Bar Prep For Torts

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uefendanL Lakes plalnLlff as found

Chlldren are Laken as reasonably prudenL chlldren excepL ln such cases where Lhey engage ln adulL
MenLally dlsabled people are consldered under a reasonably prudenL person sLandard
hyslcally handlcapped are consldered as reasonably prudenL people wlLh Lhelr handlcap

MulLlple uefendanLs
!olnL and Severally llable defendanLs have lndlvlslble llablllLy and are each responslble for Lhe whole of
Lhe damages 1hey are responslble Lo each oLher for Lhe comparaLlve amounL for whlch Lhey have
ln comparaLlve faulL sLaLes defendanLs are only llable for Lhelr percenLage of negllgence versus Lhe
plalnLlff's percenLage of negllgence

CovernmenLs are lmmune under soverelgn lmmunlLy unless Lhey walve lL
CovernmenL enLlLles are generally lmmune e buL can be llable ln some cases
CovernmenL offlclals are llable for Lhelr own mallclous LorLs
CharlLles and educaLlonal enLlLles have no speclal lmmunlLy excepL offlcers may be lmmune for non
proprleLary funcLlons LhaL cause harm
lamllles may sue each oLher
1orLs of elLher spouse expose Lhelr [olnL asseLs Lo llablllLy
arenLs are llable for Lhe chlld when
Lhe chlld ls Lhelr agenL
Lhey faclllLaLed Lhe dangerous lnsLrumenLallLy Lo Lhe chlld
Lhey falled Lo supervlse Lhe chlld knowlng Lhelr dangerous prollcllvlLy
Chlldren can'L sue parenLs for ln[urles because of negllgenL supervlslons unless lL was wlllful or wanLon
roof ls requlred for non 8Al1u LorLs
uamages musL flow from Lhe LorL
luLure damages are only recoverable lf Lhey were foreseeable as parL of Lhe LorL
no aLLorneys' fees ln ordlnary LorL cases
unlLlve damages okay when conducL ls reckless wlllful or mallclous wlLh a hlgh degree of foreseeable
lalnLlff has duLy Lo mlLlgaLe damages

SLaLuLe of LlmlLaLlons
usually Lwo years for shorL llved ln[urles Lhree for oLher LorLs
Cenerally Lrlggers aL Llme of LorL lf accrued from many LorLs aL Lhe daLe of Lhe lasL LorL Cnly Lrlggered
when dlscovered
SLaLuLe Lolls when defendanL ls ouLslde Lhe sLaLe or Lhe plalnLlff ls dlsabled Also Lolled under mlnor
reaches age of ma[orlLy

lnLenLlonal 1orLs
lnLenL Lo harm lsn'L requlred [usL lnLenL Lo cause Lhe consequences of Lhe acL
Cffenslve conducL ls LhaL whlch an ordlnary person would flnd offenslve SupersenslLlve plalnLlffs can'L
recover for ln[urles whlch a normal person wouldn'L flnd ln[urlous unless Lhe defendanL knew of Lhe
lnLenLlonal harmful or offenslve conLacL wlLh Lhe person of Lhe plalnLlff
ALLached ob[ecLs (cloLhlng eLc) counL as Lhe person
nonemergency medlcal operaLlon wlLhouL consenL ls baLLery
lalnLlff doesn'L have Lo have an apprehenslon of Lhe ln[ury for lL Lo occur
AcL whlch causes plalnLlff's apprehenslon of lmmlnenL harmful acLlon on Lhe parL of Lhe
equlres an lmmedlaLe LhreaL
Words aren'L enough
olse lmptlsoomeot
lnLenLlonal conflnemenL of plalnLlff agalnsL Lhelr free wlll
equlres acLual conflnemenL
lalse arresL doesn'L counL for pollce buL does wlLh a prlvaLe clLlzen
Shopkeepers may keep a person suspecLed of shopllfLlng for a reasonable Llme
1tesposs to looJ
uefendanL lnLenLlonally lnvades or wrongfully remalns on plalnLlff's properLy
MusL be volunLary
efuslng Lo leave afLer ordered ls Lrespasslng
1tesposs to cbottels
Mlnor use or brlef Laklng of plalnLlff's personal properLy
AcLual damages are requlred
equlres lnLenL aL a mlnlmal level
Wrongful exerclse of conLrol or desLrucLlon of anoLher's properLy
uefendanL llable for full falr markeL value of properLy
no Lransferred lnLenL requlres full lnLenL Lo converL
SLolen goods counL
lofllctloo of motloool ulsttess
uefendanL's exLreme ouLrageous or reckless conducL whlch causes Lhe plalnLlff Lo suffer severe
emoLlonal or menLal dlsLress LhaL ls manlfesLed by ob[ecLlve sympLoms
AcLual damages requlred
Mere lnsulLs aren'L enough Lo cause llLu
no Lransferred lnLenL unless Lhlrd parLles are famlly presenL ln zone of danger and
plalnLlff knew of Lhelr presence
uefense of self
equlres necesslLy
Cnly reasonable force allowed
uefense of CLhers
Pas Lo have a reasonable bellef Lhe ald ls necessary
uefense of roperLy
MusL be used Lo prevenL LorL
MusL be nondeadly
ecapLure of ChaLLels
ChaLLels musL be wrongfully Laken
nondeadly force
Cwner may Lrespass Lo reLake chaLLels
under Color of Law

