Digital Filter Design Using MATLAB

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3 Laboratory Report

Digital Filter Design Using MATLAB

By: Aleksandar Lazarevic

Need for signal processing and filtering are as old as electronic engineering itself, but recent developments in telecommunications, multimedia and modern warfare have pushed design requirements to before unknown levels. Quest for more bandwidth, better sound definition and better video compression has fuelled significant new developments in filter designs. Starting point for any aspiring electronic engineer is learning to use the industry-standard MATLAB software package and exploring its numerous uses in signal processing and filter design.

Performed on: 01/02/2000

Tutor: Lionel Sacks

Aleksandar Lazarevic

Experiment E713.3

Table of Contents
1 2 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................. 3 THEORY ............................................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3 SIGNAL SAMPLING ........................................................................................................................... 4 THE Z TRANSFORM .......................................................................................................................... 6 Z-PLANE TRANSFER FUNCTION ........................................................................................................ 6 BILINEAR TRANSFORMATION .......................................................................................................... 7 IMPULSE INVARIANT POLE MAPPING ............................................................................................... 7

EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE AND RESULTS ......................................................................... 8 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 EQUIPMENT USED ............................................................................................................................ 8 RAW INPUT SIGNALS AND EXPECTED FILTERED RESULTS ................................................................. 8 ANALOGUE FILTER DESIGN ............................................................................................................. 9 DIGITAL FILTER BY NUMERICAL INTEGRATION ............................................................................. 13 S-PLANE TO Z-PLANE MAPPINGS .................................................................................................... 17 IMPULSE RESPONSE OF A DIGITAL FILTER ..................................................................................... 18 FINITE IMPULSE RESPONSE (FIR) AND INFINITE IMPULSE RESPONSE (IIR) FILTERS...................... 19 FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF A DIGITAL FILTER................................................................................ 21 DESIGNING A DIGITAL FILTER USING YULE-WALKER METHOD.................................................... 22 IMPROVING THE DESIGN THROUGH CLUSTERING POLES AND ZEROS ............................................... 26 CASCADING DIGITAL FILTERS ....................................................................................................... 28 BATCH FILTERING ......................................................................................................................... 29

DISCUSSION ...................................................................................................................................... 32 4.1 ANALOGUE FILTER DESIGN ........................................................................................................... 32 4.2 DIGITAL FILTER DESIGN ................................................................................................................ 32 4.2.1 Design by Numerical Integration.......................................................................................... 32 4.2.2 Digital Filter Impulse Response............................................................................................ 32 4.2.3 FIR and IIR Filters................................................................................................................ 33 4.2.4 Digital Filter Frequency Response ....................................................................................... 33 4.2.5 Digital Filter Synthesis Using Yule-Walker Method ............................................................. 33 4.2.6 Digital Filter with Clustered Poles and Zeros ...................................................................... 33 4.3 CASCADING DIGITAL FILTERS ....................................................................................................... 34 4.4 BATCH DIGITAL FILTERING ........................................................................................................... 34

5 6 7

CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................................. 35 NOMENCLATURE............................................................................................................................ 36 REFERENCES.................................................................................................................................... 37

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Aleksandar Lazarevic

Experiment E713.3

1 Introduction

Arguably the fastest field of development of modern electronic engineering is the filed of digital signal processing. Enormous demand for telecommunications equipment, realtime data acquisition and processing and the quest for ever improving voice and video compression logarithms has fuelled research and development in the filed of dedicated Digital Signal Processing (DSP) hardware and software. In the last decade signal filtering and processing debuted into domains of business and economics, analysing complex patterns of global financial movements and trying to predict future developments. This new generation of filters relies on advance mathematical models to quickly and precisely filter the signal and extrapolate any required predictions of future data.

Although digital filters can be designed directly, without reference to any corresponding analogue function, this experiment followed the chronological developments by firstly constructing digital filters from an equivalent analogue design. Finally, superiority and flexibility of off line filtering was demonstrated by using a simple batch filtering process.

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2 Theory
2.1 Signal Sampling

Many signals processed by digital filtering are inherently discreet in time, such as financial data, manufacturing statistics or meteorological measurements. However, a majority of signals encountered in engineering are originally continuous in time or space. In order to enable digital manipulation, these signals must be converted to discreet time by the process of sampling. Although sampling can lead to data loss and signal distortion, band-limitting the input signal and sampling it at the sufficiently high frequency these losses can be minimized to a negligible amount. If the input signal is not sampled at a sufficiently high frequency, aliasing will occur. To ensure that the signal is sampled properly, each frequency component needs to satisfy the condition: 0 < , T = sampling period1 T This condition is the sampling theorem, or Nyquists or Shannons theorem, stating that the sampling frequency must be twice the signal bandwidth. Figure 2.1 shows two periodic cosine waveforms with frequencies symmetrical around half the Nyquist frequency of fs/2=1Hz.
S am pling of 0.6Hz and 1.4Hz c os ine s ignals @2Hz 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 A m plitude 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 0 0.5 1 1.5 Tim e /s 2 2.5 3

Figure 2.1. Sampling of two sinusoidals. It is clear that both waveforms, although with different frequencies, have same values on each and every sampling instant, as marked on the plot. A periodical sinusoidal waveform
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needs to be sampled at least twice per its cycle, which is not the case with 1.4Hz cosine wave in the above example. This has led to aliasing, and as further proven in Figure 2.2, has rendered these two signals indistinguishable after sampling.

