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Welcome to the Wellness Revolution

Do u have growing children?

Are u an athlete?vegetarian?pregnant?nursing?stressed? elderly?

Lifestyle Assessment
Skipping meals
Vitamins, minerals, protein and calories Dieting or cutting calories may limit adequate protein intake

Fast paced life Stressful lifestyle

Life Stages
Children Adult women

Aging adults Elderly

When we are young, we lose our health to gain wealth. As we age we lose our wealth to gain back our health.

Food Choices
Lack of variety
Lack of balanced diet

Processed foods
Convenience/Quick Higher fat, cholesterol and caloric protein sources

Fast food choices

Excess fat, sugar and calories

TO Supplement?
TO Not Supplement?

Stay Forever Young

Protect your face Eat nutritious foods Control Stress Strive for longevity Supplementation

Because this body has to last a lifetime

The Path to Optimal Health

The time is:


The Path to Optimal Health

The choice is:


Positive Mental Attitude

I can alter my life by altering the attitude of my mind. Anonymous




Proper Nutrition Should Never Be Left to Chance


-Denham Harmon, MD, PhD

(Famous for having discovered free radicals)

Oxygen For every 25 molecules of oxygen we inhale, one free radical is produced. Considering that we consume trillions of oxygen molecules with a single gulp of air, you can imagine how many free radicals can be generated every time you breathe air.


A single puff of cigarette smoke can contain up to 100 trillion free radicals, never mind the 3,000 plus different aromatic compounds, some of which are known carcinogens that single puff of smoke contains.


1. Normal Metabolism

2. Peroxidized Fats & Oil (cooking oil)

3. Sunlight (Ultra Violet Rays) 4. Radiation from X-ray,TV,Cell phone 5. Pollutants(Vehicle emission,smoking.)

6. Pesticides, insecticides, household chemicals


Food - sugar, preservatives, cold cuts, canned goods,etc.

8. Microorganism-Viruses, bacteria 9. Contaminants in water supply - lead, cadmium, mercury, copper, rust

Why should we combat free radicals?

Free radicals can lead to a breakdown of cells or hardening of lipids, which make up all cell walls.
Free radicals can damage DNA and protein enzymes.

Oxidative stress is the damage done by free radicals. It is the underlying cause for more than 70 chronic degenerative diseases like arthritis, stroke, heart diseases, cancer & accelerates aging process

Anti-oxidants counteract the damage done by free radicals. They contribute to the repair of these damage portions thus delaying or even reversing diseases.

Anti-oxidants are derived and found mostly in the food that we eat as well as produced by our own body in the presence of the proper ingredients, e.g. Vitamins, Minerals from plant sources (fruits & vegetables)

Fight Free Radicals! Fight Stress! Fight DISEASE!

Pioneer & Nutrition Leader

$2.7B Nutrilite share in the $48B

food supplement industry today

Pioneer & Nutrition Leader


More than 75 years as industry leader in nutrition research and innovation, founded in 1934 by Carl Rehnborg

The Originator & First in North America

First in North American to produce and sell multivitamin/mineral supplements

Led today by Dr. Sam Rehnborg, President - Nutrilite Health Institute

Our Total Commitment to Optimal Health

1.The importance of a plant-based diet

2.Supplementation to ensure proper nutrients 3.The value of exercise, rest, and positive thinking 4.The effects of lifestyle risk factors
and good nutrition

The Nutrilite Health Institute Center for Optimal Health

Where Research, education, and practical solutions and Nutrilite products come to life!

Certified Organic & Beyond

4 Farms, 3 countries
Ubajara, Brazil El Petacal, Mexico Trout Lake, Washington USA Lakeview, California USA

Certified Organic & Beyond

Sustainable farming using:
The Nutrilite Health Natural Optimal Institute fertilizers Center for Health Scientific Sheep Advisory Board Earthworms Ladybugs Compost

Certified Organic & Beyond


pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers. Quality from the ground up!

The Nutrilite Health Institute Center for Optimal Health Scientific Advisory Board


Total Control & Proprietary Process

Nutrilite produces over capsules every year

8.5 billion tablets and

Total Control & Proprietary Process

Our own unique concentration process: Low temperature gentle processing

Plant Concentrates & Phytonutrient

NUTRILITE has Over 100 Plant

Concentrates which contains a wide array of


proven beneficial to the human body

State of the Art Measurement & Quality


Specialized technology for measurement & validation Utilize GMPs in key areas: Good Manufacturing Practices

State of the Art Measurement & Quality

15,000 quality control

tests each month Over 400,000 product evaluations annually

The Best of People

Led by Dr. Sam Rehnborg, Ph.D. Over 1,000 employees worldwide Over 100 scientists and experts

Unparalleled Research & Development

Global affiliations with leading research centers

Partnership with Interleukin Genetic expression (DNA) Personalized Health Solutions

