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Testing the documentation Website testing

2 marks:
1) What is Software Testing?
testing is the process of analyzing a software item to detect the differences between existing and required conditions (that is defects/errors/bugs) and to evaluate the features of the software item.

2) In How Many ways You Have Done Testing ?

Testing can done in two ways:
1. Positive software testing. 2. Negative software testing.

Positive software testing is the testing by giving the expected data to know whether it works well with expected data, where as negative software testing is testing by giving what is unexpected to know how the software reacts to such a data. Negative software testing is also known as illegal testing since the testing is using a abnormal data. Positive software testing is the usual testing done to check the functionality of the software. Both these testing helps us in finding errors. Negative software testing is always giving us a positive view about software testing itself. It helps us to know the software behaves as it is required to behave.

3) Definition of Test Plan

A high-level document that defines a software testing project so that it can be properly measured and controlled. It defines the test strategy and organized elements of the test life cycle, including resource requirements, project schedule, and test requirements.

4) How should you decide whether to use full scripting?

Requirements for test documentation vary from project

to project. The following questions might help you sort out your test documentation needs. You probably dont have to answer all of the questions to profile your projects needs fairly well. Different questions will be more obviously relevant to some projects and less relevant to others.

5) Is the documentation a product or a tool?

Product Examples You are a test lab, writing test plan on contract You are a software developer, writing custom software and the customer wants delivery of the test docs as part of the delivered product. Implication for practice Follow any standards desired by the paying customer. Tool Test docs for in-house use only Do what is cost effective under your circumstances.

6) How quickly does the design change?

Design changes quickly Detailed test documentation (such as scripts) will be outdated quickly. Software documentation is probably often out of date, therefore much testing is probably exploratory. Expensive and time consuming to document expected results consistently and correctly (b/c of rapid change). Design changes slowly Scripts might be affordable (even if not very bugfinding-effective).

7) What is Web Testing?

Web Testing in simple terms is checking your web application for potential bugs before its made live or before code is moved into the production environment. During this stage issues such as that of web application security, the functioning of the site, its access to handicapped as well as regular users and its ability to handle traffic is checked. 8) web testing checklist. 1) Functionality Testing 2) Usability testing 3) Interface testing 4) Compatibility testing 5) Performance testing 6) Security testing

9) Types of document
Test specification Test plan: Covers how the testing will be managed, scheduled and executed. Test design specification:

defines logically what needs to be tested by examining the requirements or features. Then these requirements can be converted into test conditions. Test case specification: Converts the test conditions into test cases by adding real data, pre-conditions and expected results. Test procedure: Describes in practical terms how the tests are run. Test item transmittal report: Specify the items released for testing. Test execution Test log: Is an audit trail that records the details of tests in chronologically. Test incident report: Record details of any unexpected events and behaviors that need to be investigated. Test reporting Test Summary Report: Summaries and evaluate tests.

10) Importance of documentation testing:

Improves usability Not all software was written for the Mac . Improves reliability Testing the documentation is part of black-box testing. A bug in the user manual is like a bug in the software. Lowers support cost The exercise of writing the documentation helped debug the system.

8 Marks:

1)Explain Documentation testing checklist

Audience: E.g., make sure documentation is not too novice or too advanced. Terminology: Is it suitable for the audience? Terms used consistently? Abbreviations for acronyms? Content and subject matter: Appropriate subjects covered? No subjects missing? Proper depth? Missing features described accidentally? Just the facts: All information technically correct? Correct table of contents, index, chapter references? Correct website URLs, phone numbers? Step by step: Any missing steps? Compared tester results to those shown in the documentation? Figures and screen captures: Accurate and precise?

