Session 16

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01[19:01] <~ShadowDM> FADE... 01[19:01] <~ShadowDM> .TO.... 01[19:01] <~ShadowDM> ..

BLACK 01[19:01] <~ShadowDM> When we last left our heroes, they were embarking on their next mission. 01[19:01] <~ShadowDM> The task seemed simple enough: rendezvous with Bird Country ninja and samurai as they extradite a known terrorist to your country so that he may face justice. Except, it wasnt so easy. 01[19:01] <~ShadowDM> As the jail cart bearing the prisoner was passing over the Jigoku no Kuchi, the bridge was attacked by malefactors seeking to liberate the bomb crafter. 01[19:01] <~ShadowDM> After a tough battle, the enemy fled with the prisoner, leaving one of their own(?) behind to his fate. You successfully captured the strange young man, who Yori felt was somewhat similar to himself. 01[19:01] <~ShadowDM> ----01[19:01] <~ShadowDM> And now, back at the fortification on the Wind Country side of the crevasse, you sit in a small interrogation room, Akatsuchi sits unconscious and restrained, as much for his own safety as yours. 01[19:01] <~ShadowDM> Noburo stands behind him with his eyes closed and hands buried in the young mans red hair on either side of his head. For those of you capable of seeing or sensing chakra, you get the sense that Noburo is pushing his chakra into Akatsuchis body in an attempt to remove the malevolent chakra. 01[19:01] <~ShadowDM> PLAYERS! Actions? [19:02] <Rairaku> "Mind control?" She says to noburo 01[19:03] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "I'm not sure... it's somekind of genjutsu..." [19:03] <Rairaku> "How long till awake?" 01[19:04] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "I'll wake him up once I can remove most of this alien chakra." 01[19:04] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "Hrm... that should be it." [19:04] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "what exactly is it,a bloodline?". [19:05] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu nods slowly, as if he barely understands how genjutsu works. 01[19:05] <~ShadowDM> Noburo removes his hands a cracks his back. Casually, he taps Akatsuchi on the back of his neck. The boy shudders and slowly his eyes flutter open. 01[19:05] * ~ShadowDM : -> AKATSUCHI: "Nrg..." [19:05] <Rairaku> "You okay?" 01[19:06] * ~ShadowDM : -> AKATSUCHI: "... my head..." [19:06] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Your friends kind of left you here". 01[19:06] * Rairaku patiently awaits his answer 01[19:06] <~ShadowDM> He looks mostly fine, more like he's suffering from a hangover. [19:06] <Rairaku> "Know where are?" 01[19:06] * ~ShadowDM : -> AKATSUCHI: "Friends?" *His eyes snap open and he sits up* "Ichii! Ren! Where are they?"

[19:07] <Rairaku> "abandoned you..." [19:07] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Quite quickly it seemed like". [19:07] <Tanshin_Yori> "Surprise, surprise." 01[19:08] <~ShadowDM> The boy looks confused, "Abandoned...? No! They wouldn't do that!" 01[19:09] * Rairaku stares at the boy for a moment then looks around the room trying to indicate to him that is the case. Then sits down in a chair across from him [19:09] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "They did". 01[19:09] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "Indeed, they jumped off a bridge and everything." [19:10] <Rairaku> "I'm Rairaku... you are?" 01[19:10] * ~ShadowDM : -> AKATSUCHI: "Akatsuchi, grandson of the Second Tsuchikage... wait... Bridge? What bridge? Where am I?" *He looks at your forehead protectors* "What are Suna nin doing in Bird Country?" 03[19:11] * Frankto ( has joined #sunad20 01[19:11] * ~ShadowDM : -> BIRD_NIN: "We're in Wind Country now, kiddo." 01[19:11] * Rairaku looks back at the group and then back at Akatsuchi [19:11] <Tanshin_Yori> "Playing dumb won't do you much good." [19:11] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "We were doing prisoner transport,then you guys showed up". [19:12] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Care to enlighten us as to why?". [19:12] <Rairaku> 1d20+14 [19:12] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d20+14 and gets <16 + 14> = 30 01[19:13] <~ShadowDM> Akatasuchi shakes his head, eyes shut tight as though he's trying to think. 01[19:13] * Rairaku gives Akatsuchi a blank stare "No idea how got here?" 01[19:13] * Rairaku tries to be as freindly as possible 01[19:13] * ~ShadowDM : -> AKATSUCHI: "No... I... kind of remember a bridge... but... Nrg..." 01[19:14] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "It's fine. Try to think about where you just were. What's the last thing you remember?" [19:15] <Rairaku> "Remember Prisoner?" 01[19:15] * ~ShadowDM : -> AKATSUCHI: "I was in a forest... no... wait! I remember mountains... and a structure carved into the side of it... Red stone..." 03[19:15] * Shiguro ( has joined #sunad20 03[19:16] * Frankto was kicked by ShadowDM (ShadowDM) 01[19:16] * Rairaku Nods 03[19:16] * Shiguro is now known as Frankto 01[19:17] * Rairaku begins describing the people and events that happend on the bridge [19:17] <Rairaku> "Familiar?"

01[19:18] <~ShadowDM> Akatsuchi listens, looking quite grim, "I... sort of remember that, but... I don't remember doing it exactly... like I was seeing it through someone else's eyes..." He shakes his head. "Geinmaku... she was who we were searching for... Was there an older gentleman there?" 01[19:19] * Rairaku Hmms lightly 01[19:20] * Rairaku looks back at the group unsure of the question [19:21] <Rairaku> "No..." [19:21] <Tanshin_Yori> "Not unless he makes a habit of wearing a full suit of armor." 01[19:22] <~ShadowDM> Akatsuchi looks confused and then upset, "... sensei..." [19:22] <Rairaku> "Somthing wrong?" 01[19:23] * ~ShadowDM : -> AKATSUCHI: "No... that was Ryuuen, one of Geinmaku's follower's. If Hokichi-sensei wasn't there... that must mean..." 01[19:23] <~ShadowDM> He hangs his head, looking saddened. [19:23] <Rairaku> "Mean?" 01[19:24] * ~ShadowDM : -> BIRD_NIN: "Dead?" 01[19:25] * Rairaku looks at Akatsuchi sympatheticly after eharing the bird nin 01[19:25] * ~ShadowDM : -> AKATSUCHI: "Our mission was to track the movements of Geinmaku. Several ninja had gone rogue or completely missing, and she was the link between all of them. My team was tasked with following her movements while others located her base of operations..." [19:26] <Nawa_Yasu> "What do you remember about that base, and what happened there? [19:26] <Nawa_Yasu> " 01[19:27] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "Yes... Red stone is consistent with the mountain chain they were heading to. Do you remember anything particular about it, or any landmarks nearby?" 01[19:28] * ~ShadowDM : -> AKATSUCHI: "I... remember... There were a lot of stone sculptures and decorations... it kinda looked like a temple or tomb... I don't remember anything outside except... desert." 01[19:28] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "Well, at least that tells us it's on this side of the Maw..." [19:29] <Rairaku> "... So was on mission trying to find Geinmaku, and blacked out?" 01[19:30] * ~ShadowDM : -> AKATSUCHI: "I remember a forest... and fighting... sensei said his bees sensed something wrong with the villagers... They became hostile and acted like animals... And then... just a few flickering images and a lot of blackness." [19:32] <Nawa_Yasu> "Anything else? A single scent, or sound, a flash of strange color, anything could be useful." [19:32] <Rairaku> 1d20+14 [19:32] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d20+14 and gets <7 + 14> = 21 [19:33] <Rairaku> "Idea..."

01[19:34] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "Yes, Rairakuchan?" [19:34] <Tanshin_Yori> (brb) [19:35] <Rairaku> "Not lying or hiding." She looks at Akatsuchi "Promise to help us?" 01[19:37] * ~ShadowDM : -> AKATSUCHI: "Of course! I have to find Ichii and Ren!" [19:37] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu looks at Rai, "You sure we can trust him?" [19:38] <Rairaku> "Not hiding anything... least knowing of it, Honest and lost." 01[19:38] * Rairaku Stands up 01[19:38] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "He was under the influence of a genjutsu... that much I can ascertain." [19:38] <Rairaku> "Maybe we can help retrack self..." 01[19:39] * ~ShadowDM : -> BIRD_NIN: "If he can help get us to the base, then I'm all for it. We don't have much time." 01[19:39] <~ShadowDM> Noburo motions for the guard samurai to remove the restraints holding Akatsuchi down. [19:39] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu nods, "Sounds good to me then." He looks questioningly at the rest of the team. 01[19:39] * Rairaku walks over to Akatsuchi and places a hand on his shoulder "Think if try hard can remember steps as we walk?" 01[19:40] <~ShadowDM> Akatsuchi smiles and rubs his wrists. "Sorry I can't remember more..." 01[19:40] * ~ShadowDM : -> BIRD_NIN: "We could follow the gorge and try to see if we can catch their trail as they come out of it..." 01[19:41] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "Right, those flying things couldn't have gone too far..." 01[19:41] * ~ShadowDM : -> AKATSUCHI: "Flying things? Wait, were they like, made of stone or something?" [19:42] <Rairaku> "Fire..." 01[19:43] * ~ShadowDM : -> AKATSUCHI: "That's Ren! He can put his chakra into things and make them move! How many were there? He can't do flying ones for too long!" 01[19:43] * Rairaku Begins counting on her finglers in a futile attempt 01[19:43] * ~ShadowDM : -> BIRD_NIN: "Even better, if we can find where they landed, catching up to them would be cake." 01[19:44] <~ShadowDM> That is quite inappropriate Rai. Definitely not becoming of a lady. [19:44] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Since when has Rai ever done anything ladylike?". 01[19:45] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "Alright team... is everyone prepared to move out?" 01[19:46] * Rairaku Still distracted by counting on her hand, comes to attention in a moment looking at Akatsuchi [19:46] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Sure,I'm good,how about the rest of you?".

