Bloom's & Gordon's

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8 I e e m t 7 o x e e m y e I L e o r I g 0 e m o I t

7 b e 7 b r e e 7 y p e t e I L e o r I g
1here |: more thon one tye of |eorn|nq. A comm|ttee of co||eqe:, |ed by enjom|n |oom (I9s),
|dent|f|ed three domo|n: of educot|ono| oct|u|t|e::
4 egItIwe: mento| :h|||: (know|edqe)
4 IIectIwe: qrowth |n fee||nq: or emot|ono| oreo: (Att|tude)
4 !tycbemeter: monuo| or hy:|co| :h|||: (5h|||:)
5|nce the worh wo: roduced by h|qher educot|on, the word: tend to be o ||tt|e b|qqer thon we normo||y
u:e. Domo|n: con be thouqht of o: coteqor|e:. 1ro|ner: often refer to the:e three coteqor|e: o: k5A
(know|edqe, 5h|||:, ond Att|tude). 1h|: toxonomy of |eorn|nq behou|or: con be thouqht of o: the qoo|: of
the |eorn|nq roce::. 1hot |:, ofter o |eorn|nq e|:ode, the |eorner :hou|d houe ocqu|red new :h|||:,
hnow|edqe, ondlor ott|tude:.
1he comm|ttee o|:o roduced on e|oborote com||ot|on for the coqn|t|ue ond offect|ue domo|n:, but none
for the :ychomotor domo|n. 1he|r ex|onot|on for th|: ouer:|qht wo: thot they houe ||tt|e exer|ence |n
teoch|nq monuo| :h|||: w|th|n the co||eqe |eue| (| que:: they neuer thouqht to chech w|th the|r :ort: or
dromo deortment:).
1h|: com||ot|on d|u|de: the three domo|n: |nto :ubd|u|:|on:, :tort|nq from the :|m|e:t behou|or to the
mo:t com|ex. 1he d|u|:|on: out||ned ore not ob:o|ute: ond there ore other :y:tem: or h|erorch|e: thot
houe been deu|:ed |n the educot|ono| ond tro|n|nq wor|d. Howeuer, |oom': toxonomy |: eo:||y
under:tood ond |: robob|y the mo:t w|de|y o||ed one |n u:e todoy.

e g I t I w e 0 e m o I
1he coqn|t|ue domo|n (|oom, I9s) |nuo|ue: hnow|edqe ond the deue|oment of |nte||ectuo| :h|||:. 1h|:
|nc|ude: the reco|| or recoqn|t|on of :ec|f|c foct:, roceduro| ottern:, ond concet: thot :erue |n the
deue|oment of |nte||ectuo| ob|||t|e: ond :h|||:. 1here ore :|x mojor coteqor|e:, wh|ch ore ||:ted |n order
be|ow, :tort|nq from the :|m|e:t behou|or to the mo:t com|ex. 1he coteqor|e: con be thouqht of o:
deqree: of d|ff|cu|t|e:. 1hot |:, the f|r:t one: mu:t normo||y be mo:tered before the next one: con tohe

