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Cu siguran nu petrec suficient timp gndindu-m despre cum pot s-mi cumpr mai des elemente pentru fericire.

Cel mai greu este s identific fidel de ce am nevoie cu adevrat. Ce anume m bucur ntradevr, i ct va ine acea bucurie. Deseori aruncm pe ferestr automat sume prea mari pentru obiecte pe care nu le dorim cu adevrat. Preul pltit nu este numai banul dar i timpul pierdut plus stresul mncat n timpul ctigrii lor. Are the best things in life free? Well that rather depends on what you mean by the best things, doesnt it? From what I remember from the grammar I was taught at school, the word best is the superlative of the positive good. If the best things are free does this mean we have to pay for the good and better things? Hmmm! I dont buy this at all. All good things are free, but whether you receive them is based on your beliefs. We live in a reality where everything is based on exchange and transactions. We are told that nothing is for free. Everything has a value. So what are these best things that are free? As I was pondering over these ideas I noticed several double-decker buses with the following caption advertising duty free at the airport: The best things cost less at the airport. Some people believe that the best things refer to the essence of who we are, our true nature which is love, joy, peace, truth, harmony, bliss etc. While I agree with this I know that all good things are free. All good things include the nice feelings, great ideas and the things; and it is our right to have all good things for free. In other words, the good, the better and the best things are Good and are all free. What do I mean by Good? Good is anything that makes one have abundant life and that gives one joy. Our innate Self is all Good. There is also the Good that we experience in daily life which is the infinite manifestation of Good. The Good in everyday life is experienced subjectively i.e., one persons Good is another personswellnot so Good. I reckon someone out there loves avocados but not me. My Good includes chocolates, raisins, Star Trek, the Internet, Weetabix, good ideas and much more. Whatever is my Good is for free and not acquired through exchange, having to work for it, or be deserving of it. However, we live in a reality where the consensus belief is one has to work for ones Good, or exchange something for your Good. Family, love, nature, home, friends, memories, and even time are all things that are "the best things in life that are free"! They should be treasured, for in an instant, they can be gone! Think of natural disasters, although many of you may not even want to think about them, because you may have lived through them. One can be watching television one minute or be having dinner with family, and then all of a sudden, a tornado can rip through town. It has happened to many but this type of thing is out of our control, so we cannot dwell on them. So is true of the tsunami that so many of us viewed on television. A strange phenomena, but it happened.

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