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The global Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) space is buzzing with action, with recent acquisitions announced by some

industry stalwarts.

Manpower Inc. has announced the acquisition of CRI Inc, a Los Angeles-based RPO provider. This is in addition to acquisition of Netherlands-based staffing company Vitae recently. Kennexa, a talent acquisition and retention solutions provider has announced the acquisition of Quorum International, a London-based RPO services provider. Futurestep (subsidiary of KornFerry) has launched Strategic Recruitment Process Outsourcing, a talent acquisition solution. The growth story of RPO, an offshoot of HRO is fairly recent. With the global economy in recession post 2001, corporations were forced to resort to cost-cutting measures. Human Resources Outsourcing (HRO) was an initiative in that direction that gained prominence around 2002. Now amongst one of key segments in HR outsourcing, RPO is gaining significance and accounts for a major chunk of the HRO market. The current global market size of RPO is estimated to be over $20 b. RPO evolved in the US and the UK and is now finding acceptance worldwide. Though still far from maturity, RPO is deemed as the biggest opportunity in HRO. Recruitment being one of the most significant, time consuming and expensive activities, corporations are warming up to the idea, especially since most companies are already familiar with outsourcing a few recruitment related processes. The typical value chain in recruitment process outsourcing services is represented in the exhibit below: Services Offered - Training Offer Final Negotiations letters Placement

- Making calls to prospective candidates Fixing interviews - On line testing Posting Reference - Pre-qualifying tests advertisements Screening checks

- Hunting for probable candidates - Matching candidate profile to job profiles Source: ValueNotes Research The Indian Scenario While the global scenario in RPO is evolving rapidly, Indian offshoring has been relatively slow to take off. There are very few homebred companies prominent in this space. Elixir Web Solutions, MaFoi Consultants are few of the players that began with catering to the Indian market and are now spreading wings globally. Several other RPO claimants are extensions of recruitment agencies and do not have the wherewithal to support large scale and global clientele. Most of the recent newsmakers in Indian RPO space are global players setting up/expanding their Indian delivery base. Some of the recent ones include:

Kelly Services, a US-based staffing and HR solutions provider is planning to launch its RPO service in India. Kenexa, a US-based recruitment solutions and services provider has opened a software development office in Visakhapatnam, in addition to its existing Indian facility in Hyderabad. Adecco India, the Indian arm of the world's largest HR Services company Adecco, recently acquired Ajinkya Consultants, an Indiabased staffing company. Futurestep expanded its Indian presence to Mumbai within a span of two years of setting up in New Delhi.

UK-based RPO OS2i which operates its offshore center in Pune, India has recently launched an Internet Recruitment Training program for the Indian Recruitment Industry Indian RPO will take a long time to emerge on the offshoring scene in a big way; nevertheless entry of global majors will help develop the industry and raise delivery and technology standards. In the absence of a significant Indian players however, we can expect more action from international RPO service providers looking at both the Indian market and low-cost delivery centers for overseas clients. The jury is still out on whether Indian providers can catch up with their global counterparts, as they have done in several IT and BPO segments.

What does RPO means? Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) is a form of Business Process Outsourcing also called as BPO whereby a Company/Employer/Recruiter outsources or transfers all or part of its recruitment activities to an external service provider. The definition: RPO is the form of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO). According to Recruitment Process Outsourcing Association (RPOA),definition of RPO is "when a provider acts as a company's internal recruitment function for a portion or all of its jobs. RPO providers manage the entire recruiting/hiring process from job profiling through the on boarding of the new hire, including staff, technology, strategies and reporting. A properly managed RPO will improve a company's time to hire, increase the quality of the candidate pool, provide verifiable metrics, reduce cost and improve governmental compliance. Why Companies Need RPO ? RPO has been started before some years when the need of the manpower was not so high. No such a competition between the companies for talent. Now the growth of the companies engaged with the IT /Non It products has been very fast and for that RPO is a very much beneficial service in several ways.

It decentralizes the work and task to be distributed further among different expertise helping the employer company to concentrate on its core competences.