T = 0.5s x1 (t ) = cos(2 1,4 t ) x2 (t ) = cos(2 0.6 t ) x1 (n) = cos(2,8 Tt ) = 1 [e j1, 4n + e j1, 4n ]; discrete time sampled 2 x2 (n) = cos(1,2 Tt ) = 1 [e j 0, 6n + e j 0, 6n ]; discrete time sampled 2 X 1 (e jw ) = X 2 (e jw ) =
k =

[ ( 1,4 2k ) + ( + 1,4 2k )] ; DTFT [ ( 0,6 2k ) + ( + 0,6 2k )] ; DTFT

k =

Figure 2.2. Aliasing of two cosine signals. Observed in frequency domain after sampling these two signals have same spectral components, as shown in Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3. Aliasing of two cosine signals.

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The z Transform

The z transform is the discreet-time equivalent of the Laplace (s) transform. Rather than using convolution for the discreet-time signals themselves, relations between the inputs and outputs of a system can be obtained by multiplication of the appropriate z transforms. Using z transform, the frequency response of the system can be readily derived and can be related to a discrete-time Fourier transform. The z transform of the sequence x(n) is defined by:
X ( z) =
n =

x( n) z

The signals used in this experiment were sampled signals that have values only at the sampling instants. The basis functions used to describe sampled signals are sampled versions of exponential signals. For the casual exponential sequence the z transform is given as follows2: x ( n) = a n u ( n) 1 z = , z>a 1 1 az za n =0 It is clear from the equation above that the z transform has a pole at z=a and a zero at z=0. A first order rational z transform for a sampled exponential signal can be estimated by MATLAB using an algorithm known as Pronys method ([b,a]=prony(h,n,k)). The z operator is often considered as a delay or advance operator. A special example of this is z-1, referred to as a unit delay operator. The time shifting property of the z transform has been proved, as shown in Figure 2.4. X ( z ) = a n z n = (az 1 ) n =
{x[n n0 ]} =
n =

x[n n ] z

substitution : m = n n0 {x[n n0 ]} =
m =

x[m] z

z n0 = z n0 X ( z )

Figure 2.4. From the relationship z=exp(sT), it is clear that the s transform region of convergence (left-half of the s plane) maps to a z transform region of convergence within a unity circle centred on the axis origin. Sampled signals with poles within the unity circle are casual signals from decaying exponentials, while signals whose poles are mapped outside the unity circle are anticasual, growing signals.
2.3 z-Plane Transfer Function

In discreet-time systems, transfer function is described by a difference equation, analogous with continuous-time systems whose transfer function is given by a differential equation. After designing a digital filter, it is necessary to confirm its compliance with required frequency response specifications. Since the imaginary s-plane axis is transformed to the circle bounding the unity disc, this involves evaluating the z-plane transfer function for values of z that lie on this circle. For any given real transfer function,
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poles and zeros will either be real or occur in complex conjugate pairs. Therefore, the frequency response functions will be identical on the circle side above and below the real z axis, rendering the filter frequency response symmetrical around the Nyquist frequency.
2.4 Bilinear Transformation

Bilinear transformation is a real function transformation that does not increase the order of the filter and preserves its stability and causality. It is one of the most commonly used mapping transformations in Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filter design. The transformation from s domain into z domain is done using following equations3: s= 2 z 1 and vice versa : z = T z +1
2 T 2 T

+s s

transfer function transformation : H ( z ) = H bilin ( s )

2 z 1 s= T z +1

Impulse Invariant Pole Mapping

Impulse Invariant Pole Mapping is another transformation method used for converting analogue transfer function into digital transfer function. Importantly, impulse invariant mapping preserves the stability and causality of the filter, the filter order is not increased and the newly obtained transfer function is real4. H a (s) =
i =1 N N

Ai , analogue transfer function, p - poles s pi

ha (t ) = Ai e pi t , inverse Laplace transformation

i =1

ha (nT ) = h[n] = Ai e pi nT
i =1

H ( z) =
i =1

Ai z = z e piT

N ( z)

(z e
i =1


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3 Experimental Procedure and Results

3.1 Equipment used

For the purpose of this experiment, the industry standard MATLAB software by MathWorks was used. Now in its 5.2 version, MATLAB was first published in 1984. and ever since became an irreplaceable tool for engineers worldwide. The software has been ported to a number of platforms, including the most popular versions for Microsoft Windows platforms and different UNIX systems. MATLAB features a unique scripting language and its modular implementation of mathematic functions through M-files made it possible for third parties and users to write their own customized functions and procedures.
3.2 Raw input signals and expected filtered results

Signals supplied as inputs were simulations of a satellite mounted infrared Earth sensor detecting the position of the horizon in its field of view. The sensor takes measurements every four seconds and outputs values proportional to the position of the horizon. Plotted in Figure 3.1. are the input signals signal1 and signal2. Sample-and-hold circuit was simulated in the data for signal2 giving rise to the staircase function rather than a series of spikes.
Inputs s ignal1 and signal2 to be filtered 7

Relative pos ition of the horiz ont

-1 0 10 20 30 Tim e /s 40 50 60 70

Figure 3.1. Raw input signals to be filtered.

