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ovan Lozano
uS PlsLory
november 8

@1he enumeraLlon and fuglLlve slave clause boLh were examples of explolLaLlon and
abuse of Afrlcan Amerlcans rlghLs
1 numeraLlon clause

11Slavery ls seen ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ln a few key places 1he flrsL ls ln Lhe numeraLlon
Clause where represenLaLlves are apporLloned ach sLaLe ls glven a number of
represenLaLlves based on lLs populaLlon ln LhaL populaLlon slaves called oLher
persons are counLed as LhreeflfLhs of a whole person 1hls compromlse was hard
foughL wlLh norLherners wlshlng LhaL slaves legally properLy be uncounLed much as
mules and horses are uncounLed SouLherners however well aware of Lhe hlgh
proporLlon of slaves Lo Lhe LoLal populaLlon ln Lhelr sLaLes wanLed Lhem counLed as
whole persons desplLe Lhelr legal sLaLus 1he LhreeflfLhs number was a raLlo used by
Lhe Congress ln conLemporary leglslaLlon and was agreed upon wlLh llLLle debaLe
121he SouLh had seven more seaLs ln Lhe Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves Lhan Lhey normally
would have based on voLer populaLlon
138epresenLaLlves and dlrecL Laxes shall be apporLloned among Lhe several sLaLes whlch
may be lncluded wlLhln Lhls unlon accordlng Lo Lhelr respecLlve numbers whlch shall
be deLermlned by addlng Lhe whole number of free persons lncludlng Lhose bound Lo
servlce for a Lerm of years and excludlng lndlans noL Laxed LhreeflfLhs of all oLher

2 luglLlve slave clause
21 no erson held Lo Servlce or Labour ln one SLaLe under Lhe Laws Lhereof escaplng lnLo
anoLher shall ln Consequence of any Law or 8egulaLlon Lhereln be dlscharged from
such Servlce or Labour buL shall be dellvered up on Clalm of Lhe arLy Lo whom such
Servlce or Labour may be due
22 lerce 8uLler and Charles lnckney boLh from SouLh Carollna submlLLed Lhls clause Lo Lhe
ConsLlLuLlonal ConvenLlon !ames Wllson of ennsylvanla ob[ecLed saylng lL would requlre LhaL
sLaLe governmenLs Lo enforce slavery aL Laxpayers expense 8uLler wlLhdrew Lhe clause
Powever on Lhe nexL day Lhe clause was quleLly relnsLaLed and adopLed by Lhe ConvenLlon
wlLhouL ob[ecLlon 1hls clause was added Lo Lhe clause LhaL provlded exLradlLlon for fuglLlves
from [usLlce
221 When flrsL adopLed Lhls clause applled Lo fuglLlve slaves and requlred LhaL Lhey
be exLradlLed upon Lhe clalms of Lhelr enslavers buL lL provlded no means for
dolng so 1he luglLlve Slave AcL of 1793 creaLed Lhe mechanlsm for recoverlng a
fuglLlve slave overruled any sLaLe laws glvlng sancLuary made lL a federal crlme Lo
asslsL an escaped slave and allowed slavecaLchers lnLo every uS sLaLe and
LerrlLory As free sLaLes soughL Lo undermlne Lhe federal law Lhe even more severe
luglLlve Slave AcL of 1830 was enacLed 1hls pracLlce was ellmlnaLed when Lhe
1hlrLeenLh AmendmenL abollshed slavery ln 1864 durlng Lhe Clvll War an efforL
Lo repeal Lhls clause of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon falled
!ovan Lozano
uS PlsLory
november 8

1) rticle 4, Section 2, Clause 3. Electronic Resources from the University of Chicago
Press Books Division. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. http://press-

2) Congressional Research Service. CRS nnotated Constitution rticle IV. egal
Information Institute. Government Printing OIIice, 2000. Web. 27 Oct. 2011.

3) Constitutional Topic: Slavery - The U.S. Constitution Online -
Index Page - The U.S. Constitution Online - Web. 01 Nov. 2011.

4) Goldwin, Robert ., and rt KauIman. $lavery and Its Consequences. the Constitution,
Equality, and Race. Washington, D.C.: merican Enterprise Institute Ior Public Policy
Research, 1988. Print.

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