RPO offers an expertise service of choosing the right personnel at the right place. RPO professionals helps the employer for not only sourcing the talented candidates they place the right candidate to the right place. RPO is an effective option for many organizations because it can have such an immediate and profound impact on their growth and profitability. By enhancing the capabilities of inhouse recruitment teams, RPO can accelerate an organizations ability to attract and retain top-performing employees at every level, dramatically increasing the human capital necessary for marketplace success. An organization that launches a new product or acquires a new division may have to add hundreds of employees on a seemingly impossible schedule, perhaps at a distance of thousands of miles. Ramping up and deploying an in-house HR team may be impossible in the time available. RPO provides a turnkey, cost-effective solution - which then ramps down smoothly when the project is complete.

Benefits to choose RPO: Recruitment Process Outsourcing provides excellent benefits in the areas of Quality Management, Cost Management , Service Management and Speed. 1. Reducing Recruitment cost:

The costs on recruiting can be significantly reduced as an RPO services provider essentially uses economies of scale. It reduces the hiring cost of recruiters while employees needed on the large scale.

They work very flexible while there is need of high volume of the employees at very large scale by increasing number of recruiters at their place and reduced by the time of low volume.

For example, The RPO provider has to allocate 5 more recruiters to your company when volumes are high and then easily shift them to another client when volumes are low. In this case, If you as a company gonna hire these 5 recruiters, you need to pay for resources that are not being used or lay them off which involves overhead expenses by the time. In this way RPO reduces your burden. 2. Maintained Quality and brand:

RPO provider do the recruitments by keeping the quality and brand reputation. Recruitment is after all labor-intensive process and it is further compounded by the fact that it is recurring. From example, suppose your company could have a very high number of open positions during a certain time of the year each requiring varied skill-sets and experience.

To hire a team that is capable of sourcing and recruiting these candidates is itself a challenge.

Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) providers have the enough processes to place, expertise, an not having only rich internet database of resumes and but enough networking source to fulfill the requirements of all types of candidates by the company.

RPO brings in the right sense of marketing to any company by offering the right recruitment advantage to it.

3. Effective Service:

A Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) provider will help to streamline your companys recruitment function and make it seamless and effective. RPO providers are equipped to provide you with the best people when you need them and also take care of your ongoing and future needs through greater employee retention and process control.


RPO providers work on On time business delivery model as it is very crucial factor in the recruitment process as this directly affects to business Quality and performance. RPO provider uses the best tools and technology which helps them for easy access of the database and find suitable candidates that is ready to be interviewed. They need not take do much of time to advertise for the specific job profile. Recruitment Process Outsourcing is an end to end process of making the strategy from designing a job profile using the proper resources with marketing strategies to get the candidates with keeping the special requirements by the clients. It is not just to lineup or hiring a specific person for a specific profile at any time. But it is about building a talent pool of resources that can be made accessible for your company.

RPO providers also go the extra mile to provide your company with valuable advice and suggestions on employee retention.

RPO can succeed only when having the well-defined corporate and staffing strategy.

Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) gains popularity in India. Already well-established Indian outsourcing players such as Wipro and Accenture outsource parts of their hiring activities to recruitment service providers. The hiring process in a company might be a time and energyconsuming endeavor. Investing time and money in a recruitment process is necessary, however, in order to gain availability to only the best-skilled human resources that ensure profit growth in the future. The motivation behind RPO lies in cost-advantages, time-saving advantages for recruitment procedures and the improved efficiency in the recruitment process. By outsourcing the entire recruitment process to an external service provider, companies can further direct their focus to their core activities. Another reason behind RPO is the increased quality assurance of human resources that are casted professionally by external recruiters. The buyer company clearly defines its recruitment criteria beforehand. The service provider can then accurately test every potential employee against the defined standards. The entire recruitment process including interviewing is then conducted by the service provider and precisely documented. Last but not least, the outsourcing buyer merely has to overlook the recruitment documents and decide for a hiring candidate. RPO is an emerging but yet small segment of the global outsourcing industry. Service providers who claim to deliver RPO services therefore need to be scrutinized carefully. Although in India, RPO is on the rise, the strategy is only a valuable and risk-free activity if the provider has the capabilities to conduct an entire recruitment process while completely securing the data confidentiality of his client.