[19:47] <Nawa_Yasu> "Let's go." 01[19:47] <~ShadowDM> (( and we'll assume Yori is reasonably perpared. )) 01[19:47] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "Alright, let's move out." [19:48] <Rairaku> "Akatsuchi Coming?" 01[19:49] <~ShadowDM> The young boy nods with a determined look. 01[19:49] <~ShadowDM> The team is led out of the Wind Country fort and into the open desert. In moments you are all landhopping and spread out south of the gorge. 01[19:49] <~ShadowDM> Awareness checks! [19:49] <Rairaku> 1d20+14 [19:49] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d20+14 and gets <1 + 14> = 15 [19:50] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d20+9 aware [19:50] <Orac`> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d20+9 aware and gets <13 + 9> = 22 [19:50] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> d20+9 aware [19:50] <Orac`> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+9 aware and gets <19 + 9> = 28 01[19:51] <~ShadowDM> Tanaka! From your vantage point atop a stone jutting out of the sand, you manage to spot a large area of disturbed sand and odd looking rocks at their center! [19:52] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "What is that?". 01[19:53] * ~ShadowDM : -> BIRD_NIN: "No clue... let's check it out!" [19:53] <Rairaku> We check it out? 01[19:54] <~ShadowDM> The group moves over to investigate the stones. While it does seem like a random pile of rocks in the middle of the desert, the sand around them is heavily disturbed. Oddly enough, they stone has sharp edges and is oddly smooth. 01[19:54] <~ShadowDM> Awareness checks! [19:54] <Rairaku> 1d20+14 [19:54] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d20+14 and gets <15 + 14> = 29 01[19:54] <~ShadowDM> (( all two of you -_- )) [19:54] <Tanshin_Yori> d20+7 Awareness [19:54] <Orac`> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+7 Awareness and gets <20 + 7> = 27 [19:54] <Tanshin_Yori> (back) [19:55] <Nawa_Yasu> (back as well.) [19:55] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> d20+9 aware [19:55] <Orac`> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+9 aware and gets <12 + 9> = 21 01[19:56] <~ShadowDM> Rai manages to discover an rock that is distinctively shaped like a dragon's head. Yori on the other hand somehow find several well-hidden trails heading Southeast, South, Southwest, and East. [19:56] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d20+9 [19:56] <Orac`> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d20+9 and gets <17 + 9> = 26 01[19:56] <~ShadowDM> Yasu finds a stone much like the one Rai discovered.

01[19:56] * Tanshin_Yori points out the trails to the others. "Looks like they split up... or at least had the sense to make false trails." [19:57] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu attempts to examine his stone in closer detail. [19:57] <Rairaku> "Split?" [19:58] <Tanshin_Yori> "You know. Went in different directions." 01[19:58] * ~ShadowDM : -> BIRD_NIN: "Mmmm that's a tough one..." He quickly makes several handseals and pounds his palm into the floor. Several seals spread out and with a burst of smoke three vultures wearing forehead protectors like his appear. 01[19:59] * ~ShadowDM : -> VULTURE: "Ksss, whadda ya want, boss?" 01[19:59] * ~ShadowDM : -> BIRD_NIN: "I need to you to sniff out some prey." [20:00] <Rairaku> "Why not split up..." [20:00] <Nawa_Yasu> "Splitting up is a bad idea. And we do it far too often." 01[20:01] <~ShadowDM> The bird ninja shows his vultures each of the trails, they hop around a bit, beaks close to the earth before returning. "Ksss... da one to da southeast has no scent. Da others all smell fresh." [20:02] <Rairaku> "..." 01[20:03] * ~ShadowDM : -> BIRD_NIN: "Alright. Two of you follow the eastern and southern trails while the other assists me with the Southeast." He turns to the rest, "You guys should follow me at a distance in case its a trap." [20:04] <Tanshin_Yori> "Understood." [20:04] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu nods. 01[20:04] <~ShadowDM> (( the one to the southWEST has no smell. Damn I'm bad with directions -_-;;; )) 01[20:05] * Rairaku Nods 01[20:05] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "Not a bad idea. If we follow the southeast we can split to the East or South if the bird encounter anything." 01[20:05] <~ShadowDM> The bird nin nods and the vultures take off flying low to the earth. 01[20:05] <~ShadowDM> After giving him some distance, you too set off at a fast pace behind him. [20:06] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu moves to the front of the group to take point. 01[20:07] <~ShadowDM> The sun winds its way down toward the west as the trail twists and eventually turns straight East toward the mountains. As you run, the other vultures end up following your trail as theirs merge with the one you follow. [20:08] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu looks to the vultures, "News?" 01[20:08] <~ShadowDM> You end up stopped beside cliff-face as the vultures hop around trying to pick up the trail. "Sorry, boss, got nothing." The bird gives a sort of shrug. 01[20:08] * ~ShadowDM : -> BIRD NIN: "Alright, I think we can take it from here. 01[20:08] <~ShadowDM> "

01[20:09] <~ShadowDM> They disappear in a cloud of smoke. 01[20:09] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "You remember any of this, kid?" 01[20:09] <~ShadowDM> Akatsuchi looks at the red rock of the mountain and shakes his head. 01[20:10] * ~ShadowDM : -> BIRD NIN: "The birds were right, the trail's gone dead. No sign of movement up the cliff or along the side of the mountain... can't even find a scent..." 01[20:10] <~ShadowDM> Players! Actions/ideas!? [20:11] <Rairaku> Turn on byakugan and spot [20:11] <Nawa_Yasu> "Rai, can you see anything?" As he asks that, Yasu concentrates to sense chakra. [20:11] <Rairaku> 1d10+14 [20:11] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d10+14 and gets <6 + 14> = 20 [20:11] <Rairaku> erm [20:11] <Rairaku> 1d20+14 [20:11] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d20+14 and gets <9 + 14> = 23 [20:11] <Rairaku> and ill Ap to make sure [20:11] <Rairaku> 1d6 [20:11] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d6 and gets 2 [20:11] <Rairaku> and concentrate to see chakra 01[20:12] <~ShadowDM> Yasu senses chakra inside the cliff, but Rai cannot see anything. [20:13] <Nawa_Yasu> "I can sense some chakra inside the cliff." [20:13] <Nawa_Yasu> Is it inside the cliff at ground level? 01[20:14] <~ShadowDM> It is all across the cliff face. 01[20:14] <~ShadowDM> roughly 50 feet across and almost twice as high. [20:15] <Nawa_Yasu> Can I try a search check on the cliff? 01[20:15] <~ShadowDM> Yes [20:15] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d20+7 search [20:15] <Orac`> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d20+7 search and gets <7 + 7> = 14 [20:15] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d6 ap [20:15] <Orac`> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d6 ap and gets 6 01[20:15] <~ShadowDM> Give me a will save. [20:15] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d20+4 will save [20:15] <Orac`> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d20+4 will save and gets <14 + 4> = 18 [20:16] <Tanshin_Yori> "... you guys know something?" 01[20:16] <~ShadowDM> You find a few footseps very close to the cliff. One seens to be cut in half by it infact. [20:16] <Nawa_Yasu> "This cliff isn't real, probably genjutsu." [20:16] <Tanshin_Yori> "Yes. That." 01[20:16] <~ShadowDM> It looks really real Yasu. [20:17] <Nawa_Yasu> I touch it. 01[20:17] <~ShadowDM> Will save! [20:17] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d20+4 [20:17] <Orac`> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d20+4 and gets <20 + 4> = 24

01[20:18] <~ShadowDM> The cliff face dissappears for the most part to reveal a tall, thin entrance with two large stone guardians carved into the rock to either side. 01[20:18] <~ShadowDM> At least, for Yasu. [20:18] <Nawa_Yasu> "It's definately genjutsu. There's an entrance here." 01[20:19] <~ShadowDM> Noburo and the Bird nin move foward, easily stepping through the entrance and to stand beneath the stone portal. 01[20:19] * ~ShadowDM : -> BIRD NIN: "Huh, go figure." [20:20] <Tanshin_Yori> (so they just seem to disappear into the cliff face?) 01[20:20] <~ShadowDM> Yep. [20:20] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu walks through as well and looks around, he tries to keep on guard. 01[20:20] * Tanshin_Yori wrinkles his brow and attempts to follow them through. 01[20:20] <~ShadowDM> Will Save! 01[20:20] * Rairaku follows 01[20:20] <~ShadowDM> Will Save (again!( 01[20:20] <~ShadowDM> ) [20:20] <Tanshin_Yori> d20+4 Will [20:20] <Orac`> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+4 Will and gets <18 + 4> = 22 [20:20] <Rairaku> 1d20+8 [20:20] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d20+8 and gets <4 + 8> = 12 [20:21] <Rairaku> 1d6 [20:21] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d6 and gets 4 [20:21] <Tanshin_Yori> (wait... why didn't this show up when Rai used See Through Chakra? ;>.>) [20:21] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka follows after them [20:21] <Rairaku> (wait..yeah) 01[20:21] <~ShadowDM> Rai has See chakra, not see through. 01[20:21] <~ShadowDM> Nor did she say she attempted that in any case. [20:22] <Rairaku> (i did) [20:22] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> d20+5 Will [20:22] <Orac`> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+5 Will and gets <8 + 5> = 13 [20:22] <Rairaku> <Rairaku> and concentrate to see chakra [20:22] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 1d6 AP [20:22] <Orac`> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d6 AP and gets 1 01[20:22] <~ShadowDM> Save the AP 01[20:23] <~ShadowDM> When you see through chakra, you get a +2 bonus to the save. [20:23] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> ok 01[20:24] <~ShadowDM> which means, she keeps bumping into the wall. 01[20:24] * Rairaku shrugs 01[20:24] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "Close your eyes..."

