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Al Mohlleb Poldlng Company compleLes lSC 9001 2008 CerLlflcaLlon 13/11/2011 Arar Saudl Arabla

Al Mohlleb Poldlng Company locaLed ln Lhe norLh Area of Saudl Arabla conslsL of 8eady mlx facLorles
8lock facLorles PoLel 8eal LsLaLe and oLher servlces
ln order Lo malnLaln Lhe quallLy Lhey developed a sound ManagemenL sysLem based on lSC 90012008
CuallLy managemenL SLandards wlLh Lhe help of Lakshy lnformaLlcs ConsulLanL vL LLd one of Lhe
largesL and well known managemenL consulLlng companles ln Lhe fleld of lSC cerLlflcaLlon
ConsulLanL Ms Allson usouza from Lakshy lnformaLlcs consulLanL vL lLd worked closely wlLh
ManagemenL 8epresenLaLlve for Lhe lSC 9001 lmplemenLaLlon process for Al Mohlleb Poldlng
lnlLlal awareness Lralnlng was conducLed by Lhe consulLanL Lo lmparL baslc knowledge and lnpuL Lo key
people of Lhe organlzaLlon followed by Cap Analysls Cn Lhe basls of gap analysls reporL provlded by
Lhe consulLanL requlred Lasks were compleLed LhaL lncluded preparaLlon of quallLy manual funcLlonal
processes SCs work lnsLrucLlons gulde llnes and funcLlonal formaLs 1hese were formally lssued Lo all
Lhe users by Lhe M8
A rlgorous lnLernal audlL was carrled ouL and all Lhe observaLlons and flndlngs were dlscussed ln Lhe
M8M ManagemenL 8evlew MeeLlng and requlred acLlons were Laken by Lhe managemenL Lo close
Lhem and on Lhe basls of poslLlve ouLcome of Lhe lnLernal audlL lL was declded Lo do Lhe flnal
cerLlflcaLlon audlL whlch was conducLed by CLC ukAS accredlLaLlon
lSC 9001 cerLlflcaLlon audlL was concluded successfully wlLhouL any ma[or or mlnor non conformlLy
Lxperlence and experLlse of Lhe Lakshy managemenL consulLanL vL LLd lndla ln provldlng lSC
cerLlflcaLlon consulLaLlon was evldenL Lhrough pre assessmenL audlL as no non conformlLles were found
durlng Lhe audlLs and Lhe organlzaLlon was recommended for lSC 90012008 cerLlflcaLlons
Lakshy managemenL consulLanL vL lLd exLended lLs warmesL greeLlngs and congraLulaLlons Lo Al
Mohlleb Poldlng company on achlevlng lSC cerLlflcaLlon and efforLs puL Lhe enLlre Leam were

lor Medla and 8 ConLacL
Lakshy ManagemenL ConsulLanL vL LLd
229 Sal Chambers SecLor 11 C8u 8elapur
navl Mumbal 400614 lndla
WebslLe wwwlakshycom wwwlsoconsulLanLscom
hone +91 22 4024 3139
Moblle +91 9821780033

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