otegery ExompIe od Key werdt (werbt}
KewIedge: Reco|| doto or
ExompIet: Rec|te o o||cy. Quote r|ce:
from memory to o cu:tomer. know: the
:ofety ru|e:.
Key werdt: def|ne:, de:cr|be:, |dent|f|e:,
hnow:, |obe|:, ||:t:, motche:, nome:,
out||ne:, reco||:, recoqn|ze:, reroduce:,
:e|ect:, :tote:.
emprebetIe: Under:tond the
meon|nq, tron:|ot|on, |ntero|ot|on,
ond |nterretot|on of |n:truct|on:
ond rob|em:. 5tote o rob|em |n
one': own word:.
ExompIet: Rewr|te: the r|nc||e: of te:t
wr|t|nq. x|o|n |n one': own word: the
:te: for erform|nq o com|ex to:h.
1ron:|ote: on equot|on |nto o comuter
Key werdt: comrehend:, conuert:,
defend:, d|:t|nqu|:he:, e:t|mote:, ex|o|n:,
extend:, qenero||ze:, q|ue: on exom|e,
|nfer:, |nterret:, orohro:e:, red|ct:,
rewr|te:, :ummor|ze:, tron:|ote:.
ppIIcotIe: U:e o concet |n o
new :|tuot|on or unromted u:e
of on ob:troct|on. A||e: whot wo:
|eorned |n the c|o::room |nto noue|
:|tuot|on: |n the worh |oce.
ExompIet: U:e o monuo| to co|cu|ote on
em|oyee': uocot|on t|me. A|y |ow: of
:tot|:t|c: to euo|uote the re||ob|||ty of o
wr|tten te:t.
Key werdt: o||e:, chonqe:, comute:,
con:truct:, demon:trote:, d|:couer:,
mon|u|ote:, mod|f|e:, oerote:, red|ct:,
reore:, roduce:, re|ote:, :how:, :o|ue:,
oIytIt: 5eorote: moter|o| or
concet: |nto comonent ort: :o
thot |t: orqon|zot|ono| :tructure
moy be under:tood. D|:t|nqu|:he:
between foct: ond |nference:.
ExompIet: 1roub|e:hoot o |ece of
equ|ment by u:|nq |oq|co| deduct|on.
Recoqn|ze |oq|co| fo||oc|e: |n
reo:on|nq. Cother: |nformot|on from o
deortment ond :e|ect: the requ|red to:h:
for tro|n|nq.
Key werdt: ono|yze:, breoh: down,
comore:, contro:t:, d|oqrom:,
decon:truct:, d|fferent|ote:, d|:cr|m|note:,
d|:t|nqu|:he:, |dent|f|e:, |||u:trote:, |nfer:,
out||ne:, re|ote:, :e|ect:, :eorote:.
tytbetIt: u||d: o :tructure or
ottern from d|uer:e e|ement:. ut
ort: toqether to form o who|e,
w|th emho:|: on creot|nq o new
meon|nq or :tructure.
ExompIet: vr|te o comony oerot|on:
or roce:: monuo|. De:|qn o moch|ne to
erform o :ec|f|c to:h. |nteqrote: tro|n|nq
from :euero| :ource: to :o|ue o rob|em.
Reu|:e: ond roce:: to |mroue the
Key werdt: coteqor|ze:, comb|ne:,
com||e:, como:e:, creote:, deu|:e:,
de:|qn:, ex|o|n:, qenerote:, mod|f|e:,
orqon|ze:, |on:, reorronqe:, recon:truct:,
re|ote:, reorqon|ze:, reu|:e:, rewr|te:,
:ummor|ze:, te||:, wr|te:.
EwoIuotIe: Mohe judqment:
obout the uo|ue of |deo: or
ExompIet: 5e|ect the mo:t effect|ue
:o|ut|on. H|re the mo:t quo||f|ed
cond|dote. x|o|n ond ju:t|fy o new
Key werdt: oro|:e:, comore:,
conc|ude:, contro:t:, cr|t|c|ze:, cr|t|que:,
defend:, de:cr|be:, d|:cr|m|note:,
euo|uote:, ex|o|n:, |nterret:, ju:t|f|e:,
re|ote:, :ummor|ze:, :uort:.

I I e c t I w e 0 e m o I
1he offect|ue domo|n (krothwoh|, |oom, Mo:|o, I911) |nc|ude: the monner |n wh|ch we deo| w|th th|nq:
emot|ono||y, :uch o: fee||nq:, uo|ue:, orec|ot|on, enthu:|o:m:, mot|uot|on:, ond ott|tude:. 1he f|ue mojor
coteqor|e: ore ||:ted from the :|m|e:t behou|or to the mo:t com|ex:

otegery ExompIe od Key werdt (werbt}
ReceIwIg !beemeo: Aworene::,
w||||nqne:: to heor, :e|ected ottent|on.
ExompIet: L|:ten to other: w|th
re:ect. L|:ten for ond remember the
nome of new|y |ntroduced eo|e.
Key werdt: o:h:, choo:e:, de:cr|be:,
fo||ow:, q|ue:, ho|d:, |dent|f|e:, |ocote:,
nome:, o|nt: to, :e|ect:, :|t:, erect:,
re||e:, u:e:.
RetpedIg te !beemeo: Act|ue
ort|c|ot|on on the ort of the
|eorner:. Attend: ond reoct: to o
ort|cu|or henomenon. Leorn|nq
outcome: moy emho:|ze com||once
|n re:ond|nq, w||||nqne:: to re:ond,
or :ot|:foct|on |n re:ond|nq
ExompIet: ort|c|ote: |n c|o::
d|:cu::|on:. C|ue: o re:entot|on.
Que:t|on: new |deo|:, concet:, mode|:,
etc. |n order to fu||y under:tond them.
know the :ofety ru|e: ond roct|ce:
Key werdt: on:wer:, o::|:t:, o|d:,
com||e:, conform:, d|:cu::e:, qreet:,
he|:, |obe|:, erform:, roct|ce:,
re:ent:, reod:, rec|te:, reort:, :e|ect:,
te||:, wr|te:.
VoIuIg: 1he worth or uo|ue o er:on
ottoche: to o ort|cu|or object,
henomenon, or behou|or. 1h|: ronqe:
from :|m|e occetonce to the more
com|ex :tote of
comm|tment. Vo|u|nq |: bo:ed on the
|nterno||zot|on of o :et of :ec|f|ed
uo|ue:, wh||e c|ue: to the:e uo|ue: ore
exre::ed |n the |eorner': ouert
behou|or ond ore often |dent|f|ob|e.
ExompIet: Demon:trote: be||ef |n the
democrot|c roce::. |: :en:|t|ue toword:
|nd|u|duo| ond cu|turo| d|fference:
(uo|ue d|uer:|ty). 5how: the ob|||ty to
:o|ue rob|em:. roo:e: o |on to
:oc|o| |mrouement ond fo||ow:
throuqh w|th comm|tment. |nform:
monoqement on motter: thot one fee|:
:tronq|y obout.
Key werdt: com|ete:, demon:trote:,
d|fferent|ote:, ex|o|n:, fo||ow:, form:,
|n|t|ote:, |nu|te:, jo|n:, ju:t|f|e:, roo:e:,
reod:, reort:, :e|ect:, :hore:, :tud|e:,
0rgoIzotIe: Orqon|ze: uo|ue: |nto
r|or|t|e: by contro:t|nq d|fferent
uo|ue:, re:o|u|nq conf||ct: between
them, ond creot|nq on un|que uo|ue
:y:tem. 1he emho:|: |: on comor|nq,
re|ot|nq, ond :ynthe:|z|nq uo|ue:.
ExompIet: Recoqn|ze: the need for
bo|once between freedom ond
re:on:|b|e behou|or. Accet:
re:on:|b|||ty for one': behou|or.
x|o|n: the ro|e of :y:temot|c
|onn|nq |n :o|u|nq rob|em:. Accet:
rofe::|ono| eth|co| :tondord:. Creote:
o ||fe |on |n hormony w|th ob|||t|e:,
|ntere:t:, ond be||ef:. r|or|t|ze: t|me
effect|ue|y to meet the need: of the
orqon|zot|on, fom||y, ond :e|f.
Key werdt: odhere:, o|ter:, orronqe:,
comb|ne:, comore:, com|ete:,
defend:, ex|o|n:, formu|ote:,
qenero||ze:, |dent|f|e:, |nteqrote:,
mod|f|e:, order:, orqon|ze:, reore:,
re|ote:, :ynthe:|ze:.
woIuet (chorocter|zot|on): Ho: o
uo|ue :y:tem thot contro|: the|r
behou|or. 1he behou|or |: eruo:|ue,
con:|:tent, red|ctob|e, ond mo:t
|mortont|y, chorocter|:t|c of the
|eorner. |n:truct|ono| object|ue: ore
concerned w|th the :tudent': qenero|
ottern: of odju:tment (er:ono|,
:oc|o|, emot|ono|).
ExompIet: 5how: :e|f-re||once when
worh|nq |ndeendent|y. Cooerote: |n
qrou oct|u|t|e: (d|:|oy: teomworh).
U:e: on object|ue orooch |n rob|em
:o|u|nq. D|:|oy: o rofe::|ono|
comm|tment to eth|co| roct|ce on o
do||y bo:|:. Reu|:e: judqment: ond
chonqe: behou|or |n ||qht of new
eu|dence. Vo|ue: eo|e for whot they
ore, not how they |ooh.
Key werdt: oct:, d|:cr|m|note:,
d|:|oy:, |nf|uence:, ||:ten:, mod|f|e:,
erform:, roct|ce:, roo:e:, quo||f|e:,
que:t|on:, reu|:e:, :erue:, :o|ue:, uer|f|e:.