lor one Lo be negllgenL Lhey musL have
a legal duLy and obllgaLlon Lo use due care Lo proLecL Lhe foreseeable parLles from Lhe harm
Cood SamarlLan" laws proLecL uncompensaLed rescuers from belng sued for ordlnary
Parm creaLor ls under a duLy Lo help has a hlgher sLandard of care
CovenLurers have a duLy Lo help each oLher
Car drlvers have a duLy Lo yleld Lo Lhe care on Lhe rlghL aL an lnLersecLlon
lollowlng drlvers are llable Lo leadlng drlvers ln rearend colllslons
lf defendanL had Lhe lasL clear chance Lo avold Lhe accldenL Lhe plalnLlff ls someLlmes
noL llable
arenLs are llable when Lhe chlld uses Lhe car for a famlly purpose
uul ls negllgence per se
Cwners are llable for leLLlng known negllgenL reckless or drunken drlvers Lo use Lhelr
noL llable ln cases of LhefL
Common carrlers held Lo greaLer level of responslblllLy
Land owners aren'L llable for exLernal ln[urles excepL
damage from conLrollable lLems
falllng Lrees
Land owners llablllLy
none Lo adulL Lrespassers excepL for wlllful negllgence and excess force
llable for damages from known dangerous condlLlons Lo llcensees
duLy of ordlnary care for lnvlLees
SLrlcL llablllLy for domesLlcaLed wlld anlmals
Cne blLe rule for dogs
Alcohol vendors only have llable lf Lhey can foresee Lhe ln[ury from overservlng
Soclal hosLs don'L have Lo pollce guesLs
Supersedlng cause break chaln ln a proxlmaLe cause slLuaLlon
ConLrlbuLory negllgence of plalnLlff
ComparaLlve faulL of plalnLlff
ulmlnlshes amounL of award
AssumpLlon of lsk
lraud or MlsrepresenLaLlon
SlLuaLlon ln whlch a false sLaLemenL mlsleads Lhe plalnLlff and causes Lhem harm llu
lalse SLaLemenL of lacL
lnLenLlon Lo uecelve (SclenLer)
ellance on Lhe sLaLemenL
uamages occurred
negllgenL mlsrepresenLaLlon ls a false sLaLemenL made wlLhouL lnLenL
lraudulenL concealmenL ls okay unless acLlve

SLrlcL LlablllLy
Abnormally dangerous acLlvlLles
ln[ury from domesLlcaLed wlld anlmals
SLaLuLe lndlcaLes sLrlcL llablllLy
roducL llablllLy
Workers' CompensaLlon

roducL LlablllLy
negllgence sLrlcL producLs llablllLy and breach of warranLy
J 1ypes of uefect
ueslgn defecL
ManufacLurlng defecL
lallure Lo Warn
uoesn'L apply lf sLaLe of Lhe arL
Same elemenLs as regular negllgence
5ttlct ltoJocts lloblllty
All defendanLs ln chaln of dlsLrlbuLlon are llable
ConLrlbuLory negllgence lsn'L a bar Lo recovery
8urden of proof on defendanL
Cnly covers producLs
uefendanL musL be a merchanL
MusL be defecLlve and unreasonably dangerous when ln normal use
no subsLanLlal change from orlglnal condlLlon
uegree of care ls lrrelevanL
roducL ls sLaLe of Lhe arL
ComparaLlve faulL of plalnLlff
lalnLlff assumed Lhe rlsk
lalnLlff or downsLream reLaller alLered Lhe producL
roducL was mlsused or overused
CuLslde of sLaLuLe of llmlLaLlons
8teocb of wottooty
Lxpress WarranLles
AfflrmaLlve sLaLemenL by seller
lmplled WarranLy of MerchanLablllLy
MusL be average quallLy flL for ordlnary purposes
lmplled WarranLy of llLness for arLlcular urpose
lf seller represenLs Lhe producL as for a purpose lL musL work for LhaL purpose

