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Survey of cattle feed channel and an including dealer district network and dairies and to calculate total annual


SUBMITTED TO: Dr. J.K. Singh General Manager (Markating & Extension) Dayal Industries Limited Lucknow

SUBMITTED BY: Kundan Kumar Sharma Post Graduate Diploma in Management Jaipuria Institute of Management Lucknow

A Project Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of Post Graduate Diploma in Management May 10th, 2011 - June 25th, 2011

Declaration. Acknowledgement. Table of contents... Chapter 1: Executive Summary Chapter 2: About Dayal industries limited Company profile. Vision Mission .. Quality policy Extention Services News Other Facilities. Logo .............................................. About the product.................... Animal and Poultry feed Seeds.. Micronutrients Water soluble fertilizer.. Secondary nutrients.. Biofertilizers and Biopesticides. Natural Organic Manures. Natural Plant Growth Promoter..

Calcium Milk Tonic..

Chapter 3: Research Methodology Objective of study Research design. Sample size Scope of study Sampling technique. Data collection Chapter 4:Findings and analysis Chapter 5: Bibilography.

This is to declare that Kundan Kumar Sharma has done his Summer Project Training in Dayal Industries Limited, Patna,Bihar under kind guidance of Dr. Dinesh Panday, under the overall supervision of Dr. J.K. Singh. The data obtained and the report of the project has not been submitted by the investigator for any other degree nor the project work is published in any of the journals. This is an original work.

Dr. J.K. Singh

Dr. Dinesh Panday

Kundan Kumar Sharma

Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend.

- Albert Camus

I Kundan Kumar Sharma, from Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow would express my sincere gratitude to all those who have helped me directly or indirectly in this summer internship project. First, I thank my Project Supervisor Dr. J.K. Singh for his continuous support in my Summer Internship Project. Without Dr. Dinesh Panday , this project could not be completed as he guided me at every level and provided location. I owe a lot to him as he gave me a chance of practical experience in term of a field trip to Ara, Live Study on patna and Ara, Bihar. Special thanks goes to Mr. Sandeep who is most responsible for helping me in my Summer Internship Project as well as guided me on my survey. Last, but not least, I thank my family: my parents, Mrs. Pavitra Sharma for giving me life in the first place, for educating me, for unconditional support and encouragement to pursue my interests. My Brother Sanjay Kumar Sharma, for sharing her experience of the project writing endeavor with me, for listening to my complaints and frustrations, and for believing in me.

Thank You All Kundan Kumar Sharma


About three-fourth of the total population of our country resides in the rural areas and majority of them are dependent upon agriculture for their subsistence. Agriculture contributes about 24.7% to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country. It also contributes about 13.1% to the total Indian exports. This sector provides employment to 58.4% of the country's workforce and livelihood to more than 650 million people. This Indian economy is comprised of two main sectors, namely, the rural sector and the urban sector. The Rural sector is, in turn, comosed of two main sub sectors i.e. The agriculture sub sector and the non agricultural sub sector. Agriculture Sub Sector The agricultural sub sector comprises agricultural and allied economic activities such as crop cultivation, animal husbandry, dairying, fiseries, poultry and forestry (floriculture) etc. Non-Agriculture Sub Sector This non- agricultural sector of economic activities relating to industry, business and services refers to transportation, communication, banking, postal, education, retailing etc.

Rural Market Potential

The rural market potential can be measured in terms of the rural population, the population of livestosks, the extent of land, forest, and other natural resources. From the data of population census of 1991, India,s rural population was 62.87 crore,which accounted for 74.3 percent of the countrys total population. In comparison to just 5,161 towns in India there are 6, 38,365 villages in India. This in itself is an indicator where the real India resides. Companies are realizing slowly but surely that the key to gain true market leadership lies in tapping the rural potential. However, the rural sector in India suffers from different kinds of problems. Some areas are having enough money but their level of awareness and hence consumerism is very low. But there are many areas where economic empowerment, education, health etc. This rural market in India can be defined as any market that exists in an area where the population is less than 10, 000. The rural market in India is scattered and spread over a wide geographical area and this rural market witnesses a high demand.