! t y c b e m e t e r 0 e m o I
1he :ychomotor domo|n (5|m:on, I912) |nc|ude: hy:|co| mouement, coord|not|on, ond u:e of the
motor-:h||| oreo:. Deue|oment of the:e :h|||: requ|re: roct|ce ond |: meo:ured |n term: of :eed,
rec|:|on, d|:tonce, rocedure:, or techn|que: |n execut|on. 1he :euen mojor coteqor|e: ore ||:ted from the
:|m|e:t behou|or to the mo:t com|ex:

otegery ExompIe od Key werdt (werbt}
!erceptIe: 1he ob|||ty to u:e
:en:ory cue: to qu|de motor oct|u|ty.
1h|: ronqe: from :en:ory :t|mu|ot|on,
throuqh cue :e|ect|on, to tron:|ot|on.
ExompIet: Detect: non-uerbo|
commun|cot|on cue:. :t|mote where o
bo|| w||| |ond ofter |t |: thrown ond then
mou|nq to the correct |ocot|on to cotch
the bo||. Adju:t: heot of :toue to correct
temeroture by :me|| ond to:te of food.
Adju:t: the he|qht of the forh: on o
forh||ft by comor|nq where the forh:
ore |n re|ot|on to the o||et.
Key werdt: choo:e:, de:cr|be:, detect:,
d|fferent|ote:, d|:t|nqu|:he:, |dent|f|e:,
|:o|ote:, re|ote:, :e|ect:.
tet: Reod|ne:: to oct. |t |nc|ude:
mento|, hy:|co|, ond emot|ono| :et:.
1he:e three :et: ore d|:o:|t|on: thot
redeterm|ne o er:on': re:on:e to
d|fferent :|tuot|on: (:omet|me: co||ed
ExompIet: know: ond oct: uon o
:equence of :te: |n o monufoctur|nq
roce::. Recoqn|ze one': ob|||t|e: ond
||m|tot|on:. 5how: de:|re to |eorn o new
roce:: (mot|uot|on). NO1: 1h|:
:ubd|u|:|on of :ychomotor |: c|o:e|y
re|oted w|th the Re:ond|nq to
henomeno :ubd|u|:|on of the Affect|ue
Key werdt: beq|n:, d|:|oy:, ex|o|n:,
moue:, roceed:, reoct:, :how:, :tote:,
0uIded Retpete: 1he eor|y :toqe:
|n |eorn|nq o com|ex :h||| thot
|nc|ude: |m|tot|on ond tr|o| ond error.
Adequocy of erformonce |:
och|eued by roct|c|nq.
ExompIet: erform: o mothemot|co|
equot|on o: demon:troted. Fo||ow:
|n:truct|on: to bu||d o mode|. Re:ond:
hond-:|qno|: of |n:tructor wh||e |eorn|nq
to oerote o forh||ft.
Key werdt: co|e:, troce:, fo||ow:,
reoct, reroduce, re:ond:
MecboItm: 1h|: |: the |ntermed|ote
:toqe |n |eorn|nq o com|ex
:h|||. Leorned re:on:e: houe become
hob|tuo| ond the mouement: con be
erformed w|th :ome conf|dence ond
ExompIet: U:e o er:ono|
comuter. Reo|r o |eoh|nq foucet.
Dr|ue o cor.
Key werdt: o::emb|e:, co||brote:,
con:truct:, d|:mont|e:, d|:|oy:, fo:ten:,
f|xe:, qr|nd:, heot:, mon|u|ote:,
meo:ure:, mend:, m|xe:, orqon|ze:,
empIex 0wert Retpete: 1he
:h|||fu| erformonce of motor oct:
thot |nuo|ue com|ex mouement
ottern:. rof|c|ency |: |nd|coted by o
qu|ch, occurote, ond h|qh|y
coord|noted erformonce, requ|r|nq
o m|n|mum of enerqy. 1h|: coteqory
|nc|ude: erform|nq w|thout
he:|tot|on, ond outomot|c
erformonce. For exom|e, |oyer:
ore often utter :ound: of :ot|:foct|on
or ex|et|ue: o: :oon o: they h|t o
tenn|: bo|| or throw o footbo||,
becou:e they con te|| by the fee| of
the oct whot the re:u|t w||| roduce.
ExompIet: Moneuuer: o cor |nto o
t|qht oro||e| orh|nq :ot. Oerote: o
comuter qu|ch|y ond occurote|y.
D|:|oy: cometence wh||e |oy|nq the
Key werdt: o::emb|e:, bu||d:,
co||brote:, con:truct:, d|:mont|e:,
d|:|oy:, fo:ten:, f|xe:, qr|nd:, heot:,
mon|u|ote:, meo:ure:, mend:, m|xe:,
orqon|ze:, :hetche:.
NO1: 1he key vord: ore the :ome o:
Mechon|:m, but w||| houe oduerb: or
odject|ue: thot |nd|cote thot the
erformonce |: qu|cher, better, more
occurote, etc.
doptotIe: 5h|||: ore we||
deue|oed ond the |nd|u|duo| con
mod|fy mouement ottern: to f|t
:ec|o| requ|rement:.
ExompIet: Re:ond: effect|ue|y to
unexected exer|ence:. Mod|f|e:
|n:truct|on to meet the need: of the
|eorner:. erform o to:h w|th o moch|ne
thot |t wo: not or|q|no||y |ntended to do
(moch|ne |: not domoqed ond there |:
no donqer |n erform|nq the new to:h).
Key werdt: odot:, o|ter:, chonqe:,
reorronqe:, reorqon|ze:, reu|:e:, uor|e:.
0rIgIotIe: Creot|nq new
mouement ottern: to f|t o
ort|cu|or :|tuot|on or :ec|f|c
rob|em. Leorn|nq outcome:
emho:|ze creot|u|ty bo:ed uon
h|qh|y deue|oed :h|||:.
ExompIet: Con:truct: o new theory.
Deue|o: o new ond comrehen:|ue
tro|n|nq roqromm|nq. Creote: o new
qymno:t|c rout|ne.
Key werdt: orronqe:, bu||d:, comb|ne:,
como:e:, con:truct:, creote:, de:|qn:,
|n|t|ote, mohe:, or|q|note:.