[20:24] <Rairaku> "..." 01[20:25] * Rairaku shrugs and closes her eyes 01[20:25] <~ShadowDM> Noburo spins Rai twice and then pulls her through. "Alright, now that we're all in." 01[20:25] * ~ShadowDM : -> BIRD NIN: "You and I should take point with the rest following as support." 01[20:26] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "Right." 01[20:28] * Rairaku nods 01[20:28] <~ShadowDM> Players! Any input? [20:28] <Rairaku> nope [20:29] <Tanshin_Yori> "Is capturing the fugitive's accomplices alive a priority?" [20:29] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu looks around and examines everything, he pays special attention to naything that might look like the trigger for a trap. 01[20:29] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "No, they can be dispatched if you feel it is necessary." 01[20:30] * ~ShadowDM : -> AKATSUCHI: "NO! Ichii and Ren are innocent, you have to try and take them alive! I'm sure they're not helping by choice!" 01[20:30] * Rairaku nods at akatsuchi 01[20:30] * ~ShadowDM : -> BIRD NIN: "Whatever. I'm just interested in Inejiro." 01[20:31] <~ShadowDM> With a nod, the two older nin take off into the passage, the bird nin moving low to the ground. [20:31] <Tanshin_Yori> "If they're under a Genjutsu, sparing them may not be an option. You'd better come to terms with that. Now let's move." 01[20:32] * Tanshin_Yori takes up position behind Noburo and the Bird-nin. [20:32] <Tanshin_Yori> (did we ever catch his name?) 01[20:32] <~ShadowDM> (you never asked and he never offered.) [20:32] <Rairaku> (i was gonna call him :hey you") [20:32] <Tanshin_Yori> ("Bird-san" it is.) 01[20:34] <~ShadowDM> After traveling down the tight hallway for some time, you reach a large entry hall. The inside of the temple/tomb is illuminated from above by a series of shafts which somehow allow light to pass through. 01[20:34] <~ShadowDM> The entrance chamber you stand in is large. Directly to the front is a steep stairway leading up into the mountain itself. To either side are tall, massive columns. Everywhere you look, detailed carvings and symbols are etched into almost every surface. The red stone gives the place a warm feeling despite the cool temperature. [20:35] <Rairaku> Look around.. [20:35] <Nawa_Yasu> "Anyone happen to know what this place is, who built it?" 01[20:35] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "No clue, but history was never my strong point." 01[20:35] * ~ShadowDM : -> BIRD NIN: "Eh, Wind Country, no clue what goes on here."

01[20:36] * Tanshin_Yori looks at Akatsuchi. "Ring any bells?" 01[20:36] * ~ShadowDM : -> AKATSUCHI: "The lights and the stone seems familiar, but I don't remember this chamber at all... Hmm..." [20:37] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu takes the oppurtunity to sense chakra, just in case. [20:37] <Rairaku> i do the same [20:37] <Rairaku> 1d20+14 [20:37] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d20+14 and gets <19 + 14> = 33 01[20:37] <~ShadowDM> Yasu senses chakra in the air all around him, however, it feels strange an unlike anything he has felt before. 01[20:38] <~ShadowDM> Rai, however, sees nothing but motes of dust dancing in the strained sunlight. 01[20:38] <~ShadowDM> Note: The chakra is extremely faint. More like background noise than anything really. 01[20:39] * ~ShadowDM : -> NOBURO: "We should keep moving." 01[20:40] <~ShadowDM> The two head off, and up the stairs, as it is the only way there is to go. The bird nin seems confident by the way he is leading your jounin overseer. 01[20:40] <~ShadowDM> Following? [20:40] <Rairaku> yep 01[20:41] * Tanshin_Yori moves out. [20:41] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> yeah [20:42] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu follows behind. 01[20:42] <~ShadowDM> As you travel upward the stairs turn sharply to the north leading down a long hallway. To either side are small alcoves in which various busts and statues stand eternal vigil over the hallway. 01[20:42] <~ShadowDM> Like the entrance chamber, decoration covers every visible inch apart from the floor. 01[20:42] <~ShadowDM> The path soon comes to a complete halt as it branches out in two directions to the left and right. The right heads downstairs while the left arcs upward. [20:42] <Rairaku> "..." 01[20:43] <~ShadowDM> The bird nin lowers his head to the floor and sniffs. "The paths split... a male and female in either direction. The path downstairs smells of oil while that heading up smells of clay and wax." 01[20:43] * ~ShadowDM : -> AKATSUCHI: "Ren... Ichii..." *he starts up the stairs and turns* "I have to go after them..." [20:44] <Rairaku> "PAtience..." 01[20:44] * ~ShadowDM : -> BIRD NIN: "Well, Noburo-san?" 01[20:44] <~ShadowDM> The older Jounin looks thoughtful as if weighing his decision. [20:45] <Rairaku> "Down.." [20:45] <Tanshin_Yori> d20+3 [20:45] <Orac`> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d20+3 and gets <10 + 3> = 13

[20:45] <Tanshin_Yori> d6 AP [20:45] <Orac`> Tanshin_Yori rolls 1d6 AP and gets 1 01[20:48] * ~ShadowDM : -> AKATSUCHI: "Rrrrg... They could be in trouble!" 01[20:48] <~ShadowDM> The young boy rushes up the stairs, headless of any attempt to halt him. [20:48] <Rairaku> Follow 01[20:49] <~ShadowDM> Noburo rubs his forehead and sighs. "Go after him and follow us downstairs. Hideaki-san, let's go." 01[20:50] <~ShadowDM> *then [20:51] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu runs up the stairs after him. 01[20:51] <~ShadowDM> The bird ninja nods and the two disappear down the stairs. 01[20:52] * Tanshin_Yori waits for a second. 01[20:53] <~ShadowDM> And a second is waited. [20:53] <Tanshin_Yori> "You guys go after Akatsuchi. I'm going after Noburo-taichou." [20:54] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Let's go then". 01[20:55] * Tanshin_Yori follows after Noburo and Hideaki as quietly as possible. 01[20:55] <~ShadowDM> and so the party is split! 01[20:56] <~ShadowDM> I assume everyone else heads up? [20:56] <Rairaku> yes [20:57] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> yepers 01[20:58] <~ShadowDM> The stairs seem to climb forever, and going as fast as you can, you catch up to Akatsuchi. He turns only to smile and nod before putting on a new burst of speed before the stairs level out into a hallway. 01[20:58] <~ShadowDM> As the group sails down corridor, you pass many large columns and carved stone statues standing at attention to either side of the hallway. The warm glow of the setting sun shines through the large windows, setting the red rock aglow. 01[20:58] <~ShadowDM> Then, in the center of the hallway, two individuals stand, staring you down. Akatsuchi slides to a halt, both exultant and reserved, "Ichii-chan, Ren-kun! Your safe!" [20:59] <Rairaku> Spot and see chakra? [20:59] <Nawa_Yasu> Sense chakra. 01[20:59] <~ShadowDM> Spot checks. [21:00] <Rairaku> 1d20+14 [21:00] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d20+14 and gets <14 + 14> = 28 [21:00] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d20+9 spot [21:00] <Orac`> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d20+9 spot and gets <7 + 9> = 16 [21:00] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 1d20+7 spot [21:00] <Orac`> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+7 spot and gets <18 + 7> = 25 01[21:01] <~ShadowDM> Rairaku sees the same malevolent chakra glowing from within their eyes. [21:01] <Rairaku> "Hostile... Not Freinds!"

