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What is e-Marketing

E-marketing is growing faster than other types of media.
Shashannk Gupta

Guide on

E- Marketing

Internet has expanded at an astonishing rate across the world; most of the world has embraced this new age technology with lot of gusto. Popularity of social networking on internet can be judged by the fact that Twitter and Face book are making news and receiving coverage from print as well as visual media. Online advertising has an advantage over the TV and press ad campaigns. While the good TV ad arouses curiosity, and the effective print press ad offers a little more information, the impact gets dissipated over the days. When people are actually ready to buy, your campaign may be off and a rivals campaign may be on, and your potential customers have no way of retrieving your earlier ads. By 2005 companies like Procter & Gamble were spending as much as 23 per cent of their marketing budgets on Internet ads. According to a Morgan Stanley report, consumers showed a 27 per cent greater ability to recall a brand after seeing an Internet ad than earlier compared with a 26 per cent increase with magazines, 23 per cent with newspapers, and 17 per cent with television. In India internet is growing. Its defiantly not the largest medium for advertising but without doubt it can give you better ROI (return on investment) as compared to any other conventional medium. Having given a fair idea of the growing popularity of internet, the importance of the topic with which this project deals has been well established. This project deals with E-marketing, giving a brief overview of the entire E-marketing concept. The main focus of this project is to address the various mediums through which a potential business can implement E-marketing for itself. This project has been made with the. Aim of the project: - To bring to the readers attention the latest in Indian marketing, which is E-marketing - Provide the reader with brief understanding of the various mediums available in E-marketing and how they can be utilized by any business

E-marketing is growing faster than other types of media. E-marketing has had a large impact on several previously retailoriented industries including music, film, pharmaceuticals, banking, flea markets, as well as the advertising industry itself. Across the world E-marketing is now overtaking radio marketing in terms of market share. In the music industry, many consumers have been purchasing and downloading music (e.g., MP3 files) over the Internet for several years in addition to purchasing compact discs. By 2008 Apple Inc.'s iTunes Store has become the largest music vendor in the United States. The number of banks offering the ability to perform banking tasks online has also increased. Online banking is believed to appeal to customers because it is more convenient than visiting bank branches. Internet auctions have gained popularity. Unique items that could only previously be found at flea markets are being sold on eBay. As the premier online reselling platform, eBay is often used as a price-basis for specialized items. The effect on the advertising industry itself has been profound. In just a few years, online advertising has grown to be worth tens of billions of dollars annually PricewaterhouseCoopers reported that US$16.9 billion was spent on Internet marketing in the U.S. in 2006.

E-marketing has had a growing impact on the electoral process. In 2008 candidates for President heavily utilized Internet marketing strategies to reach constituents. During the 2007 primaries candidates added on averaged over 500 social network supporters per day to help spread their message. President Barack Obama raised over US$1 million in a single day during his extensive Democratic candidacy campaign, largely due to online donors.

India & E-Marketing

Today all the companies and corporate in India have products or services to sell and they are advertising them via T.V, newspapers, brochures, magazines, radio etc. But its time to take the promotions online. Online advertising is an effective way of advertising that uses the power of Internet and World Wide Web in order to deliver marketing messages and attract customers. Online marketing business is galloping at a higher rate in India. Keeping pace with the international market, Indian search engines are undergoing a phenomenal growth. According to a study by Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) in association with Pinstorm, India alone produces more than half-a-million searches a month. The study puts light to the evolution and growth of search engine marketing in India. The study found that over 40,000 marketers are using this platform to capture the market share. Thats not all; the number is growing at a higher pace as people research choices, product details and prices for every sort of buying decision - from travel to banking to insurance to education to even a film career. 22 of the top 50 and 37 of the top 100 search advertisers by keyword volume are firms with Indian operations. The number of net surfers in India is increasing at a rapid rate and studies have shown that people are spending more and more time on the web. Buying products online is convenient, hassle-free and easy. Online market places allow buyers to see the best deals available without moving from their desks and choose the products they want which they could not find at the local supermarket. For a company putting an advertisement online gives a benefit of being present right next to your competition when people are looking for products or services.

Online Advertisement in India is a fast growing market and media buying is becoming a very important decision for all online spenders. The biggest advantage of Online Advertisement is it helps you to track your user online and understand online consumer behavior The dawn of the internet era opened up amazing new possibilities. Impossible is not a word anymore! India has also joined the bandwagon and the numbers themselves do all the talking. The latest statistics (from internetworldstats) reveal that 400 million people access internet regularly in India and that is jump of 700% in last six years. And, here comes the best part; the internet users as of now comprise of only 3.6% of the population. Now you can imagine the scope of internet marketing in India!

Few statistics on Indias Internet Usage

Following are few statistics from India Infoline 2008 a report about internet in India released by JuxtConsult, an online research firm. Few statistics have also been taken from the IAMAI & IMRB2007 report on Internet users in India.

No of Internet users in India: It claims that there are 49 million Internet users in India Out of 49 million, 40 million internet users are in urban cities. Of these, 35 million are regular Internet users who log on at least once a month. Around 25 million Internet users are online daily.

Demographics & Choice of Language of Indian Internet users: 77 per cent of the Internet users are in the age group of 19-35 years 51 per cent are salaried employees in corporate houses and 30 per cent live in metros. Surprisingly, only 28 per cent of the respondents said they prefer to read in English when online

Internet is also going across the affluence divide, as it can be seen from the diagram below that over time the number of internet users in D&E category is increasing steadily. This will make E-marketing more relevant to greater audience base and also to more and more corporate.

Indias internet user base is mainly composed of youth segment, with majority user being young men Most Popular Internet Activities of Indian internet user: According to report most popular activities online are emailing (91 per cent) job search (72 per cent) instant messaging (70 per cent) Other popular activities are checking news and sports, downloading music and movies, and checking cricket scores.


Internet Brands & Top of Mind Recall Among the brands surveyed by JuxtConsult, Google predictably has the highest top of mind recall, at 36.6 per cent, followed by Yahoo! at 31.5 per cent and Rediff at a distant 7 per cent. In terms of usage, Google is used by 28 per cent of the respondents, and Yahoo is used by 27.6 per cent of them. Rediff and Gmail follow with 8.6 per cent usage each. Projected Growth Rate for Internet advertising: As per a KPMG & Group M survey of 2008 Internet advertising is seen at 840 crores in 2009 by KPMG and is expected to have one of the highest growth rates with an expectation to move to 2140 crores by 2013.

Online Activities on Indian Websites JuxtConsult also surveyed the most used websites for specific online activities. According to the report, Yahoo! is most used for email (51 per cent users), instant messaging (53 per cent), online news (16 per cent), net telephony (25 per cent), astrology (25 per cent), cinema (14 per cent) and mobile content (12 per cent). Google is the most used website for information search in English (81 per cent), search in local languages (65 per cent),


real estate (23 per cent) and online learning or education (32 per cent). Orkut is the most used website for friendship and dating (54 per cent), sharing pictures (38 per cent), social networking (66 per cent) and professional networking (44 per cent). Naukri is used by 42 per cent of the respondents for job search. Yatra is most used for travel (18 per cent), Zapak is most used for games (32 per cent) and eBay is most used for online shopping (33 per cent). In the financial world, Moneycontrol is accessed by 18 per cent of the users for financial news and information, while ICICI Direct is used by 31 per cent users for online share trading. Bharatmatrimony is most used (36 per cent) in online matrimony, YouTube is most used for video sharing (43 per cent) Cricinfo is used by 19 per cent of the users for sports. Raaga is the website most used for music (17 per cent) Rediff is used by 19 per cent of the users for buying or renting a movie CD. Only 28% people prefer to read in English when online. 65% users use Google for local language searches which show that there is a scope for regional languages on the web. Google Study

According to Economic Times Google has conducted a study implemented by the strategic market research firm Media Screen to gain deeper understanding of Indian consumer behavior in the online space. According to the study


18% of all financial products are sold online in India Nearly 68% of consumers go online to research products that interest them Comparing costs and product details are the two most common online financial research activities. For Consumers undertaking research for banking services information sources are TV advertisements (41%), search engines (69%) and banks website (47%).

Beyond this there is also a pitch for importance of Search Engine and Google with the study stating

Nearly 67% of respondents use search engines for financial product research. 30% of consumers also use search engines to become aware of special rates/promotions and to access expert advice. Around 55% people see an online advertisement and click on them to learn more.


Understanding e-Marketing
E- Marketing, also referred to as web marketing, online marketing, or Internet Marketing, is the marketing of products or services over the Internet. E-Marketing is essentially part of marketing. So lets try to understand where it fits within the subject of marketing. The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines marketing as follows: Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders. Therefore we can see that E -Marketing by its very nature is one aspect of an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders. As such an aspect, E-Marketing has its own approaches and tools that contribute to the achievement of marketing goals and objectives. E- Marketing ties together creative and technical aspects of the Internet, including design, development, advertising, and sales. EMarketing does not simply entail building or promoting a website, nor does it mean placing a banner ad on another website. Effective Emarketing requires a comprehensive strategy that synergizes a given company's business model and sales goals with its website function and appearance, focusing on its target market through proper choice of advertising type, media, and design.


Attributes of E-Marketing
1. One-to-one approach The targeted user is typically browsing the Internet alone, so the marketing messages can reach them personally. This approach is used in search marketing, where the advertisements are based on search engine keywords entered by the user. And now with the advent of Web 2.0 tools, many users can interconnect as "peers" 2. Appeal to specific interests E- Marketing places an emphasis on marketing those appeals to a specific behavior or interest, rather than reaching out to a broadlydefined demographic. "On- and Off-line" marketers typically segment their markets according to age group, gender, geography, and other general factors. Marketers have the luxury of targeting by activity and geolocation. Internet marketing differs from magazine advertisements, where the goal is to appeal to the projected demographic of the periodical. Because the advertiser has knowledge of the target audiencepeople who engage in certain activities (e.g., uploading pictures, contributing to blogs) the company does not rely on the expectation that a certain group of people will be interested in its new product or service. 3. Geo targeting Geo targeting (in internet marketing) and geo marketing are the methods of determining the geolocation (the physical location) of a website visitor with geolocation software, and delivering different content to that visitor based on his or her location, such as country, region/state, city, metro code/zip code, organization, Internet Protocol (IP) address, ISP or other criteria.


4. Different content by choice A typical example for different content by choice in geo targeting is the FedEx website at where users have the choice to select their country location first and are then presented with different site or article content depending on their selection. 5. Automated different content With automated different content in internet marketing and geomarketing the delivery of different content based on the geographical geolocation and other personal information is automated.