Problems in Rural Marketing

Though rural markets are a huge attraction to marketers, it is not easy to enter the market and take a sizable share of the market, in the short time due to the following reasons. Low Literacy There are not enough opportunities for education in rural areas. The literacy level is as low (36%) when compared to all- India average of 52%. Seasonal Demand Demand for goods in rural markets depends upon agricultural situation, as agriculture is the main source of income. Agriculture to a large extent depends upon monsoon and, therefore, the demand or buying capacity is not stable or regular. Transportation Many rural areas are not connected by rail transport. Distribution An effective distribution system requires village-level shopkeeper, Mandal/ Talukalevel wholesaler or preferred dealer, distributor or stockiest at district level and companyowned depot or consignment distribution at state level. The presence of too many tiers in the distribution system increases the cost of distribution. Communication Problems Facilities such as fax and telegram are poorly developed in rural areas. Traditional Life Life in rural areas is still governed by customs and traditions and people do not easily adapt new practices. Media for Promotions Television has made a great impact and large audience has been exposed to this medium. Radio reaches large population in rural areas at a relatively low cost. However, reach of formal media is low in rural households; therefore, the market has to undertake specific sales promotion activities in rural areas like participating in melas or fairs.

Composition of Feeds in Relation to Cattle Nutrient

Plants serve as the major source of feed for livestock. Nutrients required for maintenance and production are provided by various plants and plant derived feeds along with small amounts from non-plant sources. The major constituents of plants are water, carbohydrates, protein, fat, minerals and vitamins. Both plants and animals contain these nutrients, but the relative proportions vary more in plants. Water Water content causes great variation in economic value of feed because it dilutes the nutrients. A good example is the value of alfalfa silage compared to alfalfa hay. Wilted alfalfa silage contains about 65 percent moisture while alfalfa hay contains about 12 percent moisture. Comparisons of feeds should be on the basis of nutrients contained per unit of dry matter, thereby removing the influence of water. On the other hand, high moisture feeds may be valuable in reducing dustiness in some rations. Protein Proteins are complex compounds composed of amino acids. These amino acids contain nitrogen in addition to the carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, which constitute carbohydrates and fats. When all the different proteins are considered, their average nitrogen content is about 16 percent. For simplicity in evaluating feeds, the nitrogen is measured and then converted to protein by multiplying by 6.25 (100 divided by 16). In using this method of estimating crude protein content in feeds, non-protein nitrogen compounds such as nitrates and urea are also credited toward the protein value. Digestible protein is reported in some feed composition tables. However, many requirement tables now list only crude protein because it is more accurate for calculating quantity of protein required in mixed rations. It is also much simpler to use crude protein in using individual feed analyses in ration formulation. Analyses can be made that will help in determining the presence of unavailable (indigestible) protein. Feedstuffs, especially medium moisture silages, often undergo heating during storage which causes some proteins to become bound to carbohydrates. This protein is not digestible. Analysis for acid detergent fiber nitrogen can be used to adjust forage protein values for this unavailable protein.

Microorganisms in the rumen assist in providing the total protein and individual amino acid requirements of ruminants. Microorganisms are able to synthesize protein and amino acids from nonprotein nitrogen (NPN) compounds, such as urea and ammonia. When the digestible energy content of the ration is high enough, 1/3 or more of the total protein needs of many ruminant rations may be supplied by nitrogen from nonprotein nitrogen sources. Growing and finishing cattle weighing over 550 lbs can effectively use nonprotein nitrogen. Young cattle and dairy cattle, however, have limited ability to use NPN, apparently because the microbial protein formed in the rumen is inadequate in quantity or quality, or both. When cattle over 550-600 lbs are fed high energy growing or finishing rations, nonprotein nitrogen can supply all the needed supplemental protein equivalent needed without appreciably affecting rate of gain or efficiency of feed utilization. In low energy calf growing rations and beef cow maintenance rations, urea is not very effective as a protein substitute, especially when it is fed once daily or less often. For dairy cow rations, some urea can be fed in complete rations designed for medium and low producers. Urea does not appear to be effective in rations designed for high producers. The concept of feeding higher levels of protein which escape rumen degradation is relatively new and needs further refinement and simplification before becoming practical for ruminant ration formulation. The protein content of roughages is an indicator of digestible energy content. Roughage with lower than average protein (for its kind) will usually be more mature, higher in fiber and lower in total digestible energy and vice versa. Energy Energy in feedstuffs is carried primarily in the carbohydrate and fat fractions. Proteins also supply energy when fed in excess of protein needs.

