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Elijah Odundo Video Production Report #1 January 14, 2008.

VIDEO PRODUCTION This week saw the introduction of the course and familiarization exercise of all members of the class. At least, it was encouraging to note that all the students in this class have burning passions for video production. While reading chapter four and six of the Video Basics 4, I learnt the basic camera function and elements and looking into the view finder respectively which are very critical in this course. The class quizzes, the video of Karult Gerald on CBS news and class discussion effectively worked towards reinforcing the knowledge of camera and its functions. PLANS The coming week will be very interesting as Im planning to actualize what was learnt in class and to have hands-on practical experience with the camera and to start up the necessary projects for this quarter. DISCOVERIES Most of the time, oral recapitulation of the previous lessons helped elaborate the skills desired of a successful video producer. Often, the practical hands-on experience in class and outside class worked so well for me. This strategy and approach of testing on what is read previously is effective as it blended well the theoretical aspects and practical skills in video production. Moreover, the illustration of Zettls video lab 3.0 in overall reinforced all the aspects covered throughout the week as well as providing appropriate insights into the courses expectation. Also, the orientation exercises and activities on the edit suites were undoubtedly motivating. One thing I noted is that a good video is one that tells the viewer a story and thus communicates effectively. Good camera work is one that let the event tells the story as opposed to unmotivated camera movements. It takes talent, skills, knowledge and experience to be a successful video producer. Expectations are rife and stakes are high as the quarter unfolds. I am looking forward for interesting moments next week.

Elijah Odundo Video Production Report #3 January 28, 2008. VIDEO PRODUCTION The focus this week shifted to non-linear editing using Avid software. Most of the time was spent discussing the essentials of editing and completing the capture of Scavenger hunt footages into the various bins in the computer. Also, we were introduced to the edit suite and the whole process from signing up for the suite to logging out. Its worth it. PLANS The coming week will be very interesting as Im planning to put into practice the editing principles so as to have a professional look to my successive edited work. Im also preparing for the regular class quiz on Monday. DISCOVERIES Most of the time class review of the previous lessons reinforced the mastery of the contents while the practical hands-on experience imparted the desired skills for professional video production. One thing I noted is that theory, class practical demonstration and the combination of both, work perfectly for me.

Elijah Odundo Video Production Report #4 February 4, 2008. VIDEO PRODUCTION This week saw the end of Scavenger Hunt. We were introduced to editing principles and various microphones-their usage, how they are made and how to use them effectively in studio or in the field. Also, we were introduced to the end of Winter08 quarter video production project which would capture all the aspects learned in class. PLANS The coming week will be used to edit how tovideo and delved into audio sweetening. Also, we are planning to start off the main video project which would mark the end of the quarter. DISCOVERIES Good editing depends not only on the mastery of the underlying fundamental principles but also creativity of an individual. CHALLENGE Working in a team is fun and enjoyable; however, there is the danger of being pulled back by the sluggishness of some members of the team.

Elijah Odundo Video Production Report #5 February 11, 2008. VIDEO PRODUCTION The individual Scavenger Hunts were reviewed and critiqued in class. It was nice and fun to learn of what others did. We also shot and edited how tovideos. Personally, I shot and edited how to set up a camera ready for shooting. Also, we watched Zettls DVD video lab 3.0 on editing. The mid-term test was fine and fun and fair so to speak. PLANS The coming week will be devoted to the class discussions on light and lighting as applied in video production. Also, we are planning to meet with Lyn Delaney in order to come up with a working production schedule for the end quarter project. Im also looking forward to getting so much of shooting and editing stuffs in order to perfect or put in practice the aspects learnt in classroom. DISCOVERIES Practice makes perfect and commitment leads to attainment of the desired goals. Video production skills depend to a great deal on how often you access the video equipment and the input or effort and the interest you express to it. CHALLENGE The cold weather was really a limiting factor.

Interview profile I am ..And am talking to Bente Morse, The international students coordinator of Principia College. Bente 1. For how long have you held this position? 2. Do you consider your position a job or a commitment? 3. Why is it important for Principia to have international students? 4. How would Principia be without the international students? 5. What are some of the challenges faced by the international students in Principia College? 6. How are the challenges addressed? 7. How do the international students pay back to the community during their stay and after leaving Principia? 8. Bente, it seems that you are strongly attached to the wonderful international that forms part of your life, tell us how you do feel when you part after they are done in Principia? 9. Whats your appeal to the rest of the community in regard to international students? THANK YOU SO MUCH BENTE. IT WAS NICE TALKING TO YOU. (Shots of her interactions with other students and staffedited reactions in the voiceover narration at the end.)

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