RPO Services and demand for recruiters in 2011

Hiring demand for IT Recruiters by corporate HR departments and staffing agencies continued to show steady increase in 2011, up 27% over 2010, with over 10,700 new job ads posted. Hiring by direct employers made up the bulk of this activity, with 70% of overall demand. Demand by direct employers has also increased at a faster pace, over April 2010 vs. a 6% increase for staffing agencies. Demand for recruiters increased in all of the areas over April 2010: like NY has more than double the demand for IT Recruiters, the next highest, but the hottest growth spots were the IN, Kansas, California, Ohio, Texas, Arizona and North Carolina areas, all with gains of more than 50% over April 2010. All corporate Employers & Staffing Agencies are looking to hire recruiters Nationwide to meet their client demands of IT Professionals at lower cost and quick turnaround time and preferring RPO Services as one the alternative source to meet the demand of Recruiters in 2011

Technorati Tags: Recruitment Process Outsourcing,Recruiting Process Outsourcing,Offshore RPO,Offshore Recruiting Services,Offshore Recruiters,Offshore Sourcing,Offshore Recruitment,Offshore Recruiting,Resume Sourcing Services,Offshore recruitment process outsourcing,Hiring Recruiters,IT Recruiters,Staffing Agencies,RPO Services 0 Comments Tags: Hiring Recruiters, IT Recruiters, Offshore Recruiters, Offshore Recruiting, Offshore Recruiting services, Offshore Recruitment, Offshore recruitment process outsourcing, Offshore RPO, Offshore Sourcing, Recruiting Process outsourcing, Recruitment Process Outsourcing, Resume Sourcing Services, RPO Services, Staffing Agencies Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. Posted on 29 Dec 2010 - by admin In: H1B Visa Filing, Recruitment Process Outsourcing is proposing new H1B Visa application filing rule to avoid Problems related to random selection of H1B Visa Petitions Lower cost and burden involved for employer and USCIS Typical H1B Petitions Process

Normally when an employer wants to file an H1B Visa on April 1, they have to prepare the application, documents and mail them on March 31. So, the application will reach USCIS on April 1 and it will be counted for Random selection when number of application received is far greater than 65,000 and 20,000 cap. Employer has to wait for several days to know if their H1B application is selected in random selection process. If its not selected, they have wasted time and money to prepare the application. Also, USCIS is also wasted resources and time to process the petitions that are not selected in the random process. Like mailing H1B visa documents them back to the employer/attorney. USCIS is proposing new rules that will eliminate above problems. Registration before Filing H1B Petitions U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) proposes to establish a mandatory Internet-based electronic registration process for US employers who wants to file H1B Visa petitions for workers subject to either the 65,000 or 20,000 caps. This Internet-based registration process would allow U.S. employers to electronically register for consideration of available H1B cap numbers without having to first prepare and submit the petition. The new system will also relieve a significant administrative burden and expense from USCIS. If employer receives notification that their H1B Visa petition is selected, then attorneys can submit the documents to USCIS to be considered for approval.

For employers that are not allocated a cap number and therefore do not ultimately file a petition, there will be a significant cost savings. Employers that are allocated a cap number and ultimately file a petition will experience the new and additional cost of filing the registration. Additionally, USCIS will incur additional costs to implement and maintain the registration system. USCIS has weighed the benefits and costs associated with this rule and determined that the benefits to society outweigh the costs. Problems with New H1B Registration rule There is a risk that a petitioner will submit multiple petitions for the same H1B beneficiary so that the U.S. employer will have a better chance of his or her petition being selected. Accordingly, should USCIS receive multiple petitions for the same H-1B beneficiary by the same petitioner, the system will only accept the first petition and reject the duplicate petitions. New H1B Registration rule seems to better option when it saves cost and money compared to uncertainty associated with current random selection process. It would be good to know more detailed information from USCIS regarding random selection process with this registration system. If first 65,000 will be selected or all registrations made within first week will be considered for random selection. Source: Technorati Tags: RPOHIRE,H1B Visa Petitions,H1b Visa filing 1 Comment Tags: H1B Visa Filing, H1B Visa Petitions, H1b Visa Rules, USCIS Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.

