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Encephalitis Concept map

Pathogen enters the Body through Vector Bourne Replicates and destroy the cells

Etiology: Virus, Bacterium, Fungus, Parasites

CT Scan MRI CBC CSF Analysis

Production of inflammatory Cytokines


Antipyretics TSB

Adherence of leukocytes to cerebral capillary endothelial cells.

Leukocyte Migrate into CSF, Degranulates and release toxic metabolites

Diuretics Fluid Restriction

Ensure Safety

Cerebral Ischemia Assess GCS Coma

Cytotoxic Edema Stroke Seizures

Paralysis Delirium


Thrombolytic Anticoagulants HPN drugs

Avoid stool Bowel Straining Give laxatives Avoid Intercourse Avoid Lifting Heavy Objects

Prepared by: Jezter John Q. Madriaga Mac Nichols E. Viernes Reinier G. Dimalanta Kit Gordon C. Queja

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