01[21:01] <~ShadowDM> A tall boy youve never seen before and the girl from the bridge stare forward almost zombielike. Making several hand-seals, the boy raises his hands. To your horror, two mouths on his palms pucker, blowing out softly. [21:02] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Ok that's freaky". [21:02] <Rairaku> Get into jyuuken [21:02] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Unravels Inu 01[21:02] <~ShadowDM> All around the sound of grinding stone fills the air. 01[21:02] <~ShadowDM> INITIATIVE! [21:03] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu gets ready to fight, with one hand on the sheathe of his main kodachi and the other hand hovering over the handle. 01[21:03] <~ShadowDM> Rai, awareness checks. [21:03] <Rairaku> 1d20+5 [21:03] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d20+5 and gets <12 + 5> = 17 [21:03] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d20+2 init [21:03] <Orac`> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d20+2 init and gets <12 + 2> = 14 [21:03] <Rairaku> 1d20+14 awarness [21:03] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d20+14 awarness and gets <4 + 14> = 18 [21:03] <Rairaku> ap [21:03] <Rairaku> 1d6 [21:03] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d6 and gets 6 [21:03] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 1d20+2 init [21:03] <Orac`> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+2 init and gets <14 + 2> = 16 [21:03] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> brb 01[21:04] <~ShadowDM> you see chakra sailing through the air from the boy's palms and branching off throughout the hallway into the guardian statues to either side. [21:04] <Rairaku> Statues! to our sides! [21:05] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu chuckles and turns to face one of the staues. "This is getting intense." 01[21:06] <~ShadowDM> A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O 01[21:06] <~ShadowDM> 01 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[21:06] <~ShadowDM> 02 ~ | g . # # g . . . g # # . g 01[21:06] <~ShadowDM> 03 ~ | g . # # g . . 1 g # # . g 01[21:06] <~ShadowDM> 04 ~ . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . 01[21:06] <~ShadowDM> 05 ~ . . . . g . . . . . g . . . 01[21:06] <~ShadowDM> 06 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[21:06] <~ShadowDM> 07 ~ | g . # # g . . . g # # . g 01[21:06] <~ShadowDM> 08 ~ | g . # # g . . . g # # . g

01[21:06] <~ShadowDM> 09 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[21:06] <~ShadowDM> 10 ~ . . . . g . . A . . g . . . 01[21:06] <~ShadowDM> 11 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[21:06] <~ShadowDM> 12 ~ | g . # # g Y . R g # # . g 01[21:06] <~ShadowDM> 13 ~ | g . # # g i T . g # # . g 01[21:06] <~ShadowDM> 14 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[21:06] <~ShadowDM> 15 ~ . . . . g . . . . . g . . . 01[21:06] <~ShadowDM> 16 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[21:06] <~ShadowDM> 17 ~ | g . # # g . . . g # # . g 01[21:06] <~ShadowDM> Akatsuchi, Rairaku, Ren(1), Ichii(2), Tanaka, Yasu, Golemns 01[21:06] * ~ShadowDM : -> AKATSUHI: "Guys... What's going on!?" 01[21:06] <~ShadowDM> The young man unsteadily enters a stance and prepares to fight. 01[21:06] <~ShadowDM> Rai! your go! [21:07] <Rairaku> "Hostiles ifght them, subdue get them back normal later!" [21:07] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Dude,your friends are freaks". 01[21:07] * ~ShadowDM : -> REN: "Sorry... Akatsuchi-kun." [21:08] <Rairaku> 5 foot to K11 and strike golem 10-l [21:08] <Rairaku> 1d20+10 [21:08] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d20+10 and gets <8 + 10> = 18 [21:08] <Rairaku> touch of course 01[21:08] <~ShadowDM> Hit! [21:09] <Rairaku> 1d8+2 [21:09] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d8+2 and gets <2 + 2> = 4 [21:09] <Rairaku> thats it for me 01[21:11] <~ShadowDM> A solid blow, the guardian's shoulder cracks, but it still stand strong. 01[21:12] <~ShadowDM> Ren forms several hand seals and spits two lines of flame from his palms. Akatsuchi crosses his arms and takes the blasts, grunting. "Ren..." 01[21:13] <~ShadowDM> Ichii summons a swarm of bees! 01[21:13] <~ShadowDM> Tanaka! [21:15] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> I perform Chakra no Ito on Inu 01[21:15] <~ShadowDM> Roll its HP. [21:17] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 5d10+5 HP [21:17] <Orac`> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 5d10+5 HP and gets <5,9,10,10,9 + 5> = 48 01[21:18] <~ShadowDM> that is an insane roll.

01[21:18] <~ShadowDM> You have a move action left, any actions? [21:19] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> hmm, I'll move to H14 01[21:19] <~ShadowDM> alright, then. 01[21:20] <~ShadowDM> A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O 01[21:20] <~ShadowDM> 01 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[21:20] <~ShadowDM> 02 ~ | g . # # g . . . g # # . g 01[21:20] <~ShadowDM> 03 ~ | g . # # g . . 1 g # # . g 01[21:20] <~ShadowDM> 04 ~ . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . 01[21:20] <~ShadowDM> 05 ~ . . . . g . . . . . g . . . 01[21:20] <~ShadowDM> 06 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[21:20] <~ShadowDM> 07 ~ | g . # # g . . . g # # . g 01[21:20] <~ShadowDM> 08 ~ | g . # # g . b b g # # . g 01[21:20] <~ShadowDM> 09 ~ . . . . . . . b b . . . . . 01[21:20] <~ShadowDM> 10 ~ . . . . g . . A . . g . . . 01[21:20] <~ShadowDM> 11 ~ . . . . . . . . . R . . . . 01[21:20] <~ShadowDM> 12 ~ | g . # # g Y . . g # # . g 01[21:20] <~ShadowDM> 13 ~ | g . # # g i . . g # # . g 01[21:20] <~ShadowDM> 14 ~ . . . . . . T . . . . . . . 01[21:20] <~ShadowDM> 15 ~ . . . . g . . . . . g . . . 01[21:20] <~ShadowDM> 16 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[21:20] <~ShadowDM> 17 ~ | g . # # g . . . g # # . g 01[21:20] <~ShadowDM> Akatsuchi, Rairaku, Ren(1), Ichii(2), Tanaka, Yasu, Golemns 01[21:20] <~ShadowDM> YASU! [21:20] <Nawa_Yasu> The bunhc of b's is the swarm right? [21:20] <Nawa_Yasu> And all the little g's are golems? 01[21:21] <~ShadowDM> yes. [21:22] <Nawa_Yasu> I'm gonna move to h10 and use denha no jutsu on the swarm and the golems behind it. 01[21:22] <~ShadowDM> roll it [21:23] <Nawa_Yasu> 5d6 electricity [21:23] <Orac`> Nawa_Yasu rolls 5d6 electricity and gets <2,6,3,3,4> = 18

01[21:23] <~ShadowDM> save DC? [21:23] <Nawa_Yasu> 17 01[21:24] <~ShadowDM> The puppet crumbles and the a vast majority of the bees fry. 01[21:24] <~ShadowDM> *golems 01[21:25] <~ShadowDM> That all? [21:25] <Nawa_Yasu> Yup. 01[21:29] <~ShadowDM> I need everyone's defense [21:29] <Rairaku> 19 [21:29] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 16 [21:30] <Nawa_Yasu> 21 01[21:30] <~ShadowDM> Tanaka, what's your puppet's defense? [21:32] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> hmm hold on let me check 01[21:33] <~ShadowDM> It's 12+ your class defense +your dex bonus [21:35] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 18 01[21:35] <~ShadowDM> As the golems spring to life and swing at the party, Tanaka is hit twice for 6 damage, Rai hit twice for 6, Yasu it hit once for 3, and the puppet is hit once for 3 damage. 01[21:35] <~ShadowDM> Tanaka needs to make 2 concentration checks 01[21:36] <~ShadowDM> each, DC 13 [21:36] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 1d20+9 Concen [21:36] <Orac`> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+9 Concen and gets <15 + 9> = 24 [21:36] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 1d20+9 Concen [21:36] <Orac`> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+9 Concen and gets <13 + 9> = 22 01[21:38] <~ShadowDM> and he succeeds in keeping control of the puppet while he is getting clocked in the head. 01[21:38] <~ShadowDM> A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O 01[21:38] <~ShadowDM> 01 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[21:38] <~ShadowDM> 02 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # # . . 01[21:38] <~ShadowDM> 03 ~ | . . # # . . . 1 . # # . . 01[21:38] <~ShadowDM> 04 ~ . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . 01[21:38] <~ShadowDM> 05 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[21:38] <~ShadowDM> 06 ~ . . . . . g . . . g . . . . 01[21:38] <~ShadowDM> 07 ~ | . . # # g g . g g # # . . 01[21:38] <~ShadowDM> 08 ~ | . . # # g g b g . # # . . 01[21:38] <~ShadowDM> 09 ~ . . . . . g g g g . . . . .

01[21:38] <~ShadowDM> 10 ~ . . . . g g Y A g g g . . . 01[21:38] <~ShadowDM> 11 ~ . . . . g g . . . R g . . . 01[21:38] <~ShadowDM> 12 ~ | . . # # g . . g g # # . . 01[21:38] <~ShadowDM> 13 ~ | . . # # g i . . g # # . . 01[21:38] <~ShadowDM> 14 ~ . . . . . g T g g . . . . . 01[21:38] <~ShadowDM> 15 ~ . . . . . g g g . . . . . . 01[21:38] <~ShadowDM> 16 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[21:38] <~ShadowDM> 17 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # # . . 01[21:38] <~ShadowDM> Akatsuchi, Rairaku, Ren(1), Ichii(2), Tanaka, Yasu, Golemns 01[21:40] <~ShadowDM> Akatsuchi growls. A red hazy aura explodes around him filling the air with his chakra. He punches the golem in front of him and a blast of energy vaporizes the bees behind it and strikes Ichii. 01[21:41] <~ShadowDM> A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O 01[21:41] <~ShadowDM> 01 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[21:41] <~ShadowDM> 02 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # # . . 01[21:41] <~ShadowDM> 03 ~ | . . # # . . . 1 . # # . . 01[21:41] <~ShadowDM> 04 ~ . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . 01[21:41] <~ShadowDM> 05 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[21:41] <~ShadowDM> 06 ~ . . . . . g . . . g . . . . 01[21:41] <~ShadowDM> 07 ~ | . . # # g g . g g # # . . 01[21:41] <~ShadowDM> 08 ~ | . . # # g g . g . # # . . 01[21:41] <~ShadowDM> 09 ~ . . . . . g g . g . . . . . 01[21:41] <~ShadowDM> 10 ~ . . . . g g Y A g g g . . . 01[21:41] <~ShadowDM> 11 ~ . . . . g g . . . R g . . . 01[21:41] <~ShadowDM> 12 ~ | . . # # g . . g g # # . . 01[21:41] <~ShadowDM> 13 ~ | . . # # g i . . g # # . . 01[21:41] <~ShadowDM> 14 ~ . . . . . g T g g . . . . .