Posted on 10 Dec 2010 - by admin In: Offshore RPO, Offshore Recruiters, Offshore Recruiting services, Offshore Recruitment, Offshore Recruitment Process, Offshore Resume Sourcing services, Offshore Resume sourcing, Recruiting Process outsourcing, Recruitment Process Outsourcing, Resume Researcher

A research and analysis company of IT has just published a new study exploring whether recruitment process outsourcing is a viable alternative to in-house recruitment, as well as the capabilities and enablers that allow organizations to get better results from their provider relationship. The report, Outsourcing Recruitment is Not Evil: RPO Builds Its Business Case on Flexibility, Scalability, and Outcomes, found that companies using Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) achieved results that were easily on par with, if not better than, all other companies. More importantly, however, the most successful companies adopting RPO were able to improve client satisfaction by 22% annually, as well as hiring manager satisfaction by 21% and time to fill by 21%. These results were significantly better than those observed among the majority of companies surveyed. While RPO clearly isnt for every organization, the report found that, among those pursuing such partnerships, 77% indicated that they would recommend it to peers. Those that performed the best worked with their provider by establishing accountability and clear measures of success, evaluating performance, and ensuring access to hiring managers and other interested parties within the company. According to a Research Analyst, "In order for an outsourcing relationship to achieve top results, the provider must become a close partner to the organization. Every company has different talent

needs and different internal cultures, and the better the RPO provider is able to understand those intricacies the better they will be able to serve the client. This means putting channels of communication in place between the hiring managers, internal HR, and the vendor organization, as well as maintaining transparency into on-going performance." This report provides more detail into the specific challenges that would lead an organization to consider RPO as an option, as well as additional ways in which these relationships are managed successfully. 1 Comment Tags: Recruitment Process Outsourcing 2011, RPO in 2011 Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. Posted on 18 Nov 2010 - by admin In: Offshore RPO, Offshore Recruiters, Offshore Recruiting services, Offshore Recruitment, Offshore Recruitment Process, Offshore Resume Sourcing services, Offshore Resume sourcing, Recruiting Process outsourcing, Recruitment Process Outsourcing, Resume Researcher

The Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) market is projected to grow about 25-30 percent in 2011 following the markets rapid growth in 2010 that saw deal signings double over the previous year, according to a research study by Everest Group, an advisory firm on global services.

While were seeing explosive growth in new deal signings this year, deal sizes are smaller with buyers taking a selective approach along with lesser number of hires per deal The RPO market is estimated at about US$1.1 billion in annual contract value (ACV) and is projected to reach between US$1.38 to 1.45 billion in ACV in 2011, according to Everest Groups Recruitment Process Outsourcing Annual Report 2010 A Year of Rapid Growth and Intense Competition. The annual report is the first of a three-part series focusing on RPO with RPO Supplier Compendium and RPO Supplier and Capability Assessment reports to be released early next year. While were seeing explosive growth in new deal signings this year, deal sizes are smaller with buyers taking a selective approach along with lesser number of hires per deal, said Rajesh Ranjan, research director. Beyond direct cost impact, we expect to see more buyers look to achieve business impact by taking a more strategic approach with RPO and look for total workforce solutions, but adoption will be gradual due to lack of integrated solution availability. While the

market is dominated by large buyers, we expect the mid-market to grow as these buyers look to scale up in an improving economy. Although traditional drivers such as cost reduction and scalability continue to be important, especially for first generation buyers, second generation buyers are increasingly looking for higher business impact from RPO such as better quality of hires, according to the report. Other report insights include: North America continues to lead RPO adoption, representing more than half of all deals; however, adoption in Continental Europe is rising. In 2010, North American multi-national companies (MNCs) drove adoption in other geographies; United States and European MNCs continue to drive adoption in Asia Pacific. Most RPO deals continue to be single country, and there was a perceptible increase in this trend. A lack of comprehensive global RPO offerings led to a large percentage of buyers adopting a multi-vendor strategy. Adoption of global sourcing saw a gradual increase in 2010, although it still lags behind significantly compared to more mature HR Outsourcing (HRO) processes. Manufacturing continues to lead adoption with rapid growth occurring in the services sector that is comprised of verticals such as professional services, hotels and education. Healthcare, high-tech and telecom saw a dip in adoption.