Unparalleled Research & Development

Nutrigenomics- study on how

nutrients interaction with the genes

The Products


Beta carotene Vitamin E Vitamin C Thiamine(B1) Riboflavin(B2) Vitamin B6 Vitamin B12 Niacin Folic Acid Biotin Pantothenic Acid Calcium Phosphorus Iron Magnesium Zinc Iodine Manganese Copper


phytoestrogens and flavonoids

Blocks undesirable activity of certain hormones; inhibits inflammatory enzymes Trigger the formation of enzymes that help protect DNA Block harmful substances from damaging the cells DNA Have antioxidant properties







Acerola Cherries

bioflavonoids and terpenes

Increase helpful enzymes which can destroy harmful substances Block undesirable activity of certain hormones; inhibit inflammatory enzymes



Food Equivalent
in one tablet of Nutrilite DAILY
Beta Carotene 6 mg Vitamin C Vitamin E Calcium 60 mg 6 mg 200 mg 3 c. raw spinach or 2 cantaloupe c strawberries or 3 med; lemons 1 c. peanuts or 5.6 c.spinach 2/3 c.milk or 2/3 c.yogurt or 1 c.broccoli 3 c whole milk, 1 oz. beef liver 11 slices of bread or 3.6 oz. porkchops 12 c. pineapple juice, or 6c.carrots

Vitamin B2 1.2 mg Vitamin B1 1 mg


4 mg

Promotes stronger immune system

Promotes healthy heart Promotes stronger bones and teeth, faster wound healing, healthier gum tissue

Once a day w/ meals

30 tablets/box
SRP: 775.00

60 tablets/bot
SRP: 1275.00

DOUBLE X has antioxidant properties to combat free radicals.

Free Radicals and their Sources


Hydroxyl Peroxynitrite
Singlet Oxygen Peroxyl

Pollution, Exercise, Metabolism Smoke, Radiation, Metabolism Cigarettes, Pollution, Aging UV light, Metabolism, Aging Cooking, Radiation, Aging

Who should take Double X?

Healthy individuals Anyone who feels their diet is less than adequate Those who would like a broad spectrum of antioxidants


Not intended for children under 12.

Pregnant and lactating women? w/ medical condition?
Consult your physician prior to using.

Recommended Usage
Take 1 gold, 1 silver, 1 bronze twice a day with meals

Twice a day w/ meals

6-day pack
SRP: 815.00

31-day w/ case
SRP: 3820.00

62-day refill


Vitamin C (100mg/tablet) Contains Acerola Cherry Concentrate and Lemon Bioflavonoid Complex

Acts as an antioxidant. Antioxidant of antioxidants. Protect LDL cholesterol from oxidative damage Protect against heart disease by reducing the stiffness of arteries and the tendency of platelets to clump together

Makes collagen
Plays important role in wound healing Act as natural antihistamine Aids in the formation of liver bile that helps to fight viruses and detoxify alcohol and other substances

Chew one tablet per day w/ meals

110 tablets/bot
SRP: 735.00


B Vitamins work better when taken together than taken separately. This is why the B Vitamins are referred to as B-complex. Vitamin B is a watersoluble so it should be replenished on a regular basis.

Essential B Vitamins
Thiamin (B1)

Riboflavin (B2)
Niacin (B3)

Pantothenic Acid (B5)

Pyridoxine (B6)

Folate (B9)
Cyanocobalamin (B12)

Essential B Vitamins
Seven of the water-soluble vitamins are known as the Bcomplex group: thiamin (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin B12, and pantothenic acid. These vitamins are widely distributed in foods. Their influence is felt in many parts of the body. They function as coenzymes that help the body obtain energy from food.

They also are important for normal appetite, good vision, healthy skin, healthy nervous system and red blood cell formation.

One tablet daily w/ meals

60 tablets/bot
SRP: 475.00

Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables

Primary Ingredients:

Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG)


Ellagic Acid

Contains EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate) equivalent to 2 servings of Green Tea

Acid= 3+ servings of strawberries

Health Benefits of EGCG

-Protects the cells from oxidative damage from free radicals.

- Can protect the DNA in the human cells from ultraviolet and visible radiation-induced damage.
- May help prevent certain cancer.

= 3+ servings of strawberries

Contains Hesperidin equivalent to 3 oranges.

Health Benefits of Hesperidin

- Has anti-inflammatory effects. - Promotes heart health.

-Improve capillary health and connective tissue

- An important nutrient that works together with Vitamin C to maintain the health f collagen.

Contains Lycopene equivalent to 1 tomato

- A carotenoid present in tomatoes, watermelon, pink grapefruit.

- Deposited in the liver lungs, prostate gland, colon, and skin.

- Reduced risk of having cancer

Contains Ellagic Acid equivalent to more than 3 servings of strawberries

Health Benefits of Ellagic Acid

-Contains a very strong antioxidant. - A potent anti-carcinogen.

- A cancer inhibitor for its ability to promote normal cell death in cancer cells. - Has antibacterial and anti-viral properties.

