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The following report seeks to analyze the effects of media violence, the solutions to media violence and the control of media violence. There are difference forms of media violence that will also be under study in the proceeding results of the report.

Definition of terms a. media

These are the different forms of transmitting messages. The Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary defines media as the different instruments that are used to disseminate information from an individual organization to a large number of people or a specified target group.

b. violence
This is considered as aggressive behavior that can result to causing harm or endangering the life of other people in a surrounding or within a certain specified proximity.

Defining media violence

Violence in the media is not a new thing. There have been a lot of speculative as well as definitive suggestions on the role of the media in contributing to the societys state of instability on the violence perspective. Certain TV shows, features, news reports by journalists etc have also been seen as a major source of the violence in modern day society e.g. Kenyas 2007 post election violence, the result of too much graphic images on TV may have caused some people to go on the rampage. The media though not taking most of the blame has in turn taken responsibility by seeing to it programs have the standard ratings done before airing them i.e. the PG(Parental guidance), VSN(Violence, sex and nudity) etc put in place to help parents control them viewership of these programs by children. There are different forms of media violence namely: I. II. III. Violence in texts Violence in news broadcasts Violence in social media networks and entertainment


Violence in texts

Different media houses texts during ongoing live news broadcasts at the bottom of the screen or top. The use of these texts is mostly to present other news that cannot be included to the main news stories. These forms of texts include suggestive written messages that can cause anger to fuel in people e.g. during the post election violence there were news on attacks done on different tribes and after the banning of live coverage of the violence media houses used texts to deliver the news and these to some extent did fuel extra anger that led to the continuity of the violence. Newspapers also offer another perspective to violence in texts e.g. the use of vulgar language and obscenities in reports. The inclusion of uncensored words and violent happenings that can trigger violent public behavior.


Violence in news broadcasts

Reporters can air live news broadcasts in war torn parts of the world e.g. the ongoing Arab revolution in Egypt and Syria which has left many dead and others maimed for life. These kinds of broadcasts to a large extent also fuel violence in that, when individuals see that others are taking to the streets with violent acts they also may be enticed to do the same. Students on demonstration may be stopped by antiriot police using teargas and when this is viewed on TV by other students they in turn will tend to use violence against police in future demonstrations. The media has been blamed for showing violence as a normal thing but in the real sense viewing violent acts on a day to day basis may psychologically affect different individuals on different levels and to some extent caused trauma and mental stress.


Violence in social media networks and entertainment

Social media networks such as Face book, MySpace, twitter etc have to a large extent played a major role in media violence. There are recorded video clips on these social networks that depict violence as funny or fights that are viewed as cool which may affect a growing mind e.g. children who tend to play games as they see on these social media networks.


Age is a factor that needs to be considered when it comes to matters pertaining to content on the media channels. Though there have been regulations on what to air in certain countries on both TV and radio there are no conclusive reports that the violent shows and programs are specifically viewed by the specific audience they are meant for. Children tend to act as they see i.e. make believe, these further worsens due to the fact that there is daily explicit content with violent acts on TV, radio, the newspapers, social media etc These has led to the media incorporating ratings on shows and programs so as to absorb a part of the responsibility that they ethically owe to the public. Regulating explicit scenes, nudity, violence and including informative shows only viewed during the time children are known to be watching TV, listening to radio etc should be the main point of having laws to regulate media violence. Being on the growing stage where kids tend to absorb more for character building, personality building and other essential human growth aspects, children should have adult advice on what they get exposed to.

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