Carbohydrates supply most of the energy needed by cattle. Carbohydrates make up 65 to 75 percent of the dry weight of most grains, forages, and roughages. They include sugars, starch, cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. The two carbohydrate fractions commonly used in evaluating the carbohydrate content of feed are crude fiber and nitrogen-free extract (NFE). As crude fiber increases, digestible energy usually decreases. In most concentrate feeds, crude fiber is the less digestible portion and NFE the most digestible portion of the carbohydrates. However, in some

roughages, the crude fiber fraction is as digestible as the NFE. In fact, the indigestible lignin of plants appears largely as NFE. Although crude fiber is a poor absolute measure of feed value of a roughage, it is related to digestibility of roughages and therefore is of some useful value. New methods of analyzing for fiber have been developed. Neutral and acid detergent fiber clearly differentiate between actual fiber (cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin) and non-fibrous parts of the plant. These methods are not widely used by the feed or livestock industries, which still rely on the use of crude fiber and NFE. They will be used increasingly as more data are generated on forages. Microorganisms in the rumen use fibrous materials such as cellulose and hemicellulose as energy sources. Because of bacterial fermentation of cellulose and hemicellulose to fatty acids, ruminants can utilize roughages and forages as sources of energy better than nonruminants. Feeds high in cellulose can furnish most of the ruminant's energy needs when only small amounts of energy are needed above maintenance. In the past, a minimum amount of crude fiber (about 6.0 percent) was thought to be needed in ruminant rations for proper rumen and gut function. Recent success with high or all concentrate, low fiber fattening rations points to the need for reappraisal of the fiber needs of beef cattle.

Fat is a good source of energy and is analyzed in complete feed analysis as ether extract. Fats in the ration aid in the absorption and transportation of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K). In concentrates, the ether extract consists largely of glycerides of fatty acids which provide about 2.25 times as much energy per unit of weight as carbohydrates. However, in many species of forbs and shrubs, such as sagebrush, various oils and resins are present in considerable amounts, and in all green forages considerable ether soluble pigments are present. These are extracted by ether but do not furnish available energy to the animal. Fat is generally low in forages and most roughages, but it can be an important source of energy in concentrates. When animal fats are low in price, adding fat up to 5 percent of the total ration may supply a practical source of energy. The fat content of range cubes may be important because of its effect on palatability of the cube. Solvent processed meals, without added fat, often produce a hard, unpalatable cube which may be refused by livestock. Certain fats and fatty acids have been effective in improving intake of energy and milk yield of dairy cows.

Energy Values
Energy values are usually expressed in feed composition tables as total digestible nutrients, metabolizable energy, net energy for maintenance and net energy for gain or lactation. These values are based on digestion or balance trials for certain feedstuffs. For

others, values are calculated by formulas derived from basic digestion or energy balance data. Because of this and the fact that many feeds deviate from averages, energy values should not be considered absolute. When a feed appears to deviate substantially from normal, adjusted energy values should be used in formulating rations. The best estimate of the energy value of a feed is that derived from determining in vitro dry matter digestibility where this analytical service is available. Energy values estimated from protein and crude fiber are useful if appropriate formulas are used in their calculation. The additional cost of a proximate analyses does not appear justified for calculating the energy value of a feedstuff. Minerals Minerals remain as ash after the feed has been completely burned. Ash shows the total mineral content of the feed. It is used in determining the proximate analysis of feeds and can be used to estimate contamination of a feedstuff with dirt. Minerals are needed to form skeletal structures, for digestion, and in metabolic processes within the body. Seven major and six trace minerals are known to be essential for livestock, and several additional trace minerals are believed essential. Although trace minerals are required in very small amounts, adequate levels are just as important as adequate amounts of the major minerals. Excesses of minerals may be harmful and cause lowered production or even death (selenium, molybdenum and fluoride are examples). Sodium and chlorine (both supplied in common salt), calcium and phosphorus are minerals most likely to be deficient in cattle diets. In addition, cobalt, copper and zinc may often be deficient in high concentrate rations if not supplemented. Vitamins Vitamins are needed by livestock for various body processes in very minute amounts. About 14 different vitamins are recognized to have specific functions in animal metabolism. Under normal conditions vitamin A is of major concern for producing cattle. Vitamin D supplementation will likely be needed in housed animals that get very little sunlight. The others are either produced in the healthy ruminant within the body, by rumen bacteria, or are normally present in natural feedstuffs. Properly harvested current year's forage contains carotene, which is converted to vitamin A by the normal body processes. Cattle fed liberal amounts of good quality current year's roughage usually require no supplemental vitamin A. Prolonged storage of feeds or excessive bleaching during curing destroys carotene.