Pomegranate Orange Elderberry Rosemary

Acerola Tomato Tea Broccoli

Carrot Spinach Blueberry

Take 2 capsules of Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables, each taken at different times.

Two tablets daily

60 tablets/bot
SRP: 1555.00

One molecule of Vitamin E can protect 200 fatty acid molecules from free radical damage.

Vitamin E
*The primary fat soluble antioxidant in the body,

which makes it a crucial brain protector. *Protect the polyunsaturated fatty acids from oxidation *Improves immune response *Decreases LDL(bad) cholesterol *Prevents cancer and very good for the heart

Vitamin E (30IU) Lecithin (290 mg) Has Lecithin that acts as emulsifier of fat substances

One tablet daily

110 tablets/bot
SRP: 1090.00

What is PROTEIN?

Protein is an essential nutrient which comes from the Greek word protos which means FIRST

Protein is the building material for many areas of the body

1. Muscles 2. Eyes 3. Red blood cells 4. Antibodies 5. Bones 6. Hair, Nails & Skin

As building blocks of the body,PROTEIN:

Growth, maintenance and repair:
Tissues Cells
Enzyme metabolism

Converts food into energy for our body

As building blocks of the body,PROTEIN:

Fluid and electrolyte balance
Helps maintain the fluid volume and the composition of fluids in the body

Nutrient transportation
Carries nutrients and oxygen throughout the bloodstream in the body

sources of PROTEIN
Animal based protein sources are meat and dairy foods:
Higher calories Higher fat and cholesterol

Non-animal based protein sources are soybeans:

Lower calories Lower fat and cholesterol

SOY & Osteoporosis

Animal protein increases the amount of calcium excreted from our bodies Plant based protein (soy) has a smaller amount of calcium excreted from the body
450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Calcium Intake Calcium Excreted

SOY & Heart Disease

An intake of 20 to 50 grams soy protein per day may result in an average cholesterol reduction of 10 to 15% in individuals with existing high cholesterol levels
1% reduction in cholesterol levels = 2% reduction in cardiovascular risk

SOY & Menopause

Menopause is a
condition that creates
adverse effects often stressful to women Soy contains a natural benefit for women dealing with menopause
Soy isoflavones Phytoestrogen

How much PROTEIN do I REALLY need?

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 PEM Children Geographic Location Asia 70% Latin Am 4% Africa 26%

PEM affects every fourth child globally

150 million children underweight 182 million childrens growth is stunted Accounts for 50% of children deaths annually

Malnutrition can begin before an infant is born

Malnourished mother

PROTEIN Deficiency
Weakening of tissues

Fluid retention
Visual swelling of extremities

Prolonged effects
Diarrhea, dehydration, brittle/dry hair, impaired growth, impaired mental status
Can negatively affect our childrens health...

NUTRILITE Protein Drink Mix

Protein Power
is a high-quality protein food supplement that guarantees to boost your immune system and fight fatigue.

NUTRILITE Protein Drink Mix

High-quality protein source from SOY Protein isolate to supply a balanced blend of the 9 essential amino acids

One serving (23.5 g) provides 8g of high-quality, lowfat protein with the added benefits of naturally occurring isoflavones, 250g of Calcium and 30mg Vitamin C Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS) of 1.0 One serving contains 2.5g of fat, which is lower in fat than regular servings of proteinrich foods such as meat, cheese, eggs and whole milk.
An Ideal convenient source of protein with only 95 Kcal per serving


Stronger Immune System

2 scoops/serving in cold water once a day

SRP: 1805.00

Vitamin A targets the capillaries.

Natural Multi Carotene is Nutrilites way of providing natural Vitamin A.

Forms of Vitamin A

Vitamin A, called retinol (found in foods of animal origin)

- Provitamin

A, known as carotene


Contains natural Alpha and Beta Carotene, Lutein and Zeaxanthin which prevents macular degeneration

Macular . degeneration affects the macula, the tiny central area of the retina.

DRY TYPE Macular Degeneration

WET TYPE Macular Degeneration

One softgel daily

90 softgel/bot
SRP: 1600.00

The Best of Nature

Pioneer in phytonutrients Organic farming Control and ownership of the process, from the field to final product

The Best of Science

Nutrilites 70 years of experience -We know nutrition from the ground up Science and research -10,000 quality tests per month State-of-the-art manufacturing facilities

Nature + Science Better Performing Products

Healthier, Happier People

Better Life

Brighter Future

If Optimal Health is a GOAL, the Journey Starts Here

Ten Leading Causes of Mortality by Sex Number, Rate/100,000 Population & Percentage Philippines, 2003
Both Sexes Cause Male Female Number Rate Percent *

1. Heart Diseases
2. Vascular System Diseases 3. Malignant Neoplasm 4. Accidents 5. Pneumonia 6. Tuberculosis, all forms 7. Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical, laboratory findings, NEC 8. Chronic lower respiratory diseases 9. Diabetes Mellitus 10. Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period

29,054 20,634 27,720 15,831 18,367 10,740 12,998 6,823 8,397

22,814 18,664 6,246 16,224 8,404 10,623 5,907 7,373 5,725

51,868 39,298 33,966 32,055 26,771 21,363 18,905 14,196 14,122

64.0 48.5 41.9 39.5 33.0 26.3 23.3 17.5 17.4

13.1 9.9 8.6 8.1 6.8 5.4 4.8 3.6 3.6

Source: The 2003 Philippine Health Statistics * percent share from total deaths, all causes, Philippines Last Update: January 11, 2007

Heart Health

Heart has to be strong!