E-Marketing v/s Traditional marketing

E- Marketing Traditional Marketing

E- Marketing is very economical Traditional Marketing is very and fast way to promote product. expensive and takes more time to promote product. E- Marketing is very useful for It is very expensive and time promoting product globally consuming process for traditional [without any additional cost]. marketing. In E- Marketing, you can also work In Traditional Marketing, you with less employs [you can take need more employment with more work with less manpower]. more man power which in terms requires spending more money. In online business you can sell or That is not possible in traditional buy product 24 X 7, round the marketing. year without employing any person. Paying Professional and Paying renowned Advertising and Experienced EMarketing Marketing Company is very Company is very economical. costly.


Difference between E-Business, E-Commerce and EMarketing

E-Business is a very broad entity dealing with the entire complex system that comprises a business that uses electronic medium to perform or assist its overall or specialized business activities. E-Commerce is best described in a transactional context. So for example an electronic transaction of funds, information or entertainment falls under the category handled by principles of ECommerce. Technically E-Commerce is a part of E-Business. E-Marketing is also a part of E-Business that involves electronic medium to achieve marketing objectives. E-Marketing is set on a strategic level in addition to traditional marketing and business strategy.

Difference between e-Marketing and Interactive Marketing

E-Marketing is a broader term that describes any marketing activity performed via electronic medium. Interactive Marketing is generally a sub set of E-Marketing that involves a certain level of interaction.


E-Marketing Mix
The eMarketing Mix is essentially the same as the marketing mix. It is simply the adaptation of price, place, product and promotion to the eMarketing context. Of course one could also include physical evidence, people and process when marketing planning for an online service. Below is a brief outline of how markets can apply the eMarketing mix to their organization's own product, service, brand or solution.

E-Marketing Price:
The E-marketing mix is simply an adaptation of the traditional marketing mix, and 'P' for price. However, the Internet has influenced how online businesses price in a number of ways as follows: Consumer has faster and better access to lowest prices, via internet thus increasing the cost competition Internet has brought more transparency and provided greater access of pricing information to the consumer. Online auctions have made the auctions fiercer and brought better value to the auctioneer. Combining traditional marketing with internet marketing: Premium pricing e.g. selling music via iTunes. Penetration pricing e.g. giving away free subscriptions to land grab market share for new start-ups such as and Economy pricing e.g. selling basic products and services online likes basic web design or paperclips. Price skimming e.g. new product launches online such as albums or games. Psychological pricing e.g. products and services sold at 99p or $99.99 (Price Point Perspective). Product line pricing e.g. subscription 1 @ free, subscription 2 @ $10.00 (with added value) and subscription 3 @ $49.99 for 10 years.


Pricing variations e.g. budget airlines selling tickets online where the first tickets bought are the cheapest, and the last ones bought tend to be more expensive. Optional product pricing e.g. selling a holiday online with travel insurance. Captive product pricing e.g. once you buy virus software from one brand, your updates must also come from them. Product bundle pricing e.g. buying Internet access which comes with free online phone calls. Promotional pricing e.g. Betting incentives, such as free Dollars to gamble online for current customers that gamble on football games to tempt them to play online poker, or vouchers with codes sent by e-mail as rewards e.g. Geographical pricing e.g. Microsoft pricing in different currencies in different international markets.

E-Marketing Place:
The eMarketing space consists of new Internet companies that have emerged as the Internet has developed, as well as those preexisting companies that now employ eMarketing approaches as part of their overall marketing plan. For some companies the Internet is an additional channel that enhances or replaces their traditional channel(s) or place. For others the internet has provided the opportunity for a new online company E-Marketing Product: We've already considered product as part of the marketing mix. Designing product for E-marketing entails few complications because in e-marketing the even product gains the attributes of a service as they cannot be experienced. E-Marketing Promotion: Various promotional techniques which can be used in emarketing have been covered in detail in this report. Since Emarketing is a newer medium of promotion the techniques used in this medium are still undergoing refinement and fine tuning at a continuous

basis; and newer techniques are still being experimented with ad added to the promotional kitty on daily basis.

Advantages of e-Marketing
Following are some of the advantages of e-Marketing: Reduction in costs through automation and use of electronic media: Internet marketing is relatively inexpensive when compared to the ratio of cost against the reach of the target audience. Good planning and excellence in the execution of an effectively targeted e-marketing campaign can reach your desired audience much better than large scale traditional marketing channels. Faster response to both marketers and the end user: Internet marketing is able to, in ways never before imagined, provide an immediate impact. Imagine the consumer is reading his/her favorite magazine. He/She see a double-page advert for some new product or service, maybe BMWs latest luxury sedan or Apples latest iPod offering. With this kind of traditional media, its not that easy, for the consumer, to take the step from hearing about a product to actual acquisition. With eMarketing, its easy to make that step as simple as possible, meaning that within a few short clicks the consumer could have booked a test drive or ordered the iPod. And all of this can happen regardless of normal office hours. Effectively, Internet marketing makes business hours 24 hours per day, 7 days per week for every week of the year. By closing the gap between providing information and eliciting a consumer reaction, the consumers buying cycle is speeded up and advertising spend can go much further in creating immediate leads. Increased ability to measure and collect data: The nature of the medium allows consumers to research and purchase products and services at their own convenience. Opens the possibility to a market of one through personalization Increased interactivity: Whereas traditional marketing is largely about getting a brands message out there, eMarketing facilitates conversations between companies and consumers. With a two-way

communication channel, companies can feed off of the responses of their consumers, making them more dynamic and adaptive. It is easy to target a product to a language or location. You can even change the workflow of your website in order to match the products your users want and visit.

Personalized webpage at

Global audience: Companies can reach a wide audience for a small fraction of traditional advertising budgets. While traditional media costs limit this kind of reach to huge multinationals, eMarketing opens up new avenues for smaller businesses, on a much smaller budget, to access potential consumers from all over the world.

An American site in Spanish for the Spanish customers

Same American site in English for the American customers

Convenience: Businesses have the advantage of appealing to consumers in a medium that can bring results quickly.

Effectiveness measurement: Internet marketers also have the advantage of measuring statistics easily and inexpensively. Nearly all aspects of an Internet marketing campaign can be traced, measured, and tested. The results of campaigns can be measured and tracked immediately because online marketing initiatives usually require users to click on an advertisement, visit a website, and perform a targeted action. Such measurement cannot be achieved through billboard advertising, where an individual will at best be interested, then decide to obtain more information at a later time. Accountability: Because exposure, response, and overall efficiency of Internet media are easier to track than traditional off-line media through the use of web analytics for instanceInternet marketing can offer a greater sense of accountability for advertisers. Scope: Internet marketing allows the marketer to reach consumers in a wide range of ways and enables them to offer a wide range of products and services. EMarketing includes, among other things, information management, public relations, customer service and sales. With the range of new technologies becoming available all the time, this scope can only grow. Adaptivity and closed loop marketing: Closed Loop Marketing requires the constant measurement and analysis of the results of marketing initiatives. By continuously tracking the response and effectiveness of a campaign, the marketer can be far more dynamic in adapting to consumers wants and needs. With eMarketing, responses can be analyzed in real-time and campaigns can be tweaked continuously. Combined with the immediacy of the Internet as a medium, this means that theres minimal advertising spend wasted on less than effective campaigns. Maximum marketing efficiency from eMarketing creates new opportunities to seize strategic competitive advantages. The combination of all these factors results in an improved ROI and ultimately, more customers, happier customers and an improved bottom line.


24-hour out there-on stage - With a website you can sell, present your products even when off working hours of your employees. Instant purchase functionalities/Conversion rate - if your website allows people to buy your product, then you must focus your efforts on the fact that they are only ever a few clicks away from completing a purchase. Traditional marketing methods dont allow this. People have to change direction or postpone their will to buy (start a phone call; go to a shop or a post office).

Limitations of e-Marketing
Following are some of the limitations of e-Marketing: Dependability on technology: Internet marketing requires customers to use newer technologies rather than traditional media. Maintenance costs: due to a constantly evolving environment Higher transparency: Pricing and increased price competition Worldwide competition: through globalization Speed of Internet connections: Low-speed Internet connections are another barrier: If companies build large or overly-complicated websites, individuals connected to the Internet via dial-up connections or mobile devices may experience significant delays in content delivery Inability to experience the merchandise: From the buyer's perspective, the inability of shoppers to touch, smell, taste or "try on" tangible goods before making an online purchase can be limiting. However, there is an industry standard for e-commerce vendors to reassure customers by having liberal return policies as well as providing in-store pick-up services. Security concerns: Information security is important both to companies and consumers that participate in online business. Many consumers are hesitant to purchase items over the Internet

because they do not trust that their personal information will remain private. Encryption is the primary method for implementing privacy policies. Solution: companies provide guarantees on their websites, claiming that customer information will remain private. Some companies that purchase customer information offer the option for individuals to have their information removed from the database, also known as opting out. However, many customers are unaware if and when their information is being shared, and are unable to stop the transfer of their information between companies if such activity occurs.

Security assurance at Goods ordered v/s goods received: Another major security concern that consumers have with e-commerce merchants is whether or not they will receive exactly what they purchase. Solution: Online merchants have attempted to address this concern by investing in and building strong consumer brands (e.g.,, eBay,, and by leveraging merchant/feedback rating systems and e-commerce bonding solutions. All of these solutions attempt to assure consumers that their transactions will be free of problems because the merchants can be trusted to provide reliable products and services. Additionally, the major online payment mechanisms (credit cards, PayPal, Google Checkout, etc.) have also provided back-end buyer protection systems to address problems if they actually do occur.

Organizations & E-Marketing

How Can Organization look at E-Marketing An organization may look at internet marketing to do one of the following functions Sell - Grow sales and attract business using digital technologies. Serve - Add value through the benefits of the Internet such as speed. Speak - Get closer to customers by making the business available to them at home, work or on the go with mobile technologies. Save - Reduce costs by using information technologies to make the business more efficient. Sizzle - Extend the online brand (or create a new one) remember sell the sizzle not the sausage i.e. the benefits, aesthetics or value of a product or service rather than its features. How can a organization use E- Marketing A company can distribute via the Internet e.g. A company can use the Internet as a way of building and maintaining a customer relationship e.g. The money collection part of a transaction could be done online e.g. electricity and telephone bills. Leads can be generated by attracting potential customers to sign-up for short periods of time, before signing up for the longterm e.g. The Internet could be used for advertising e.g. Google Adwords. Finally, the web can be used as a way of collecting direct responses e.g. as part of a voting system for a game show.


Ads in leading trade publication warm the prospect call which can be appropriately followed up by an email marketing campaign to nurture the lead through the sales cycle. Customer loyalty can be enhanced with rewards programs and incentives, as well as frequent e-newsletters and online surveys. Organization can arm its sales people with messaging, collateral, and a personalized, monthly e-newsletter that allows them to extend their prospect reach. Organizations tradeshow presence is maximized by pre- and post-show direct marketing. A program that includes a combination of traditional, dimensional and email marketing keeps prospects informed, and the funnel full. Via E-marketing organization can identify new members through a web forms registration process for must-have downloads; gauge their preferences with online surveys; communicate findings in your member e-newsletter. Service organizations can maximize their event participation with engaging speakers, compelling support materials, and web forms to facilitate registration and profile management.