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Data plotted above contains desired sensor data that can be sued to control and adjust the movement of the satellite, but it also contains an undesirable low frequency component of 0.1Hz. This is the natural frequency of vibrations in the satellite solar panels, or could be due to the fluctuations in the power supply. The final desired output of this data, after being sampled at 2Hz and filtered is plotted in Figure 3.2.
Des ired output s ignals want and want2 6

5 Relative pos ition of the horiz ont

0 0 10 20 30 Tim e /s 40 50 60 70

Figure 3.2. Desired output signals after filtering. Filtered signal would then need further real-time processing in order to obtain the gradient of the best straight line fit to all the peaks. This information would then be passed on to control the satellite propulsion systems adjusting its motion.
3.3 Analogue Filter Design

Shown in Figure 3.3. is a simple LC analogue filter. Frequency response of this circuit has a deep notch at: C = 1L C It can be characterised by following time domain differential equation and s-plane transfer function:

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Timedomain :

d2y dy L d 2u LC + + y = 2 LC + u dt R dt 2 dt 2 Y (s) s LC + 1 s plane : = L U (s) s 2 LC + s + 1 R

L=1H C=2.53C R=1omh

Figure 3.3. LC Notch Filter Circuit. To position the filter notch at 0.1Hz we can calculate the required values of inductor L and capacitor C using:
10 LC = 2 It is clear that for any sensible and practically possible value for one of the components, the other component would be of enormous value. If a 1H inductor was used, required capacitance would be 2.53C. Matlab code shown in Figure 3.4. was used to calculate and plot the frequency response of the analogue filter.
f=(0:127)*2/128; w=2*pi*f; const=(10/(2*pi))^2; num=[const 0 1]; den=[const 1 1]; cfr=freqs(num,den,w); mod=abs(cfr); arg=angle(cfr)*180/pi; plot(f,mod) figure plot(f,arg)

Figure 3.4. MATLAB code for calculating complex frequency response. The values of inductor L and resistor R were set to 1H and 1 respectively. Function freqs() returns the complex frequency response vector of the filter given the numerator and denominator coefficients. Before calling this function, numerator values were set to the values of coefficients multiplying u, while denominator values were coefficients multiplying y in the time domain differential equation. Obtained results for modulus (amplitude) and argument (phase) of the frequency response were plotted as in Figures 5. and 6. respectively.

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F requenc y res pons e of LC A nalogue F ilter (am plitude) 1



Relative A m plitude






0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 F requenc y /H z 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

Figure 3.5. Complex Frequency Response Modulus (amplitude) of LC filter.

F requenc y res pons e of LC A nalogue F ilter (phas e) 80



P has e /degrees





-80 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 F requenc y /Hz 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

Figure 3.6. Complex Frequency Response Argument (phase) of LC Filter.

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Further, using MATLAB code shown in Figure 3.7. and roots() function, series of zeros and poles of the filter transfer function were found. Function atan2() is an inverse tangent (arctangent) function operating on all four quadrants.
ps=roots(den); zs=roots(num); polar(0,1,' '); hold polar(atan2(imag(zs),real(zs)),abs(zs),'o') polar(atan2(imag(ps),real(ps)),abs(ps),'*') hold

Figure 3.7. MATLAB code for plotting pole-zero chart of LC filter transfer function. Plot obtained running the above code has been shown as in Figure 3.8.
90 P ole-Zero P lot of LC Filter Trans fer Function 1 120 60 0.8 0.6 150 0.4 0.2 30




240 270


Figure 3.8. Pole-Zero Plot of LC Filter Transfer Function. It was noted that all poles and zeros lie within unity circle thus making this circuit a stable design. Finally, raw input signal signal1 was filtered through the LC analogue filter. MATLAB code shown in Figure 3.9. was run to produce a split screen plot showing the signal before and after filtering process. Frequency response of the analogue filter (cfr) is multiplied on term-by-term basis (.*) by the input signal converted to the frequency domain by Fast Fourier Transform (fft) function. This operation produces an output in the frequency domain, which was subsequently converted to the time domain by the Inverse FFT function (ifft).
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afsig=ifft(cfr.*fft(signal1,128)); mx=abs(afsig); subplot(2,1,1),plot(t,signal1) subplot(2,1,2),plot(t,mx)

Figure 3.9. MATLAB Code for applying analogue filtering to input signal1. Both signals were then plotted in time domain, as shown in Figure 3.10, clearly indicating the dampening of the 0.1Hz component.
Signal1 before analogue filtering Relative amplitude 6 4 2 0 -2 0 6 Relative amplitude 4 2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Signal1 after analogue filtering



30 40 Time /s




Figure 3.10. Unfiltered and Filtered (LC Analogue) Signals.

