, etc.

igital cameras have revolutionalised photography. With these superb devices, you get great clarity of pictures. You
can take as many as pictures as you want without worrying about the memory. One can instantly see the picture after
capturing it. f he does not like the photograph, he can take more. There are more features in the camera like zoom
which makes your picture look large. You can also take a print out of your pictures or transfer them to your computer.
n the old film cameras, we had to buy the film and then click pictures.

To compare digital cameras with camera mobile phones, one needs to figure out the features of both the devices and
then consider which one would be useful for them. This is the age of digital photography. The simple, fast and
convenient way of taking photographs has made our lives comfortable. Carrying one device is easier than carrying
multiple devices. That is why camera mobile phones are preferred these days. One does not have to carry a music
device, gaming device or a camera with a camera mobile phone. A single device can serve the purpose of different
gadgets. These phones can be found with big players like Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, LG mobile phones etc.

To select the best camera mobile phone, one needs to know about his needs. So spend time in researching and
reading reviews. This way you can end up taking a wise decision.
igital camara in spite of mobile mania, continue to catch our fancy. They may not be our constant
companions like Mobile Phones but they certainly are with us whenever we want to capture those
special moments of our lives. (Buy igital Cameras in ndia)
When mobile phones started offering in-built cameras, many predicted an end of the road for digital
cameras. A mobile phone is always with its owner. t serves as an excellent device to capture
anything anywhere anytime. The photography and video recording capabilities of the mobile phones
are only getting stronger. The latest Samsung AMOLED 12M is an example of a powerful mobile
camera that can be easily called a digital camera with phone features.
While the convergence of the two technologies is maturing, digitaI camera technology is also
progressing at a lightening speed. The digital cameras of today are far more advanced than what a
mobile phone can fit in. The 3 digital camera and camera with an in-built projector are only some of
the examples. Technically, it's not impossible to merge a powerful and high performance camera
with a super smart phone however keeping the size, weight, and price of the bundled up device in
affordable range is not easy for the manufacturers. Also, you cannot steal the thrill of pure
photographic equipment from the photography enthusiasts. They will never settle for anything but
best. And they will want no compromise on the camera features.
While a camera phone will serve the needs of a casual photographer, professionals and those who
want pixel perfect pictures with latest and greatest imaging technologies would always come
knocking for digital cameras.


Seat No 10N12S16
Name of the Candidate NAN]ULA H HOSNAN!
College Name

Subject Total Nax Total Nin Ext Obt !A Obt Status

ADD. ENCL!SH B1S 100 40 S0 17 PASS
F!NANC!AL ACCOUNT!NC!! B21 100 40 60 18 PASS
NANACER!AL ECONON!CS!! B22 100 40 44 18 PASS
!ND!AN BUS. ENv!RONNENT B24 100 40 43 16 PASS
100 40 S0 1S PASS
Narks Obtained: 331
Total Narks: 600
Result: PASS

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