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3rd grade - secondary

I.E.P Mi buen Jess

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ 1. Look and match the past of these verbs. (6 points) a) eat b) give c) wear wore ate bought had gave went

d) go e) f) buy have

2. Complete the sentences with was and were. ( 5 points) a) How many people _________ at your home yesterday? b) The book _________( - ) difficult. It was easy. c) Dinosaurs ________ prehistoric animals.

d) ________ your friends at school last month? e) f) Jhon and I _________ at the garden yesterday. ________ the exam difficult?

g) Were the girls in the park? Yes, they _________. h) My friends _________ ( - ) happy. They were sad yesterday. i) j) Last night I wasnt at home. I _________ at a party. Where _________ you born?

3. Match the verbs and nouns. (3 points) Verbs listen to watch play read chat with make Nouns a reservation a magazine a CD a video A friend chess

3rd grade - secondary

I.E.P Mi buen Jess

4. Read and answer the questions. (4 points) The internet started in the 1960s. The United States Department of Defense started it because they wanted a computer network to help the American military. In the 1970s, scientists worked on it. Then in the 1980s, telephone companies made it possible to communicate on the computer network in many more countries. An international computer language was born, and the Net went worldwide. 1. When the internet started? _____________________________________________________________________ 2. Where the internet started? _____________________________________________________________________ 3. Did the telephone companies start it? _____________________________________________________________________ 4. What can you do on the internet? _____________________________________________________________________ 5. Order the words to write questions with CAN. Then, match with the pictures.

1. Can / me /tell /time / you / the / please / ? ____________________________________ 2. Come / can /to /my / you/ party / ? ____________________________________ 3. you / speak /can /slowly / more/ please / ? ____________________________________ 4. help / ? /can / I / you . ____________________________________ 5. Can / a /cold / I / ?/have / drink / please ____________________________________

3rd grade - secondary

I.E.P Mi buen Jess TRADUCCIN

1. Observa y relaciona los verbos que estn en el tiempo presente con su forma en pasado. 2. Completa las oraciones con was y were. Para eso tienen que identificar los pronombres. Hay algunas oraciones que tendrn que completar con was y were pero en forma negativa wasnt y werent , lo reconocer por este smbolo (-). 3. Relaciona los verbos(verbs) con los sustantivos (Nouns). 4. Lee y responde a las preguntas. 5. Ordena las palabras y escribe preguntas con el auxiliar CAN, luego relaciona cada pregunta con los dibujos.

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