3.4 Digital Filter by Numerical Integration

In this section of the experiment, a digital filter was simulated using MATLAB filter() function. This function is based on the standard difference equation using Direct Form II Transposed implementation. Arguments to the filter() function are two vectors a and b containing coefficients multiplying y and u values in the difference equation, as shown in Theory section. MATLAB code shown in Figure 3.11. was used to calculate filter argument vectors and apply the digital filtering.
L=1 C=(10/(2*pi))^2 a=[ (((L*C)/(T^2))+(1/(2*T))) (1-2*((L*C)/(T^2))) (((L*C)/(T^2))(1/(2*T))) ] b=[ ((L*C)/(T^2)) (1-2*((L*C)/(T^2))) ((L*C)/(T^2)) ] sigfilt1=filter(b,a,signal1);

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fr=faxis(2); subplot(2,1,1),plot(fr,ampl(fft(signal1))) subplot(2,1,2),plot(fr,ampl(fft(sigfilt1))) figure; subplot(2,1,1),plot(t,signal1) subplot(2,1,2),plot(t,sigfilt1)

Figure 3.11. MATLAB code for Digital Filtering of signal1. Figure 3.12. shows split plots of signal1 before and after being filtered. The 0.1Hz frequency component in the unfiltered signal is very strongly attenuated by the filter and is hardly noticeable in the filtered signal. Other spectral lines are harmonics of the fundamental signal with a frequency of 0.25Hz. These components correspond to the input sensor returning readings and are thus part of the wanted signal. Simulated digital filter passes these frequency components with very slight attenuation.
Frequenc y Dom ain Unfiltered S ignal 60 Relative A m plitude



0 -1









Frequenc y Dom ain Filtered S ignal 50 Relative A m plitude 40 30 20 10 0 -1



-0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 W rapped round frequenc y /Hz



Figure 3.12. Frequency Domain plots of Digital Filter performance.

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The impact of the filtering process is clearly seen in Figure 3.13. showing time domain plots of the signal before and after filtering. Evidently, the filter operation is increasingly better as more samples have been processed, explaining poor filter performance in first 10 seconds of operation. During this time, sensor readings are small in value, and are being overwhelmed by the 0.1Hz component.
Tim e Dom ain Unfiltered S ignal 6 Relative A m plitude 4 2 0 -2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Tim e Dom ain Filtered S ignal 6 Relative A m plitude 4 2 0 -2 0 10 20 30 Tim e /s 40 50 60 70

Figure 3.13. Time Domain plots of unfiltered and filtered signal.

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Ultimately, the difference between the desired output signal want1 and signal filtered using the digital filter sigfilt1 was examined. Data plotted in Figure 3.14. confirms poorer performance in first 10 seconds of filter operation.
want1 and s igfilt1 differenc e 0.6


0.2 Relative A m plitude




-0.8 0 10 20 30 Tim e /s 40 50 60 70

Figure 3.14. Discrepancy between desired signal want1 and filtered signal sigfilt1 MATLAB code listed in Figure 3.15. was used to plot poles and zeros in the z-plane of the digital filter obtained by numerical integration.
zzn=roots(b); pzn=roots(a); polar(0,1,' ') hold polar(atan2(imag(zzn),real(zzn)),abs(zzn),'o') polar(atan2(imag(pzn),real(pzn)),abs(pzn),'*') hold

Figure 3.15. MATLAB code for z-plane polar plot of digital filter poles and zeros.

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Running the above code, a plot as shown in Figure 3.16. was obtained.
P oles -Zero P lot of Digital Filter 120 0.8 0.6 150 0.4 0.2 30 60





Figure 3.16. Z-plane plot of digital filter poles and zeros.

3.5 S-plane to Z-plane mappings

In order to transfer function in the s-plane into the function in z-plane, MATLAB bilinear() function was used. This function requires numerator and denominator coefficients of the s-plane transfer function, as given previously in explanation with Figure 3.3. Output of this bilinear transformation is a pair of z-plane transfer function numerator and denominator coefficients. MATLAB code used for this mapping is given in Figure 3.17.
const = (10/(2*pi)); num=[const 0 1]; den=[const 1 1]; [numz,denz]=bilinear(num,den,2); zz=roots(numz); pz=roots(denz); polar(0,1,' '); hold on polar(atan2(imag(zz),real(zz)),abs(zz),'o') polar(atan2(imag(pz),real(pz)),abs(pz),'*') hold off

Figure 3.17. MATLAB code for bilinear s-plane to z-plane mapping.

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Poles and zeros of this z-plane transfer function were plotted on polar plot as shown in Figure 3.18.
90 P olar z -plane poles and z eros plot 1 120 60 0.8 0.6 150 0.4 0.2 30




240 270


Figure 3.18. z-plane Pole and Zero Plot obtained by Bilinear transformation. By comparison with z-plane poles and zeros obtained previously with numerical integration a small discrepancy was noted, although the filter performance was not significantly affected.