01[21:41] <~ShadowDM> 15 ~ . . . . . g g g . . . . . . 01[21:41] <~ShadowDM> 16 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[21:41] <~ShadowDM> 17 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # # . . 01[21:41] <~ShadowDM> Akatsuchi, Rairaku, Ren(1), Ichii(2), Tanaka, Yasu, Golemns 01[21:41] <~ShadowDM> Rai! Your go! [21:43] <Rairaku> spending 3 chakra for 3 hits [21:45] <Rairaku> going clockwise [21:45] <Rairaku> from J-10 [21:45] <Rairaku> 1d20+10 [21:45] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d20+10 and gets <8 + 10> = 18 [21:45] <Rairaku> 1d20+10 [21:45] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d20+10 and gets <11 + 10> = 21 [21:45] <Rairaku> 1d20+10 [21:45] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d20+10 and gets <8 + 10> = 18 [21:45] <Rairaku> 1d20+10 [21:45] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d20+10 and gets <5 + 10> = 15 [21:45] <Rairaku> 1d20+10 [21:45] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d20+10 and gets <17 + 10> = 27 [21:45] <Rairaku> 1d20+10 [21:45] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d20+10 and gets <13 + 10> = 23 01[21:46] <~ShadowDM> there are 2 more within your reach that you can hit. [21:46] <Rairaku> ill assume since a 18 hit before i need to AP the 15 [21:46] <Rairaku> oh right [21:46] <Rairaku> 1d20+10 [21:46] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d20+10 and gets <11 + 10> = 21 [21:46] <Rairaku> 1d20+10 [21:46] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d20+10 and gets <1 + 10> = 11 [21:47] <Rairaku> ill AP the 15 [21:47] <Rairaku> 1d6 [21:47] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d6 and gets 6 01[21:47] <~ShadowDM> all hit but the 11 01[21:47] <~ShadowDM> Roll damage 01[21:47] <~ShadowDM> just do 7#d-whatever [21:47] <Rairaku> 7d8+2 [21:47] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 7d8+2 and gets <5,1,4,1,1,1,7 + 2> = 22 01[21:47] <~ShadowDM> you need to do the # [21:47] <Rairaku> oh 01[21:47] <~ShadowDM> 7#d8+2 [21:47] <Orac`> ShadowDM rolls 7#1d8+2 and gets <7 + 2> = 9, <6 + 2> = 8, <4 + 2> = 6, <7 + 2> = 9, <7 + 2> = 9, <1 + 2> = 3, <3 + 2> = 5 01[21:47] <~ShadowDM> -_[21:47] <Rairaku> oh okay... 01[21:48] <~ShadowDM> so... do it. [21:48] <Rairaku> 7#d8+2 [21:48] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 7#1d8+2 and gets <2 + 2> = 4, <1 + 2> = 3, <8 + 2> = 10, <1 + 2> = 3, <2 + 2> = 4, <2 + 2> = 4, <2 + 2> = 4

01[21:49] <~ShadowDM> You send a spiral of cracks through several of the warriors struck, but only manage to vaporize one. [21:50] <Rairaku> all knocked back 5 feet and blah blah [21:51] <Rairaku> im done otherwise 01[21:55] <~ShadowDM> Ren makes a number of hand seals and lifts his hands again. Flames erupt from the lipts and travel to settle over several golemns. Ichii on the other hand calls more bees to her aid. 01[21:57] <~ShadowDM> A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O 01[21:57] <~ShadowDM> 01 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[21:57] <~ShadowDM> 02 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # # . . 01[21:57] <~ShadowDM> 03 ~ | . . # # . . . 1 . # # . . 01[21:57] <~ShadowDM> 04 ~ . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . 01[21:57] <~ShadowDM> 05 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[21:57] <~ShadowDM> 06 ~ . . b . . g . . . g . . b . 01[21:57] <~ShadowDM> 07 ~ | . b # # g g . g g # # b . 01[21:57] <~ShadowDM> 08 ~ | . . # # g g g g . # # . . 01[21:57] <~ShadowDM> 09 ~ . . . . . g g g . g . g . . 01[21:57] <~ShadowDM> 10 ~ . . . . g g Y A . . . . . . 01[21:57] <~ShadowDM> 11 ~ . . . . g g . . . R . . . . 01[21:57] <~ShadowDM> 12 ~ | . . # # g . . . . # # . . 01[21:57] <~ShadowDM> 13 ~ | . . # # g i g . g # # . . 01[21:57] <~ShadowDM> 14 ~ . . . . . g T g g g . . . . 01[21:57] <~ShadowDM> 15 ~ . . . . . g g g . . . . . . 01[21:57] <~ShadowDM> 16 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[21:57] <~ShadowDM> 17 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # # . . 01[21:57] <~ShadowDM> Akatsuchi, Rairaku, Ren(1), Ichii(2), Tanaka, Yasu, Golemns 01[21:57] <~ShadowDM> Tanaka! 01[21:57] <~ShadowDM> You find yourself surrounded. [21:58] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> I'm going to move to 11J and have Inu fire three kunai from his Cannon

01[21:59] <~ShadowDM> It can only fire one. [21:59] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> really that's depressing. [22:00] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> ok the firing a kunai at the one on the right 01[22:00] <~ShadowDM> roll it [22:01] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 1d20+5 [22:01] <Orac`> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+5 and gets <2 + 5> = 7 [22:01] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> crap 01[22:02] <~ShadowDM> since this is a ranged attack, it'd be +8 [22:02] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 1d20+8 [22:02] <Orac`> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+8 and gets <5 + 8> = 13 01[22:02] <~ShadowDM> hit! [22:02] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> woot [22:02] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 1d4+8 [22:02] <Orac`> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d4+8 and gets <2 + 8> = 10 01[22:03] <~ShadowDM> it's only +2, but it goes straight through it regardless. 01[22:03] <~ShadowDM> A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O 01[22:03] <~ShadowDM> 01 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[22:03] <~ShadowDM> 02 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # # . . 01[22:03] <~ShadowDM> 03 ~ | . . # # . . . 1 . # # . . 01[22:03] <~ShadowDM> 04 ~ . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . 01[22:03] <~ShadowDM> 05 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[22:03] <~ShadowDM> 06 ~ . . b . . g . . . g . . b . 01[22:03] <~ShadowDM> 07 ~ | . b # # g g . g g # # b . 01[22:03] <~ShadowDM> 08 ~ | . . # # g g g g . # # . . 01[22:03] <~ShadowDM> 09 ~ . . . . . g g g . g . g . . 01[22:03] <~ShadowDM> 10 ~ . . . . g g Y A . . . . . . 01[22:03] <~ShadowDM> 11 ~ . . . . g g . . . R . . . . 01[22:03] <~ShadowDM> 12 ~ | . . # # g . . . . # # . . 01[22:03] <~ShadowDM> 13 ~ | . . # # g i . . g # # . . 01[22:03] <~ShadowDM> 14 ~ . . . . . g T g g g . . . . 01[22:03] <~ShadowDM> 15 ~ . . . . . g g g . . . . . . 01[22:03] <~ShadowDM> 16 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

01[22:03] <~ShadowDM> 17 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # # . . 01[22:03] <~ShadowDM> Akatsuchi, Rairaku, Ren(1), Ichii(2), Tanaka, Yasu, Golemns 01[22:03] <~ShadowDM> Yasu! Your go! 01[22:04] <~ShadowDM> Also, Tanaka, I'd suggest taking a 5-foot step to the NEto get away from the golems surrounding you -_[22:04] <Nawa_Yasu> I'll use iainuki to hit the golem at h9. [22:04] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> ok will do [22:05] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> wanted to do that 03[22:05] * ZeronosVega ( has joined #sunad20 01[22:05] <~ShadowDM> Roll it. [22:05] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d20+7 iai [22:05] <Orac`> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d20+7 iai and gets <20 + 7> = 27 01[22:06] <~ShadowDM> ... no crit conf? [22:06] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d20+7 [22:06] <Orac`> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d20+7 and gets <4 + 7> = 11 01[22:07] <~ShadowDM> well, you hit. [22:07] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d6+5 damage! [22:07] <Orac`> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d6+5 damage! and gets <4 + 5> = 9 01[22:07] <~ShadowDM> You slice it cleanly in half! [22:08] <Nawa_Yasu> Thanks to quick draw I return the kodachi to it's sheathe in the same action. 01[22:08] <~ShadowDM> any other actions? [22:08] <Nawa_Yasu> Nope. 01[22:12] <~ShadowDM> The golems move in, crowding around you and swinging their arms! None strike Tanaka, the puppet takes 9 damage, Yasu takes 6! Rai! 5 swing on you. [22:15] <Rairaku> 1d20+10 on the first [22:15] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d20+10 on the first and gets <7 + 10> = 17 [22:16] <Rairaku> hit i assume or no? 01[22:16] <~ShadowDM> hit [22:16] <Rairaku> 2d6+4 [22:16] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 2d6+4 and gets <1,6 + 4> = 11 01[22:17] <~ShadowDM> it vaporizes, you take 4 damage from the flames. [22:17] <Rairaku> and kaiten to the other 4? or the second effec tof kaiten only target one? [22:18] <Rairaku> i know the +4 only applies to one attack but not sure if the effect does 01[22:19] <~ShadowDM> It says single opponent. 01[22:19] <~ShadowDM> eh... but later it says opponents... [22:19] <Rairaku> righto then give me damage not gonna sue 4 chakra for that.. 01[22:20] <~ShadowDM> I'd say it hits all within reach, I guess.