How can a Organization implement E-Marketing E-Marketing Plan:

E-Marketing plan is a strategic document developed through analysis and research and is aimed at achieving marketing objectives via electronic medium. E-Marketing plan represents a sub-set of organizations overall marketing plan which supports the general business strategy. Every good e-Marketing plan must be developed in line with the organizations overall marketing plan. In a broad sense, e-Marketers generally start by analyzing the current micro- and macro economic situation of the organization. EMarketers must observe both internal and external factors when developing an e-Marketing plan as trends in both micro and macro environment affect the organizations ability to perform business. Examples of micro environment elements are: pricing, suppliers, customers. Examples or macro environment are: socioeconomic, political, demographic and legal factors.


In order to produce a viable e-Marketing solution, e-Marketers must first understand the current situation of the company and its environment, profile, segment the target the right market and then strategically position the products as to achieve optimal response with the target market. This is generally achieved through SWOT analysis. By assessing organizations strengths and weaknesses and looking at current opportunities and threats one can devise an e-Marketing strategy that can improve the organizations bottom line. Situation Analysis: Where are we now (Internally) Competitor Research: Where are we now (externally)


Techniques of E-Marketing
The Formula for e-Business Success is basically:
The right e-Business model + The right Web site + The right Web site traffic (and lots of it) = E-Business Success

Search engine marketing (SEM)

Daily search volumes run into the hundreds of millions and Search Engines drive a huge proportion of all web traffic. Search is usually the first port of call for anyone looking for anything online. Those who seek online, search. Fundamentally, what makes SEM so effective is that you get found by potential customers looking for the service you offer. So, provided youve got your keyword strategy right, youre getting targeted traffic.


Search engine marketing has of late become one of the principle tools in the armory of the Sauv internet marketer. This prominence of SEM is owing to the fact that the search engines like Google, Yahoo etc. are being used by more and more people as their principle method of searching for relevant information. And, you can hope to sell through them if your website is visible on these search engines. SEM, seeks to promote websites by increasing their visibility in search engine result pages (SERPs). According to the Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization, SEM methods include: search engine optimization (or SEO), paid placement, contextual advertising, and paid inclusion. The search engine marketing business is a $10 billion industry worldwide. Unlike other advertising media, SEM allows the advertiser to reach exactly their target audience. In other words it helps in fine targeting its audience on a global scale at a minimal cost. SEM is basically a means for promoting a website through search engines. Largest vendors are Google AdWords, Yahoo! Search Marketing and Microsoft adCenter. It consists of 3 different methods 1. Search Engine Optimization 2. Pay per Click 3. Paid Inclusion 1. Search engine optimization (SEO): SEO is the Organic Search method. A set of practices employed to get ranking for WebPages on relevant keywords (search queries). SEO does this by improving a websites structure and content.SEO is the process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via "natural" ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results. Typically, the earlier a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine. SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, and industry-specific vertical search engines. As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work and what people search for. Optimizing a website primarily involves editing its content and HTML coding, content and structure to

both increase its relevance to specific keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing activities of search engines. Accessible for Search Engines, and by extension, easier to find by users. SEO rewards relevant, helpful websites that add value and give visitors what theyre looking for. Every search is an expression of consumer intent. Marketing will veer around to this mode of communication because one is able to segment finely - a typical client effort may have two dozen or more campaigns and strategies - only advertising to stated consumer intent instead of shooting in the dark. As traditional media increasingly fails to deliver with precisely targeted segments, online search will increasingly become the prime media weapon in a marketer's arsenal for its sheer ability to target and deliver to an interested consumer. In a nutshell, the SEO methodology includes: 1. Determine the search engines you want to focus on. These usually will be the most heavily used search engines. 2. Learn as much as you can about their algorithms or formulas for ranking sites. 3. Determine the keywords and keyword phrases you want to focus on with the search engines. You will need to do a fair bit of research in this area to finalize your selection. Tools like WordTracker provide great intelligence. 4. Allocate different keywords and keyword phrases to different pages of your Web site based on the content. 5. Populate the respective pages of the site with the assigned keywords/ keyword phrases appropriately. In SEO link strategies are very crucial and over time many strategies have been developed and discarded. The current link strategies are a little more sophisticated. Organizations take a very strategic approach to getting linked from as many sites as possible to improve their link popularity scores.

2. Pay per Click (PPC): When a user types a keyword query matching the advertiser's keyword list, the advertiser's ad may appear on the search results page. These ads are called a "Sponsored link" or "sponsored ads" and appear next to, and sometimes, above the natural or organic results on the page. The advertiser pays only when the user clicks on the ad. PPC takes the sponsored route to drive relevant traffic to a website. The positioning of Ads is determined by a competitive bidding structure. Taking the example of Google Adwords will help to understand this technique better Google Adwords is a cost-per-click (CPC) online advertising programme. Essentially that means that you decide upon a keyword that relates closely to your product or service. Using Google's tools, you price how much it would cost your per-click for your chosen keyword - this could be 10 cents, $1.50 or more, depending on the popularity of the keyword. So the keyword - 'marketing' - would be more expensive than the keyword - 'marketing cheese china' because of its level of popularity. You then allocate a budget, and pay Google by credit card. You can control the length of your campaign, or end it as soon as the money runs out. A few points on PPC: Advert positioning is based on a bidding system. At its simplest, the highest bidder gets the highest ad placement. A PPC campaign is a dynamic strategic process. It needs to be closely monitored and managed to ensure maximum ROI. An appropriate keyword strategy is imperative to ensure the clicks you pay for are as targeted as possible. The more targeted your traffic, the greater your conversion rates, and the better your ROI.


Benefits to this type of advertising: Your site will usually appear on page 1 of the search results for your most appropriate keywords if your bid is high enough, albeit in a separate section from the organic results. With this type of advertising, you pay for the ad only when someone is actually delivered to your site. You get very targeted Web site visitors when they are looking for your type of products or services. This type of advertising is fantastic for those sites that choose to use Flash or dynamically generated pages that have a difficult time placing high in the organic search results. The program is completely flexible in that you can start or stop advertising at any time immediately, you can change the copy for your ad at any time and it goes live immediately, you can change your bid at any time, and you can have multiple bids for the same keyword. Your audience expands immediately. By participating in Yahoo! Search Marketing and Google AdWords alone, youll reach over 90 percent of the Internet search audience. This can be a great vehicle for branding. Pay per click advertising is very quantifiablethe results can be measured. Results are provided through the search engine, and you can also use your Web traffic analysis software to provide great results and metrics on search advertising campaigns. Accurate Targeting is possible through this medium. You don't just put your advert out there for everyone to see. In fact, it's more like customers come looking for you! PPC marketing can also be targeted more specifically to certain countries, regions within countries, languages and even times of day.


Nobody Is Too Small or Too "Niche" There are no limits on budgets so PPC marketing is available to even the smallest of businesses. Due to the fact that you can target specific locations and keywords, even the most niche-targeted businesses can find potential customers. Fast set up and immediate results are possible. While SEO can take months before it starts showing results, PPC can be set up and delivering measurable sales statistics within a day! This makes it particularly ideal for short-term or seasonal promotions. Accurate Trackability is possible with this medium. PPC marketing can be tracked accurately and with very little lag time. You can measure which keywords are the most cost effective and which keywords bring in the most conversions. You can also track exactly how much money each keyword brought in and accurately work out your ROI. Using these statistics you can focus your strategy and optimize your campaign to bring in the highest ROI possible. 3. Paid Inclusion: In paid inclusions, you can pay your way up on to the natural listings of search engines. Google however does not provide this service anymore.

E-Mail Marketing:
As the name suggests, e-mail marketing is promotion through emails. If used effectively it can assure you maximum returns on each penny you spend. It can be used for acquiring new customers, enhance the relationship you have with your existing clientele.


It is a form of direct marketing which uses electronic mail as a means of communicating commercial or fundraising messages to an audience. In its broadest sense, every e-mail sent to a potential or current customer could be considered e-mail marketing. However, the term is usually used to refer to: Sending emails with the purpose of enhancing the relationship of a merchant with its current or old customers and to encourage customer loyalty and repeat business. Sending emails with the purpose of acquiring new customers or convincing old customers to buy something immediately. Adding advertisements in emails sent by other companies to their customers. Today more than 30 billionyes, with a be-mails are sent worldwide each and every day. Statistics are all over the place on the amount of spam, but a common number is that 25 percent of all emails received are considered spam. The result is tons of filtering on both the ISP and the individual level, dismal metrics, dissatisfied marketers, ticked-off customers, angry ISPs, and government legislators in a quandary over what to do about all this. Today permission-based e-mail marketers are focused on several things: Growing their database of target market prospects significantly in as short a time as possible through permission-based marketing Learning as much as they can about every person in their database actually building a profile of each person through the use of various technologies Providing consistently valuable information to the database on a regular basis Encouraging people in the database to spread the word. Researchers estimate that United States firms alone spent US$400 million on e-mail marketing in 2006.[1]


Any business can use Email-marketing for mainly two purposes: Promotional emails are more direct and are geared at enticing the user to take action through purchase or sign up Retention based emails usually take the form of a newsletter and may include promotional messages but ultimately should contain information of value to create a long term relationship with the reader Benefits of this form of marketing: Cheap, instant, easily traceable If used properly the return on investment can be astounding. Exact ROI can be traced Advertiser can push the messae to the audience, instead of website where audience may not c the message Easy to generate repeat business Can be customized easily Disadvantages of email marketing: Due to the overdoing of the e-mail campaigns by online companies, they are now being categorized as Spam mail. Thereby reducing the chances of it actually reaching the intended person.


Banner Advertising/ Display advertising:

This form of online advertising entails embedding an advertisement into a web page. It is intended to attract traffic to a website by linking them to the web site of the advertiser. The ad is usually a mixture of image and animation. It involves placing your advertisement on any third party website. This Ad will link to your website, this way if the potential customer clicks on your banner, he will be directed to your website. It can be a good way of attracting relevant traffic to your website. Contextual ads can take several forms: A skyscraper ad space on the right or left-hand side of the page that holds multiple ads Separate ads that appear in designated advertising spaces on the Web page Pop-ups. The benefits to the advertisers are many: Your ad is placed in front of potential customers when they are interested in your types of products or services. This type of advertising generally costs less than search advertising. You pay only when a potential customer is delivered to your site if you purchase this type of advertising on a cost-per-click basis. Branding is reinforced every time your listing is viewed. On the downside: Competitors ads may appear in the same space. Sites that you may not want to be associated with can appear in the same space.

Interactive Advertising:
It involves the use of interactive media (that allow for active participation by the recipient) applications to promote products online and/or influence the buying decisions of the consumer in an online and offline environment.