Intense competition exists among RPO service providers with RPOHIRE and few other RPO Providers. Source: Business Wire Everest Group Technorati Tags: RPO Growth in 2011,RPOHIRE,Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO),Offshore RPO Providers,Offshore Recruiters 0 Comments Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. Posted on 2 Sep 2010 - by admin In: Offshore RPO, Offshore Recruiters, Offshore Recruiting services, Offshore Recruitment, Offshore Recruitment Process, Offshore Resume Sourcing services, Offshore Resume sourcing, Recruiting Process outsourcing, Recruitment Process Outsourcing, Resume Researcher

RPO or Recruitment Process Outsourcing a very common and mushrooming phenomenon th days. The phenomenon f outsourcing w not well established before a decade. Initially m f the relatively small and low grade jobs like old storage record f the company wr outsourced n United States. Gradually with the budding success and confidence, valuable and crucial jobs like payroll accounting, human resource tasks recruitment, training and development f employees joined the fray. Along with th the low cost factor equally mrtnt. Th companies n US and Europe b outsourcing thr jobs n countries like India, Japan and China accrue hg profits n terms f cost saving. Such savings n cost r n th form f cheap and skilled labour, with great productivity.

The Global RPO Report 2010 produced by top RPO firm shows the popularity of Recruitment Process outsourcing is growing. Of those outsourcing all or part of their HR, 69% outsourced their recruitment last year, compared with 63% in 2008. The survey of 536 respondents, mainly HR managers across Europe, the Middle East and Africa, the Americas and Asia Pacific, found that utilities, IT, health, banking and finance, and professional services are the biggest outsourcers. Familiarity with Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) among employers continues to rise, from 56% in 2007 to 65% in 2009. More than 600 human resources executives who are current buyers of recruitment process outsourcing or RPO services were asked to rate providers on the breadth of service, size of programs managed and quality of service and most of them responded with saying 67% Indian RPO companies got recognition. Thr r various sectors n whh outsourcing holding grips. Th r Financial sector, IT, Telecommunications, Health care, Engineering and Customer Support Services. A case n point n be RPOHIRE that undertakes many f the crucial tasks of HR Departments and Staffing Agencies of IT , Engineering and healthcare industry related clients n US and Europe. Technorati Tags: RPO Companies,Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO),Offshore Recruiting Services,Offshore Recruiters,RPO Services,RPO Companies in India Tags: Offshore RPO,Offshore Recruiters,Offshore Recruitment Process,Offshore Resume Sourcing services,Resume Researcher 1 Comment

Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. Posted on 14 Jul 2010 - by admin In: Offshore RPO, Offshore Recruiters, Offshore Recruitment Process, Offshore Resume Sourcing services, Resume Researcher RPO services are everywhere these days. Even a small company can provide various services but making services available 24/7 which are productive and support for the recruiting needs is what makes you stand in high point from your competitors. And if you just want to see upcoming Offshore RPO companies that support a lot of staffing companies, RPOHIRE is a perfectly good place to look. So what is that RPOHIRE services that attract todays Staffing businesses? For staffing companies we have introduced Night Sourcing Program with easy process and you can t believe the

affordable prices, theres a good chance youll find just what youre looking for. Process: "Night Sourcing Program which is exclusively designed for staffing companies with good volume of requirements which needs faster turnaround time with the requirements and to reach the top talent before the competition. Rpohires offshore sourcing team will work for you during your night time i.e. when your competitor is sleeping. We will assign a Dedicated Resume Sourcer who will be sourcing for assigned requisitions and sends the resumes to your in-house recruiters even before they walk into the office next day morning. Using our Night Search program you can leverage the 24/7 support for your recruiting needs and increase the productivity of your team and reduce the turnaround time in Hiring. Right now, the company also offers Database Fill up services for Domain specialized industries like Energy, Healthcare RPO & Engineering. 0 Comments Tags: Offshore Recruiters, Offshore Recruiting services, Offshore Recruitment services, Offshore Resume Sourcing services Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. Posted on 21 Apr 2010 - by admin In: Offshore Recruiters, Offshore Recruiting services, Offshore Recruitment, Offshore Recruitment Process, Offshore Resume Sourcing services, Offshore Resume sourcing, Recruitment Process Outsourcing

