Unit 3: Online Green Light Review

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Online Greenlight Review

Nicholas Baker Unit 3: Environment 14/12/2011

Freud The Uncanny

There was one quote from his essay that did interest me and gave me some ideas to go down a route of a frightening and uneasy tableau vivant-style scene. All one can say is that what is novel may well prove frightening and uncanny; some things that are novel are indeed frightening, but by no means all. Something must be added to the novel and the unfamiliar if it is to become uncanny. (Freud, The Uncanny, 1919). This is the approach I would like to go with throughout my thumbnails and throughout my progress to give and unfamiliar meaning for it to be uncanny to some of my ideas. I like the idea of something that shouldnt be there even if you could see it or if the audience can feel it. I have some ideas here are some of them:

Associated Artists
Sven Fennema
Fennema is one of the associated photographers to my project by how her work has a major relevance to what I am aiming for, her work is mainly about photography of lost places, for example houses, hospitals, prisons. The way she perceives things and brings them to photos to me screams uncanny for its something's out of place or something shouldnt be here feel.

Stanley Kubrick - The Shining

The other artist that is associated to my research is Stanley Kubrick's production design for the Shining. The way the hotel gives off an odd nightmarish feel for its long and huge corridors, the colour patterns and lighting give it some sort brightness for such a place of evil with that twist, but with these thoughts of a safe place it has an anonymous feel of dread to each scene of the corridors or the elevators, I thought it would be good as another idea for my thumbnails just in case the nightmare atmosphere does not work.

Visual Concept Map

Here is my main Visual Concept map this map ranges from the abandoned buildings interiors of the hospital, hallways and stairways.

Key Thumbnails
Here are my key thumbnails which I think are the strongest out of the ones that I have designed so far, I know I need to do more but with the ones I have designed I am happy with but Im always open to opinion to improve my work.

Written Assignment Intro

Uncanny: having or seeming to have a supernatural or inexplicable basis; beyond the ordinary or normal; extraordinary: uncanny accuracy; an uncanny knack of foreseeing trouble. (Uncanny, 2011). This assignment will be based around the investigation of the term the uncanny to Stanley Kubricks The Shining Sources include; Sigmund Freuds The Uncanny. This will help get an understanding of Freuds views of uncanny to compare to modern day films and the film industry. Another source is; Michael Ciments interview with Kubrick about the Shining. This goes into depth about the imagery and reasons for the production design for how it is and how it physiologically affects the audience. The final source is; Michael Arnzens The Return of the Uncanny. This will go into the physiological effect in general of uncanny and how we perceive it as humans. With these sources they will help to answer how uncanny has improved the film industries productions designs and how successful it has affected the audience. Bibliography Arnzens, M (1997), The Return of the Uncanny http://paradoxa.com/excerpts/3-3intro.htm (Date Accessed: 14/12/2011) Freud, Sigmund. (1919) The Uncanny. http://web.mit.edu/allanmc/www/freud1.pdf (Date Accessed: 14/12/2011) Kubrick, Stanley. (1987). (Interview by Michael Ciment, 1987) http://www.visualmemory.co.uk/amk/doc/interview.ts.html (Date Accessed: 14/12/2011) Uncanny. Definition 1. (2011). In: Dictionary.com. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/uncanny (Date Accessed: 14/12/2011)

Creative Partnership
Jamie Tibbott to Me: Nick! get some more stuff up on your blog!!! i want to see some ideas :(... please? :D (08/12/2012, 1:22pm). Hey Nick, your Photoshop and Maya work looks good. what kind of ideas have you got for your project? I found the list of websites and artists on the brief really helpful. I'm not sure if you've had a look at them yet or not :) (11/12/2012, 4:21pm). Heya Jamie i really like thumbnails 10, 23, 29 and 36. If you are still going for that nightmare approach to your work, a real fog scene with the wood panel fence would be good, give the idea of a swinging gate in the fog, gives a spooky and unwelcoming feel to it :D. (12/12/2012, 12:44pm). Heya Jamie, you're texture designs are coming along really well, I like the way you have added the texture of rust to the road sign of the smiley face, gives it humor and yet a little disturbing with the rest and the soulless eyes starring at you, good work mate. (12/12/2012, 12:45pm). You are showing everyone up with those texturing skills off yours lol loving the frame work if you had like a Victorian house or maybe that sort of frame in a modern house living room that would be odd and take the audiences attention straight to it, good idea for a thumbnail unless you already have something like that lol :) btw i will have work up soon for you and Jamie to assess, sorry for taking so long about it. (12/12/2012, 12:51pm). Anita Gill to Me:

Me to Jamie Tibbott:

Me to Jamie Tibbott:

Me to Anita Gill:

Additional Work
http://n1ck124.blogspot.com/2011/12/unit-3-photoshop-session-10.html http://n1ck124.blogspot.com/2011/12/unit-3-photoshop-session-20.html


http://n1ck124.blogspot.com/2011/12/unit-3-maya-session-10.html http://n1ck124.blogspot.com/2011/12/unit-3-maya-session-20.html

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