[22:21] <Rairaku> keep battle goin, dont wanna bog it up anymore than i have already 01[22:21] <~ShadowDM> However, I will point out that most of them are on fire at this point... 01[22:23] <~ShadowDM> Akatsuchi takes a step backwards and forms several handseals, keeping his guard up. The ground in front of him explodes outward, burrying a swath of enemies. 01[22:23] <~ShadowDM> A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O 01[22:23] <~ShadowDM> 01 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[22:23] <~ShadowDM> 02 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # # . . 01[22:23] <~ShadowDM> 03 ~ | . . # # . . . 1 . # # . . 01[22:23] <~ShadowDM> 04 ~ . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . 01[22:23] <~ShadowDM> 05 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[22:23] <~ShadowDM> 06 ~ . . b . . . . . . . . . b . 01[22:23] <~ShadowDM> 07 ~ | . b # # . . . . . # # b . 01[22:23] <~ShadowDM> 08 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # # . . 01[22:23] <~ShadowDM> 09 ~ . . . . . g . . . g . . . . 01[22:23] <~ShadowDM> 10 ~ . . . . g g Y . g . g . . . 01[22:23] <~ShadowDM> 11 ~ . . . . . g g A . R . . . . 01[22:23] <~ShadowDM> 12 ~ | . . # # g . . g g # # . . 01[22:23] <~ShadowDM> 13 ~ | . . # # g i T g . # # . . 01[22:23] <~ShadowDM> 14 ~ . . . . . g g g g . . . . . 01[22:23] <~ShadowDM> 15 ~ . . . . . . . g . . . . . . 01[22:23] <~ShadowDM> 16 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[22:23] <~ShadowDM> 17 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # # . . 01[22:23] <~ShadowDM> Akatsuchi, Rairaku, Ren(1), Ichii(2), Tanaka, Yasu, Golemns 01[22:23] <~ShadowDM> Rai! [22:23] <Rairaku> Kaiten again [22:24] <Rairaku> i have...6 in rage? 01[22:24] <~ShadowDM> indeed [22:24] <Rairaku> 6#d20+10

[22:24] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 6#1d20+10 and gets <9 + 10> = 19, <2 + 10> = 12, <3 + 10> = 13, <12 + 10> = 22, <18 + 10> = 28, <17 + 10> = 27 [22:24] <Rairaku> ill AP the 13... [22:24] <Rairaku> 1d6 [22:24] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d6 and gets 5 01[22:25] <~ShadowDM> all hit but the 12 [22:25] <Rairaku> 5#d8+2 [22:25] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 5#1d8+2 and gets <1 + 2> = 3, <4 + 2> = 6, <3 + 2> = 5, <8 + 2> = 10, <6 + 2> = 8 01[22:26] <~ShadowDM> The golems explode under your strikes, but flames roll across your arms as they shatter. 01[22:26] <~ShadowDM> take 29 damage. [22:27] <Rairaku> Woo~ no ref or thats just 1d6 plain out? 01[22:27] <~ShadowDM> plain out. [22:27] <Rairaku> righto! [22:27] <Rairaku> thats it for me 01[22:29] <~ShadowDM> Ren forms another set of handseals, launching more flames at Akastuchi who takes them without complaint. 01[22:29] <~ShadowDM> Ichii forms handseals for a change and directs her bees to fire on Rai and Yasu 01[22:30] <~ShadowDM> Needles of chakra fly at yasu and rai, who take 16 and 10 damage respectively. 01[22:30] <~ShadowDM> A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O 01[22:30] <~ShadowDM> 01 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[22:30] <~ShadowDM> 02 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # # . . 01[22:30] <~ShadowDM> 03 ~ | . . # # . . . 1 . # # . . 01[22:30] <~ShadowDM> 04 ~ . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . 01[22:30] <~ShadowDM> 05 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[22:30] <~ShadowDM> 06 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[22:30] <~ShadowDM> 07 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # # . . 01[22:30] <~ShadowDM> 08 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # # . . 01[22:30] <~ShadowDM> 09 ~ . . . . . g . . . . . . . . 01[22:30] <~ShadowDM> 10 ~ . . . . g gbY . . . g . . . 01[22:30] <~ShadowDM> 11 ~ . . . . . gbg A . Rb. . . . 01[22:30] <~ShadowDM> 12 ~ | . . # # g . . . b # # . . 01[22:30] <~ShadowDM> 13 ~ | . . # # g i T . . # # . .

01[22:30] <~ShadowDM> 14 ~ . . . . . g g g g . . . . . 01[22:30] <~ShadowDM> 15 ~ . . . . . . . g . . . . . . 01[22:30] <~ShadowDM> 16 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[22:30] <~ShadowDM> 17 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # # . . 01[22:30] <~ShadowDM> Akatsuchi, Rairaku, Ren(1), Ichii(2), Tanaka, Yasu, Golemns 01[22:30] <~ShadowDM> Tanaka! [22:32] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Inu and me both make move actions to Akatsuchi. Then I preform Ichijin on the golems from my previous spot 01[22:33] <~ShadowDM> Do you have Heroic Surge? [22:33] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> nope 01[22:33] <~ShadowDM> Then I'm afraid all you can do is move. [22:34] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Ok,I'll do that then. 01[22:34] <~ShadowDM> You could each take 5 foot steps though, depending on how far away you need to get. [22:35] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> I just want to get far away enough to use IchiJin without hit Inu [22:35] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> hittinh [22:35] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> hittin [22:35] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> g 01[22:35] <~ShadowDM> well, it depends on what you're trying to hit. [22:36] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> the six golems from my previous location 01[22:37] <~ShadowDM> Ichijin is a cone, you have no reasonable angle from which to hit 6 of them. [22:37] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> how many can I hit? 01[22:38] <~ShadowDM> if you take a 5-foot step directly north, 4 01[22:38] <~ShadowDM> and you wouldn't even hit Inu at that point. [22:38] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> ok that'll do. 01[22:38] <~ShadowDM> And the golem misses it's AoO 01[22:38] <~ShadowDM> roll the knockback. [22:39] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> do I add my ranged attack? 01[22:39] <~ShadowDM> no... [22:39] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 1d6x5 [22:39] <Orac`> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d6x5 and gets <6 x 5> = 30 01[22:39] <~ShadowDM> just roll the knockback like it says in the technique... 01[22:40] <~ShadowDM> and the golems are sent flying away, tumbling across the floor and bouncing off colums. 01[22:40] <~ShadowDM> A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O 01[22:40] <~ShadowDM> 01 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

01[22:40] <~ShadowDM> 02 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # # . . 01[22:40] <~ShadowDM> 03 ~ | . . # # . . . 1 . # # . . 01[22:40] <~ShadowDM> 04 ~ . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . 01[22:40] <~ShadowDM> 05 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[22:40] <~ShadowDM> 06 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[22:40] <~ShadowDM> 07 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # # . . 01[22:40] <~ShadowDM> 08 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # # . . 01[22:40] <~ShadowDM> 09 ~ . . . . . g . . . . . . . . 01[22:40] <~ShadowDM> 10 ~ . . . . g gbY . . . g . . . 01[22:40] <~ShadowDM> 11 ~ . . . . . gbg A . Rb. . . . 01[22:40] <~ShadowDM> 12 ~ | . . # # g . T . b # # . . 01[22:40] <~ShadowDM> 13 ~ | . . # # g i . . . # # . . 01[22:40] <~ShadowDM> 14 ~ . . . . . g . . . . . . . . 01[22:40] <~ShadowDM> 15 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[22:40] <~ShadowDM> 16 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[22:40] <~ShadowDM> 17 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # # . . 01[22:40] <~ShadowDM> Akatsuchi, Rairaku, Ren(1), Ichii(2), Tanaka, Yasu, Golemns 01[22:40] <~ShadowDM> Yasu, your go. [22:40] <Nawa_Yasu> I take a five foot step to I10 and use denha no jutsu again. [22:41] <Nawa_Yasu> Targeting the clump of golems and bees. 01[22:41] <~ShadowDM> defense? [22:41] <Nawa_Yasu> 21 01[22:41] <~ShadowDM> miss! barely. [22:41] <Nawa_Yasu> 4d6 lightning! [22:41] <Orac`> Nawa_Yasu rolls 4d6 lightning! and gets <5,4,3,4> = 16 01[22:41] <~ShadowDM> save? [22:41] <Nawa_Yasu> 17 01[22:42] <~ShadowDM> Lightning plows through the golems and fries a majority of the bees! 01[22:43] <~ShadowDM> Golems move to get back into position while one swings on Yasu but misses! Rai! One attempts to hit you! [22:43] <Rairaku> 1d20+10 [22:43] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d20+10 and gets <18 + 10> = 28