Dietary Fat (Saturated) & Cholesterol Dietary Sugar Fruits and Vegetables Physical Activity


Body Fat, Obesity

CHD Risk

Diabetes Risk

Heart Health

What is Cholesterol? What are its functions? Factors that elevate cholesterol Dietary Sources of Cholesterol

VLDL: Transports triglycerides, precursor to LDL LDL: Transports cholesterol to tissues HDL: Transports cholesterol away from tissues

bad cholesterol deposits cholesterol in arteries associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease

good cholesterol inhibits atherosclerosis by taking cholesterol away from arteries

Total Cholesterol (mg/dl)

< 200 Desirable 200-240 Borderline > 240 High Risk

LDL Cholesterol (mg/dl)

< 129 Optimal 130-159 Borderline > 160 High Risk

HDL Cholesterol (mg/dl)

> 60 Optimal 40-59 Borderline < 40 High Risk

Lose excess weight Exercise regularly Diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol Stop smoking Supplementation

Cholesterol Health provides the active components, theaflavin & catechins, polyphenols found in black, Oolong and green tea

Clinical Trial Results

% Change Relative to Baseline

0 -5 -10 -15 -20 Total LDL Total LDL Cholesterol Values 4 weeks 12 weeks

Theaflavins & Catechins Interfere with Cholesterol Absorption and Promote LDL Metabolism

LDL Cholesterol 2. Theaflavin + catechins promote LDL Cholesterol uptake and excretion by liver 3. Diet and LDL cholesterol is excreted from the body in the stool. Theaflavins + catechins Dietary Cholesterol

1. Theaflavins +

catechins block diet cholesterol absorption


Materials 1 fresh raw egg, any size Tap water, room temperature 1 NUTRILITE CH Balance softgel 2 8-oz. or 12-oz. clear bottles or jars with lids; tall, skinny ones work best Small bowl for mixing egg yolk 1 teaspoon-size measuring spoon Knife or sharp scissors Paper towels Measuring cup

1. Prepare the egg yolk: Break the egg gently in half, holding the yolk in half the shell and letting the white flow away. Tip the yolk from shell-half to shell-half to get rid of as much white as possible. Drop the egg yolk into the small bowl and mix well. 2.Prepare the cholesterol solution: Pour one-half cup (4 oz.) water into each of the two bottles or jars. Add one teaspoon of broken egg yolk to each of the bottles, cap them, and shake them vigorously, making a light yellow solution.

3. Add NUTRILITE Cholesterol Health: Pierce one CH Balance Green Tea capsule and squeeze its contents into one of the jars. Place the lid on and shake vigorously until the oily CH Balance Green Tea Extract formula dissolves. Do not add anything to the other bottle. It's to show the difference between the two jars. 4. Observe the cholesterol-binding effect: After 15 to 30 minutes, two layers of precipitate will be observed in the bottom of the bottle with NUTRILITE CH Balance. The dark-colored bottom layer is non-dissolved CH Balance formula. The second, lightercolored layer above it is the egg yolk cholesterol bound by CH Balance Green Tea Extract theaflavins and catechins.

We believe Nutrilite CH Balance binds to cholesterol in the foods we eat. The result is that "bound" cholesterol passes through the intestines and out of the body, instead of being absorbed into the bloodstream.

Help maintain healthy cholesterol levels with Nutrilite CH BALANCE GREEN TEA EXTRACT

Two softgels daily

60 softgels/bot
SRP: 2290.00

Natures wonder drug

Garlic has been part of traditional herbal medicines

Power of Garlic
Respiratory Conditions Digestive Disorders Cardiovascular Disease Skin Problems & Infections Prevents Cancer Boost the Immune System

Nutrilite Garlic provides 300 mg of concentrated garlic with Peppermint and Enteric Coated tablets with phytonutrients.

Nutrilite Omega-3 Complex

Good fats, good health and healthy heart!

Two tablets daily

120 tablets/bot
SRP: 1220.00

OMEGA-3 is an Essential Fatty Acid

are necessary fats that humans cannot synthesize and must be obtained through diet.

EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) D DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid)

are two of the most important Omega-3 fatty acids.

EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid)

Helps in the synthesis of hormone-like substances called prostaglandins that regulate heart rhythms, heart rate and blood clots. Can relieve joint pain by acting as anti-inflammatory agents.

DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid)

Is an important building block of the brain, nerves and eyes. It is found in 40-50% of brain lipid material and 60% of retinal material. Supports normal mental function and optimal memory, learning and focus.

Nutrilites Omega-3 is extracted from Salmon Fish Oils harvested from the cold waters of the Arctic Ocean.



Omega-3 Complex provides : 180mg of EPA 120mg of DHA Naturally sourced d-alpha tocopherol Vitamin E)
Helps maintain normal blood cholesterol and maintain a healthy heart May help relieve symptoms of arthritis Vitamin E added which helps prevent oxidation of omega3 fatty acids.

One softgel daily

90 softgels/bot
SRP: 1210.00


Indigestible complex carbohydrates in plant cell walls.

Provides bulk resulting in the prevention of constipation. Fiber-rich diets may also increase satiety.

Binds w/ fatty acids
Known to have cholesterol-lowering effects . Found in beans, legumes, some fruits such as apples and some grains such as oats, rye and barley.

Increases bulk in the gastrointestinal tract, therefore promotes motility.
Control and balance ph level Found in vegetables, whole wheat grain, wheat and corn bran.

According to leading world health organizations, adults should get between 20 and 25 grams of fiber. Most of us get nowhere near that amount.

13 could be your lucky number!

1.7 grams of fiber per tablet in a 60 count tablet.

13 sources
Apple fiber Sugarcane fiber Wheat fiber Oat fiber Cactus fiber Acacia gum (Natural gum) Pea fiber Lemon fiber Acerola fiber Barley fiber Carrot pulp Soy fiber (Lignin) Fructooligosaccharide (FOS)

No artificial colors, preservatives, or sweeteners added.


perform important protective and therapeutic functions Protect against the toxins from unfriendly bacteria Improper diet, stress, gastrointestinal problems, use of antibiotics disrupts bodys maintenance of friendly bacteria like lactobacillus & bifidobacteria

FOS is a nutrient that helps inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria. A class of carbohydrate which have been found to assist friendly bacteria.

FOS is the stimulation of bifodobacterial growth while suppressing the growth of potentially harmful species in the colon.







200 g

5g sachet

5.4g sachet




1 tbsp. (5g)

2 sachets

1 sachet


P 81.99
5.1 g

18.912 g


4.75 g

4.4193 g


2 (psyllium & senna) No Yes

1 (psyllium) No Yes

1 (corn starch) No Yes

1 (psyllium) No Yes


Yes Yes

Chew 1-3 tablets daily + 250ml water

60 tablets/bot
SRP: 1725.00


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Support Protection Movement Storage Blood cell formation


Osteoporotic Hip Bone

Nutrilite Cal Mag D provides :

Proper ratio of calcium, magnesium and Vitamin D to encourage the maximum absorption potential in the body.
Has vitamin C, which helps with absorption of calcium.

Its not how much calcium you take, its how much calcium your body absorbs!

Twice a day w/ meals

180 tablets/bot
SRP: 575.00



The front of your eye

Your inner eye

The back of your eye

Normal aging
Reduced sensitivity to light Decreased visual acuity Difficulty reading small print

Vision Problems

Vision Problems

Vision Problems


Diabetic Retinopathy

Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Preserving your vision

Prevention steps:
Routine eye examinations Balanced diet Non-smoking Regular physical activity

Nutrients that support vision:

Bilberry DHA Lutein Zeaxanthin Black currant extract Spinach concentrate Vitamin A

All this nutrients that support vision is found in our Nutrilite Vision Health w/ Lutein
An exclusive, high-value combination of vitamins and plant nutrients that can help maintain blood vessel integrity of the eyes.

Two tablets daily

62 tablets/bot
SRP: 1820.00

What is Allergy?

is our immune systems over reaction to normally harmless materials in the environment.
Allergens are substances that cause allergies .

When grass pollen enters, it will bind with allergic protein, which releases a lot of chemicals. It also induces a lot of itching, watery eyes, sneezing. And if you breathe it down into the chest, you very easily get asthma.

Two Main Types of Allergy

Seasonal (Hayfever) Chronic/Year-Round (house dust, mites, cat and dog dander, molds)

Symptoms Upper Respiratory:

Runny Nose Sneezing Congestion Headache Coughing





Inflamed, itchy & watery Diarrhea, indigestion & vomiting

Nutrilite Clearguard

Its unique formula of botanical extracts work with your body to maintain healthy nasal passages

Spanish Needles
Antibacterial, antidysenteric, antiinflammatory, antimicrobial, antimalarial, astrigent, diuretic, emollient, hepatoprotective and hypotensive activity

Cinnamon Tree Bark Extract

Was shown to possess anticomplement action, inhibit the complement-dependent allergic reaction by demonstrating improvement of imuunological hemolysis -Efficacy Data, Nutrilite Clearguard
The German Commission E approved Prescription of 2-4g per day of cut or ground bark of cinnamon as a dietary supplement

Acerola Concentrate

Vitamin has been clinically studied and proven to have beneficial effects on healthy breathing. The fruits of Acerola Cherry contains high levels of Vitamin C.
Acerola Cherry is a small, bright red, berry sized fruit with a Vitamin C content up to 65 times that of an orange.