rlvaLe nulsance
SubsLanLlal and unreasonable lnLerference wlLh an lndlvldual or small group's use or
en[oymenL of Lhelr prlvaLe real properLy
Loud nolses offenslve odors eLc
MusL be an unreasonable amounL of annoyance
ubllc nulsance
AcLlons LhaL lnLerfere wlLh healLh safeLy publlc peace or oLher rlghLs of communlLy
Pas Lo have subsLanLlal lnLerference
usefulness Lo communlLy musL be balanced wlLh harm
AcLual harm Lo properLy ls recoverable
lf plalnLlff purchases land knowlng of Lhe nulsance Lhere ls an assumpLlon of rlsk
Abnormal senslLlvlLy won'L lead Lo recovery

An unprlvlleged false sLaLemenL of facL concernlng Lhe plalnLlff publlclzed Lo a Lhlrd person wlLh
a wrongful lnLenLlon or negllgence ln exposlng plalnLlff Lo haLred conLempL rldlcule or dlsgrace
LhaL creaLes damages Lo Lhe plalnLlff's repuLaLlon (llu)
Slander ls oral defamaLlon llbel ls wrlLLen defamaLlon
MusL rlse above oplnlon has Lo lmply exlsLence of a facL
MusL be false
SLaLemenL musL concern Lhe plalnLlff
1hlrd parLy musL know of lL
uamages requlremenL
MusL show speclal damages excepL ln Lhese cases
AccusaLlon of havlng a loaLhsome dlsease
AccusaLlons of sexual mlsconducL
noLorlous crlmlnal allegaLlons
ln[urles ln Lrade buslness or professlon
uegrees of faulL requlred
rlvaLe eople/rlvaLe MaLLers negllgence
ubllc llgures/rlvaLe MaLLers recklessness
ubllc llgures/ubllc MaLLer musL show mallce
Lxpress ConsenL Lo publlc facLs
Mere Sub[ecLlve Cplnlon
!udlclal proceedlngs sLaLemenLs by governmenL eLc
eLracLlon lf publlshed qulckly
lnvaslon of rlvacy 1orLs
ubllcaLlon ln lalse LlghL
ubllcaLlon of false aLLrlbuLlon abouL plalnLlff by defendanL LhaL casLs a false llghL on Lhe
plalnLlff ln Lhe publlc vlew
ubllc ulsclosure of a rlvaLe MaLLer
ulsclosure of prlvaLe lnfo LhaL a reasonable person would expecL Lo remaln prlvaLe
lnLruslon upon Secluslon
uefendanL's lnvaslon upon Lhe prlvaLe affalrs of Lhe plalnLlff
Lxample eeplng 1oms
Commerclal MlsapproprlaLlon of Llkeness
ConsenL publlc flgure acLlvlLles whlch are newsworLhy leglLlmaLe news sLorles and
defamaLlon prlvlleges
WhlsLleblowers are lmmune from llablllLy
lnLerference wlLh AdvanLageous elaLlons
lnLerference wlLh ConLracL or 8uslness LxpecLancy
lf one lnduces anoLher Lo dlsrupL or breach a conLracL
MusL be an exlsLlng conLracL
lnLerferer musL have lnLenL
uefendanL musL play an acLlve role ln brlnglng abouL Lhe breach
!usLlflable conducL
rospecLlve advanLage
roducL ulsparagemenL/1rade Llbel/ln[urlous lalsehood
Commerclal uefamaLlon
Abuse of Legal roceedlngs
Mallclous Crlmlnal rosecuLlon
Absence of probable cause
Mallce ls requlred
!udges pollce and prosecuLors have an absoluLe prlvllege
Wrongful Clvll roceedlng
Same as above buL clvll MusL show speclal damages
Slander of 1lLle
Wrongfully flllng a lls pendls llen levy of execuLlon or properLy resLralnL agalnsL
Abuse of rocess
Wrongful use of legal process Lo accompllsh an ulLerlor purpose
AllenaLlon of AffecLlon and elaLed Clalms
Crlmlnal ConversaLlon
MosLly abollshed
Loss of ConsorLlum
Loss of love affecLlon asslsLance care companlonshlp and/or lncome caused by u's
LorLuous acLlons

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