Are they from the latest version of the software? Are the figure captions correct? Samples and examples: Do all the examples work as advertised? Spelling and grammar

2) Explain Documentation for test execution

The schedule of what test cases are run and when, is defined in the Test Plan. The test results are recorded in the test log, and in test incident reports. IEEE 829 - Test log The Test Log records the details of what Test Cases have been run, the order of their running, and the results of the test. The results are either the test passed, meaning that the actual and expected results were identical, or it failed and that there was a discrepancy. If there is a discrepancy than one or more Test Incident Reports are raised or updated, and their identities recorded on the Test Log. The Test Log is important as it allows progress of the testing to be checked, as well as providing valuable information for finding out what caused an incident. If an incident is a coding fault, the fault may have occurred not in the Test Case that failed but in one that was run previously. Thus the sequence of the tests enables the fault to be found. IEEE 829 -Test incident report This report documents any event that requires subsequent investigation. An incident should be raised when there is an unexpected result or any unexpected behavior during testing. At this point it may not always be clear whether there is a bug or fault in the software, since incidents can occur as a result of configuration errors, faults in the software, faults in the requirements and in-correct expected results recorded in the test case. The report consists of all details of the incident such as actual and expected results, when it failed, and any supporting evidence that will help in its resolution. The report will also include, if possible, an assessment of the impact upon testing of an incident.

3) Explain Functionality Testing :

This is used to check of your product is as per the specifications you intended for it as well as the functional requirements you charted out for it in your developmental documentation. Testing Activities Included: Test all links in your WebPages are working correctly and make sure there are no broken links. Links to be checked will include Outgoing links Internal links Anchor Links Mailto Links Test Forms are working as expected. This will include Scripting checks on the form are working as expected. For example- if a user does not fill a mandatory field in a form a error message is shown. Check default values are being populated Once submitted , the data in the forms is submitted to a live database or is linked to an working email address Forms are optimally formatted for better readability

Test Cookies are working as expected. Cookies are small files used by websites to primarily remember active user sessions so you do not to log in every time you visit a website. Cookie Testing will include Testing cookies (sessions) are deleted either when cache is cleared or when they reach their expiry. Delete cookies (sessions) and test that login credentials are asked for when you next visit the site. Test HTML and CSS to ensure that search engines can crawl your site easily. This will include Checking for Syntax Errors Readable Color Schemas Standard Compliance. Ensure standards such W3C, OASIS, IETF, ISO, ECMA, or WS-I are followed. Test business workflow- This will include Testing your end - to - end workflow/ business scenarios which takes the user through a series of webpage's to complete. Test negative scenarios as well , such that when a user executes an unexpected step , appropriate error message or help is shown in your web application. 16 marks:


Explain Software Testing Documentation

IEEE 829-1998, also known as the 829 Standard for Software Test Documentation, is an IEEE standard that specifies the form of a set of documents for use in eight defined stages of software testing, each stage potentially producing its own separate type of document. The standard specifies the format of these documents but does not stipulate whether they all must be produced, nor does it include any criteria regarding adequate content for these documents. These are a matter of judgment outside the purview of the standard. The documents are:

Test Plan: a management planning document that shows: How the testing will be done (including SUT (system under test) configurations). Who will do it What will be tested

How long it will take (although this may vary, depending upon resource availability).

What the test coverage will be, i.e. what quality level is required Test Design Specification: detailing test conditions and the expected results as well as test pass criteria.

Test Case Specification: specifying the test data for use in running the test conditions identified in the Test Design Specification

Test Procedure Specification: detailing how to run each test, including any set-up preconditions and the steps that need to be followed

Test Item Transmittal Report: reporting on when tested software components have progressed from one stage of testing to the next

Test Log: recording which tests cases were run, who ran them, in what order, and whether each test passed or failed

Test Incident Report: detailing, for any test that failed, the actual versus expected result, and other information intended to throw light on why a test has failed. This document is deliberately named as an incident report, and not a fault report. The reason is that a discrepancy between expected and actual results can occur for a number of reasons other than a fault in the system. These include the expected results being wrong, the test being run wrongly, or inconsistency in the requirements meaning that more than one interpretation could be made. The report consists of all details of the incident such as actual and expected results,

when it failed, and any supporting evidence that will help in its resolution. The report will also include, if possible, an assessment of the impact of an incident upon testing.

