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Installation Instructions Add SC 9002 (First Expansion Frame Attachment) in the 3584 Model Lxx UltraScalable Tape Library

PN 19P1432

EC H80669

03 JUN 04

Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2000, 2004. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

Add SC 9002 (First Expansion Frame Attachment)

Document Number 19P1432 EC H80669

Written by: R. Roberts Checked/Modeled by: L. Kaja Approved by: S. Nunn S.P. Reviewed by: L. Lawson / D. Martin Status: Field Use Note: This Field Feature Bill of Material (FFBM) must be installed only on the 3584 model for which it was shipped.

EC F22918A 03 NOV 00

EC H80669 03 JUN 2004

Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2004

Before Installation (Section 1 through 8) 1.0 Machines Affected

This FFBM affects all 3584 subsystems that will be adding their first Model Dxx.

2.0 Prerequisites / Concurrent / Companion

2.1 Prerequisites
The Lxx frame must have its Full Capacity installed and enabled before installing the first Dxx frame: v L32 must have FC 1603 installed v L22 or L52 must have FC 1642 (Plant) or 1644 (Field) installed.

2.2 Concurrent
The installation of SC 9002 may have been ordered concurrently with SC 9003 (Additional Expansion Frame Attachment). If so, the installation instruction PN 19P1433 supplied for SC 9003 should be used to complete the total subsystem expansion.

3.0 FFBMs To Be Installed

FFBM 19P0297 Description Instructions

4.0 Preparation
Read and understand the purpose and details of this installation instruction. Check all items listed on the bill(s) of material to determine that all parts have been received. Become familiar with the Expansion Frame Installation procedure in the INSTALL chapter of the IBM 3584 UltraScalable Tape Library MI.

5.0 Programming Updates


6.0 Purpose and Description

In conjunction with the product MI, this instruction provides direction toward installation of the first 3584 Model Dxx expansion frame.

7.0 Installation Time

Machine Hours 4.0 System Hours 0.0 CE Hours 4.3

8.0 Special Tools, Materials, and/or Procedures Required


PN 19P1432 EC H80669 03 JUN 04:

Installation (Sections 9 through 12) 9.0 Safety

Be aware that each frame that contains an FCA is protected by a main line circuit protector (CP) in the FCA. Each FCA must be further protected by a circuit breaker of the proper rating at the service rail (customer outlet).

10.0 Details Of Installation

10.1 Power Off Procedure
If the __ 1. __ 2. __ 3. library subsystem is not already powered off, do the following: Notify the customer that you will be powering down the subsystem. Turn off the front panel power switch on the base frame. Turn off the main circuit breaker on every frame that contains an FCA.

10.2 Expansion Frame Installation

Note: Expansion frames are added to the right side of the base frame. __ 1. The balance of this frame installation will be covered in the Expansion Frame (Dxx) Installation procedure in the INSTALL section of the IBM TotalStorage UltraScalable Tape Library 3584 MI. __ 2. After you complete the Library Subsystem Wrap-Up and Checkout procedure, go to section 14.0 Parts Disposition on page 4 in this instruction.

11.0 Test Procedure

Test procedures are defined in the Library Subsystem Wrap-Up and Checkout and Library Verify Test sections of the IBM 3584 UltraScalable Tape Library MI.

12.0 Field Updating


Add SC 9002 (First Expansion Frame Attachment)

After Installation (Sections 13 through 15) 13.0 Field Support Publications

Store the MI manual in the storage bin on the inside of the base frame rear door.

14.0 Parts Disposition

All removed parts that are not required for re-installation are the property of the customer. All parts furnished within the MES, and deemed not required for MES installation, are the property of IBM and are to be transferred to the local branch office for proper parts disposition.

15.0 Machine Records

__ 1. Using existing procedures, update all field records to reflect that SC 9002 (First Expansion Frame Attachment) has been installed. __ 2. Using existing procedures, report installation and quality.

PN 19P1432 EC H80669 03 JUN 04:

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