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Anicca by Javier Bueno

(951) 454-1222

EXT. SKATEPARK - DAY IGGY (20) puts in his earphones and turns the music up loud. He rides down a snake run, picking up speed as he rides back and forth on the walls. GYAN (20) is sitting cross legged, holding a water bottle in his hands. Hes in a world of his own, void of distractions. Iggy rides up and sits on the ledge next to Gyan, breaking his concentration. He snatches the water bottle out of Gyans hand and takes a sip. His skateboard remains underneath his feet. Iggy removes his earphones. They sit, watching others skaters ride around for 10 seconds. GYAN You ever realize that, no matter what, you can never do nothing? IGGY What do you mean? Gyan hesitates for a moment, trying to find the right words. GYAN Like no matter what you do... you cant do nothing. They watch a SKATER ride up and grind on the edge of the ramp. Gyan claps for him. IGGY I can do nothing. GYAN I dont think you understand... IGGY Dude, Ill do the shit out of nothing. I do it all the time. GYAN Doing nothing is impossible. Youre not listening. IGGY No, youre not listening! Watch. Iggy cracks his neck and stretches his arms. He inhales loudly and holds his breath as he abruptly sits up straight, remaining perfectly still.

2. GYAN Okay, just because youre holding your breath, doesnt mean youre doing nothing. Iggy doesnt respond. GYAN (CONTD) It doesnt. Gyan turns away from the unresponsive Iggy. Iggy is still. EXT. CONVENIENCE STORE - DAY Iggy is sitting on the curb motionless. Gyan walks out of a store and approaches from far behind. He sits next to Iggy and plays with a fig in his hand. Gyan looks at the unresponsive Iggy. Iggy stares forward. Gyan leans towards him and also looks forward, trying to see what Iggy sees. He leans back again and looks at Iggy. GYAN Youre sitting. Gyan bites into his fig. A SKATER rides up and flips his board before riding away. Gyan claps for him. The fig is still in his mouth. EXT. TAGGED UP GUTTERS - LATER Gyan sits on a slope and uses a tool to tighten the bolts of his board. Beside him, Iggy stands still on his board. A roll of duct tape is on Gyans wrist. GYAN Youre skating. Iggy finally breaks his silence. IGGY How the fuck am I skating?! My wheels arent even moving!

3. GYAN A wise man once said, losing an illusion makes you wiser than finding a truth. IGGY Fuck that, youre stupid. He lightly shoves Iggys board and it slowly rolls away, carrying Iggy. IGGY (CONTD) Real funny. EXT. PARK - DAY Iggy looks straight up at the sky. IGGY What about now? Gyan leans into Iggys field of vision. GYAN What about now? All you did was lay down. Gyan pretends to steer a pirate ship that is half sunken into the floor of a park playground. GYAN (CONTD) Youre still doing something. Youre laying on the floor. IGGY Lying on the floor. Gyan spins the ships wheel, pretending to have trouble steering the boat. What? GYAN

IGGY You said laying. Its lying. Im lying down, Im not laying down. Gyan takes a piece of duct tape from his wrist and puts it on his eye, like an eye patch. Iggy becomes very frustrated. GYAN Im pretty sure its laying.

4. IGGY No. Its lying. I think I know what Im talking about. Gyan climbs along the edge of the boat and sits. GYAN So, youre telling me that what you are doing, at this very moment, is lying on the floor? Yes. IGGY

GYAN Thats what youre doing. Yeah. IGGY

GYAN Lying down... on the floor? Iggy gives Gyan a deadpan look. GYAN (CONTD) Youre doing that? IGGY Yes! Jesus fucking Christ! Thats what Im doing! Here. On the floor. Which Im currently laying on! Gyan raises his hands. GYAN I prove my point. Iggy gets up off the floor in frustration. IGGY What fucking point? Gyan jumps off towards Iggy. GYAN That you cant ever do nothing. Iggy realizes that Gyan tricked him. IGGY Well... well, damn.

5. EXT. SKATEPARK - DAY Gyan applies tape over the various holes in his old shoes. Beside him, Iggy plays with the wheels of his board. He watches other skaters grind past him on the ramp below. Iggy claps as they roll away. IGGY Howd you get so smart? GYAN Im not smart, man. Im just observant. IGGY Well, how do I do that? Like what do you do while youre being observant? GYAN I dont know... nothing, I guess. Gyan immediately realizes his contradiction. Iggys face lights up with excitement. GYAN (CONTD) Wait, no! I mean, nothing proactive! IGGY You just contradicted yourself. GYAN Just cuz I say something, doesnt mean I thought it all the way through, alright. IGGY Isnt that like the whole point of being observant? To think about shit? Gyan gives Iggy a serious look. Iggy laughs at Gyan as he continues taping his shoe. They both look on at the other skaters in the park as Iggy continues to laugh. Shut up. GYAN BLACK.

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