[22:43] <Rairaku> 2d6+4 01[22:43] <~ShadowDM> hit [22:43] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 2d6+4 and gets <3,1 + 4> = 8 01[22:43] <~ShadowDM> it explodes! 01[22:44] <~ShadowDM> you take 4 damage from the lickingn flames [22:44] <Rairaku> hurting now 01[22:45] <~ShadowDM> Akatsuchi flies past Yasu, taking a blow to the back from a golem to charge Ichii! He spins, kicking her to left and into one of the colums. She grunts, but isn't quite down for the count! 01[22:45] <~ShadowDM> A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O 01[22:45] <~ShadowDM> 01 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[22:45] <~ShadowDM> 02 ~ | . . # # 2 . . . . # # . . 01[22:45] <~ShadowDM> 03 ~ | . . # # . . . 1 . # # . . 01[22:45] <~ShadowDM> 04 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[22:45] <~ShadowDM> 05 ~ . . . . . . . A . . . . . . 01[22:45] <~ShadowDM> 06 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[22:45] <~ShadowDM> 07 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # # . . 01[22:45] <~ShadowDM> 08 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # # . . 01[22:45] <~ShadowDM> 09 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[22:45] <~ShadowDM> 10 ~ . . . . . b . Y . . g . . . 01[22:45] <~ShadowDM> 11 ~ . . . . . . g . . Rb. . . . 01[22:45] <~ShadowDM> 12 ~ | . . # # g . T . b # # . . 01[22:45] <~ShadowDM> 13 ~ | . . # # g i . . . # # . . 01[22:45] <~ShadowDM> 14 ~ . . . . . g g g g . . . . . 01[22:45] <~ShadowDM> 15 ~ . . . . . . . g . . . . . . 01[22:45] <~ShadowDM> 16 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[22:45] <~ShadowDM> 17 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # # . . 01[22:45] <~ShadowDM> Akatsuchi, Rairaku, Ren(1), Ichii(2), Tanaka, Yasu, Golemns 01[22:45] <~ShadowDM> Rai!@ 01[22:45] <~ShadowDM> make a fortitude save, first off.

[22:45] <Rairaku> 1d20+6 [22:45] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d20+6 and gets <14 + 6> = 20 01[22:45] <~ShadowDM> and you succeed! 01[22:46] <~ShadowDM> but you take 1 damage from the swarming bees! [22:46] <Rairaku> 5 foot to j-10 [22:47] <Rairaku> heroic surge to charge Ren 01[22:47] <~ShadowDM> roll it! [22:47] <Rairaku> 1d20+12 [22:47] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d20+12 and gets <13 + 12> = 25 01[22:47] <~ShadowDM> hit! [22:47] <Rairaku> 1d8+4 [22:47] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d8+4 and gets <4 + 4> = 8 01[22:47] <~ShadowDM> Ren grunts beneath the blow, but remains standing! [22:47] <Rairaku> using up last flawless form charge for next round 01[22:48] <~ShadowDM> You can only use flawless form on techniques [22:48] <Rairaku> oh, bleh nevermind [22:48] <Rairaku> thats it for me 01[22:50] <~ShadowDM> Ichii forms a first and wicked wax blade sprouts from her hand and she lunges at Akatsuchi who grabs her fist and slams her into the floor. 01[22:50] <~ShadowDM> Ren, swings on Rai! [22:50] <Rairaku> i hit him! 01[22:51] <~ShadowDM> roll it :P [22:51] <Rairaku> 1d20+10 [22:51] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d20+10 and gets <20 + 10> = 30 [22:51] <Rairaku> oh oh crit! 01[22:51] <~ShadowDM> conf crit. [22:51] <Rairaku> 1d20+10 [22:51] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d20+10 and gets <1 + 10> = 11 [22:51] <Rairaku> FUCK 01[22:51] <~ShadowDM> awwww 01[22:51] <~ShadowDM> roll damage [22:51] <Rairaku> anyway use flawless form [22:51] <Rairaku> 1d8+2 [22:51] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d8+2 and gets <7 + 2> = 9 01[22:51] <~ShadowDM> A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O 01[22:51] <~ShadowDM> 01 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[22:51] <~ShadowDM> 02 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # # . . 01[22:51] <~ShadowDM> 03 ~ | . . # # . . . 1 . # # . . 01[22:51] <~ShadowDM> 04 ~ . . . . . . 2 . R . . . . . 01[22:51] <~ShadowDM> 05 ~ . . . . . . . A . . . . . . 01[22:51] <~ShadowDM> 06 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

01[22:51] <~ShadowDM> 07 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # # . . 01[22:51] <~ShadowDM> 08 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # # . . 01[22:51] <~ShadowDM> 09 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[22:51] <~ShadowDM> 10 ~ . . . . . b . Y . . g . . . 01[22:51] <~ShadowDM> 11 ~ . . . . . . g . . b . . . . 01[22:51] <~ShadowDM> 12 ~ | . . # # g . T . b # # . . 01[22:51] <~ShadowDM> 13 ~ | . . # # g i . . . # # . . 01[22:51] <~ShadowDM> 14 ~ . . . . . g g g g . . . . . 01[22:51] <~ShadowDM> 15 ~ . . . . . . . g . . . . . . 01[22:51] <~ShadowDM> 16 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[22:51] <~ShadowDM> 17 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # # . . 01[22:51] <~ShadowDM> Akatsuchi, Rairaku, Ren(1), Ichii(2), Tanaka, Yasu, Golemns 01[22:51] <~ShadowDM> Tanaka! [22:52] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> I'll use Ichijiin again after pulling Inu towards me 01[22:52] <~ShadowDM> alright... 01[22:53] <~ShadowDM> Roll the knockback? [22:55] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 1d6x5 feet [22:55] <Orac`> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d6x5 feet and gets <5 x 5> = 25 01[22:55] <~ShadowDM> A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O 01[22:55] <~ShadowDM> 01 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[22:55] <~ShadowDM> 02 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # # . . 01[22:55] <~ShadowDM> 03 ~ | . . # # . . . 1 . # # . . 01[22:55] <~ShadowDM> 04 ~ . . . . . . 2 . R . . . . . 01[22:55] <~ShadowDM> 05 ~ . . . . . . . A . . . . . . 01[22:55] <~ShadowDM> 06 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[22:55] <~ShadowDM> 07 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # # . . 01[22:55] <~ShadowDM> 08 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # # . . 01[22:55] <~ShadowDM> 09 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

01[22:55] <~ShadowDM> 10 ~ . . . . . . . Yb. . g . . . 01[22:55] <~ShadowDM> 11 ~ . . . . . . g T . b . . . . 01[22:55] <~ShadowDM> 12 ~ | . . # # g i . . b # # . . 01[22:55] <~ShadowDM> 13 ~ | . . # # g . . . . # # . . 01[22:55] <~ShadowDM> 14 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[22:55] <~ShadowDM> 15 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[22:55] <~ShadowDM> 16 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[22:55] <~ShadowDM> 17 ~ | . g # # . . . . . # # . . 01[22:55] <~ShadowDM> Akatsuchi, Rairaku, Ren(1), Ichii(2), Tanaka, Yasu, Golemns 01[22:55] <~ShadowDM> Once more, the golems tumble down the corridor. 01[22:55] <~ShadowDM> Yasu! [22:57] <Nawa_Yasu> For my move action I'll shunshin up to where Ichii is, and then I'll use iainuki to attack. Before all that though, an ap for temporary chakra. [22:57] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d6 ap [22:57] <Orac`> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d6 ap and gets 2 01[22:57] <~ShadowDM> first, make a fortitude save. [22:58] <Nawa_Yasu> 1d20+2 [22:58] <Orac`> Nawa_Yasu rolls 1d20+2 and gets <2 + 2> = 4 01[22:58] <~ShadowDM> There are bees... in your eyes. You are nauseated. [22:58] <Nawa_Yasu> What does that do? I forget. [22:59] <Rairaku> can only make move actions 01[22:59] <~ShadowDM> You only have a single move action. [22:59] <Nawa_Yasu> Ah, shunshin to d3. [22:59] <Nawa_Yasu> Wait, too far, nm... [22:59] <Nawa_Yasu> Lemme htink... [22:59] <Nawa_Yasu> Shunshin to g6. [23:00] <Nawa_Yasu> Shunshin to g6. 01[23:00] <~ShadowDM> And you shunshin out of the bees! 01[23:00] <~ShadowDM> Leaving Tanaka... all alone... with the golems... [23:01] <Nawa_Yasu> Meh, jsut roll around a little bit, he'll be aight. 01[23:01] <~ShadowDM> Tanaka! Your puppet gets an AoO as a golem moves through its threatened area! [23:01] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> I'll deal a slam attack 01[23:02] <~ShadowDM> Roll attack. [23:02] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 1d6+3 slam