Impulse Response of a Digital Filter

The unit sample response uniquely defines the performance of a digital filter. It was obtained by applying a unit sample sequence defined as: u[k]={1,0,0,0,} to the filter input, thus exciting the filter while monitoring its output for effects of ringing. In the following MATLAB code for obtaining the unit sample response, Figure 3.21, vectors a and b describing the digital filter were kept from the calculations shown in Figure 3.11.
u=[1 zeros(1,127)]; impl=filter(b,a,u); plot(t,impl,'.')

Figure 3.21. MATLAB Code for obtaining unit sample response of a digital filter.

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The unit sample response obtained was plotted as shown in Figure 3.22.
Im pulse Res pons e of Digital Filter 1.2

0.8 Relative A m plitude




-0.2 0 10 20 30 Tim e /s 40 50 60 70

Figure 3.22. Unit sample response of a digital filter

3.7 Finite Impulse Response (FIR) and Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) Filters

To confirm the theory explanation of FIR filters containing only moving average process, MATLAB code in Figure 3.23. was run. Autoregression part of the difference equation was set to one, keeping the original moving average part. As expected, the first three samples of the impulse response matched the filter coefficients in vector b_ma.
a_ma=1; b_ma=b; maimp=filter(b_ma,a_ma,u); maimp(1:5) b_ma ans = 10.1321 b_ma = 10.1321 -19.2642 10.1321 -19.2642 10.1321 0 0

Figure 3.23. MATLAB code and results showing FIR filter unit sample response.

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Contrary to the finite impulse response filters, MATLAB code in Figure 3.24. describes an infinite impulse response filter. For this purpose, moving average filter coefficient vector was set to one, while maintaining the original autoregression part of the difference equation.
a_ar=a; b_ar=1; arimp=filter(b_ar,a_ar,u); subplot(2,1,1),plot(t,arimp); subplot(2,1,2),plot(arimp(110:128));

Figure 3.24. MATLAB Code plotting IIR filter unit sample response Obtaining the plot for the above IIR filter, as shown in Figure 3.25, characteristic ringing pattern was observed. Second subplot clearly shows that although the impulse response is decaying and approaching zero, it does so in an asymptotical manner, and even after 128 samples still oscillates with very small amplitude of the order of 10-6.
IIR Filter Unit S am ple Response 0.3 Relative A m plitude 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 0 x 10 10 S am ple V alue


40 50 Tim e /s IIR Res pons e A sy m ptotic ally A pproac hing Zero





-5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 S am ple num ber 110-128 16 18 20

Figure 3.25. IIR Filter Unit Sample Response.

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Frequency Response of a Digital Filter

In order to assess the performance of the derived digital filter, it was necessary to plot its frequency response. A deep notch was expected at the frequency of 0.1Hz in order to eliminate unwanted oscillations from the original signal. It was chosen to use 128 points located on the unity circle of |z| = 1. Required MATLAB code is shown in Figure 3.26.
f=(0:127)/(128*0.5); digfr=freqz(b,a,128,'whole'); moddig=abs(digfr); mod=abs(cfr); angdig=angle(digfr)*180/pi; ang=angle(cfr)*180/pi; subplot(2,1,1),plot(f,moddig); hold; plot(f,mod,'r'); hold; subplot(2,1,2),plot(f,angdig); hold; plot(f,ang,'r'); hold;

Figure 3.26. MATLAB Code for frequency response calculations of a digital filter. Plots showing the frequency and phase responses of both analogue and digital filters were obtained as shown in Figure 3.27. Using zoom command and closely examining the frequency response plot, it was noted that the digital filter had slightly higher gain at the frequencies above the desired notch at 0.1Hz. This gain difference was 0.5% - 0.6% @1Hz.

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Frequenc y and P has e Res pons es of Digital and A nalog Filters 1 Relative A m plitude 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

100 P has e /degrees 50 0 -50 -100 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Frequenc y /Hz 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

Figure 3.27. Frequency and Phase response of digital and analogue filters.
3.9 Designing a Digital Filter Using Yule-Walker Method

Using a more direct approach, a digital filter of a specified frequency response can be designed without having to derive an analogue prototype. This can usually lead to a better filter, since it is possible to choose the number of poles and zeros shaping the response curve in order to give the best fit to the frequency response required. MATLAB code in Figure 3.28. is using a modification of the Yule-Walker method, in order to design a digital filter with the frequency response equivalent to the analogue filter previously constructed in section 3.3. The range of frequencies is truncated to half the sampling frequency, i.e. 1Hz, the rest of the frequency response being a mirror image to the basic response.
f1=f(1:64); fmax=f1(64); fdes=f1/fmax; filt=mod(1:64); plot(f1,filt); [bh,ah]=yulewalk(8,fdes,filt); sh8=freqz(bh,ah,128,'whole'); subplot(2,1,1),plot(f,abs(sh8)),hold on; plot(f,mod,'r'),hold off; subplot(2,1,2),plot(f,angle(sh8)),hold on; plot(f,angle(cfr),'r'),hold off;

Figure 3.28. MATLAB Code for Yule-Walker Method of Direct Digital Design.