An example would be use of micro sites etc this form is linked to viral marketing. It in fact involves the right use of text, images, Flash animations, AV clips etc. The interactive advertising platform in a way intends to send across a personalized message by giving the readers/ viewers a visual treat.

Social Media
The Internet and the software which has been developed to run on it have made it extremely easy for anyone to publish content and have it accessible to millions of people. In effect, consumers have been given a voice to air their views to a massive audience. Something which before the Internet, they could never have done. In recent years one of the biggest examples of this has been the massive growth of weblogs (blogs), wiki's, podcasts, vlogs and moblogs - together they form what is loosely known as social media; the ability for anyone to publish almost any content without the typical costs and hindrances associated with traditional media. 1. Blogging/Article Marketing 2. PodCasting 3. M-Blogging 1. Blogging: Business-to-business blogs are one of the fastest-growing segments. There may be blogs out there talking about the organizations business, its products, customer service, or its share value. Employees may have blogs providing the world with an inside view of the company. Benefits of Blog marketing: Blogs are informalgreat for relationship building. Blogs are easy to maintain. Blogs are informative. The blog can be maintained by you yourself, or you can allow your Web site visitors to participate.


Blog are cheap and quick way to forgo the entire process of doing a press release by gaining approval from PR, distributing the story to the media etc. Organizations can take quick announcements via blog, and ensure better pick-up of their story as compared to press release. Microsoft has set up a video blog to speak to the online developer community.

Source: Snapshot of an online blog made by me to share MBA ppts

Blogs have a number of interesting Internet marketing applications: Corporate can use blog as a medium for marketing by Doing paid advertising on the blogs read by their target audience Sponsoring the blog read by the target audience Operating self owned corporate blog. Paying for links on blogs read by target audience. Blogs provide a plethora of information related to target market research. Originations can find out what present and potential customers think about your products or services, your advertising


campaigns, your advertising slogans, or their preferences related to style, color, or features.

Manage it or bear the Damage (Dell example): Although word of mouth can have a tremendously positive impact on a brand, it can also cause immense damage. One of the best examples of the blogosphere influencing brands negatively is the now infamous "Dell Hell" scenario. It all started when blogger, Jeff Jarvis had a terrible customer experience with Dell Computers. In true blogger style he documented his experience on his blog and word quickly spread to the point where it was even covered in print by Business Week. However Dell failed to respond to his musings and the bad customer experiences continued as did the negative comments on the blogosphere. Jeff's ratings become known as Dell Hell and a recent scientific study by showed first that Dell has sustained long-term damage to its brand image and secondly that the cheerleaders for the poor reputation of Dell's customer services are bloggers. With blogs wielding this level of power, it is critical that brands understand how to manage their reputation online and if necessary take proactive steps to limit the damage which can be caused by negative word of mouth. 2. Podcasting/Videocasting Podcasting is a relatively recent addition to Internet marketing. It is a term that is a combination of two termsbroadcasting and iPodthe latter referring to Apples portable digital audio player, although any MP3 player can play the content. Podcasting is basically a method of publishing audio content via the Internet, allowing users to subscribe to a feed of new filesusually MP3s. Podcasting became very popular in late 2004.


You can browse the Internet to find podcasts that are of interest you can sample and subscribe to those that youre interested in and then sync them to your MP3 player to be able to listen to them anywhere, anytime. Once you subscribe to a podcast, your device will automatically check for updates and download new programs to your computer. When you sync your device, all your podcasts are delivered to that device. Now you can listen to your favorite talk show while jogging. You can listen to the 6 a.m. news at 10:27. You can listen to movie reviews while standing in line at the theatre. Podcasts have many benefits to subscribers: 1. They get great content on subjects that interest them. From a marketing perspective, you want to see if there is an opportunity to develop your own podcasts to provide to your target market. You also want to look at wide distribution or even syndication of your podcasts for maximum exposure. 2. The technology puts the subscribers in control. They can access what they want and listen to it when they want, wherever they are; no more having to be in front of a computer or within radio frequency range. 3. Content, at this stage, is often still free to the subscriber. However, this may change. Marketer can look to never charge a fee and use this as an advertising mechanism, being careful to appropriately incorporate their product information into the podcast content. 4. Podcast content is very often niched. This is of great interest to the podcast user, but also provides a great, highly targeted opportunity for the podcast marketer. Podcast marketers will have to be very sensitive to advertising in this medium to the target market as users are looking for control and ad avoidance. Too much blatant advertising and they will unsubscribe. Today we are seeing very short, and I mean very short (like 15second), audio ads embedded into the content. It is far better for savvy


Internet marketers to figure out how to include your message as part of the content than as an ad. Key marketing opportunities will be in the non interruptive marketing models like content integration and sponsorship. Although for most, podcasting is a relatively new marketing technology, we will see videocasting hot on its heels. Videocasting will be a combination of audio and video that will be downloaded by subscribers to be viewed on their 3G phones, personal video players, and PCs. 3. M-Blogging M-blogging or mobile bloggingMMS color picture, text, video, and audio can be instantly added to a blog in a matter of seconds. Cricket fans can post their pictures of the game and details of whats happening as its happening. Picture thisyou are the owner of a spa and there is a heavily trafficked spa blog that youd like to get some profile on. You invite the owner of the blog to your spa and within seconds through mblogging, pictures of your spa can be incorporated into the blog; audio of the blog owners interview with you can be incorporated as well as a great video of your facilities. We are in the infancy stages of mobile marketing, and this can take one of two twists. On the one hand, mobile marketing may be treated with the utmost respect for privacy and everything will be permissionbased with the device owners subscribing to the services they are interested in, providing their priorities and preferences (how often they want to receive information, when they want to receive it, where they want to receive it), and mobile marketing will be a good thing, much appreciated by the consumer. On the other hand, things could spiral out of control very quickly with unsolicited messages and constant advertising popping up, interrupting your calls and use of the mobile device by people trying to sell you products you dont need, dont want, and didnt ask for.

Article Writing:
Articles and blogs can be used effectively to propagate a marketing campaign. By submitting in various directories like Ezine and Go


articles, you can hope to generate traffic through the link you have placed on the article directing towards your website. Everything is changing with time and technology such as style of living, way of communication, education, entertainment etc. In other words as technology gets advanced the expectation of people are increasing and brings a change in tradition of their routine life. People always need some changes as well as information in their fields or increase in general knowledge for themselves. Nowadays use of computer and internet is just common all over the world. People use internet to get information even for their small requirements. Even children have started using computer for their education, entertainment and general knowledge. With this changing time the trend for preparing articles has increased rapidly. People started writing more and more articles in their website either for business or personal use to explore helpful information, personal views and sentiment to the world. Benefits of Article writing: Article is an ideal way to represent any information / Personal Views in a way you want to exemplify your readers. Nowadays small and large business companies have also started placing articles in corporate website related to their business or service. By writing effective article, you can increase natural traffic to your website. As people who are really interested with your business or service positively revisit your site to get more information. People, who find your article interested, will definitely send your article to his friends or business colleagues. And thus your web site starts to get popular on internet. Article submission is also done in many different article directories in which you can post your article with help of Internet Marketing Firm.


With help of articles, you can increase number of pages in your website. Thus by increasing volume of your website you can get chances for good listing of your website. You can include more and more articles in your website. Thus your website gets updated regularly. Search Engine gives more preference to the sites which are updated frequently and have much information related on the particular subject. By giving latest information in your article related to your business or industry you can attract more and more people to your website. You can also give feedback option with article to get opinion of readers. In such way you can interact with people and increase chances to take an advantage of online business by powerful communications. Search engines give good search engine placement to the website having fresh content. By providing new articles in your web site, you can serve healthy stuff to the search engines. Thus you can increase chances for getting top search engine ranking of your website in major search engines. Article for Personal / Professional Website If you are an artist or famous personality or an individual by profession then also an article gives support to make your site more powerful and popular. You can add article for your personal Views/ Opinion / Believes. If you have personal website then you can write article on any subject as per your liking. In case of business website you can write article only for your business or type of services, while in personal website there are no such limitations. Article for Business Website In business website or corporate website you can write articles related to your business or industry for web promotion of your business website. You can write different article such as product invention, history, past, futures, technology and many more subjects. You can write article on future prospects for your business in domestic and

international market. You can also write about current market scenario and business competition. Import and Export Market for your business There are various topics for business articles which you can include in your website to get higher response, generate natural traffic and quality enquiries. You can take help of SEO Company who provides SEO Services for writing search engine friendly articles. Article for Educational Institutes You can add articles for educational institute websites such as schools, colleges, private universities and other coaching classes. It helps student to get information about their subjects. It also help students to increase their General Knowledge. You can also make provision that student can write and post their own articles. In this way you can increase writing skill and standards of your students. By providing latest information [on science, mathematics etc] you can generate interest of students to know more about subject in depth.

Viral Marketing:
Word-of-mouth is probably the worlds oldest form of marketing. Back when humans first started trading the things they traded, theyd likely find out about where to get what they needed from others. Collaboration and information sharing is a basic human trait and perhaps the one, which made us the dominant species. Fast forward to the modern world Word of mouth in an electronic context. Self-replicating distribution techniques Exponential growth in campaign reach Viral Marketing uses the connectedness of the Internet and the social networks characteristic of electronic communication to build brand awareness exponentially. People pass on and share things that provide value, especially when the costs of sharing are low, as is case online.


Viral marketing facilitates and encourages people to pass along a marketing message voluntarily. Viral promotions may take the form of funny video clips, interactive Flash games, advergames, images, or even SMS text messages. It is claimed that a satisfied customer tells an average of three people about a product or service he/she likes, and eleven people about a product or service which he/she did not like. Viral marketing is based on this natural human behavior. There are 2 distinct subsets of Viral Marketing that can be identified: In-the-Wild Viral Marketing Controlled Viral Marketing In-the-Wild Viral Marketing This type of campaign is defined as a virus that is unleashed without further input from the advertiser or marketer. The spread of the message is perpetuated through whichever means the user chooses. The most important aspect is that the user still chooses to send on the message in whichever way they can, the most likely method being via email (e.g. sending a link on to a friend). When successful, this type of campaign can build tremendous brand equity at a marginal cost. Because the communication takes place directly between consumers, the marketer has to be prepared to let go of their brand so that the message and flow of communications is not restricted. Controlled Viral Marketing This type of campaign has more of a direct outcome in that its success is determined by a specific goal, an example of which would be the expansion of a database of qualified leads and prospects (e.g. Send to a friend emails). This facilitates future interaction with the prospects, targeting sales growth and brand awareness. Ultimately, the controlled viral campaign should lead to interaction with the newly acquired prospects in a way that adds value to the organization. The advantages to this type of marketing are quite obvious:


1. The message is from someone known to the recipient and is much more likely to be opened and paid attention to. 2. The merchant is given exposure to individuals it had no way of contacting otherwise. 3. Because the message is from a friend, it is basically a third-party recommendation of the specific product from a trusted source. Successful viral promotions tend to fall into one of three categories: 1. EntertainmentAnything that is funny or amusing tends to be passed on. Jokes, funny videos, songs, games, and anything humorous tend to be passed along. 2. Deals or freebiesSpecial deals, contests with great prizes, coupons, free offers, and these sorts of things tend to be forwarded to friends. The better the deal, the more it is passed on. 3. HumanitarianA child is missing, pass this on, online petitions, relief efforts, and fund raisers all tend to be forwarded frequently. Think funny video clips, interactive flash games, competitions, images, text in fact, viral marketing is limited only by the creativity of the eMarketer. Anything that truly entertains, informs, amuses or intrigues the recipient is likely to be further distributed. A wellorchestrated viral campaign harnesses this basic fact of human nature for the good of the brand. Example: Chevrolet Spark Innovative Viral Campaign


Interactive marketing is something that every one is experimenting with and Chevrolet had taken a brave step in India by promoting Chevrolet Spark through an interactive parking game making use of advergaming (April 2008). Seen on Rediff and Cricinfo were ads inviting users to play a game called Park the spark where users play a game to park the spark car. This seems to be an effort to promote its compact nature which makes it suitable for city driving. Although the campaign did not gain the success anticipated, because the game was too simple, this is a perfect example of how the viral marketing concept is being quickly and innovatively absorbed by the Indian advertisers too.

