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April 19,1992
IOWA TODAY, STATE EDITION CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA VOL 110 NO. 101 $1.25 FORECAST: Cloudy with showers and thunderstorms. Highs 62-66; lows 50-54. Today's daylight: 13 hrs., 31 min. See 10A.

A regional newspaper^^serving Eastern Iowa

Voter anger intensifies The lilies^message

A feminder of life after death
By Phyllis Volkens
Free-lance writer

Perot gains as voters lose faith in the status quo

By John Kirsch
G a z e t t e political v^rlter

Why Perot faces an uphill battle, 13A

How beautiful they are, thegraceful, white, bell-like shapes of the Easter lilies, bending downward, softly, like angel wings at rest. Then- sweet and penetrating fragrance fiUs my senses, the can dles flicker, I raise my eyes and see the empty cross and then, Mary Lou, I think of you. Swirling softly through my memory, your presence drifts like silken scarves before a gen tle wind, wrapping me i n remembrances. Mary Lou, are there fields of Easter lilies in heaven? Do they bend in a celestial wind, as they do on Earth? Is their fragrance as sweet there as it is here? And, oh, my sister, do you ever think of me, as I do of you? Mary Lou, of the simgold hair and blue, sparkling eyes. You were a small and fragile child, with freckles on your nose and cheeks. You laughed in the wind and swvmg high in the swing and ran down the big hill and would never sit stiU to have your picture taken. How lovely, the Easter lilies upon the altar; they move within the breeze, the same as the memories of your life move across m y heart. Oh, Mary Lou, I loved you so much, just as y o u loved me. The years slipped away and then w e were grown women and separated by miles and responsibilities. But w e made"\ time to be together. We shared so many walks and talks and dreams and tears. Do you remember the last afternoon? We laughed and talked and then we walked to your car and kissed good bye and I kept waving until you disap peared arovmd the comer. The Easter lilies' fragrance is in every c o m e r of this place, the same as you fiU the comers of m y memories. Sunshine . . . perhaps if there had been sunshine instead of rain? . Rain, sheets of September rain, wind blown, beating on the windshield, sweep ing over the highway and a too-fast car swerves toward you, skidding sideways.
Turn to page 13A: Easter story

Voices from the front lines of voter anger: "I really don't think that there's a difference at all be tween the two parties . . . You could just call them the incum bent party and you've just about covered it," says Gary Sargent, who runs a small manufacturing firm in Cedar Rapids. The theme is echoed by Joe Aossey, also of Cedar Rapids. "No matter who you put in there, what's wrong is the sys tem is wrong and it doesn't mat ter who you put in." Multiply those perceptions, valid or not, and you begin to

understand why 1992 is shaping up as such an unsettled political year. The possible White House campaign of Texas billionaire H. Ross Perot is the latest evidence of that unrest. Polls show Perot winning a fifth of the vote in a three-way 'Contest with President Bush and likely Democratic nominee Bill Clinton. Sargent is circulating peti tions to get Perot's name on the Iowa ballot. Aossey, who worked earlier on "Billy Jack" movie star Tom Laughlin's "voter re volt" campaign, says he plans to work for Perot. "I see him as an outsider," says Aossey. "The least he can do is go in and shake a lot of cages."

^^He's got his eyes on the right ball and that's the deficit,^^


Gary Sargent, supporter of H. Ross Perot

Says Sargent, "He's got his eyes on the right ball and that's the deficit." Both say they've been turned off by the presidential campaign so far. "We're getting a lot of vague generalities and the same old claptrap," says Sargent. Ed Goldman of Des Moines, the Iowa coordinator for the Per

ot effort, says there's little doubt the Texas businessman will get on the ballot in the state. Perot has said he will run as a third-party candidate if he can get on the ballot in all 50 states, and he appears.well on the way to achieving that goal. Perot has said he's prepared to spend up to
Turn to page 13A: Voter anger