2 tablets 3X a day, preferably with meals
As needed for up to 12 weeks at a time This product is recommended for adults 12 years of age and older.

Two tablets thrice a day

180 tablets/bot
SRP: 2445.00

Healthy hair, skin and nails is not only a desirable physical attribute but an expression of self confidence as well. Weve long cared for our locks, coats and plates the

external way!

People say
Good Grooming To look and feel best Obsession for cleanliness


a source of power, beauty & attention.

Cedrela (Chinese women) Shea butter & mayonaise (Africans) Root of soapwort (Native Americans) Quince peels (ancient Arabians) Aloe Vera (Filipinas)

Pearls (Chinese) Beeswax & oils (Ancient Egyptians) Papaya (Filipinas)

Nails are composed of a tough protein known as keratin.

Brittle nails affect 20 to 32 percent of the worlds population.

If dehydration of the nail plate occurs, this may result to brittleness.

Why not do it from within?

Supplementation may support growth and maintenance of healthy hair, skin and nails.


1/3 of the bodys protein

A major structural protein of connective tissue, bone, teeth, skin, the cornea & scar tissue.

250 mg Collagen provides 18amino acids

70% of the skins dermis is composed of collagen

Vitamin C


Antioxidant that protects the skin cells and other cells in the body

Plays an important role in the making of collagen

Decreases elastin accumulation `
Deficiency in Vitamin C might have effects on the hair.

Biotin 225mcg
Promotes normal health of sweat glands, nerve tissues, blood cells, skin & hair.
Important in the formation of keratin which makes the skin tough & almost waterprrof
thickens the hair cuticle providing a fuller appearance increases the diameter of the hair shaft

3.4 mcg L-Cysteine

An amino acid Helps maintain the color of the hair and skin Helps promote the formation of keratin, the protein composition of hair, skin and nails.

Nutrilite Acerola Cherry Concentrate & Grapeseed Extract

With phytonutrients providing additional nutritional & antioxidant benefits

No artificial colors, flavors & preservatives

The difference? Healthy, Strong and Nourished hair, skin and nails.

One tablet daily

90 tablets/bot
SRP: 960.00

Nutrilite Iron Folic Plus

Excellent source of iron and folic that help prevent birth defects!
ONE Powerful supplement TWO important minerals

Iron and Folic together

Both Iron and Folic acid are important nutrients in the health of women.
Folic Acid plays a crucial role in the development of the fetus during the first six months of pregnancy.

Iron is also important during child-bearing years. Extra iron is needed for hemoglobin synthesis during pregnancy.

Nutrilite Iron Folic Plus

10 mg of iron from ferrous fumarate 133 mcg of folic acid Nutrilite Spinach Concentrate

What is Iron?
Iron, a mineral, is called the energy giver. It attracts oxygen and builds blood. Along with manganese and copper, it is necessary for a healthy blood chemistry and is essential for recovery from illness.

Signs of Iron Deficiency:

anemia nose-bleeding headache dry, scaling lips muscle weakness fatigue

Signs of Iron Deficiency:

depression continuous diarrhea difficulty in swallowing overall itching thin nails

Who needs extra Iron to prevent deficiency?

low birth weight infants

pregnant women
older infants and toddlers teenage girls women of childbearing age people undergoing dialysis

Benefits of Folic Acid


Ability to reduce the incidence of neural tube defects (NTDs).

Decreases the risk of cleft lip and palate births. (California Birth Defects Monitoring Program)

- A strong factor in lowering homocysteine levels. (New England Journal of Medicine, 1995)

Benefits of Folic Acid

Plays a role in prevention of breast, pancreatic, and colon cancers. (Cancer Study/Cancer Research, 2001/American Journal of Epidemiology) Prevents Alzheimers Disease. (Archives of Neurology, 1998)

One tablet daily

120 tablets/bot
SRP: 685.00

What is a prostate?

A walnut-sized gland that lies just below the bladder and surrounds the opening of the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder through the penis

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

An enlargement of the prostate gland that over time may obstruct urinary flow.

BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) is a natural consequence of aging and is more likely to occur in men whose fathers or brothers experienced prostate enlargement. However, BPH occurs in nearly all men over time, as long as they have testes. About 50% of men who are 50 have evidence of microscopic enlargement of the prostate gland, and at least 30% of men require treatment by the time they reach 70 years of age.
- Cornell Physicians, Cornell University

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Who is affected?

About half of men over 50 years of age.