Online advertising:
Eyeballs. Theyre a large part of the traditional advertising equation. For brand awareness, you need your brand to be seen. Online Advertising is strongest on - adverts on websites, email newsletters and other electronic publications and is generally paid for on a Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) basis. With online Advertisement you get instant results. Based on your budgets your advertisements can start appearing on multiple websites or portals immediately and which will drive traffic to your website. The advantage of online advertisement is that you can monitor the response to your advertisements and have a choice to alter the campaigns you are running and maintain a complete control on your advertising campaigns as well as budgets. Rich media is a term used to describe a wide variety of media experiences that offer an enhanced interactive experience. Online


advertising can be greatly enhanced with the use of rich media. Rich media would include things like streaming audio, streaming video, applets that allow user interaction, and special effects. Marketing content can be embedded in entertaining content and educational content for those consumers who dont want advertising; hence, the significant growth in advertainment and edutainment. Traditionally online advertising is being done through banners. Mentioned below are a few methods that any organization seeking to undertake online advertising can follow to determine its payment for the same. Depending on the primary goal of the campaign, different payment models can be used: CPM or CPI Paying for exposure. CPM refers to Cost Per Thousand and CPI to Cost Per Impression. This is usually how a campaign would be priced when brand awareness is the primary goal. CPC Paying for clicks. CPC stands for Cost Per Click. Normally associated with Paid Search Marketing, banners can be priced this way when the aim is to drive traffic. CPA Paying for acquisition. CPA refers to Cost Per Acquisition. This model means the publisher carries all the risk. The advertiser only pays when an advert delivers an acquisition. If you're into buying banner advertising, this is the best way to pay - if you're selling it, it's the worst way to charge. Flat Rate Sometimes, owners of lower-traffic sites choose to sell banner space at a flat rate i.e. at a fixed cost per month regardless of traffic or amount of impressions. This would appeal to a media buyer who may be testing an online campaign generally targeting niche markets. Unlike some of the other eMarketing techniques weve looked at, online advertising is not biased towards directly measurable ROI. Rather, it provides a means for combining the brand awareness bias of traditional advertising techniques with the immediacy of eMarketing.


Social Networks:
Using Social networks to engage user as well as build up interaction with users to find out directly which products are more popular a wonderful example is use of MTV India of Orkut because an own website is not likely to have as many users as a social networks and if they are present there why not build an official community and engage the users present there and ask them about their interests and if number of communities in Orkut and the members in them are any indication then there is lot of scope. Facebook allowed brands to use it to popularize them and it has in turned helped even Facebook. The possibilities are tremendous all it needs is someone willing to use them.

Search Marketing:
Overture provides various sub-products under this category, which are as follows: (a) Sponsored search - displays your advert at the top of the search engine results. So your potential customers search for a 'keyword' and your advert appears at the top of the results page (this is very similar to Adwords). Again, as with Adwords, the advertisers bid against each other to obtain the position that will generate the most convertible traffic to their site. Popular keywords will cost more - obviously. (b) Local Advertising - gets your business listed in Yahoo's business directory. So if you wish to promote products in specific regions next to specific search keywords, this is a very targeted geographical service. Search advertising is very straightforwardadvertisers bid on specific keywords or keyword phrases to impact their position of the text ads on search results pages, their ad appears when someone does a search on the chosen keywords or keyword phrases, and if (but only if) someone actually clicks on their ad and is delivered to their site, the advertiser pays.


Affiliate Marketing:
What if you could combine the performance-based cost element of PPC with the brand awareness potential of Online Advertising? In a manner of speaking, thats what Affiliate Marketing does. Affiliate Marketing is where an organization offers and incentive to other web-based organizations to market the products or services that it offers. So a company selling surfboards could have an affiliate programme that is offered to other web-based organizations that offer information on surfing destinations. The affiliate programme is supplied by one organization - whereas the 'affiliate' is the website that promotes on behalf of the supplying organization.

Put simply - affiliate marketing is a basic agency arrangement. There is rarely any pay-per-click cash, but affiliates tend to take a commission on any goods sold as a result of the click. What does it look like? Affiliate marketing sees a banners advert or a text advert placed upon an affiliate's website. When the advert attracts a click, the visitor is taken through to the site that originated the affiliate programme. No cash changes hands until there is a sale, but affiliate rewards tend to be higher than regular pay-per-click The advantages of the affiliate program for the merchant include: Reaching a larger online audience by advertising on many sites Free branding on affiliates websites Not paying for advertising unless a lead or sale has occurred Affiliates send targeted, pre qualified potential customers to the merchants Web site. Every affiliate link helps the merchant with search engine optimization by increasing their link popularity score and very often their link relevancy score as well.


The advantages for the affiliate include: Earning regular revenue through their website without having to sell anything themselves Access to advertisements and a tracking system Advice and support on how to run and improve the campaign The issues facing online merchants and the affiliate also are many: Privacy and security laws Adware and spyware litigation and legislation CAN-SPAM in the United States, PIPEDA in Canada, and other legislation around the world FTC advertising rules and regulations Contracts, terms, and conditions of affiliate programs Intellectual property issues Fraudulent business practices. We are still in the infancy stages of affiliate marketing. These next few years will see significant online sales growth through 3G, Wi-Fi, and other technology. With that comes an even greater opportunity for affiliate marketing. Affiliate Marketing helps at increasing your brand visibility; you are only paying for results. Additionally, you create revenue making opportunities for many other online publishers, helping to grow the eMarketing industry, giving you a warm fuzzy feeling.

RSS is an acronym for Really Simple Syndication. The technology behind RSS enables you to subscribe to Web sites that have provided RSS feeds. These sites typically add new content on a regular basis. RSS feeds usually include a headline, a description, and a link to the Web page that provides all the details. There are many ways savvy Internet marketers are using RSS to communicate with their target markets on an ongoing basis:


Specials, promotions, coupons, and packages feeds everyone wants a deal or a bargain. Provide your own through an RSS feed or work with other sites that have the same target market to promote your products or services. Press releases via RSSCompanies are providing their press releases and company announcements via RSS feeds. ClassifiedsPeople are subscribing to receive the latest classifieds that are of interest. Branded contentBrand your content by providing relevant, interesting information to sites that speak to your target market.

Behavioral Advertising:
Behavioral targeting, quite simply, it is advertising to Web users based on their previous behavior or activity on the Web. It is the process of identifying potential customers based on the searches they have done, sites they have visited, and specific actions they have taken, and then serving them an appropriate ad at the optimal time. The more you know about present and potential customers, the better you are able to market to them. Behavioral targeting technologies monitor and track the sites visited, the content read, and the actions taken by individuals on the Web. This is done anonymouslymeaning they dont collect personally identifiable information like name, address, e-mail address, or telephone number. It is done by way of cookies that are installed on the surfers computer as he or she views ads from online advertising networks. The surfers actions are then tracked and stored in a databasethings like Web sites visited how long he or she stayed on specific content pages, etc.

The databased information Is then analyzed and used to predict future behavior based on past experience of others in the database. Behavioral ad networks then serve targeted advertising to those individuals whenever they visit a site that is served ads by their network. Behavioral targeting can be implemented several ways. It can be implemented through a Web site, through an advertising network, or on your computer through adware. Behavioral advertising uses leading-edge, real-time technologies. It is hot because it is targeted and it works. According to a recent Ponemon study, behavioral targeted advertising is projected to increase by 65 percent in 2006.

Mobile Marketing
With mobile devices consumes can do all kinds of thingscheck our flight schedule, transfer money from one account to another, pay our credit card bill, make a hotel reservation, check our investment portfolio, take and send a picture, watch a video, check the score of the baseball game, check the weather in Topeka. With the new 3G devices they can do even more, faster. The mobile marketplace is significant. There are over 1.8 billion people out there with a mobile device capable of voice, text, image, and Internet communication. This number is increasing at a rapid pace as less-developed countries like China and India are going straight to wireless for their phones. We are seeing swift and wide acceptance with over 350 billion text messages exchanged over the worlds mobile networks each month. Mobile marketing is a marketers dream. It allows direct, personal communication in real time with the opportunity for immediate, direct response.

Mobile marketing can be used to:


Improve customer loyalty Increase brand awareness Build a customer profile in your permission-based opt-in database Send potential customers to your bricks-and-mortar locations Increase sales. There are a number of mobile marketing opportunitiesinstant messaging, location-based services, profile-specific advertising, subscribed content, SMS (short messaging service), MMS (multimedia messaging service), and mobile blogging. Instant messagingWireless providers are including instant messaging as part of their services. The second annual AOL Instant Messaging Survey showed that a whopping 59 percent of Internet users use instant messaging on a regular basis, 29 percent send more instant messages than e-mail, and 20 percent of instant messaging users send mobile instant messages or SMS text messages through a mobile personal device. The survey provided stats to indicate that its not just teenagers getting in on this phenomenoninstant messaging is being used by 90 percent of online 13- to 21-year-olds, 71 percent of 22- to 34-year-olds, 55 percent of 34- to 54-year-olds, and an amazing 48 percent of those over 55. Location-based servicesas the name would suggest, locationbased services use location as a key element in providing relevant information to users. There are many mobile marketing applications for location- based services. You are hosting a meeting in another city and want to find the closest Staples shop to e-mail your print job to. Your flight has been cancelled and you want to find the closest hotel. Its your anniversary and you have to find the flower shop closest to your wifes office. With the convergence of so many technologies, you can even have your mobile device talk to you to tell you how to get there. Technology is being developed to be able to identify the specific geographic location, within 5 to 10 yards, of the telephone. This allows the opportunity to send highly targeted


location-based advertising to the device. This opens up a whole new range of opportunities for marketers. Another technology we understand is coming is the bar code reader attachment for the telephone. Every item for sale in the world has a bar code. Youll be able to scan an item and, using your mobile device, go to the Internet to find where the best deal is on that particular item within whatever radius you define. Profile-specific advertisingBecause each phone has a unique identifier in the phone number, it is possible to build the profile of the owner of each device. Once you have a profile, it is then possible to send very targeted advertising messages to that profile. This type of advertising needs to be carefully deployed to ensure that it is not considered intrusive, spam, or unsolicited. Subscribed contentMarketers look for permission-based mobile marketing opportunities. Many channels like moneycontrol etc send weekly updates and breaking news along with targeted advertisements and promotions to subscribers mobile phones. SMS (short messaging service)SMS allows text messages of up to 160 alpha-numeric characters (no images or graphics) to be sent and received on your mobile phone. The message can also be sent to your mobile phone from the Internet using an SMS gateway Web site. If the phone is turned off or is out of range, the message is stored on the network and is delivered the next time you power on. A recent e-Marketer study reports that 39 percent of mobile users in Asia have received SMS messages from advertisers, 36 Percent in Europe, and only 8 percent in the United States.

