Module Seven Error Correction

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Error Analysis

Lina F. Carvajal

University of Amazonia

Error AnaIysis
%e language learning is an essential process tat involves making mistakes in
language learning, te mistakes of learning process are uge ones, progressively
disappear as you learn from making tose mistakes, Error analysis is a metod for
identifying, describing and systematically explaining te mistakes made by a
learner, using any of te principles and procedures provided by linguistics. %e
second language teacers sould make use of tis tecnique of error analysis in
te second language classes.
According to Corder (1967) stated tat:
"%e mistakes provide information and evidence about ow language is learned,
wat strategies or procedures te learner is employing, wat strengt and
weakness learners ave.
s important teacers ave information and evidence about ow is learner's
language level, and ow it is learned in order to apply new learning strategies for
teir learners for tis reason, mistakes need to be analyzed cautiously because
tis is a process of constructing a new system of language.
According to Brown (1987) stated tat:
"learners make errors and tese errors can be observed ,analyzed and classified to
reveal someting of te system operating witin te learner led to a surge of study
of learners' errors.

%is is an appropriate process tat teacers sould use wit teir learners,
because it can arise an effective teacing learning strategies and remedial
measures necessary in te target language.
Errors in error analysis According to Brown (1987) stated tat:
"wile te diminising of errors is an important criterion for increasing language
proficiency, te ultimate goal of second language learning is te acievement of
communicative fluency.
Wen teacers use tis tecnique of error, learners will be diminising teir errors,
acieving an improvement in teir language learning, tis is great goal for tem
because tey will be progressing and obtaining language proficiency and of course
learning from teir own mistakes.
On te oter and is important teacers sould not become so preoccupied wit
noticing errors is necessary teacers take into account learners' errors and
believing, tat it could be anoter strategy wic, it will be used into teir language
classroom, because if tey do not notice about tose learners' errors, tey will not
ave possible solutions for language learning problems in learners.

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