How to Completely Test Your Website

1. Functionality Testing:
This is used to check of your product is as per the specifications you intended for it as well as the functional requirements you charted out for it in your developmental documentation. Testing Activities Included: Test all links in your WebPages are working correctly and make sure there are no broken links. Links to be checked will include Outgoing links Internal links Anchor Links Mailto Links Test Forms are working as expected. This will include Scripting checks on the form are working as expected. For example- if a user does not fill a mandatory field in a form a error message is shown. Check default values are being populated Once submitted , the data in the forms is submitted to a live database or is linked to an working email address Forms are optimally formatted for better readability

Test Cookies are working as expected. Cookies are small files used by websites to primarily remember active user sessions so you do not to log in every time you visit a website. Cookie Testing will include Testing cookies (sessions) are deleted either when cache is cleared or when they reach their expiry. Delete cookies (sessions) and test that login credentials are asked for when you next visit the site. Test HTML and CSS to ensure that search engines can crawl your site easily. This will include Checking for Syntax Errors Readable Color Schemas Standard Compliance. Ensure standards such W3C, OASIS, IETF, ISO, ECMA, or WS-I are followed.

Test business workflow- This will include Testing your end - to - end workflow/ business scenarios which takes the user through a series of webpage's to complete. Test negative scenarios as well , such that when a user executes an unexpected step , appropriate error message or help is shown in your web application.

2. Usability testing:
Usability testing has now become a vital part of any web based project. It can carried out by testers like you or a small focus group similar to the target audience of the web application. Test the site Navigation: Menus , buttons or Links to different pages on your site should be easily visible and consistent on all web pages Test the Content: Content should be legible with no spelling or grammatical errors. Images if present should contain and "alt" text.

Interface Testing:
Three areas to be tested here are - Application , Web and Database Server Application: Test requests are sent correctly to the Database and output at the client side is displayed correctly. Errors if any must be caught by the application and must be only shown to the administrator and not the end user. Web Server: Test Web server is handling all application requests without any service denial. Database Server: Make sure queries sent to the database give expected results. Test system response when connection between the three layers (Application, Web and Database) can not be established and appropriate message is shown to the end user.

Database Testing:
Database is one critical component of your web application and stress must be laid to test it thoroughly. Testing activities will include Test if any errors are shown while executing queries Data Integrity is maintained while creating , updating or deleting data in database. Check response time of queries and fine tune them if necessary. Test data retrieved from your database is shown accurately in your web application.

5. Compatibility testing.

Compatibility tests ensure that your web application displays correctly across different devices. This would includeBrowser Compatibility Test: Same website in different browsers will display differently. You need to test if your web application is being displayed correctly across browsers, JavaScript , AJAX and authentication is working fine. You may also check for Mobile Browser Compatibility. The rendering of web elements like buttons , text fields etc changes with change in Operating System. Make sure your website works fine for various combination of Operating systems such as Windows , Linux , Mac and Browsers such as Firefox , Internet Explorer , Safari etc.

6 . Performance Testing:
This will ensure your site works under all loads. Testing activities will include but not limited to Website application response times at different connection speeds Load test your web application to determine its behavior under normal and peak loads Stress tests your web site to determine its break point when pushed to beyond normal loads at peak time. Test if a crash occurs due to peak load , how does the site recover from such an event Make sure optimization techniques like zip compression , browser and server side cache enabled to reduce load times.

7. Security testing:
Security testing is vital for e-commerce website that store sensitive customer information like credit cards. Testing Activities will include Test unauthorized access to secure pages should not be permitted Restricted files should not be downloadable without appropriate access Check sessions are automatically killed after prolonged user inactivity On use of SSL certificates, website should re-direct to encrypted SSL pages.

8. Crowd Testing:
You will select a large number of people (crowd) to execute tests which otherwise would have been executed a select group of people in the company. Crowd sourced testing is an interesting and upcoming concept and helps unravel many a unnoticed defects.

Team members: 1)A.Arunkumar(20084415) 2)G.Karthikeyan(20084458) 3)C.Dharmaraj(20084431)

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