Obstructive Symptoms Hesitancy/straining - When the urethra is obstructed, it is often difficult to start urinating despite the urge. Men strain or bear down, as if attempting to have a bowel movement, to start their urinary stream. Weak stream/intermittency - Flow of urine may be slow or diminished and urination may be characterized by a repeated start-stop pattern that requires additional straining.

Irritative Symptoms Frequency - Due to changes in the bladder wall, as well as incomplete emptying of the bladder, needs to urinate frequently. Nocturia - Nighttime frequency, this symptom describes the inability to sleep through the night without having to get up to urinate. Urgency - The sudden, intense and sometimes uncontrollable urge to urinate that results from having a hypersensitive bladder.

Nutrilite Saw Palmetto & Nettle Root

Nutrilites Saw Palmetto and Nettle Root -helps maintain a healthy prostate and normal urinary flow.

Saw Palmetto - Botanical Information`

B Botanical Name - Serenoa repens and the outdated Sabal serrulata Member of the fan palms Grows in South Central and South Eastern regions of the United States Brownish-black berry is harvested for commercial use

Used since the 1900s as a mild diuretic and in the management of enlarged prostate

Nettle Root - Botanical Information

-Botanical Name - Urtica dioica -Native to Europe; found throughout the United States and parts of Canada -historically known for their stinging properties -used in traditional medicine as a diuretic,, treatment for asthma, stimulant of hair growth, and for rheumatic disorders

Nettle Root

Pumpkin Seed
Botanical Name - Cucurbita pepo Native to America though now cultivated worldwide Seeds are found within the spherical berries of the plant

Saw Palmetto & Nettle Root

One Daily Serving of Nutrilite Saw Palmetto and Nettle Root (3 softgels) provides: - 327 mg saw palmetto root 246 mg nettle root 495 mg pumpkin seed oil 0.18 mg beta-carotene 102 mg Orange Extract

Helps support normal prostate health.

Three tablets a day

100 softgels/bot
SRP: 2575.00


Childrens Health

Food battles are one of the most common child behavior problems.
Experts say that it is important for parents to offer healthy foods to their children consistently and repeatedly.

Develop healthy eating habits in your children from infancy.

Sweet Tooth Hurried meals

Poor appetite
Eating too much


PROTEIN VIT A, B, C PHOSPORUS ZINC B COMPLEX VIT C meats, nuts, poultry, beans, eggs, milk, cheese, liver, carrots, fruits & vegetables beans, liver, beef, eggs, citrus fruits, cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes, meat, eggs, citrus fruits, green & yellow vegetables Kids chewable CFV for kids Acerola C Protein Drink Mix Kids Chewables Acerola C CFV for kids Acerola C





carrots, eggs, liver, dairy products, yellow fruits.

dark green & yellow vegetables. milk, eggs, cheese, soy, beans, peanuts, broccoli, Sardines, tuna, fish oil,

Kids Chewable CFV

CFV for kids Kids Chewables Kids


Nutrilite Kids Chewables

Provides 11 vitamins, beta carotene and 4 minerals Has orange, vanilla, licorice flavors No artificial flavors or preservatives Contains Acerola and tropical fruit concentrates

Children under 4 years should chew 1 tablet everyday. Children 4 years and up should chew 2 tablets everyday.

One tablet daily- 4 years under Two tablets daily-4 years up

90 tablets/bot
SRP: 1050.00

Helps supply missing nutrients in your kids diet with

Kids Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables

Power-packed with plant phytonutrients that will help bridge the gap of what is lacking/missing in your childs diet

Dosage: One tablet daily preferably with a meal.

Chew one tablet daily

30 tablets/bot
SRP: 1090.00

Weight Management


Importance of Weight Management

Diabetes Heart Attack Stroke Hypertension

Importance of Weight Management

83% of Filipinos are currently trying to lose weight

You sure want to be part of this statistics.

Stay Active for Life!

Plan ahead Develop supportive relationships Take personal responsibility

Remember, working exercise into your life is not difficultbut it does require commitment

Exercise Where do I Start?

Cardiovascular Strength Type Frequency 3-5 times/wk 2-3 times/wk Duration Intensity
20-60 min Talk, but dont sing! 8-10 different exercises and 8-12 reps each Enough to enhance muscle strength/ improve body composition

2-3 times/wk 4 reps of 10-30 s per muscle group Enough to develop/maintain a full range of motion

Rate Your Diet

Is this your diet?

Or this?