Crgan|z|ng Data Accord|ng to Gordons 11 Iunct|ona| nea|th atterns

nea|th attern

attern Descr|bes


nea|th ercept|on]
nea|th Management

CllenLs percelved paLLern of healLh
and wellbelng and how healLh ls

Compllance wlLh medlcaLlon reglmen
use of healLhpromoLlon acLlvlLles such
as regular exerclse annual checkups


aLLern of food and fluld
consumpLlon relaLlve Lo meLabollc
need and paLLern lndlcaLors of local
nuLrlenL supply

CondlLlon of skln LeeLh halr nalls
mucous membranes helghL and welghL


aLLerns of excreLory funcLlon
(bowel bladder and skln) lncludes
cllenLs percepLlon of normal

lrequency of bowel movemenLs voldlng
paLLern paln on urlnaLlon appearance of
urlne and sLool

Act|v|ty Lxerc|se

aLLerns of exerclse acLlvlLy
lelsure and recreaLlon

Lxerclse hobbles May lnclude
cardlovascular and resplraLory sLaLus
moblllLy and acLlvlLles of dally llvlng


SensorypercepLual and cognlLlve

vlslon hearlng LasLe Louch smell paln
percepLlon and managemenL cognlLlve
funcLlons such as language memory and
declslon maklng


aLLerns of sleep resL and

CllenLs percepLlon of quallLy and
quanLlLy of sleep and energy sleep alds
rouLlnes cllenL uses

Se|f Concept

CllenLs selfconcepL paLLern and
percepLlons of self

8ody comforL body lmage feellng sLaLe
aLLlLudes abouL self percepLlon of
ablllLles ob[ecLlve daLa such as body
posLure eye conLacL volce Lone


CllenLs paLLern of role engagemenLs
and relaLlonshlps

ercepLlon of currenL ma[or roles sand
responslblllLles (eg faLher husband
salesman) saLlsfacLlon wlLh famlly work
or soclal relaLlonshlps


aLLerns of saLlsfacLlon and
dlssaLlsfacLlon wlLh sexuallLy
paLLern reproducLlve paLLern

number and hlsLorles of pregnancy and
chlldblrLh dlfflculLles wlLh sexual
funcLlonlng saLlsfacLlon wlLh sexual

Cop|ng ] Stress 1o|erance

Ceneral coplng paLLern and
effecLlve of Lhe paLLern ln Lerms of
sLress Lolerance

CllenLs usual manner of handllng sLress
avallable supporL sysLems percelved
ablllLy Lo conLrol or manage slLuaLlons

Va|ue 8e||ef

aLLerns of values bellefs (lncludlng
splrlLual) and goals LhaL gulde
cllenLs cholces or declslons

8ellglous afflllaLlon whaL cllenL percelves
as lmporLanL ln llfe valuebellef confllcLs
relaLed Lo healLh speclal rellglous

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