Fodder or animal feed

Fodder or animal feed is any agricultural foodstuff used specifically to feed domesticated livestock such as cattle Most animal feed is from plants but some is of animal origin. "Fodder" refers particularly to food given to the animals (including plants cut and carried to them), rather than that which they forage for themselves . It includes hay, straw, silage, compressed and pelleted feeds, oils and mixed rations, and also sprouted grains and legumes. The worldwide animal feed industry consumed 635 million tons of feed (compound feed equivalent) in 2006, with an annual growth rate of about 2%. The use of agricultural land to grow feed rather than human food can be controversial; some types of feed, such as corn (maize), can also serve as human food, while others such as grass cannot. Some agricultural by-products which are fed to animals may be considered unsavory by human consumers. Types of fodder

Conserved forage plants: hay and silage Compound feed and premixes, often called pellets, nuts or (cattle) cake. Crop residues: stover, copra, straw, chaff, sugar beet waste Fish meal Meat and bone meal Freshly cut grass and other forage plants Molasses Oil cake and press cake Oligosaccharides Seaweed Seeds and grains, either whole or prepared by crushing, milling etc. Sprouted grains and legumes Yeast extract

Chapter 2 About Dayal industries limited


Dayal Group offers a comprehensive range of inputs from fertilizers, seeds, bioproducts to animal feed and supplements. In accordance to our mission of bringing a smile to every farmers face, it is our consistent effort to provide the rural community with quality products from time to time. We have developed a wide range of products in micronutrients, secondary nutrients, bio-fertilizers, animal feed and supplement, seeds, natural organic fertilizers, water soluble fertilizers and natural plant growth promoters. The group is widely associated with quality, reliability and better service since 1979. Our staff strength is drawn primarily from the agricultural colleges and universities around India. Our corporate members have degrees in engineering & agriculture with specialization in various fields. To complement their formal education, they are trained in fields such as agronomy, soil science, plant pathology, entomology, horticulture, economics and extension education. In addition, they are also given hands on experience and educated in matters related to farm visits, farm demonstrations, field day, dealer visits, dealer meetings, sales and technical conferences.

Company Profile
Basic Information

Company Name: Business Type: Product/Service (We Sell): Address: Number of Employees:
Ownership & Capital

Dayal Fertilizers (P) Ltd. Manufacturer Fertilizers, Bio-Products, Cattle Feed & Supplement Dayal Fertilizers, Delhi Road, Partapur. 101 - 500 People

Year Established: Legal Representative/Business Owner:

1979 Mr. Abhay Kumar

Trade & Market

Main Markets: Total Annual Sales Volume:

Factory Information

Southeast Asia US$10 Million - US$50 Million

No. of R&D Staff: Contract Manufacturing:

5 - 10 People OEM Service Offered

To remain the most respected name in rural world by providing quality products, reliability and better service to the rural consumers, every time.

To bring a smile on every farmer's face Through our quality products and constant support, we strive to improve the yield and productivity of the farmer, and help him get better price for his produce and improve the standard of life for himself and his family.

Quality Policy
We are committed to provide quality products with total reliability and excellent services for customers delight. In all our endeavors continuous progress, sincerity, ethics and long-term relationships are of paramount importance.

Extension Services
We operate in most parts of India, with major presence in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Bihar. Our products are also available through our dealer network in Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Assam. Our network includes around 500 distributors, 10000 dealers throughout the country. Besides, Dayal aggressively pursues the formation of exclusive Dayal Group retail outlets known as Dayal Bandhu Kendra, where all quality Dayal products are available to the farmers at one point. We are continuously

involved in advising the farmers about integrated plant nutrient management, integrated pest management, soil testing and crop cultivation. With the mission of putting a smile on every farmers face, our sales representatives constantly work amongst the farmer community to make them aware of the latest crop management techniques and solving their problem.

Social Responsibility
The spirit of corporate social responsibility is imbibed deep into the culture of Dayal Group. With the noble mission of putting a smile on every farmers face, Dayal takes utmost care that only quality products leave its production units, and if any problem is faced by the farmer it is earnestly looked into. Besides, Dayal Group operates a school, Gyanodya Vatika where children, like rag-pickers, etc. who cannot afford a school, are given free education; evening classes are also organized for imparting vocation training like sewing and basic computer know-how Dayal Group also operates a full time hospital for poor, at the Meerut headquarter All these efforts are beyond the numerous camps and missions, like the camp for physically challenged, orphanages, etc. We sincerely believe in complete welfare of the people involved with Dayal. Thus, evening classes are organized in factory premises, where staff members educate production labor in the basics of reading and writing.

Dayal Krishi Bulletin is published every quarter, which contains news related to the recent crop cultivation technology, animal disease management, the season specific crop information, etc. It also includes the mention of exceptional performers in the Dayal team.