Coke Mobile Campaign Early campaigns have mainly been contest-orientedtext to win or tied in with major events. Coke ran an SMS campaign in China


which it deemed to be successful. The ad campaign ran for a little over a month. Participants had to guess the highest daily temperature in Beijing and enter the contest via an SMS. Coke said that more than 4 million messages were exchanged in the35day duration of the Coke Cool Summer interactive contest. The SMS contest was promoted through a television ad offering free downloads of the Coke jingle and McDonalds coupons. The campaign was user-initiated and was not intrusive. The SMS voting revolution for your favorite contestants in the numerous reality shows running on TV is here to stay. MMS (multimedia messaging service)MMS is an enhanced transmission service enabling color images, video clips, text, and sound files to be sent and received by cell phones. The 3G phones are all equipped with MMS capability. MMS brings a whole new dimension to mobile marketing by enabling color pictures, audio, and video into the marketing message. The marketing opportunities are endless for this technology. The benefits for marketers aboundimmediate contact, immediate response, and multimedia capability engaging a number of the senses. Combine this with the ability to know where your subscriber is physically within 5 to 10 yards as well as having a profile of the subscriber a marketers dream.

Some examples of the ways in which MMS is already being used: Film newsSubscribers receive the up-to-the-second news on whats going on in Bollywood and the latest film news. VotingSubscribers can vote for all kinds of things: their Indian Idol, who should receive the Best Leading Lady award, who should replace Regis, which of your new logos they like the best. GamesSubscribers could have to take a quiz to answer questions about your company, your products or services, your history, your features, your benefits, anything you want.


Contest entrySubscribers can enter to win your contest. Instant winSubscribers can find out if they are a winner immediately. CouponsSubscribers can receive coupons via MMS. They appear on the screen with the expiry time. Show the coupon for the deal. This will drive people to your business. This can be coupled with locationbased services.

ORM - Online Reputation Management

More and more, consumers turn to the Internet for information about products, services and the companies that offer them. Buying a new car? Check out reviews online. Thinking of getting in a new eMarketing agency? Find out what others have said online about their experiences. Your companys reputation is out there on the web for all to see. Existing and potential customers care about that reputation. And so should you. People are talking. Good things and bad things. Praise and scorn. Are you listening? In a survey by Forrester Research, 25% of consumer respondents said they trusted the opinions of fellow consumers above all other forms of media referral or advertising. News travels fast. Blogs and forums encourage responses from readers, which are posted instantaneously. Positive and negative opinions can be confirmed and passed on by fellow consumers within hours. Consumer Generated Media is therefore very influential but cannot be bought. ORM means monitoring whats being said about you. Listening to what customers are saying. It also means responding. Let your customers know that you hear them. Earn their trust with honesty and openness. Most importantly, engage them. Make them feel included and important and considered.


By being aware of whats being said about you online, you are able to react and put the necessary damage control strategy in place as soon as bad publicity pops up its fat, stupid, ugly head. Quirk's ORM tool comprehensively gathers online mentions of a company and channels them to a dedicated team to measure the relevance, credibility and impact of each mention. A company's ORM strategy can furthermore be broken down by category keywords to monitor the performance of individual business lines. ORM allows you to identify strengths and weaknesses in your offering - both against each other and against competing business lines. By gaining awareness of brand attacks and service problems in real time, you are positioned to respond. By identifying groups of customers who have had the same complaint and indicating that the problem is being addressed, ORM can stop a potential hemorrhage of customers. Brand Attacks online are very dangerous and can be very damaging to any business. Mentioned below 10 rules to recovery should provide a practical approach for brands facing an online threat. 1) Humility Before you can recover from an online brand attack you have to be aware that your brand can be attacked - no matter how big it is or how untouchable it may seem. 2) Listen Once you have a clear understanding of the scope of the possible effects of an online attack and are committed to maintaining a good

reputation online, you're half way there. Next you've got to understand how the process of consumer complaints has evolved. 3) Act immediately One of the easiest ways to solve the majority of brand attacks is to respond quickly. A brand that shows it is listening and does indeed care will go far when it comes to ensuring a solid online reputation. A conscious reaction is the only way forward - acknowledging what has been said and reacting accordingly. 4) If what they're saying is false... If the mention of your brand is factually incorrect, in a friendly tone, send the blogger (90% of the time it will be a blogger) evidence that they are wrong, ask for removal or retraction of the entry, offer to keep them informed of future news, and only if no action is taken by the blog author then add a comment. 5) If what they're saying is true... If it is true, learn from the "Dell Hell" phenomenon. If the mention is negative but true then send your side of the story and try as hard as you can to take it offline. 6) Keep the negative pages out of the search engines Keeping more people from reading negative things about your brand is imperative. What you can do is knock them off the first page of the results with basic SEO topped with some social media page setups such as Squidoo and MySpace or forum posts to mention a few. Keep adding pages and links until you've forced the offending pages out of sight. 7) Maintain communication If you aren't an active member of the online community it tends to be a little harder to recover from an online attack. If your company doesn't have a blog, start one. Participate in industry forums and chat rooms. Build genuine credibility as a member of these conversations and you'll find that people will have more respect for you and your brand. 8) Engage in the conversation


Keep your brand in the face of consumers by engaging in the conversation. This could be done by making use of blogs, communicating with customers and being as open and honest as possible. 9) Care If you truly care what your customers think then most of this will come naturally. That's all people want. They give you their money, they just want some good service and respect in return. 10) Be prepared No brand is immune from an online brand attack. The best brands have strategies in place to immediately identify a reputation crisis and respond to it quickly enough to stop the negative word of mouth spreading. Bottom line - by making bloggers familiar with your voice, you will be better placed to respond to criticism. Consumers can spot last-minute corporate fire-fighting they should know and trust your voice already. Business can look to undertake ORM by implementing one or a combination of the following activities, each of which is a medium to build better reputation online and help. 1. Respond to others, and stay informed 2. Build your own voice, and establish your credibility online 3. Do online press release and drive more traffic to your site 4. Encourage your employees to write blogs, and a separate official blog can also be maintained by the organization 5. Feature article online can be very effective in building reputation in the digital world. WebPR Business has moved online and Public Relations (PR), that indispensable tool of brand awareness, has followed. Now that most business is conducted on the Internet; the playground of PR has moved online. WebPR allows PR to reach its fullest expression because the potential for getting your brand 'out

there' is limitless. There is an assortment of ways to market your business globally through WebPR. Various online channels like, Article Banks/Directory Sites, industry related sites, as well as local and international News sites are used to distribute content containing some element of your brand. Online press releases must drive traffic to your site (your website is not a fancy brochure; it is a marketing tool that needs visitors to become customers). To achieve this, press releases need to be optimized with the appropriate key phrases and links. The link posted at the end of a press release or feature article is a valuable source of driving internet traffic to your website. Writing interesting, high-quality articles on relevant topics and submitting them to content distribution sites is a great way to effectively promote your website or brand.

Conversation Optimization
Youve built a fantastic site. Youre bringing in lots of traffic thanks to the highly effective SEO, Email, PPC and WebPR techniques weve discussed. Job done? Not quite. To maximize ROI, we need to make sure we turn traffic into customers. This is where conversion optimization comes into play. A Two Phase Process - Before we can optimize, we need to analyze. 1. Analyze First we need analyze the collaborative effect of our entire eMarketing effort, looking at the combined effectiveness of all our tactics. We need to analyze: - Website Usability - Site analytics - The relative ROI of each eMarketing technique used - Split and multivariate testing - Any other available measurable This kind of analysis allows us to get a better idea for where the inefficiencies are. Weve scoped things out. For example a online business conducted a through analyses of its website and found that only 10 out of every 100 visitors reached the desired goal (generated sales for the organization). Via this analysis it identified where the

problem lay (step 1&2 in the diagram) and then worked on optimizing the website.

2. Optimize Simply put, this optimization process is all about minimizing the drop-off rate, and making the most of the traffic were getting. Conversion is the whole reason the website exists. Based on what we found with our analysis, we make incremental changes to the most inefficient factors. Then we analyze again. And we keep doing so for each of the factors weve identified. By doing this, were improving the conversion rate of traffic into customers. That means a lower CPA, and a better ROI. With Conversation optimization if you try to capture too much information about your consumers and you may scare them away, but if you don't implement an information capturing path structure, valuable interactions between your site and your consumers will be going to waste. When one considers the sheer amount of factors at play in these interactions one realizes just how easy it is to completely miss the point of optimizing a site. The pay off is that when you get it right, conversion rate increases of 50% are not unheard of. Worth the effort? You better believe it.

Alternative strategies:
Encourage other sites to reprint your content (with credit given to you, and links back to your main site). Post information about your site in communities, forums and chat groups. Encourage visitors to bookmark your site.

Create a mailing list, and send newsletters. Betters still, create a dynamic site that encompasses a CRM strategy. To do cheap market research post questions on Questions and Answers websites like Yahoo Answers (It has been used to ask by companies from its users as to what characteristics they would like in a new car and so on). Rediff QnA or use polls to measure opinions about your products as provided by Vizu answers (which s paid) and get those polls hosted across thousands of blogs across blogosphere thereby giving you a wider audience then what your websites would have given you.