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MATLAB code in Figure 3.28. used the polynomial function of the eight order, with eight variable a and b coefficients made available for manipulation and fitting to the desired response curve. As shown in Figure 3.29. this approach resulted in a significantly worse filter that previously obtained by either analogue design or numerical integration methods.
Frequenc y and P has e Res pons e Com paris on: A nalogue v. Y ule-W alk er Digital 1 Relative A m plitude 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

100 P has e /degrees 50 0 -50 -100 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Frequenc y /Hz 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

Figure 3.29. Frequency and Phase Comparison of analogue and digital filter designs. Roots of the filter coefficient vectors ah and bh represent poles and zeros of the transfer functions respectively. In order to confirm the stability of the filter design, these were plotted as shown in Figure 3.30.

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P oles and Zeros , 8th order polynom ial Y ule-W alk er Digital Filter 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 Im aginary part 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1 -0.5 0 Real part 0.5 1

Figure 3.30. Bode plot of 8th order Yule-Walker Digital Filter. Since all zeros and poles lie inside the unit circle, the obtained filter design is numerically stable. MATLAB code in Figure 3.31. was used to compare the original signal signal1 with the output of two digital filters, one obtained by numerical integration and one by Yule-Walker Method.
sigyule=filter(bh,ah,signal1); subplot(3,1,1),plot(t,signal1) subplot(3,1,2),plot(t,sigfilt1) subplot(3,1,3),plot(t,sigyule) figure subplot(3,1,1),plot(f,ampl(fft(signal1))) subplot(3,1,2),plot(f,ampl(fft(sigfilt1))) subplot(3,1,3),plot(f,ampl(fft(sigyule)))

Figure 3.31. MATLAB code comparing performance of different filter designs.

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S ignal1 unfiltered 6 4 2 0 -2 0 6 Relative A m plitude 4 2 0 -2 0 6 4 2 0 -2 0 10 20 30 Tim e /s 40 50 60 70 10 20 30 40 50 Y ule-W alk er 8th order Digital Filter 60 70 10 20 30 40 50 Num eric al Integration Digital Filter 60 70

Figure 3.32. Time domain representation of filtered signals. Figures 32. and 33. clearly indicate superior performance of the digital filter obtained by numerical integration. Frequency domain analysis show almost complete removal of the 0.1Hz component using this filter design.

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S ignal1 unfiltered 60 40 20 0 0 60 40 20 0 0 60 40 20 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Frequency /Hz 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 Y ule-W alk er 8th order Digital Filter 1.6 1.8 2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 Num eric al Integration Digital Filter 1.6 1.8 2

Figure 3.33. Frequency domain representation of filtered signals.

3.10 Improving the design through clustering poles and zeros

A motivation behind this approach is to obtain better signal filtering by using a higher order polynomials in the filter numerator and denominator. This could be implemented by replacing a single pole or zero by multiple poles or zeros symmetrically placed around the originals. MATLAB code shown in Figure 3.34. describes a filter with one double zero and two poles positioned 3o each side of the original pole.
z1=(0.9511+0.3090i) p1=0.95*(0.9336+0.3584i); p2=0.95*(0.9659+0.2588i); numz=poly([z1 z1 conj(z1) conj(z1)]); denz=poly([p1 p2 conj(p1) conj(p2)]); frz=freqz(numz,denz,128,'whole'); nnumz=numz/max(abs(frz)); nfrz=freqz(nnumz,denz,128,'whole'); subplot(2,1,1),plot(f,abs(nfrz)) subplot(2,1,2),plot(f,mod)

Figure 3.34. MATLAB code for two pole digital filter

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Two P ole Direct Digital Filter Design 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

LC Notc h A nalogue Filter Design 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Frequenc y /Hz 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

Figure 3.35. Analogue v. Two Pole Digital Filter Design It was observed that the newly constructed digital filter has a narrower stop band than its analogue prototype, as shown in Figure 3.35. Its 0.1Hz component attenuation was found to be greater that the LC analogue filter, therefore eliminating more of the unwanted signal. The existence of dual poles not completely cancelled by zeros introduced some new spectral components around the notch frequency of 0.1Hz. This was clearly observed in frequency domain plot of signal1 after being filtered using the new filter design (Figure 3.36).

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S ignal1 filtered by two pole digital filter 50 S pec tral Density 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Frequenc y /Hz 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

6 Relative A m plitude 4 2 0 -2 0 10 20 30 Tim e /s 40 50 60 70

Figure 3.36. Signal1 filtered by two pole digital filter.

3.11 Cascading Digital Filters

One of the advantages of digital filters is that they can be cascaded without the need for buffering or impedance matching as it is the case with analogue filters. Digital filter cascading is equivalent to squaring the required frequency response and applying a direct digital design. MATLAB code shown in Figure 3.37. has been used to filter the original signal using two cascaded digital filters. Previously defined and used filter coefficients vectors a and b were squared on the term-by-term basis, and then used as numerator and denominator vectors for filter design.
mod2=mod.*mod; subplot(2,1,1),plot(f(1:64),mod(1:64),f(1:64),mod2(1:64),'r') aa=a.*a; bb=b.*b; cas=filter(b,a,signal1); subplot(2,1,2) plot(f,ampl(fft(cas)));

Figure 3.37. MATLAB code for Cascaded Digital Filter. The plots obtained are shown in Figure 3.38. It was confirmed that the notch at the specified frequency has deepened, but that the stop band has widened. This is the downside of digital filter cascading and in some applications can lead to unwanted signal components being present in the output.