Our Facilities
The production units of Dayal Group are located in Meerut and Lucknow. While the Micro & Macro Nutrients Unit, Microbiology, Bio Unit and Seed Processing Unit are located at Meerut, the Animal Feed & Supplements Unit is located in Lucknow. Dayal Group has a laboratory with facility for soil testing a research farm for testing of seeds, fertilizers and other products is also operated.


Dayal Networks

About the product Micronutrients ( Zn, Fe, Cu, B, Mn, Mo)

Every micronutrient has specific roles to play in the plants. Their presence in optimum concentration is a must for the plant to complete its life cycle that ends with maturity and harvesting of the economic produce. Micronutrients are essential plant mineral nutrients taken up and utilized by crops in very small quantities. Traditionally, we have relied on what was present naturally in the soil together with amounts added as impurities in fertilizers and pesticides as the source of micronutrients for crop growth. In recent years however, deficiencies of micronutrients have been diagnosed more frequently; and many farmers are beginning to take a closer look at their general availability. It is extremely important to be able to recognize and correct micronutrient deficiencies. When micro-nutrients become a limiting factor water, fertilizer and other high-energy production inputs may be wasted, since a plant will only grow and develop to the extent that its most limiting growth factor will allow.

Zinc: It is required by several enzyme systems, auxins and in protein synthesis; in seed
production and rate of maturity. Common symptoms of Zn-deficiency are stunted plant growth, poor tillering, development of light green, yellowish, bleached spots; poor tillering, development of light green, yellowish, bleached spots; chlorotic bands on either side of the midrib in maize, brown rusty spots on leaves in some crops which in acute Zn deficiency as in rice may cover the lower leaves; in fruit trees the leaves may bunch together at the tip in rosette type cluster. Little leaf condition is also a common symptom. To avoid deficiency of zinc use the following micronutrients fertilizers in soil and/or foliar spray; never use the zinc fertilizers with phosphatic fertilizers

1. Zinc Sulphate Heptahydrate- Premium quality white crystalline (ZnSo4.7H2O) 21% Zn Min w/w ; Due to hygroscopic in nature it is difficult to use the with urea suitable for alkaline and saline soil. 2. Mono Zinc - (Zinc Sulphate Mono Hydrate) Powder (ZnSo4.H2O) - 33% Zn Min. w/w : Powder form of Mono Zinc (33% Zn) is compatible with urea it also increases the efficiency of urea by chelating the urea pills as a coating agent. Shelf life and storage is very good than zinc sulphate heptahydrate (21% Zn) 3. Chelated Zinc - Used in very small quantity for foliar application compatible with phosphatic fertilizers also .

4. Super Action Mono Zinc - (Partially Chelated Zinc) - Powder - 12% Zn - EDTA Min. w/w . In acute deficiency of zinc, spraying of partially chelated zinc is very effective even in very small quantity.

Iron:- Its plays an important role in the synthesis of chlorophyll. Fe deficiency lead to
failure in chlorophyll production, ferrous sulphate is best to cure the iron deficiency in all type of soil & crops. 5. Ferrous Sulphate - Crystal/Powder (FeSo4.H2O) 19% Fe Min. w/w 6. Copper Sulphate - Crystal/Powder (CuSo4.5H2O) - 24% Cu Min. w/w 7. Manganese Sulphate - Powder (MnSo4.H2O) - 30.5% Mn. w/w 8. Anmol Micro - Mixture of Micronutrients powder and liquid Spray (Zn + Fe + Cu + Mn+ B+ Mo + N + Ca + Mg) - Soil & Crop (Sugarcane, Potato, Mentha & Cereal special ) Specific, Customized, compatible with all type of fertilizers except phosphatic. 9. Anmol Micro Super Action - (Partially Chelated Micro Nutrient) Powder (Zn + Fe + Cu + Mn+ B+ Mo + N + Ca + Mg) - For any unidentified micronutrient deficiency symptoms on the plant spraying of partially chelated micro nutrients is very effective even in very small quantity. 10.Chelated Micronutrients - Used in very small quantity for foliar application compatible with phosphatic fertilizers also . 11. Safal - micronutrient mixture (Zn + Fe + Cu + Mn+ B+ Mo + N + Ca + Mg) fully suitable for foliar spray to cure the any micro nutrient deficiency symptoms 12. Borofert - A small amount of boron is essential for all type of crops. It's play an important role in fertilization of flowers and prevent the tubers, roots and fruits from cracking. Microbor contains 100% water soluble, readily available boron.