Search Engine Optimization (Organic Way)

The Internet is a very competitive environment, with literally billions of pages in existence. So how does anyone find the page they're after? Web users find what they need primarily via search with the daily search volume numbers in the hundred millions. So, if you want your website to generate a significant amount of traffic, it needs to be listed on the major Search Engines and listed high up enough to be seen. Statistics show that users are not likely to view listings beyond the first 30 results, with the top 6 (above the fold) listings enjoying the lion's share of clicks. Beyond just traffic, a high ranking website is valuable for brand perception; web users often perceive Search Engine results as an indicator of authority. Keyword Research Before you even begin building your website, you should carry out keyword research to identify which keyword phrases your site should target. Doing keyword research is also crucial for your site's usability. By using the same keywords in your website that web users are searching for in search engines, you'll literally be speaking the same language as your site visitors

Creating Relevant Content

In reality, content is the most important part of your website. Any value that it adds needs to be added through good, relevant content. We do this by identifying the key phrases to target: Keyword research tools allow you to get an indication of the popularity of various search terms. Additionally, you also need to check the level of competition for those terms. Armed with this information, you can


now put together a comprehensive keyword strategy for your SEO campaign. Some important points about content: Use your content to create an obvious site theme. For more competitive search terms, you'll need to create a hierarchical structure of supporting content, again reinforcing the theme. The better the quality of your content, the more leverage it will afford you for later on in the process. Remember, conversion is your website's ultimate goal. On Page Indicators of Relevance Meta Data Primarily they act as an indicator of a webpage's theme. Keep them relevant to the content on your page. Title Tags Title Tags are the primary indicator of what your web page is about. They are also important since they are displayed above your page description on the Search Engine Results Pages. Header Tags Header tags like <h1>, <h2> and <h3> are used to create a hierarchical page structure and act as an indicator of page theme. You should be using these to structure your page and use keywords to indicate relevance to your chosen target phrase for that page. Keyword Density Keyword density is a measure of how many times your key phrase occurs on your page in relation to the total number of words. The key here is to keep it reasonable. Keyword density is an indicator of relevance of your content to the targeted phrase. There's no magic percentage figure, but if you read the copy and if sounds overdone, then you need to reduce your keyword density. Bolding/Strong and Italics/Emphasis.


Bolding and italics serve a primary purpose as a means to indicate bits of text that should be emphasized. In web copy, which is usually rapidly skimmed by users, bolding and, or italics make copy easier to read and understand. Additionally, they act as an indicator of relevance for specific terms. So using these techniques helps both users and Search Engines, which should always be your aim. Alt Tags for Images Search Engine spiders can't read images. So to help them along, we use alt tags to describe the images. With images that are relevant to the key phrase, we help improve relevance of our page when alt tags are used properly. Bullets Bullet points make it easy to convey your point quickly and concisely. This makes it convenient for your reader, looking to scan and get the just of your content. If it's good for your users, it probably good for your rankings and that's the case in this instance. Use bullet points for the layout of your content to make clear what the theme of your page is. Other Indicators of Relevance HTML Size Management If 200 words is the minimum page content size, then 100kb is the maximum, at least in terms of HTML file size. Anything more than this and search engines may give up on the page as it's simply too big for them. Add on the time it takes for all the other parts of the page to download, such as images and JavaScript files, and you're looking at a highly un-user-friendly download time! Opening Paragraph Describes Page Content We've already established that search engines love content, but they especially love the first 25 words or so, on each page. By providing an opening paragraph that adequately describes the content of the rest of the page (or the site if it's the homepage), you should be able to include your important keyword phrases in this crucial area. Descriptive Link Text

Search engines place a lot of importance on link text. They assume that link text will be descriptive of its destination and as such examine link text for all links pointing to any page. If all the links pointing to a page about widgets say click here, search engines can't gain any information about that page without visiting it. If on the other hand, all the links say, widgets then search engines can easily guess what that page is about. As web users, whenever we arrive at a web page the first thing we need to know is whether this page has the information that we're after. A great way to find this out is to scan through the first paragraph, which, if it sufficiently describes the web page content, should help us out The next most important step is to make sure that your great content gets found because even the best content is of no value if it can't be found. Feeding the Spiders - Links Most search engines have spiders who will crawl the web for pages/links and sites and thus making their database. After making a great website allowing the spiders to crawl and index is the most crucial step for your success. For this we need to make sure the spiders come crawling. Spiders crawl pages that they find via a link from another page they were crawling. So if you want something crawled, make sure it's being linked to. That's where links come in. Links play a huge role in SEO; Inbound links (IBL) are perhaps the most significant single factor influencing rankings. Outbound on page links help establish relevance to your page theme. Interlinking of your pages, both via content and via your navigation, helps establish the relationships between your pages, bolstering the themes you are trying to establish. 1. Inbound Links


Search Engines want to provide users with results that are both relevant and important. While to some extent relevance can be gauged by on page factors, as mentioned above, it's what other "people" say about your site that is a real indicator of what it's about. Inbound links are these "votes from other people. Search Engines consider an inbound link as a vote for your site. Lots of votes from sites, which are in turn considered authoritative within your niche, create an indication of importance and relevance. 2. Outbound Links Links on a page provide some indication of the theme of that page. Lots of links out to irrelevant sites might be detrimental to your ranking. Links to relevant authority sites can be useful to your visitors and help establish the page's relevance on the topic. 3. Interlinking Carefully considered interlinking of pages is important for creating defined themes within your site. For important and competitive key phrases, it's useful to create content pages which link to and support the pages you want to rank well. 4. Sitemaps An on-site sitemap is a web document, which lists all the pages you'd like the Search Engine spiders to find. This is a good method of getting a reasonably deep crawl on your site. An XML sitemap is a document submitted to a Search Engine, informing them of your content. It's a bit like a note to the spider saying, "Dear Spidey, I've put out some yummy new content for you to enjoy. This is where you'll find it" Ethical and Unethical SEO Methods To obtain maximum search engine visibility, it is essential to understand how the target audience is searching for actual information on a web site. When the target audience uses a search engine to find products and services, they type a set of words or phrases into the search box. This set of words is commonly called targeted keywords or


phrases. For the target audience to find a site on the search engines, the page must contain keyword phrases that match the phrases the target audience is typing into search queries. When a search engine spider analyzes a web page, it determines keyword relevancy based on an algorithm, which is a formula that calculates how web pages are ranked. The most important text for a search engine is the most important text for the target audience - the text your target audience is going to read when they arrive at your web site. At its worst, SEO becomes spam indexing, the promotion of irrelevant, chiefly commercial, and pages through taking advantage of the search algorithms. Indeed, many search engine administrators say that any form of search engine optimization used to improve a website's page rank is spam indexing. However, over time a widespread consensus has developed in the industry as to what are and are not acceptable means of boosting one's search engine placement and resultant traffic by web designing services. Arguably, the most ethical method is to have worthwhile content on one's Web site, to which many other Web sites will voluntarily link. There are also few who would question the ethics of informing other relevant sites around the web of one's own content and asking for links, although as relevance diminishes this becomes a more dubious practice. Equally, virtually no one would question the ethics of choosing the vocabulary of your site (and especially of your page titles) to emphasize words that you know are often searched for by people in your market. Again, the ethics of this becomes shadier if the words in question are not relevant. Ethical Techniques for Search Engine Optimization Site Map


It is certainly ethical (in fact it is highly recommended) to add a "site map" page to your site, linked either from the home page or from every page on your site. Such a page guarantees that once a spider has found your site, it will be able to traverse and index the entire site. Link spam Occasionally a problem for some search engines such as Google, which can be fooled into assigning higher relevance to a site based on thousands of inbound links that weren't properly "earned" by the site. Google's sensitivity to linking makes it susceptible to webmasters who solicit or place links randomly on other sites, placing a desired keyword into the hyperlinked text of the inbound link. Commonly called "Googlebombing", it can be a prank (type "miserable failure" into Google to demonstrate), or a deliberate attempt to influence ranking for commercial gain. Unethical Techniques for Search Engine Optimization Mirror sites An alternate Web site or datacenter that contains the same information as the original. Mirror sites are set up for backup and disaster recovery as well as to balance the traffic load for numerous download requests on the Web. Such "download mirrors" are often placed in different locations throughout the Internet Doorway pages These web pages that are created to rank high in search engine results for particular phrases with the purpose of sending you to a different page. They are also known as bridge pages, portal pages, zebra pages, jump pages, gateway pages, entry pages and by other names Cloaking Any of several means to serve up a different page to the searchengine spider than will be seen by human users is one of the most controversial methods of website designing with search engine optimization. To wit, cloaking can be an illegitimate attempt to mislead search engines regarding the content on a particular Web site. On the other hand, it can be used to provide human users with more or less

equivalent content that a search engine would not be able to process or parse. Googleating Googleating pronounced Google-ating describes the increasing practice of constructing a website primarily for the purpose of appearing high in the search engine Google. With the importance of a high Google ranking becoming more apparent, the majority of experienced SEOs (search engine optimizers) know the many tactics used to manipulate the Google algorithm Keyword stuffing Keyword stuffing is considered to be an unethical Search engine optimization (SEO) technique. Keyword stuffing is when you load a Web page up with keywords in the Meta tags or on the Web page's content. The common techniques today for keyword stuffing are repeating the same word over and over again in the Meta tags, which is why many search engines don't look at the Meta tags anymore and also on the page with text that's the same color as the background, also known as invisible or hidden text. These are all widely acknowledged as being spam, or "black hat".


Importance of Website
Nowadays website becomes an essential part of every profession. Website makes strong impact on the image of your company. It is very important when you are more concern about exploring your business world wide. If you are into the business, an owner of small or medium or big company, or a professional or free lancer you need to have your own website for many reasons. over the world through internet marketing. Websites have no International reach: There are approximately 970 millions Internet users, 15% of the world's population. Thus it is a most efficient way to get potential customers from all boundaries as far as place or region or country is concern. It is international. If you have a website, then you have something international that overcomes the limits between countries and continents. Helps to build an identity and face competition: Through website designing you will get identity, global presence and good business channel once you make entry in the www (World Wide Web) and promote the website through web marketing. There are competitions in every business. This is like going for a business exhibition on internet. You can not stop competition in any business but at least make your identity so that your potential customers are given a chance of comparing and subsequently buying your products or engaging your services with the help of professional business website. Visiting Card: If you own small company and you want to explore globally than website is the only effective media to connect people by creative web designing with web promotion. Business without website means you are running business without having your visiting card; you can say your website as your visiting card [business card]. By effective profile of your company,


products/services you can build corporate image of the company in your business website.

Showcasing of work profile: If you have a SEO friendly website, potential customers are inclined to know more about you. Then you can explain to them why your products are great or how excellent and reliable your services are and, also satisfying them by showing your work profiles. 24*7 reach and easily modifiable: Having round the clock and throughout the year. Your web site is your online shop and it is open for 24/7. Website transmits your message in a few seconds. In website, content can be changed very easily. There are various types of website designing such as Static Web site Design, Flash Web Site Design, Dynamic Website Design, Hybrid Websites Design, SEO Website. The type of website depends on the type of your business. - Static websites are generally text base. Static websites are more search engine friendly websites. - Flash web sites are for entertainment, game, animation or visual effects. Flash sites are very useful to represent your product or service in innovative way. Flash site gives unique and novel look to your web site. - Dynamic websites can be used for various applications, whereby from login pages, company employees can login to update and report data directly in and from the projects database. You can opt to go for a dynamic website which will automatically change your content based on changes to your business, like stock items, stock status, prices, important messages, news, articles, services and more.


