Here Are Some of My Suggest Ion S Based On Media Reports and Press Conferences by Politicians

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Here are some of my suggest ion s based on media reports and press conferences by politicians:
1 -The re should be a media cell which should take into account repo rts & analysis of local & Intern a tio n media and press conferences of the politicians abou t al P TI or its lea ders. They should prepa re notes of all the accu sations therein whether rea l or imaginary. 2- Logical and cohe rent ans wers should be prepa red and be provided to the PTI lea ders/represe ntatives participating in different media programmes so that they could properly present the party position. 3-A group of people/lea ders should be identified and then properly prepa red to represent then party in different media programmes. At the moment PTI is not represented in most of the current affairs programmes 4-A group of people with good writing skills be identified and asked to write in the print media, both local and international, on different important national issues to project and explain party position on issu es of national importance. 5-An appea l should be made on party's official website to all the suppo rters on social media networks like twitter and Faceboo k to refrain from abus ive rea ction as it could be counterproductive . SUGGESTIONS ON VIEWPOINTS OF THE PARTY ON SOME ISS UES WHICH NEED REVISION OR RECTIFICATION: A-The response of the party on questions of Imrans asse ts shou ld emphas ise primarily on the fact that we are questioning assets of lea ding politicians for the only reason that they have been in government in the past and have made ill-gotten asse ts because of their position in pub lic office. Since Imran has never been in power therefore questions about his asse ts do not make any sense and are irrelevant. They should judg e him and his asse ts after he gets a chance to remain in pub lic office for a while like PPP , Muslim Lea gue (N&Q), MQM, ANP, JUI(F) etc. Whatever asse ts he may have got were not made at the expen se of national exchequer. B-There is difference in betting and gambling. Betting is like a shirth in urdu and gambling is jua. Imran's bet in England was a legal practice over there and it was good enough to win because of his exce ptional

Cricketing skills which enabled him to correctly assess the match situation and predict the right results. Moreover it happened when he was not a politician. After all he is human not an angel and might have erred in the past, but he has never gained at the expense of the state while his rivals did as they have been in power and that's the key point which makes him head and shoulders abo ve others . People should judg e him on the basis of his political life rather than his personal one in the pas t. We are also judg ing our rivals on the bas is of their political deeds rather than personal ones. C-Under the constitution there is a laid down procedu re for election wherein Supreme Court of Pak istan is not involved to directly supervise elections. Therefore demanding elections under direct Supreme Courts supervision would require constitutional amend ment which is not possible at the moment. Hence the demand for free and fair election under direct sup reme courts supe rvision needs revision in consultation with constitutional experts. D-There is a hue and cry about politicians joining PTI and some media people are jumping up and down on it to criticising this trend. The party should come forward and explain that in a system of gove rnment formed on the bas is of majority sea ts in the national elections every party need maximum se ats of MNA's & MPA's which require majority votes in a constituency to win a seat. Hence how could a party win election and form gove rnment if it does not get majority se ats in an election which is not possible withou t most of the people joining PTI? If people are stopped from joining then how could elections be won? I t c e r t a i n l y does not mean that they are joining as potential leaders, legislators or ministers, but they are joining as voters and supporters. PTI wants to get power through elections and not any other means therefore everybody would be accep ted into part fold to get majority vote. We have to play by the rule of the game set by our constitution which envisa ges that government could only be formed if a party win elections. Forming a government is an end and election is a mean as per constitution and we have to compete with other parties to win election. We canno t import candidates from heaven to win and we can only win with winnable human candidates. But it needs to be explained to the critics that in a parliamentary form of gove rnment every MNA or MPA would not be part of executive to run the gove rnment. Only cabinet and PM co nstitu te execu tive branch. So people should not jump to the conc lusions that people with dodgy past could hold pub lic office of importance if PTI comes to power. By dodgy past I mean people who have been accused of corruption and it does not involve those who changed political loyalties. So dont make presumptions and conjectures abou t PTI and wait till it comes to power and then if anyone with dodgy past beco me part of the execu tive then it could be rightly criticise d as not the rea l agen ts of change but rather the same old force of status quo in the new garb.

PTI should explain that party ticke ts would be given to people who are potentially winnable and not known notorious people depending on rural and urban divide. Obviously every party would like to give ticket to winnable candidates and so would PTI as only potentially winnable candidates could win you elections which is a precondition for forming gove rnment in a parliamentary form of gove rnment. But unlike other parties where personal friends and cronies were picked as ministers, PTI shall pick right people for the right job in the cabinet and that would be a break with the past and the rea l change which w e stand for as our slogan. E-What our slogan of change or revolution actually signifies? It means bringing change in the gove rnance which would be for the people and by the people in the rea l sense, bringing change by eliminating corruption and nepotism by a mechanism of transparent accountability and selecting honest people in the cabinet, bringing change by insuring rule of law withou t favour or fea r, bringing change by introdu cing merit in se lection of key positions in the gove rnment hierarchy and corporations, and bringing change by improving the conditions of the common people on the streets. These radical changes would bear fruit of a welfare state. But we can bring radical change or revolution only if we win election. We would use all possible means under the law to win elections. So don't criticise us for acce pting every one into the fold of the party as we had to do this to compete with others and win elections. You cant expe ct us to sea rch for angels to con test elections, which is a day dream, while our rivals make use of all possible tactics to ensu re that we don t win. Criticise our performance not our strategy. Criticise our blunders not our inno cent plans. Ijaz Shah Edinbu rgh (UK)

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