2011-12 T.Y. B. Sc. Geoinformatics Sem V and Vi

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(GEOINFORMATICS) Syllabus (2011-12)

With effect from 1 July, 2011 SEMESTER V GEOI 331: Introduction to Programming (Visual Basic 6.0) GEOI 332: Introduction to GIS and GPS GEOI 333: Digital Image Processing - I GEOI 334: Advances in Remote Sensing Technology GEOI 335: Basics of Aerial Photography and Photogrammetry GEOI 336: Application of Remote Sensing in Geoscience

SEMESTER VI GEOI 341: Database Concepts GEOI 342: Advances in GIS and GPS GEOI 343: Digital Image Processing - II GEOI 344: Introduction to RS, GIS and GPS Softwares GEOI 345: Applications of RS & GIS in Agriculture and Forestry GEOI 346: Applications of RS & GIS in Mineral Resources and Watershed Management

ANNUAL PRACTICAL COURSE GEOI 301: Visual Basic 6.0 and Database Concepts GEOI 302: Digital Image Processing and Aerial Photography GEOI 303: GIS Software and Mini Project

SEMESTER V GEOI 331: Introduction to Programming - Visual Basic 6.0

Unit 1: Introduction to programming concept, Data types, Data structures, Flowcharts, Algorithms, Sample algorithms (Max, SUM, Find, Sort) Unit 2: (7)


VB project, VB windows form and control, VB programming concept, variable, if-else, loops, function. VB modules Unit 3: (9)

VB controls properties, events and methods, Programming with events (click, change, double click, select etc) and properties (Enable, disable, visible etc) of VB controls Unit 4: (9)

ActiveX controls in VB, programming for ActiveX control like FlexGrid, Dialog box, and Windows common controls Unit 5: (9)

Database programming in VB, Database connection in VB, Database controls in VB, simple programs using MS-Access (data save, load, view using VB)

GEOI 332: Introduction to GIS and GPS

Module I: Data Sources: (06)

Concepts of spatial and non-spatial data, GIS Database formats: Geodatabase, coverage, Shape File, GRID File; Data acquisition, modes of data acquisition- Primary and secondary methods of acquisition of spatial and non-spatial data-surveying, remote sensing, Photogrammetry,. Module II: Database generation (06)

Map scanning and digitizing, data conversion from other digital sources, Topology, Topological Relationships; topology building, editing and cleaning, Error Correction; Accuracy and Precision; Importance of Error, Accuracy, and Precision, types of error

Module III: GIS Data Format


GIS Data Requirement, sources and collection, Methods of data capture-scanning, digitization and associated errors, Conversion from Other Digital Sources, Attribute data input and management Module IV: Analysis and Modeling Basic Spatial Analysis, Integration and Modelling: Logic operations, general arithmetic operations, general statistical operations, geometric operations, query and report generation from attribute data, geometric data search and retrieval, complex operations of attribute data, overlay, buffer zones, raster data overlay, integrated data analysis. Module IV: GPS (04) (08)

Global Positioning System: Introduction, History, GPS System Description, Structure of GPS system, GPS Accuracy and Error- Sources & Receiver Effects, Restrictions of GPS signals, Introduction to DGPS. Module V: GPS Application GPS application in Forestry GPS application in Hazards GPS application in Military GPS application in Location based Services GPS application in Surveying and Map making Reference Books:1. Geographic Information Systems and Science 2nd edition John Wiley & Sons, Ltd Paul A. Longley | Michael F. Goodchild | David J. Maguire | David W. Rhind 2. Concepts and Techniques of Geographic Information Systems CP Lo Albert K W Yeung, 2005 Prantice Hall of India. (08)

GEOI 333: Digital Image Processing I

Module I: Image Representation (8)

Image representation and Preliminaries - Image and Digital images: Different types of images and acquisition (like real images, aerial images, etc.) Module II: Image Enhancement-I (12)

Image Enhancement - Contrast manipulation, Gray-level thresholding, level slicing, and contrast stretching, Spatial feature manipulation - Spatial filtering, edge enhancement and fourier analysis Module III: Image Enhancement-II (10)

Multi-image manipulation Multi-spectral band ratio and differencing, principal components, canonical components, vegetation components, and intensity-hue-saturation (HIS) colour space transformation Module IV: Image Analysis (10)