Anthropometric Measurements
Measure physical characteristics of the body

1. Height 2. Weight 3. Waist and hip circumference 4. Fatfold



Makes Weight Loss Easier
Aids compliance to low-calorie diets Promotes optimal energy balance Helps to improve blood cholesterol and glucose levels Promotes healthy long-term weight control Convenient




Provides 13 vitamins and 12 Helps to fill potential minerals nutrient gaps while on a low calorie diet Each serving provides 250 kcal, 16 g protein, 40 g carbs, 4 g fat A well-balanced, lowfat meal replacement

Each serving provides 3 Contributes to Each serving provides 16gg Provides high a fiber health protein protein quality fiber level

How To Use Positrim

Mix 1 packet Positrim with 250 ml skim milk Intense weight loss 2 shakes per day (in place of 2 meals) Moderate weight loss/Weight Maintenance 1 shake per day (in place of 1 meal) Weight gain 1 extra shake per day


14 packets/box
SRP: 2810.00


Fudgie Brownie Flavor with Almonds

Contains only 3 g of net available carbs Each bar provides 1050 kJ, 22 g protein, 1.5 g saturated fats and no trans fats Each bar provides 20% of the Daily Value for calcium an 8% of the Daily Value for iron Each bar delivers all 9 essential amino acids

Great for low-carb diets No artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives Provides high quality protein Contributes to daily total needs for fiber

How To Use Positrim Protein Bar

Part of a healthy diet Protein bars make terrific high-protein snacks Use one bar a day as a nutritious snack Weight management/Weight maintenance Use bars as snacks, along with regular exercise and reduced-calorie meals Weight gain Use bars as additional meals

YOUR healthier Weight Management CHOICE!

CH Balance Carb Blocker Chrompic Extra


9 bars/box
SRP: 1950.00

Imagine one day you can eat CAKE delightfully

Halo-Halo, Ice Cream, Sweets


And not having to worry about gaining extra weight!

Drink maximum up to 9 tablets daily

90 tablets/bot
SRP: 2135.00

Understanding the Mechanism?

Sugar GLUCOSE (Blood Sugar)

Principal Kinds of Carbohydrates

Provides essential energy for the brain and central nervous system

If Carbohydrates are good why block them?


Phaseolamin Touchi





3 tablets 500 cal GONE

Want to lose 500 in an exercise

40mins 1hr


1.5 hrs


Primary Ingredients:
White Kidney Bean Extract

Soybean Extract

Complementary Ingredients: (phytonutrient)

Parsley Extract

Metabolizes Carbs, Fats and Protein

v Cromium picolinate is an excellent source of chromium v Contains Garcinia Gambodia which is a source of Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA). v Contains Vanadium v Gymnema Sylvestra v Contains Parsley Extract

Why Chromium?
Essential trace element required for the bodys utilization of fats, proteins and carbohydrates Aids in glucose metabolism Regulation of insulin levels Maintenance of healthy blood levels of cholesterol and other lipids

Why Hydroxycitric Acid?

With appetite-suppressing action considered to be involved in influencing the activity of neurotransmitters involved in feeding behavior

Why Vanadium?
An essential ultra trace mineral to play a role in metabolism of carbohydrates, energy production As co factor or helper of enzymes to speed up chemical reactions in the body Aids in cholesterol and blood lipid metabolism

Why Gymnema


Suppress the response to sweets Anti-diabetic activity Lipid lowering effect Suppressed the rate of acid secretion

Exclusive Nutrilite Parsley Concentrate

One tablet per meal

120 tablets/bot
SRP: 2265.00

Heart Health Products

CH BALANCE Maintains healthy cholesterol levels

GARLIC Supports blood vessel health

OMEGA 3 COMPLEX Decreases Triglycerides

Sports Nutrition

Sports/Fitness Nutrition
When you drive your body to its limits

extra maintenance is required.

Did you know:

Active people/athletes use up many times more minerals than sedentary people. When a person sweats, he/she is not just losing water. Sweat contains 60 essential minerals Active people/athletes use more energy, consume and metabolize more food. This means more free radicals are created Active people/athletes tear down their muscles, bones and tendons through the exertions they make.

Sports Nutrition Products should answer to the following:

Improved Performance Increased Energy Quicker Muscle Recovery Increased Endurance

Fit WATER into your life!

The Nutrilite Difference

Great tasting Low-calorie Low-carbohydrate alternative to juice, soda and other drinks

The Nutrilite Difference

It has Vitamins B3, B5, B6, B12 It has Vitamins C & E It has Red Orange Complex

Red Orange Complex

Red Orange Complex



Recuperative and regenerative benefits

Very rich antioxidant

Mix 1 stick to 500 mL water

Take 1-2 packs a day

Red Orange Complex + Carbohydrates + Electrolytes __________________ STRIVE+

ISOTONIC: Add 1 pack to 400 mL of water

HYPOTONIC: Add 1 pack to over 400 mL-500 mL of water

A rehydration drink that works hard as you do

Increases resistance to stress

Shorten recovery time

Enhances mental and physical performance during exercise

The Best of Nature

Pioneer in phytonutrients Organic farming Control and ownership of the process, from the field to final product

The Best of Science

Nutrilites 70 years of experience -We know nutrition from the ground up Science and research -10,000 quality tests per month State-of-the-art manufacturing facilities

Nature + Science Better Performing Products

Healthier, Happier People

Better Life

Brighter Future

If Optimal Health is a GOAL, the Journey Starts Here

Brighter Future

If Optimal Health is a GOAL, the Journey Starts Here

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