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Cas c ading Digital Filters 1 Relative A m plitude 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Frequenc y /Hz Filtered S ignal S pectrum 0.8 0.9 1

50 S pectral Denis ty 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Frequenc y /Hz 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

Figure 3.38. Cascaded Digital Filter Response.

3.12 Batch Filtering

Batch filtering method relies on the fact that better signal analysis and processing is possible when the complete set of data has been collected, rather than processing it as it is being retrieved. Consequently, batch filtering is limited to off-line filtering, and the filter is considered anticasual. For this part of the experiment, signal2 was used as a primary input to the filter. This signal is a simulation of a data that a sample and hold circuit could output given the measurements from the satellites infra-red sensor. The ideally filtered signal would be a linear ramp function of the form: y(t)=ct This ramp function is effectively a DC signal, having a double pole at s=0 in the s-plane plot. Firstly, the spectrum of the input signal2 was calculated and plotted as in Figure 3.39.

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S ignal2 S pectrum 400



S pec tral Dens ity






0 -1




-0.2 0 0.2 Frequenc y /Hz




Figure 3.39. signal2 Spectrum before filtering. MATLAB code shown in Figure 3.40. was used to model a batch filter with an entirely real transfer function. The zero phase shift throughout the transfer function is a major advantage of a batch filter. While this phase shift had to be tolerated with casual filters, it is avoidable in the design of batch filters.
filt3=[mod2(1:6) zeros(1,117) mod2(6:-1:2)]; smoothft=sig2ft.*filt3; sig2filt=abs(ifft(smoothft)); plot(t, sig2filt); hold on plot(t, signal2,'r'); hold off

Figure 3.40. MATLAB code for batch signal filtering. Further, this filter model was used to filter signal2 trying to recover the wanted ramp function. Both unfiltered and filtered waveforms were plotted and shown in Figure 3.41. The performance of the filter was found to be at its best over the middle range of the data set.

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B atc h filtering res ults of s ignal2 7

Relative A m plitude

-1 0 10 20 30 Tim e /s 40 50 60 70

Figure 3.41. Unfiltered and Filtered signal2 using a batch filter. It was confirmed that the filter induces no phase shifting in the filtered signal due to its purely real nature.

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4 Discussion
4.1 Analogue Filter Design

In the course of this experiment, MATLAB software package was used in facilitating the design of an analogue notch filter. Although a simple LC notch filter could satisfy desired frequency requirements, its practical construction would be next to impossible and impractical. Values necessary to obtain satisfactory operation, values for capacitance and inductance, are several orders of magnitude out of range for real system applications. Sheer size of these components would render any attempt to construct such system void. Nevertheless, a theoretical simulation of such analogue filter was performed, and good attenuation at the notch frequency was obtained. Phase response of the analogue filter varied severely with frequency, thus limiting the possible uses of this filter to applications where phase of the output signal is not significant. The comparison of unfiltered versus filtered signal showed worst performance nearer the beginning of filtering process (t=1~10s). This is due to the noise component overwhelming the desired infra-red sensor output, which is at that point relatively small. More importantly, the peaks amplitude of the filtered signal is not increasing linearly. This could cause unwanted behaviour from the actuators or jets controlling the satellites position relative to Earth.
4.2 Digital Filter Design

4.2.1 Design by Numerical Integration An approximation of the analogue differential equation was obtained using a combined forward and backward difference approximation yielding a central difference approximation. This numerical approach resulted in two vectors containing the numerator and denominator values for simulating a digital filter. As shown earlier in spectral analysis in Figure 3.12. the unwanted 0.1Hz component has been reduced to a negligible level. Poor performance of this digital filter in first ten seconds of operation is again due to indistinguishably similar levels of noise and desired signal. Overall, the filter performed well and provided for very linear increase in peaks amplitude over time, thus enabling possible construction of a ramp function which would control desired satellite motion. On the plot of filtered and unfiltered signal discrepancy, initial bad filter performance is clearly reflected in the period t=0~10s. It was also confirmed using a pole-zero plot that the filter is stable in operation. 4.2.2 Digital Filter Impulse Response Important characteristic of the digital filter is its impulse response, which was tested by applying a unit sample sequence as the input signal to the filter. Unit sample sequence has set the filter ringing, a state in which the initial applied pulse decays over a period of time in sinusoidal manner. Since no performance target regarding settling time was set on the design of this filter, no further modifications were necessary.