Digital Analysis - image rectification and restoration: Radiometric, atmospheric and geometric corrections, correction in the spatial spectrum of the images Module V: Image Analysis Principal component Analysis and Discriminate analysis (8)

GEOI 334: Advances in Remote Sensing Technology

Module I: Optical Remote Sensing (10)

Data acquisition and data analysis, Energy interactions in the atmosphere and Advances in Optical Remote Sensing, Advances in Lithological mapping using optical Remote Sensing. Module II: Microwave Remote Sensing (10)

Microwave Remote Sensing: Introduction, advances, importance and applications, Geometric characteristics of SLAR, Radar Module III: Thermal Remote Sensing (10)

Thermal Remote Sensing: Introduction, advances, importance and applications, Geometric characteristics of thermal Remote Sensing Module IV: Hyperspectral Remote Sensing (09)

Hyperspectral Remote Sensing: Introduction, advances, importance and applications, Geometric characteristics of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Module V: High Resolution Earth Resource Satellites (09)

Introduction, Characteristics and Importance to Quick Bird and IKONOS satellites

GEOI 335: Basics of Aerial Photography and Photogrammetry

Module I: Aerial Photography (08)

Aerial Photography: Definition, types of aerial photographs, Process of aerial photography, basic requirements of aerial photographs, planning for photography, aerial cameras, planning and execution of photographic flights and procurement of aerial photographs Module II: Geometry of Aerial Photos (08)

Geometry of aerial photographs, significance of scale and types of mosaic - Stereoscopy, viewing instruments, normal vision, vertical exaggeration and factors affecting vertical exaggeration Module III: Aerial Photo Interpretation-I (08)

Airphoto interpretation - photo characteristics, truth, interpretation keys, elementary methods of map making, direct tracing, reflection and projection instruments Module III: Aerial Photo Interpretation-II (06)

Radial line triangulation, planimetric mapping by radial line plotting, Ground control for aerial Photogrammetry Module IV: Digital Photogrammetry (08)

Digital Photogrammetry: Definition, Digital photogrammetric image, Creation of digital Images, automatic measurement of fiducial mark, automated photogrammetric point measurement.

GEOI 336: Application of Remote Sensing in Geoscience

Unit: 1 (08)

Scope of Remote Sensing in Earth Sciences, Remote Sensing applications in geological investigations, History and Future trends Unit: 1I (08)

Remote Sensing applications to lithology - Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic rocks, Lithological mapping using aerial photos and satellite imagery Unit: 1II (08)

Remote Sensing and GIS applications to Geomorphology - Geometric agents, Processes and form, Geomorphological features and Classification, Interpretation of Drainage pattern and classification, Morphometric and slope analysis Unit: 1V (08)

Applications of remote sensing in Natural hazards: Floods, Landslides, Earthquake, Cyclones, volcano, soil and water pollution and their risk assessment and Management. Unit: V Modeling: Scope, importance and methods of Geo spatial modeling. (06)

SEMESTER VI GEOI 341: Database Concepts

1 Introduction (06) Basic concepts Data, Information, Database, Database Management System (DBMS), Characteristics of DBMS, Advantages and Disadvantages of DBMS, View of data: Data Abstraction & levels of Abstraction (Physical, Conceptual & View), Instances & Schemas, Data Independence, Database Users, Database Administrator. 2 Data Organization and Design (08)

Data Models: Object Based Logical Model, Record Base Logical Model (Relational Model, Network Model, and Hierarchical Model), Comparison between the three types of models, Relational Data models: Domains, Tuples, Attributes, Relations, Characteristics of relations, Keys, Key attributes of relation, Relational database, Schemas, Integrity constraints. 3 SQL (10)

Introduction to SQL, DDL Commands, DML Commands, Simple Queries, Aggregate Functions, Clauses, Nested Queries 4 RDBMS (09)

Introduction to RDBMS, Advantages and disadvantages of RDBMS, Introduction to Normalization- 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, Introduction to RDBMS packages Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, DB/2 5 Spatial Database Extensions (05)

Introduction to Spatial Extensions - PostGIS, Oracle Spatial, SQL spatial, MySQL spatial Reference Books:1. Database System Concepts :- Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth & S. Sudarshan, McGraw-Hill 2. Elmasri, Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, Addision Wesley 3. An Introduction to Database, Desai Galgotia Publications

