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Richrd, Rcz

Richrd, Rcz



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hitetlen hvk lszernyek hitk vdik lelkk kemny lett remnyek annl ki remlhet vletlenek legyenek

unbeliever be-lie-ever false modest faith shelter they souls are tough hope thoughts owns who can expect around random signs

tvol utazni testen kvl egy vletlen llek az rvnyt hozta hrl tanulni meg flem remegve hallja a remeg hangot a templom ilyen si duhaj zgs fejben zzott huzal melyben benne szr szzmilla hr

traveling far hull's without a stray psyche conveys the maelstrom to learn my ear trembled to hear the sound of the quake a temple the same humming in the head spaled wire thrusts in it hundredmill strings

tm enterem lelkem kinn terem homlyos terem jjj velem ruht mosn kefl csiszol szikrafoggal rvnyrl beszl

hiting my enter my soul leaps out vague inter-ior come with me clothes brushed by a laundress screwed and with sparkle tooth talk about the blend

agyam nyomott nem hagy nyomot a valsgban csak bennem lelkem mlyn tudom, hogy replk szlltam egy ms dimenziban jrtam plafont nyomta vllam indulj, n is mentem btran forgs megsznt csikorgs mint gpbl forgcs magam ltom fekdni gyon mg testemre vgyom

my brain is muggy trackless in the reality but in me i know deep in my soul I'm flying I's flying I was in another dimension my shoulder pushed the ceiling march, I was marching with brave heart revolution extinguished screech as trimmings from a machine I see myself to lie on my berth I need my body yet

indiai jgiknak vannak lmnyeik hasonlik segtsetek tantsatok segtsetek tantsatok klnben egyedl maradok segtsetek tantsatok ...

indian yogies have same experiences help teach help me teach me otherwise I will remain alone please help me please teach me ...

grdlj gurulj ki kapcsolj lkkel kontaktus egy jelen a valsgbl csak ez teszi hogy kilss a bizonyossgbl a valsg igazolja hogy vals ami trtnt s visszatrsz gondolod visszatrsz remegs lebegs segtsetek ti, ki tudtok rla hiszitek szavam enym ki meslni akar lelkemt ki az rvnyrl szaval

roll over bowl out join living ones contactus the present from the reality it does alone to look out of the confidence reallity verifies what happened is real and you came back you think back quaking levitation help you, who know about it believe my words my speach my required tale words of my soul who declaim about the swirl

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