Secondary Nutrients (Ca, Mg & S)

Calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and sulfur (S) are the three secondary nutrients required by plants. They are less likely to be added as fertilizer than the macronutrients (N-P-K). Most soils in India, adequately supply these nutrients for plant growth. Magnesium sulphate Crystalline (MgSo4.7H2O) 9.6% Mg Min w/w. Calcium sulphate gypsum powder (CaSo4.2H2O) - 23% Ca, 18% S Min. w/w

SULPHUR Sulphur is an essential plant nutrient required for the production of amino acids which in turn make a proteins. Oil content and quality of oil crops directly affected by sulphur. In pulses and cereals lower sulphur levels lead to lower protein and given this affects the quality of the flour, the price received for this produce will be reduced yield losses also occur in low sulphur situations. Ideally, plants will take up sulphur at the same levels as phosphorus. SULFORICH 90% Sulphur in powder as well as pustules. It is essential for protein formation & for proper growth of the plants. In mustard, Onion, Garlic plants it provides the characteristics odour & is connected with the formation of chlorophyll.

Natural Organic Manures

Anmol Khad

It is natural organic manure fortified with neem & seaweeds. It is formulated from agriculture raw material having 45% organic matter consisting of plant nutrients. Anmol Khad: also has high counts of beneficial micro flora. It is 10 times more effective than compost manure


It is natural organic manure for soil physical and biological health helpful for growth and development of beneficial soil micro flora. 1 Kg. Culture of beneficial microbes is also free with this product.

Natural Plant Growth Promoters


Humic acid, amino acids (total 26 amino acids like alanine, amonia, arginine, aspertic acid, glutamic acid etc), carbohydrates, lactate, gluconate, natural plant growth hormones, enzymes based granular (Anmol Amrit-G and ) liquid (Anmol Amrit formulation fully suitable for speedy plant growth promotion, tillering, root development, fruit setting and quality improvement of produce, also suitable forOrganic farming.

A specially formulated granular product based on sea-weed (Ascophyllum nodosum) extarct that contains important plant hormones as cytokinins, auxins, enzymes with hydrolysed proteins and vitamins in natural state. It plays an important role in maintaining good plant growth and provides root a better access to the nutrients present in the soil.

Water Soluble Fertilizers

N:P:K:- 19:19:19, 00:52:34, 00:00:50, 12:61:00
Manufactured from worlds leading company in field of water soluble (100 %) fertilizers which contains nitrogen, phosphorous & potash used for foliar spray and drip fertigation for all the crops.
1. Anmol 19:19:19 :

Foliar spray of small quantity gives excellent result in all the crops efficiency (100 % absorbance) even in very short period.
2. Anmol 0:52:34 :

due to its

In acute phosphorous and potash deficiency it gives quick effective response in foliar spray also very useful in drip fertigation.

Biofertilizers (N, P, K)

Culture of beneficial microorganisms responsible for atmospheric nitrogen fixation , phosphate solubilizing, and potash mobilizing ; strains are highly rhizosphere competent for wide range of climate, soils and crops i.e. cereals, sugarcane ,pulses, horticultural, vegetables and flowers. Carrier used is lignite powder, high CFU value with enough shelf life. The biofertilizers is helpful for reducing the indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers drastically it will also save the national capital in the form of subsidy granted for the chemical fertilizers.

Vasudha Bio-Booster


Atmospheric Nitrogen fixing microorganisms fixes elemental nitrogen by the way of aerobic, anaerobic, symbiotically and a-symbiotically. Crop (pulses, cereals, sugarcane & potato) specific nitrogen fixing microorganisms, compatible for all type of soil & climate.

Vasudha Bio-Phos


Phosphate solubilising microorganism, solubilises fixed tri-calcium phosphate from the soil by the production of high quality organic acid that facilitates the readily available phosphate to the plants.

Vasudha Bio-Potash


Potash mobilizing microorganism is responsible for the movement of potash elements in

the soil and plants for easily transportation of others nutrient for improvements of health and vigor of the plant.

New - Vasudha N, P, K (Biofertilizers) also available in liquid with high CFU value & extended shelf life, useful in drip & foliar application.

Available in powder and liquid formulation with high CFU value (colony forming unit) but; more shelf life and counting is observed in liquid formulation for controlling wide range of soil, seed and air borne diseases, nematodes and insects.