GEOI 342: Advances in GIS and GPS

Unit I: DEM & DTM (08)

Digital Elevation Model (DEM): need, methods, data sources and products of DEM; Digital Terrain Modeling (DTM): need, method, data source and products of DTM Unit II: Advances in GIS (08)

Advances in GIS and current trends (Participatory GIS, Spatial data quality, uncertainty) Utilization and demography of various GIS softwares. Unit III: Open Source GIS (08)

Open Source GIS: Definition, History, Importance and Need of open source GIS system; Applicability and acceptance: Apllication of open sourse GIS using various softwares. Unit IV: 3D in GIS (06)

3D Modeling and Visualization using softwares: 3D display and analysis, modeling the viewshed, and modeling surfaces using TINs Unit V: Spatial Decision Support System (08)

Introduction, Using GIS for Decision Support; Spatial Decision Making; Building a SDSS; Current Spatial Decision Support Systems Technology; Applications of GIS in planning, policy and social welfare; REFERENCES 1. ISRO and DOS Reports 2. IMSD Report

GEOI 343: Digital Image Processing II

Module I: Image Classification-I (08)

Image classification: Introduction, Supervised classification - the classification stage, minimum distance to mean classifier, parallelepiped classifier, Gaussian maximum likelihood classifier and the training stage Module II: Image Classification-I Unsupervised classification - output stage, graphic products, tabular data, post classification smoothing (08)

Module III: Accuracy Assessment-I


Classification Accuracy Assessment, Data merging multi-temporal data merging, change detection procedures Module IV: Accuracy Assessment-II Multi-sensor image merging, merging of image data with ancillary information Module V: NDVI Definition, Need, Procedure, Importance and Application (06) (08)

GEOI 344: Introduction to RS, GIS and GPS Softwares

Unit I: Image Processing Techniques Introduction, Uses, Application, Key commands: Viewer, Import/Export and Data Preparation Unit II:GIS Data Preparation and Analysis software (08) (08)

Introduction, Uses, Application, Key commands: File, Edit, View, Theme and Graphics Unit III: Modern techniques in GIS data Preparation and Analysis (08)

Introduction, Uses, Application, Key commands and Introduction to Catalog, Map and Tools Unit IV: Specialized GIS software Introduction, Uses, Application, Key commands: File, Edit, View and Plug-ins Unit V: GPS Data: import and Export (08) (06)

Introduction, Uses, Application, Key commands: File, Edit, Find, Transfer, View, Tools and Utilities

GEOI 345: Applications of RS & GIS in Agriculture, Soil and Forestry

UNIT I: Agriculture I (08)

Introduction Agriculture Ecosystems, Yield parameters, spectral properties of crops, identification of crops and acreage estimation, vegetation indices

UNIT 1I: Agriculture II


Production forecasting through digital analysis, monitoring and condition assessment case studies UNIT III: Soil (08)

Introduction Soil survey methods, soil classification, Land evaluation, Saline, alkaline soils, soil mapping using RS data, soil identification and mapping of problem soils, soil conservation case studies UNIT IV: Forestry I Introduction - forest taxonomy, forest density, type mapping using RS techniques inventory of forests, delineation of degraded forests UNIT V: Forestry II (06) (08)

Damage assessment, forest ecosystem management and protection, preservation and recreation

GEOI 346: Applications of RS & GIS in Mineral Resources and Watershed Management
Unit I: Hydrogeology I (08)

Ground water in hydrologic cycle: origin of water, meteoric, Juvenile, magmatic and seawater, brief description of porosity, specific yield, specific retention and permeability Unit II: Hydrogeology I (08)

Types of aquifers: unconfined, confined, perched, aquifuge, aquitard, aquiclude, ground water recharge, artificial recharge and remote sensing studies in ground water Unit III: Watershed Management (08)

Introduction, definition, delineation of watershed, Sustainable watershed management, groundwater in watershed and Remote Sensing applications in watershed Unit IV: Petroleum and Coal Deposits (08)

Introduction, Origin of Oil and Natural gas, coal, Application of Rs and GIS in locating the petroleum and coal deposits and their significance.

Unit V: Mineral Deposit Introduction, Types of Mineral deposits and their location by using RS and GIS techniques


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