LSD hoax is difficult to squelcli

Los Angeles Times

Preparing for Easter

EL SEGUNDO, Calif. A puz zling hoax is frightening parents from coast to coast with fake warnings that their children are being exposed to new and poten tially lethal forms of the psyche delic drug LSD. The warnings once taken seriously by police, drug experts and doctors are being emphat ically dismissed as a cruel joke. Yet the rumors defy official at tempts to squelch them. As re cently as this month, the fliers turned up at St. Anthony's Cath olic School in El Segundo, south west of Los Angeles, where ad ministrators sent them home. According to the one-page fli er, the new forms of the drug, some laced with strychnine, are being sold to students as "tat toos" and designed to be absorb ed through the skin. Parents are asked to be on the lookout for the drug and its symptoms. "A young child could happen upon these and have a FATAL TRIP," warns the typewritten sheet sent to parents of students at St. Anthony's. "It is also be lieved that little children could be given a free 'TATTOO' by the other children who want to have some fun cultivating new cus tomers without the children's knowledge." DRUG EXPERTS say there is no truth to that. "We don't know where these come from, but they're bogus," said Ralph Lochridge, a spokesman for the Drug Enforcement Administration's Los Angeles office. "It's like UFO sightings. They show up every where." Authorities do not know who is responsible or what their mo tives might be. Some attribute the fliers to pranksters, others to well-intentioned people with in complete information. Washington drug authorities said the phony LSD warnings have been cropping up across the country for several years, starting on the East Coast in such places as Upstate New York and Pennsylvania and gradually working their way west. Most often, the fliers appear in small towns, but they have found their way into police stations, union mailers and major hospitals. Although the hoax is centered in the United States, similar fli ers have even been found in Be lize, Canada, Europe and Mexi co, said Cornelius Dougherty, a DEA spokesman in Washington.

G a z e t t e photo by L,W. W a r d

The Rev. John Morris of St. George's Antiochian Orthodox Church, Cedar Rapids, places sacred articles on the altar at the new church, 3650 Cottage Grove Ave. SE. Morris and church members used a car cavalcade Saturday, to carry the cross, tabernacle and sacred vessels from the old church, 1202 10th Ave. SE, to the new church in preparation for the cielebration of Orthodox Holy Week, which begins today. Orthodox churches will celebrate Easteir on April 26, one week later than Western Christians.

Lawmakers back constitution that dilutes Yeltsin's powers

MOSCOW (AP) Russian lawmakers endorsed a new constitution Saturday that would reduce Boris Yeltsin's powers and could force the Russian president to seek a referen dum on his role in govern ment. But the vote by the Congress of People's Depu ties was a minor setback for Yeltsin, who retains the authority to issue economic decrees and appoint minis ters. Yeltsin also has time to propose changes in t h e draft constitution or call a referendum before the doc ument comes up for a final vote at the next Congress session in the fall. Yeltsin's supporters have been pushing to change the Communist-era constitution to create a strong executive branch of government, which they call a "presidential republic." His opponents, an uneasy coalition of former Communists and reformist lawmakers, prefer a "legislative republic" with a weaker presidency. Yeltsin's aides have threatened to call a popular referendum on his powers if the Congress and constitutional commission insist on reducing them. The Congress voted Saturday, 664-139, to endorse the "general concept" of a 70-page draft constitu tion that is tilted toward the legislature. But the document, written by a commission of more than 100 lawmakers and legal experts, also includes a hodge-podge of suggestions from many political groups. "It's about three-quarters 'legislative re public' and one-quarter 'presidential republic,'" the document's principal architect, lawmaker Oleg Rumyantsev, said. Yeltsin wants a constitution based on the U.S. system and written by his legal adviser, Sergei Shakhrai. Congress voted Friday not to consider Shakhrai's proposal.

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Yeltsin did not attend the debate. His supporters were openly scornful of the 1,046-member Congress, dominated by former Communists who have criticized his economic re forms and tried to trim his powers since the ses sion began April 6.

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