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4.2.3 FIR and IIR Filters The basic difference between finite impulse response and infinite impulse response filters was observed. The significant of the autoregression and moving average term was explored by altering filter nominator and denominator vectors. FIR filters are extensively used in digital signal processing, and their design and uses are beyond the scope of this experiment. Linearity of their phase and/or amplitude response, or constant phase shift of 90o can be very useful in certain applications for which analogue or IIR filters could not be used. FIR filter transfer functions can contain only zeros and no poles, a task impossible to accomplish in analogue filter design. Therefore, FIR filters are usually synthesised directly in z domain, using computer packages like MATLAB. 4.2.4 Digital Filter Frequency Response Due to the symmetry around the unity circle in z plane, frequency response of the digital filter is symmetrical around half the sampling frequency. As seen from the Figure 3.27. almost a perfect match was obtained for the digital filter up to the frequency of 1Hz, after which the upper half of the frequency spectra is a mirror image of the lower part. This is true for both frequency and phase response of the digital filter. Digital filter had only slightly higher gain, which amounted to 0.5%-0.6% @1Hz. 4.2.5 Digital Filter Synthesis Using Yule-Walker Method Seeking better and more effective filter designs, it is beneficial to relax some requirements on the new designs. All of the previous digital filters correspond to a realisable analogue filter. This requirement is quite unnecessary since for a certain applications no analogue equivalent filter would ever be needed. One of the direct digital filter design methods is Yule-Walker Method. Direct design is based on fitting the actual frequency response to a desired frequency response, and can take in consideration phase response as well, although MATLABs yulewalk() function does not map phase response. The performance of an 8th order Yule-Walker filter was compared to a filter derived by numerical integration. Although phase shifts were less severe using Yule-Walker filter, its attenuation at 0.1Hz was much less, therefore its overall performance was inferior to the numerically derived filter. This was confirmed on both time and frequency domain plots. The function did however yield a numerically stable filter, since all of its poles and zeros were contained within the unit circle. 4.2.6 Digital Filter with Clustered Poles and Zeros In order to improve the filter characteristics it was necessary to use multiple poles and zeros. By inspection of the pole-zero plots, it was concluded that filters have a zero at the attenuation frequency, i.e. 0.1Hz. It was decided to use two zeros instead of one, symmetrically offset by 3o at each side of the original zero. The filter was then

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normalized to have gain equal to one, and its frequency response was tested. Figure 3.35 clearly shows a significant improvement in attenuation at 0.1Hz and stop-band narrowing compared to LC analogue filter. The unwanted effects accompanying this frequency response improvements come from increasing the filter order. Although not tested, we can expect ringing, rise, delay and settling time getting worse.
4.3 Cascading Digital Filters

While analogue filter cascading is complex task requiring impedance matching and/or buffering, digital filter cascading is much simply done. Obviously improving the attenuation at the notch frequency, modelled two stage cascaded digital filter had greatly widened stop-band. While this can be tolerated for certain applications, it needs to be taken into consideration at the design stage, and certain trade-offs regarding stop-band range can be made, providing the filter stays within required specifications.
4.4 Batch Digital Filtering

Although used only in off-line filtering, batch filter tested performed well in reconstructing a nearly linear ramp function in the middle of the supplied dataset. Obviously, more data in the given time interval translates into better filtering. The basis for this filter was the cascaded digital filter whose response functions had been modified to have original values at the first six elements of the vector and six elements at mirror image point around 2Hz. This is due to the wrap-around effect so that these points had to be included. Batch filter tested would not find any use in the satellite control systems, since actions based on its output would always be out of date. More often batch filtering is used in tracking slowly varying trends in economy, astronomy etc.

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5 Conclusions

Although giving satisfactory performance, analogue filter implementations are not always feasible due to component sizes and power consumption problems. Analogue to digital conversion using numerical integration resulted in a stable filter with good frequency response and linearly increasing sequence of peaks was recovered from the unfiltered signal.

Digital filters must be constructed conforming to the design requirements, including the unit sample response. Finite Impulse Response filters are extensively used due to their unique advantages over IIR designs. Digital filter synthesised using Yule-Walker numerical method had less attenuation at the notch frequency resulting in poor overall filter performance. The clustering of zeros and poles (two zeros were used) gave excellent results, with almost total attenuation at the notch frequency. Increasing the order of the filter improves frequency response but degrades its other important characteristics, such as ringing, rise, settle and delay time. Filter cascading is easily implemented using digital filters. Side effects of frequency response improvements were significant stop-band widening. Batch filtering can give superior results, since the filter possess the entire data set to be filtered. Nevertheless, it is significantly limited in use due to its off-line processing nature.

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6 Nomenclature

Symbol C L R T fs wc 0

Quantity Capacitance Inductance Resistance Sampling time Sampling frequency Notch frequency Signal frequency component

SI Unit(s) C H s s-1 rads-1 rads-1

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7 References

Jackson, Leland B., Digital Filters and signal processing: with MATLAB exercises, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, USA, 1995., page 156. Jackson, Leland B., Digital Filters and signal processing: with MATLAB exercises, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, USA, 1995., page 33. Popovic, Miodrag V., Digital Signal Processing: numerical exercises and MATLAB examples, Nauka, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1996., page 131. Popovic, Miodrag V., Digital Signal Processing: numerical exercises and MATLAB examples, Nauka, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1996., page 121

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