[23:02] <Orac`> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d6+3 slam and gets <3 + 3> = 6 01[23:02] <~ShadowDM> it's 1d20+7 01[23:02] <~ShadowDM> to hit. [23:03] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 1d20+7 01[23:03] <~ShadowDM> You must hit before you roll damage. [23:03] <Orac`> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+7 and gets <6 + 7> = 13 01[23:03] <~ShadowDM> and miss. [23:03] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> crap 01[23:03] <~ShadowDM> Tanaka and the puppet both are struck twice for 6 damage each! 01[23:03] <~ShadowDM> Tanaka! give me two concentration checks. [23:04] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 1d20+9 con [23:04] <Orac`> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+9 con and gets <4 + 9> = 13 01[23:04] <~ShadowDM> barely 01[23:04] <~ShadowDM> roll a second one [23:04] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> 1d20+9 con [23:04] <Orac`> Chikamatsu_Tanaka rolls 1d20+9 con and gets <20 + 9> = 29 01[23:04] <~ShadowDM> and you succeed. 01[23:04] <~ShadowDM> A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O 01[23:04] <~ShadowDM> 01 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[23:04] <~ShadowDM> 02 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # # . . 01[23:04] <~ShadowDM> 03 ~ | . . # # . . . 1 . # # . . 01[23:04] <~ShadowDM> 04 ~ . . . . . . 2 . R . . . . . 01[23:04] <~ShadowDM> 05 ~ . . . . . . . A . . . . . . 01[23:04] <~ShadowDM> 06 ~ . . . . . Y . . . . . . . . 01[23:04] <~ShadowDM> 07 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # # . . 01[23:04] <~ShadowDM> 08 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # # . . 01[23:04] <~ShadowDM> 09 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[23:04] <~ShadowDM> 10 ~ . . . . . . . b . . . . . . 01[23:04] <~ShadowDM> 11 ~ . . . . . . g T g b . . . . 01[23:04] <~ShadowDM> 12 ~ | . . # # g i g g b # # . . 01[23:04] <~ShadowDM> 13 ~ | . . # # g g g g . # # . .

01[23:04] <~ShadowDM> 14 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[23:04] <~ShadowDM> 15 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[23:04] <~ShadowDM> 16 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01[23:04] <~ShadowDM> 17 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # # . . 01[23:04] <~ShadowDM> Ichii(2), Tanaka, Yasu, Golemns 01[23:05] <~ShadowDM> before lifting Ichii over his head one last the floor. She does not get up. 01[23:05] <~ShadowDM> Rai's go! 01[23:05] <~ShadowDM> M N O 01[23:05] <~ShadowDM> . . . 01[23:05] <~ShadowDM> # . . 01[23:05] <~ShadowDM> # . . 01[23:05] <~ShadowDM> . . . 01[23:05] <~ShadowDM> . . . 01[23:05] <~ShadowDM> . . . 01[23:05] <~ShadowDM> # . . 01[23:05] <~ShadowDM> # . . 01[23:05] <~ShadowDM> . . . 01[23:05] <~ShadowDM> . . . 01[23:05] <~ShadowDM> . . . 01[23:05] <~ShadowDM> # . . 01[23:05] <~ShadowDM> # . . 01[23:05] <~ShadowDM> . . . 01[23:05] <~ShadowDM> . . . 01[23:05] <~ShadowDM> . . . 01[23:05] <~ShadowDM> # . . Akatsuchi, Rairaku, Ren(1), Akatsuchi grunts once time and slaming her into The bees disperse as it is A B C D E F G H I J K L 01 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . 02 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # 03 ~ | . . # # . . . 1 . # 04 ~ . . . . . . . . R . . 05 ~ . . . . . . . A . . . 06 ~ . . . . . Y . . . . . 07 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # 08 ~ | . . # # . . . . . # 09 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . 10 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . 11 ~ . . . . . . g T g . . 12 ~ | . . # # g i g g . # 13 ~ | . . # # g g g g . # 14 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . 15 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . 16 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . 17 ~ | . . # # . . . . . #

01[23:05] <~ShadowDM> Akatsuchi, Rairaku, Ren(1), Ichii(2), Tanaka, Yasu, Golemns [23:06] <Rairaku> 3 chakra 3 attacks on ren [23:06] <Rairaku> 1d20+12 [23:06] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d20+12 and gets <7 + 12> = 19 [23:06] <Rairaku> AP [23:06] <Rairaku> 1d6 [23:06] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d6 and gets 2 01[23:06] <~ShadowDM> hit [23:06] <Rairaku> 1d20+10 [23:06] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d20+10 and gets <4 + 10> = 14 01[23:06] <~ShadowDM> hit! [23:06] <Rairaku> 1d20+10 [23:06] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 1d20+10 and gets <12 + 10> = 22 01[23:06] <~ShadowDM> hit! [23:07] <Rairaku> 3#d8+4 [23:07] <Orac`> Rairaku rolls 3#1d8+4 and gets <5 + 4> = 9, <6 + 4> = 10, <4 + 4> = 8 01[23:07] <~ShadowDM> Ren succumbs to he flurry of blows and he falls to the ground, unconscious. 01[23:07] <~ShadowDM> The golems fall with him, crumbling to stone as the wind chakra within them tears them apart. 01[23:08] * Rairaku breathes heavily 01[23:08] <~ShadowDM> Akatsuchi's red aura disappears and he slides to his knees. He is badly burned, but still breathing. [23:08] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu kneels down and breathes deeply. 01[23:08] * ~ShadowDM : -> AKATSUCHI: "... huff... huff... Thanks..." [23:08] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka lets his thread disapate breathing heavily [23:08] <Rairaku> See chakra on the 2 subduded ones [23:09] <Nawa_Yasu> "Anyone have anything to tie them up with? I don't think they'll wake up anytime soon, but you never know." 01[23:09] <~ShadowDM> You see hazy malevolent chakra rolling around them. Akatsuchi kneels beside Ren and surrounds the two of them with his aura. The dark chakra begins filling the air and dispearsing. 01[23:10] * ~ShadowDM : -> AKATSUCHI: "You guys can go after your taichou, I think I've got it from here." [23:10] <Nawa_Yasu> "What will you do now?" [23:10] <Rairaku> "Sleep..." 01[23:10] * Rairaku sits down exhausted [23:11] <Nawa_Yasu> "No time to sleep Rairaku, the mission is still on." Yasu stands up and starts to head back the way they came. 01[23:11] * ~ShadowDM : -> AKATSUCHI: "I think if I push my chakra into them, it's purifying quality will push the tainted chakra out, like it did with me at the bridge. I remember I was... nevermind." 01[23:11] <~ShadowDM> *its [23:12] <Rairaku> "You were.....what?" She says still panting

[23:12] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Before we leave do either of you have any explosive tags?". [23:12] <Rairaku> "No..." 01[23:12] * ~ShadowDM : -> AKATSUCHI: "I was fighting the darkness inside my head along with..." [23:13] <Nawa_Yasu> "I don't have any explodign tags, sorry..." 01[23:15] <~ShadowDM> So. Team. what are you doing? [23:15] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "damn". [23:15] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> If you guys want to rest I'll go on ahead [23:15] <Nawa_Yasu> I'll be moving on ahead as well. 01[23:16] * Rairaku wearily stands up. [23:16] <Rairaku> "Succhi, Safe?" 01[23:17] * ~ShadowDM : -> AKATSUCHI: "Yea, I should be able to handle things here... Rai, you don't looks so good... Guys gather around for a second." [23:18] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu raises an eyebrow inquisitively, but he does as Akatsuchi says. 01[23:19] <~ShadowDM> He steps away from the two unconscious nin and draws the rest of you close. He forms a few handseals and his aura appears in full force, exploding outward to encompass you all. The effort leaves trails of sweat across his brown. The chakra feels cool and strangely... benevolent? The red aura twists around you and enters your wound, leaving you feeling a bit better. 01[23:19] <~ShadowDM> Everyone is healed 26 damage, on account of orac liking you so much. [23:19] <Rairaku> Huzzah! no longer dying! 01[23:19] <~ShadowDM> The Aura receeds back into the young man, but it is a mere flicker. He shakes where he stands, dizzy. 01[23:20] * Rairaku hugs akatsuchi [23:20] <Nawa_Yasu> "Thanks..." 01[23:20] <~ShadowDM> He blushes, but you're not sure if it's from embarassment or fatigue. 01[23:21] * ~ShadowDM : -> AKATSUCHI: "N-no... problem." [23:21] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "We'll make sure to get this figured for you." 01[23:21] <~ShadowDM> He sounds wearier than before. [23:21] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> "Get some rest man", [23:23] <Rairaku> and we depart! 01[23:25] <~ShadowDM> And as you leave Akatsuchi with his fallen comrades, you cant help but wonder how Yori, Noburo, and Hideaki have fared in the dark recesses of the cavern... 01[23:25] <~ShadowDM> But for now, your journey and your life and in BEES-induced death as we... 01[23:25] <~ShadowDM> FADE... 01[23:25] <~ShadowDM> .TO.... 01[23:25] <~ShadowDM> ..BLACK

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