Recruitment process outsourcing -RPO is the most superior form of outsourcing that includes processes with high level of specialized domain related Services. RPO is considered to be the progression and development of Human Resource Sector that involves a component of Business Process, Research and Analysis carried out by staffs with advanced methodical skills, practical expertise, depth of organization, experience and decisive judgment. RPO is identical to Human Resource Outsourcing (HRO). The RPO team mostly handles all the recruitment. HR contains a group of activities like payroll management, training, staffing, benefits administration, travel and expenses management, retirement and benefits planning, risk management, compensation consulting, etc. These activities are outsourced so that the management can concentrate on the other aspects of the business development. In recent times we are seeing staffing is being outsourced to India where the Offshore Recruiters come into the outlook. Offshore recruiters provide you added benefits of quality, cost, service and speed. The benefit of hiring offshore recruiters is they are capable of handling volume fluctuations and help you streamline and smoothen down the recruitment process in your company. They

will take care of your ongoing and future needs. Offshore Recruiters will create a pool of candidates that is ready to be interviewed and they also go the extra mile to provide your company with valuable advice and strategies on employee retention. Offshore recruiters will bring in quality recruits for your comp any in the most cost effective way. Today, they have a powerful place in the industry. It is undeniable that offshore recruiters are well connected with both the companies and the job-seekers. They have a larger collection of sources and candidates compared to any single company. Rpohire an offshore Recruitment process outsourcing company in India Manages Staffing Services and provide offshore recruiters for all Small Businesses & Staffing Agencies serving clients globally in Information Technology, Engineering, Hospitality & Healthcare Sectors. Technorati Tags: Offshore Recruiters,Offshore Recruting Services,Offshore Resume Sourcing Services 0 Comments Tags: Offshore Recruiters, Offshore Recruiting services, Offshore Resume Sourcing services Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. Posted on 5 Apr 2010 - by admin In: Uncategorized

Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) Companies January 31, 2010 Rate This According to a recent industry survey, Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) is being adopted by companies to deal with more and more measured needs. The study, released today, companies are applying the practice to concentrate on both immediate tactical recruiting needs in difficult times and strategic functions of planning and long-term progress. 60 percent indicated their companies outsource at least some recruiting processes. From that 60 percent, 75 percent defined RPO as the outsourcing of most recruiting processes. While inspiration to operate RPO is diverse, most of them constantly reported that dynamic recruiting, talent approach improvement, employer branding, metrics and onboarding were among the most significant activities contributing to their ability to meet talent management goals. The extensive use of RPO to focus on strategic recruiting, particularly in the current economic downturn, with rising development of the process, organizations will progress on to outsourcing tactical practice. Leave a Comment | Uncategorized | Permalink Posted by RPOHIRE

Recruitment Process Outsourcing INDIA November 17, 2009

Rate This In an effort to cut costs, several corporate companies and staffing agencies in the U.S. and UK are looking to control their recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) services from talented market locations like India. Increasing cost pressures in the &current economic situation has led American and UK companies to start accepting the back-office RPO services from India as their offshore location. The value proposition of RPO is still resonating with companies that are looking for a costeffective option to withstand the current disorder and at the same time create an efficient talent acquisition process that can be scaled up quickly when business atmosphere improves. Indian companies like RPOHIRE have already entered this market in the past few years, while Western companies are leveraging India for delivering RPO services. This proves that a significant number of American & United Kingdom headquartered huge, multinational companies agree to use RPO for their operations from India.

The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations aims at providing high quality education to children. The council conducts three exams: 10th standard exam called the ICSE (Indian Certificate of Secondary Education), 12th standard exam called the ISC (The Indian School Certificate) and CVE which is the Certificate in Vocational Education. The CBSE is the Central Board of Secondary Education. It was constituted with the aim of providing proper service to educational institutions. Its main objective is to serve the needs of those students whose parents are employed in the government and have transferable jobs. The board has regional offices across the country to help it function effectively. The main exams conducted by the board are the 10th called the AISSE (All India Secondary School Examination) and 12th called the AISSCE (All India Secondary School Certificate Examination). The first difference between the two is that ICSE is an exam conducted by CISCE whereas CBSE is a board that conducts exams. CISCE has the syllabus prepared with English as its medium of instruction. CBSE has both English and Hindi medium of instruction. CBSE has many schools across the country affiliated to it. It allows students from non affiliated schools also to appear for its exams. In the case of CISCE, only students studying at its affiliated schools are allowed to appear for exams conducted by it. One of the compulsory subjects in ICSE is environmental education which is not present in CBSE. The CBSE syllabus is more suitable for those planning to take the medical or engineering entrance. It must also be noted that the AIEEE (All India Engineering Entrance Examination) is conducted by the CBSE. The CBSE syllabus is also comparatively easier. The English papers of the ICSE are considered to be the toughest and also the best in the country. ICSE gives important to internal assessment and lab work.

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