- Hybrid website is mixer of static and flash sites. Hybrid site is useful when you wish to make search engine friendly website with text, visual and flash animation. Today, many businesses depend on their website. They gained vast exposure and have increased their sales revenue by developing professional website design and search engine friendly website. Search engine optimization is the next step after having web designing and web development. This is normally done through a search engine optimization process directly in your web site. To get maximum benefit of website you need to design web site by professional Web Design Company and have web optimization by professional SEO Company.


Dells Marketing Strategy in India

Dell, a US-based computer company that sells desktop computers and laptops, came into India with a unique brand- building idea, which it launched via the worldwide web. Dell has been running an online banner ad campaign across major portals and search marketing to drive traffic to a microsite called The site is targeted at entrepreneurs and small and medium size businesses (SMBs) and is a part of Dells first brand-building campaign in India. The campaign comprises online, print and out-of-home media. Though Dell has always used the online medium to push its sales or sell its products directly to consumers, this website is not intended for any such purpose. In fact, it does not even display Dell products. Instead, it carries the real-life success stories of five Dell consumers who have established themselves as entrepreneurs. It shares the challenges they faced and how Dell helped them to evolve and grow in their industry. The entrepreneurs whose success stories are chronicled on the website are P Rajendran, cofounder and chief operating officer of NIIT; Raman Roy, who founded Spectramind and now runs Quattro, a BPO company; VK Prakash, a filmmaker and the founder of Trends AdFilm Makers; Prasad Bidappa, a fashion consultant; and Sanjan Ratnam, a bridal fashion designer. The website indicates clearly that there has been a change in Dells sales strategy in India. Speaking to afaqs! Krishna Kumar, director,


marketing, Dell India, reveals, A year ago, Dell changed its sales strategy worldwide. It decided to focus more on emerging countries and to target entrepreneurs and SMBs as its prospective customers, in addition to large business organizations. He adds, There are 7.5 million entrepreneurs and SMBs in India and they form the backbone of the Indian economy. Out of these, 3.9 million entrepreneurs are information technology addressable or our prospective customers. Their planning to purchase cycle is short as compared to that of large business organizations. Kumar says, Our research indicated that every entrepreneur or SMB has great aspirations and they are always thinking of competing and becoming the best in the world. talks about real-life heroes who started small on their own and grew over a period of time and how Dell, as a technology provider, helped them to scale up their businesses. We want to convey that Dell has products and solutions which can help SMBs to grow. He adds, We opted for real-life heroes, instead of using celebrity endorsements, because we wanted to make our campaign more credible. And we think that the best way of conveying the benefits of using Dell computers or laptops or how Dell technology can help you grow is by narrating real-life success stories. The company claims that the entrepreneurs used in the banner ads and website are actual Dell consumers. Kumar says, We went through our list of customers and shortlisted different people from different segments and approached them for the campaign. Apart from the success stories, the website also provides tools that will help entrepreneurs to run or set up their business. Information on ways to write a business plan, calculate return on investment, find customers and motivate employees is also available on the site. Dell India was not ready to share the traffic and budget details of the campaign, but it indicated that it was spending a large chunk of its advertising budget on online communications.


Viral Marketing Hotmail & Burger King

A classic example of extremely successful Viral Marketing was the campaign for the email service Hotmail. When the company launched, every outgoing message from this platform contained an advertisement for Hotmail and a link to its website at the bottom of the email. As people emailed their friends and colleagues, they were also advertising the service. Recipients could simply click on the link and sign themselves up, and as they continued to email friends from their new account, the message spread within existing social networks and was passed along with little effort from the company. Hotmail went from zero to 30 million users in the first 3 years, today Hotmail has over 280 million users worldwide.

Burger Kings Subservient Chicken campaign which was launched to promote a range of chicken sandwiches was also done via a viral marketing campaign. A website was created that featured a man dressed in a giant chicken suit who responded to the commands typed in by visitors. The tag line Have it your way. A lot of people must have thought making the chicken man do the moonwalk or some yoga or even lay an egg was funny because within a week the website had received an astonishing 20 million hits!


Tata Nano's Online Marketing Initiative

The Tata people have done some commendable job with regards to the online promotion of the car and have gone beyond the traditional methods of advertising and promotion online. The Nano's overall marketing strategy will use conventional media in an unconventional manner. Unlike most small cars, Nano won't be big on advertising. There will be no TV campaign, only innovative use of print, radio and other media, particularly the web. The Tata team is working on Nano news in papers, Nano breaks on radio, Nano appearing in the form of messages or ticker news on TV, online Nano games, Nano chat rooms on the Net, Nano pop-ups on major websites and Nano conversation on Facebook, Orkut and blog spaces


Tata has launched an online community based marketing effort to generate pre launch buzz about Tata Nano and build a community around its brand. Tata Nano is touted as the peoples car and building up on that platform Tata has launched a website named to direct to an intrinsically social media driven website for the Tata Nano hosted on Tata Motors sub domain. The website features a Blog A forum which already has 12000 members A dream car configurator which allows you to play with Tata Nano's design and create your own design. Booking Nano online, You can "build" your Nano on the company website, which means that you can select the color, decals, wheels, fog lamps, seat covers, and dashboard. Along with this, there are features like free downloads, contests, and so on. Tata seems to be actively engaging people by also discussing the ideas being generated in forum including the idea of actually selling the car online. Using this Tata can also actually gauge international interest in Nano Market Research using website: If you want to design an innovative distribution/marketing strategy, but are not sure of your customers would react to it what will you do? How do you reach out to your customers at the lowest cost, and in the most effective manner to get fair idea of their reaction? If you are Tata Nano then you would simply, bring this idea on your own personal website, and ask your to-be customers to leave in their comments about the proposed idea. And Voila! U have your market research done at 0 costs. Marketing Head of Tata Motors, monitored the comments posted on the Tata Nano website, an found the interesting concept of online selling of cars put forth by one of the viewers. Conventional automobile wisdom says that if a car dealer is any way required to complete the transaction, a web based option is a mere information

window. It can never really be an alternative to a 'brick-and-mortar' dealer. So how to gauze the customer response to this idea. The marketing head took forth this point on the Tata Nano website, and asked others to comment on it. Result of this was: People from all walks of life ranging from businessmen to farmers, and from city dwellers to rural villagers came forth with their views. The comments posted by the customers ranged from enthusiastic acceptance of this idea to a complete denial of the same. Some customers even mentioned the areas where Tat would need to exercise caution before undertaking such an initiative. All in all it was a wonderful demonstration of using customers as a sounding base for new ideas. Thus, the Tata Nano has a strong online presence and its novel website is just adding to it. Social Networking Ratan Tata has worked out a viral marketing strategy to promote the Nano at the lowest cost.The social networking era has become a great aid for the Tata Motors' Nano sale buzz to flourish in the online world. The Nano campaign, prior to its release, has been intensified through its extension to networking sites like Facebook and Orkut making the 'world's cheapest car' known to a larger mass. Tata is using social networking sites Facebook and Orkut to help build up a network of prospective customers to virally market the small car. While the official Tata Nano Facebook profile counts 4,210 fans as its members including Vismaya Firodia Bakshi, younger daughter of Kinetic group chairman Arun Firodia, and Vishal Gondal, CEO of Indiagames The Orkut site lists 6,906 members. Tata Nano on Facebook


Tata Motors' sales push on social networking sites makes for smart marketing even with India's low levels of Internet penetration. Given that half of India's online population of some 50 million users is touched by social media platforms. Problem with use of social networking: The only challenge that the social networking can trigger is the miscommunication of facts. Information on prices and features of the product if miscommunicated could kill the product itself. There are several Facebook groups from several countries in the Americas and elsewhere, who are Nano fans. There will also be a Nano online game; a Nano portal already has received 30 million hits, according to Kant. Search engines will soon have Nano pop-ups encouraging consumers to buy. Blogs While Orkut and Facebook are quite ubiquitous when it comes to social media strategies these days, however, media sharing and blogs

certainly are more active setups compared to networking as seen from the above example. The discussion on these blogs ranged from various issues ranging from how the cost worked out, to the safety of the car to the markets that it can tap into. Even YouTube videos are filled with comments on these matters. Highest View Count on YouTube - 303,006 No. of Blog Posts - 61,664 The Nanos overall marketing strategy will use conventional media in an unconventional manner. Unlike most small cars, Nano wont be big on advertising. There will be no TV campaign, only innovative use of print, radio and other media, particularly the web. The Tata team is working on Nano news in papers, Nano breaks on radio, Nano appearing in the form of messages or ticker news on TV, online Nano games, Nano chat rooms on the Net, Nano pop-ups on major websites and Nano conversation on Facebook, Orkut and blog spaces. In any case, the online buzz is enough to point out the brand that Tata has already built with this product; the buzz has caught the attention of even regular people in international markets if the forum topics on the official online communities are to be believed. To their credit Tata has handled these touch points pretty well by being active on them. In fact they also have a blog on the official website where they have been discussing quite interesting topics and generally maintaining an active community. This reliance on the online media also will make their advertising budget come low.


The Amazon Story

Jeff Bezos is the founder and CEO of The key to Amazons success: Using technology to build relationships and brand loyalty both with the customers and the partners The problem: Customers are skeptical when it comes to purchasing and giving their credit card number online The solution: add value by Treating customers as individuals, Anticipating their needs, Building relationships The relationship that Bezos build with his customer would turn out to be much greater than any small bookstore could create:


A personal greeting would appear when you entered the web site. Recommendations based on their past purchases were also available upon logging on. Recommendations were also available based on the mood of the customer. New releases. A message board was also created, in order to allow other customers to chat with one another. The Amazons customer: 44% of Amazons customers are repeat purchasers Customers tend to be more loyal online then offline: in the online world all retailers are all an equal distance away Amazon also builds relationships with affiliates (Site Partners): Amazon rewards their affiliates with up to 15% commissions for every customer referred to Amazon. This is monitored by a monthly report displaying connection times between sites.



Marketers and their clients are becoming aware of the need to measure the collaborative effects of marketing (i.e., how the Internet affects in-store sales) rather than siloing each advertising medium. The effects of multichannel marketing can be difficult to determine, but are an important part of ascertaining the value of media campaigns. Moreover, in my personal opinion in a country as diverse as India, the real action in a few years of time would lie in localization. Websites which will do business in Hindi and other local language would do well. Its simply because contrary to the claims, for a major chunk of Indians English is still an alien language. Thats why the scope of internet marketing in India lies in localization of websites. Talking to people in their own language does have its positive attributes. The indigenization of the web for the real Indians and the correct application of the mentioned internet marketing techniques is truly the way forward.


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