Anmol DermaTM (Powder) and FungicureTM (Liquid) Bio fungicide agent Trichoderma viride and Trichoderma harzianum preventing the plant from soil born fungal diseases i.e. Fusarium, Rhizoctonia (root & stem rot), Pythium (Damping off), Phytopthora (blight) and Sclortium (color rot). Anmol Derma PlusTM Bio fungicide and nematicide agent Trichoderma viridi and Pacelomyces prevent the plant not only from soil born fungal diseases i.e. Fusarium, Rhizoctonia (root & stem rot), Pythium (Damping off), Phytopthora (blight) and Sclortium (color rot) also nematode causing serious threat.

Anmol SudoTM (Powder) and SudocareTM(Liquid) Bio fungicide Pseudomonas florescence controls the foliar plant diseases like sheath blight, leaf blight, powdery & downey mildew and others soil born diseases. Pseudomonas florescence is also helpful for nitrogen fixation and phosphate soloublizing in soil.

Anmol BassTM (Powder and liquid) Beauveria bassiana a entomopathogenic fungus produces the beauvericin a toxic substances control the plant feeding insects having the chewing type of mouth parts (caterpillars) stem, fruits and root borer. Anmol VertTM (Powder) and PesticureTM (Liquid) Verticillium lacinii a entomopathogenic fungus control the plant feeding insects having biting and sucking type of mouth parts (nymph and adult)like mealy bug in grapes and mango. Anmol BioterTM

Consortia of Metarrhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana entomopathogenic fungus produces thedestruxin A & B and beauvericin a toxic substances respectively control the soil born insects i.e. termites and white grub.

Seed is the basic necessity of farming; we poised to make rapid strides in developing high-quality seeds for various crop segments

Products Wheat Foundation Certified

Paddy Anmol-1001(Hybrid) Anmol-1011(Hybrid) Foundation Certified

Maize Anmol-11 Anmol-21 Anmol-51

Mustard Anmol-1 Anmol-5

Okra Mansi Arka Anamika

Animal & Poultry Feed Supplements

Spread awareness about non-standard feed ingredients and promotes balanced nutritious feeds by producing balanced concentrate feeds (ISI Type I & II) with high quality by pass proteins, essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, calcium & phosphorus, produce in the form of Pallets & Mash beneficial for all type of animals (milch & draft). Specific Formulations for milch animals according to their capacity.

Animal feeds Sangam Super action Punjabi Churi Anmol Super Special

Protein(%) 18 20 22 20

TDN (%) 68 70 72 70

Feed Supplements
Dayal Milk Tonic (Liquid) : Feed supplements for animals, which contains calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D3 & D12 beneficial for all type of animal especially for milking animals.

Calcium Tonic
Calcium Calcium ensures uninterrupted higher and sustained milk production Prevents milk fever complex Essential for bone structure and teeth development in growing animals Phosphorus Phosphorus prevents anoestrus and increases conception rate Maintains fertility and biorhythm of the reproductive system Vitamin B12 Essential for haemopoesis and synthesis of nucleoproteins Enhances erythropoesis Essential for blood formation

VitaminD3 Facilitates and enhances absorption of calcium Maintains calcium and phosphorus levels in the blood Improved physical health and general resistance

Chapter 3 Research Methodology

DATA COLLECTION: INTERVIEWS AND SURVEYS A questionnaire for the interviews of dairy farm, retailer and milk collection centre.

1) Name of respondent /retailer = 2) Name of shop = 3) Address = 4) Mobile No.= 5) In which company sale animal feed . a) Dayal co. feed b)Other co. feed c)Local feed If other company : i) Name of company =

6) How many packet /tones sales in every day/ month/ year. 7) Name of dealer = 8) Address = 9) Mobil no. =

Small Dairy Farm ( Khatal)

1) Name of respondent = 2) Address = 3) Mobile no.= 4) How many cattle in your farm ! a) 5- 25 b) 26- 45 c) 46 65 d) below 100 e) above 100 5) In which company preference in animal feed ! a) Dayal co. feed b) Other co. feed c) Local feed

Milk collection centre (MCC)

1) Name of respondent = 2) Name of MCC = 3) Address= 4) Mobile no.= 5) How many people ( Gowala ) coming in MCC =

Primary Data Primary data has been collected from the Small dairy farm, Retailer and Milk collection centre working in the rural area and semi-urban area . Data of animal feed and income incurred of the sampled rural area is collected. Details like No. of Cattle Providing of Animal feed, Name of Dealer etc. . The two districts selected for the study are analyzed on the basis of there animal feed . Feed back was also taken about the perception of the people about the program, confidence building from the program by taking the view of the Small dairy farm, Retailer and Milk collection centre and there involvement in the program has been analyzed to have a good understanding of the real field area situation.

