!! Questionnaire !

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Please take few minutes to complete this questioner. Your specific answers will be completely anonymous, but your views, in combination with those of others, are extremely important.

1 Are your feet placed flat and firm on the floor? YES NO 2 If your feet do not rest firmly on the floor, do you have a footrest instead? YES NO 3 Is your back and shoulders supported by your chair? YES NO 4 Do your arms hang loosely from your shoulders while working? YES NO 5 Are your forearms horizontal while working? YES NO 6 Are your elbows at your sides and at right angles? YES NO 7 Is your chair adjustable for height? YES NO

8 If your chair has armrests, are they adjustable for height? YES NO 9 Are your armrests padded, not hard? YES NO 10 Is your mouse near to your keyboard and at the same height? YES NO 11 Are your wrists in neutral positions while typing and using the mouse? (not twisted, bent up or down, or bent left or right) YES NO 12 Do your wrists lean on anything (including wrist rests) while typing or using the mouse? (not while resting) YES NO 13 Is your keyboard resting on a surface the same height as your elbows? YES NO 14 Are the springs in the keys stiff enough to resist being pressed when you are just resting your fingers on the keyboard? YES NO 15 Are the springs in the keys soft enough to allow pressing without having to push down more than a token amount? YES NO 16 Does your keyboard give you tactile feedback (you can feel the key go down when you press it) and/or audible feedback (you can hear a click when you press a key)? YES NO 17 Can you reach all keys on the keyboard easily and regularly without straining?


18 Are your eyes at a comfortable distance from the monitor? This is usually 1.5 to 2 feet. YES NO 19Are your eyes level with the top of the monitor? YES NO 20 Can you adjust the height of your monitor should you need to? YES NO 21 If you need to type from a paper document, do you have a document holder (copy stand) at the same height as your monitor? YES NO 22 Do you have to bend your neck to switch between the document holder and the monitor? YES NO 23 Do the tasks involved in your job cause you to take frequent short breaks from your computer? YES NO 24 Do you schedule your breaks so that you take them before muscle fatigue or pain starts? YES NO


1 Are your forearms horizontal while working? YES NO 2 Do you support your Neck and Back while working? YES NO

3 Do you keep your mouse close to you with wrist in neutral position? YES NO 4 Are your elbows at your sides and at right angles? YES NO 5 Are your wrists in neutral positions while typing and using the mouse? (not twisted, bent up or down, or bent left or right) YES NO 6 Do you find yourself leaning towards your monitor when working? YES NO 7 Do you have to bend your neck to switch between the document holder and the monitor? YES NO 8 Do you have to bend your neck to switch between the document holder and the monitor? YES NO

1 If you do start to get muscle fatigue or pain, do you get up and move around? YES NO 2 If you do get muscle fatigue or pain anywhere in your upper body while working, do you take a break? YES NO

3 After long periods of work at your computer, do you feel any of the following: Pain, tingling (pins and needles), coldness, numbness, stiffness or burning in your fingers, hands, wrists, or arms? YES NO 3 Do you ever suffer clumsiness or loss of strength and coordination in your hands? YES NO 4 Do you get sudden onsets of pain in your hands or arms, even at night? YES NO 5 Do you get urges to massage your hands? YES NO 6 Do you get pain in your upper back, shoulders or neck after using your computer for a while? YES NO

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