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lslamlc LducaLlon

Smok|ng Is |t fff(un|awfu|)?

Many Musllms regard smoklng as dlsllked by sboteeob buL noL
forbldden When An advlce ls glven abouL smoklng and lLs rullng you
ofLen hear a defenslve 8esponse eople know Lhe kllllng effecLs of
smoklng buL SaLan wanLs Lhem Lo keep on spendlng and burnlng Lhelr

CerLalnly clgareLLes were noL presenL ln Lhe llfeLlme of Lhe propheL
Powever whaL was presenL and wlll conLlnue Lo be presenL ls Lhe
revelaLlon ln lLs forms 1he Curan and auLhenLlc soooob 1he Curan
formulaLed Lhe prohlblLlon of everyLhlng LhaL ls evll

) ~-'=-' |--- ,=-; '-=-' |- J=-; (

#he allows Lhem all LhaL ls good and lawful and prohlblLs Lhem as
unlawful All LhaL ls evll" (Curan 7 137)

Lvll manlfesLs lLself ln Lhlngs deeds bellefs persons foods drlnks eLc
LeL us See wheLher smoklng ls evll or noL?

smok|ng |s a k|||er lL causes lung cancer Luberculosls and hearL
dlseases Lo MenLlon a few We know LhaL Allah forblds us from kllllng
ourselves Pe says

' ''- --- -~ '~= '-'~= =~ .-- ~ '~-= ' -' ~-- '-`
'-~- -' _= =~ ( -'~-' 29 (

#oJ Jo oot klll yootselves (oot klll ooe oootbet) 5otely llob ls most
metclfol to yoo oJ wboevet commlts tbot 1btooqb oqqtessloo ooJ
lojostlce we sboll cost blm loto tbe llte ooJ tbot ls eosy fot llob
(Curan 4 29)

||ah a|so says


--|-' ( ,--' 195 ';--V; ----


#oJ Jo oot tbtow yootselves loto Jesttoctloo (Curan 2 193)

1he above #oyoot are sufflclenL Lo prove Lhe prohlblLlon of smoklng

Smok|ng burns wea|th Allah says

,-='-~-' ,';= ';-'- ,-,---' , ',-- ,- V; ( -',~V' 26,27 )

ot speoJ oot wostefolly (yoot weoltb) lo tbe moooet of o 5peoJtbtlft

vetlly speoJtbtlfts ote btotbets of tbe Jevlls
(Curan 17 2627)

ou see some Musllm smokers may Allah gulde Lhem Lo Lhe LruLh
reservlng Lhelr cash Lo buy a pack or a Lwelvepack carLon of clgareLLes
or for Lhe #plpe SLuff" eLc WasLlng Lhelr money and Lhelr chesLs wasLe
on Lop of wasLe

Smok|ng |nf||cts harm on nonsmokersLhe ropheL (peace be upon

hlm) sald

,',~ V; ,,~ V ( _-=~ , -'=-' _-=~ 7517 )

1bete sboolJ be oeltbet botmloq oot teclptocotloq botm

Asmoklng harms Lhe body

8lL ls harmful Lo oLhers Many people encounLer breaLhlng problems
when 1hey smell a plpe or a clgareLLe especlally people sufferlng from
ClL ls Lhe cause of many devasLaLlng flres eLc

Smokers cause the spread of ev|| Lhey smoke openly and Lhus
encourage oLhers Lo smoke


Smok|ng effects worsh|p many smokers dlsllke fasLlng and praylng
because Lhey become lmpaLlenL 1hey wanL Lo go for Lhe nexL #round"
1he smoker becomes llke an addlcL

Smok|ng makes peop|e sme|| bad hls car cloLhes home eLc Carry
Lhe bad Smell Loo! Pe hurLs oLhers wlLh hls smell whlle ln prayer ln facL
Lhe angels also geL affecLed by Lhe smell

1he above polnLs are clear evldences LhaL smoklng ls evll and Lhus lL ls
haraam(unlawful) lf Lhe Musllm ls under any klnd of sLress Lhen he
musL Lurn Lo Allah for help

1he book of Allah Lhe Curan ls a heallng When Lhe urge for Smoklng
arlses resorL Lo Lhe Curan and sLrlve Lo comply wlLh Allahs Commands

) ,--~=--' -- =' ,; '--~ |---|-- '--- ';-'= ,---'; ( ;---' 69
1bose wbo sttlve botJ lo os (oot coose) we wlll sotely qolJe tbem to Oot
potbs (Ootoo 29 69)

ou may want to take by some of the fo||ow|ng means wh||e

depend|ng upon ||ah seek|ng h|s he|p and gu|dance

11ry Lo mlnlmlze drlnklng Lhe drlnks LhaL became #menLally relaLed" Lo
smoklng Coffee Lea eLc
2Whenever Lhere ls an urge for smoklng Lry Lo make yourself busy wlLh
someLhlng else
3Mlnlmlze conLacL wlLh smokers
4 1ry noL Lo accepL a clgareLLe from anyone
3 1ry noL Lo flnlsh smoklng Lhe whole clgareLLe Co Lo Lwo Lhlrds Lhen
half eLc
6 1ry noL Lo deeply lnhale Lhe smoke
71ry Lo drlnk a loL of waLer one you qulL smoklng
8 1ry Lo remember LhaL you wanL Lo galn Lhe pleasure of Allah

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