Name Retailer Small dairy farm Small dairy farm Small dairy farm Small dairy farm Small dairy farm Small dairy farm Small dairy farm Small dairy farm Small dairy farm Small dairy farm Small dairy farm Small dairy farm Small dairy farm Small dairy farm Retailer Retailer Small dairy farm Small dairy farm Small dairy farm Small dairy farm Small dairy farm Small dairy farm

Name Neeraj Mill Jeetendra Panday Jawahir Yadav Bhutan Singh

Name Mithapur Vir Area,Patna

Name 9386347742

Name Arvind

Name Boring Road,Patna

Name 9835467410


Providing of Animal feed Kapila

Vishnu Nagar, Ara




Vishnu Nagar, Ara




Vishnu Nagar, Ara



Vinod Ramesher Singh

Vishnu Nagar, Ara



Jagdev Nagar, Ara




Bala Singh

Jagdev Nagar, Ara



Ramesh Bendra Mucar Manghu Yadav Bhutan Singh Ram Bachan Singh

Jagdev Nagar, Ara



Jagdev Nagar, Ara



Behra village, Ara



Behra village, Ara



Behra village, Ara



Shiv Kumar Indra Deo Singh

Behra village, Ara



Behra village, Ara



Chhati Lal Rabindra Ojha Jai Naran Dash Shashi Sharan Singh

Bangali Tola, Ramnager, Patna Hausing Colony Raod, Ara Awadh Puri Muhala, Ara Chundawa Murh, New Police Line, Ara 7870602745 9934894458 Sanjay Gupta Manoj jee Nawada Dhobi Ghat,Ara


Local Kapila Kapila




Dena Nath Ram Newash Vinay Kumar Kisari Singh Ram Sharitra Singh

Chundawa Murh, Ara



Chundawa Murh, Ara



Chundawa Murh, Ara



Chundawa Murh, Ara



Chundawa Murh, Ara



Small dairy farm Small dairy farm Small dairy farm Small dairy farm

Kalash Singh Virendra Kumar Sugarew jee Kosal Kumar Singh Vanarsi Prasad Keseri Sunil Yadev Lalan Prasad Keseri Awadehesh Paswam

Chundawa Murh, Ara



Chundawa Murh, Ara



Chundawa Murh, Ara



Behra village, Ara Sandeep Kr. Dhobi Ghat, Ara



Retailer Small dairy farm Small dairy farm Small dairy farm Small dairy farm Small dairy farm Milk collection centre

Mirganj, Ara




Mirganj, Ara



Mirganj, Ara


Mirganj, Ara



Ashok kr.

Mirganj, Ara




Vishnu Nagar, Ara Bajnath Bhavan , Charaya Tal , Patna Methapur Bir Area, , Patna Methapur Bir Area, , Patna



Pintu Kumar

9835072365 06122232893 9386347742 Arvind Boring road 9835467410 Shiv Shakti Agro India Ltd Kapila

Retailer Retailer Small dairy farm Small dairy farm Small dairy farm Small dairy farm Small dairy farm Small dairy farm Small dairy farm Small dairy farm Small dairy farm Small dairy farm

Mr.Ganesh Neta Jee

Kishore Rai Monarik Babu Nagendra Prasad Yadav

Methapur Bir Area, , Patna Methapur Bir Area, , Patna Bajnath Bhavan ,Charaya Tal ,Patna









Jogindra Rai

Karbighaya, Patna




Karbighaya, Patna



Ajit Rai Hari Nandan Rai Ranjeet Kumar

Ramnagar, Patna



Ramnagar, Patna




Ramnagar, Patna




Raj Nandan

Chiraya Tal, Patna




Chhati Lal

Ramnagar, Patna



Chapter 4 Findings and analysis

Brand Kapila Local Dayal Others Total

No. of Users 9 20 15 1 45

Share 20 44.44444444 33.33333333 2.222222222 100

Observations More than 44% of the respondents used local feed and Dayal feed in more than 33% . Dayal feed more used in Ara, Bihar. Most of respondents enable to purchases the animal feed because more distance retail outlet. Most of respondents used in local animal feed because enable to awareness of Dayal cattle feed. Most of respondents less used to calcium. Retailer earning less margin in compared to Kapila cattle feed

Analysis of Data
An attempt was made to capture the success of the rural area through an assessment of the sarvey report. Further, in order to understand the effectiveness of the training in terms enhancement of the understanding of the rural people about marketing and other miscellaneous expenditure and becoming self sufficient and in understanding each activity that is included in working of a retail outlet.

Chapter 5 Bibilography

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