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***English text is included below***

Vedik kulturune ilgi duyuyor musunuz? Renkli,

senlikli bayram gunlerini de sever misiniz?
Bugun Hindistanin Mathura yakinindaki
Govardhan tepesinin Krsna tarafindan havaya
kaldirildigi ve insanlarin Krsna’naya (sunulacak
olan yiyecegin) bhogun hazirlanmasi icin tum
gece boyunca uyanik kalip elli dort ya da 108
farkli cesit yemek pisirdigi gun olan
Govardhana puja. Bu torene yiyecek dagi
anlamına gelen ankut denir. Degisik yemek
cesitleri- tahillar, bakliyat, meyveler, sebzeler,
chutney (cesitli malzemelerle yapilan
geleneksel bir icecek), salatalar ve tatlilar-
Deitiye sunulur ve ardindan da prasad olarak
adanmislara ve insanlara dagitilir. Bu festival
Govardhan Tepesinin Krsna tarafindan
kaldirilmasinin anisinadir. Vedik yazinlara gore
Krsna dogmadan once, yagmur tanrisi Indra
Vraj (Hindistanda ki Vrindavan)’anin bas
deitisiydi. Sonradan Krsna insanlari Indraya
tapinmaya bir son vermeye kiskirtti. Indra da
Krsna uzerindeki gucunu gostermek istedi ve
kırsal kesimi gunlerce sel goturen saganagi
yolladi.Insanlar saganagin nedeninin Indrayi
ihmal etmelerinin bir sonucu oldugunu
dusunmustu. Ama Krsna baslarina kotu birsey
gelmeyecegini temit etti. Kucuk parmagiyla
Govardhan Tepesini kaldirdi ve insanlarla
hayvanlari yagmurdan korudu. Bu Ona Yiyeceklerden oluşturulmuş bir Govardhan tepeciği
Govardhanhari lakabini verdi. Bunun ardindan
Indra Krsna nin ustunlugunu kabul etti.

Efsanevi bayram gunlerinden daha fazlasi var ki Srila Prabhupada burada moda ve ici bos
ritueller ile bilgi yoluyla gelen pratik sonuclar arasindaki farki acikliyor.

Vrindavan’dan bir Govardhan Puja kutlaması

Prabhupadanin Govardhan Puja gunundeki bir konusmasindan alintilar

Prabhupada: Bugun Govardhanadhari, Giridhari, Lord Krsna bugun tepeyi kaldirdi. Vedik
yazinlara gore farkli yaritanrilar vardir. Bazen Yunan mitolojisinde de su tanrilari, şimşek
tanrilari bulacaksinizdir. Bunlar hayal urunu degil. Aslinda onlar gercek. Lakin yetersiz
bilgimizden oturu biz maddi doganin nasil kontrol edildigini bilmiyoruz. Nitekim Krsna bu
gezegendeyken ve bir coban cocuk rolunu oynadigi zaman tum evrenin heryerinde “Tanri
geldi, enkarne oldu ve O yeryuzu gezegeninde ve O Vrindavan da bir coban cocuk rolunu
ustlendi...” diye biliniyordu. Dolayisiyla birisi icin, eger Tanrinin enkarnasyonu varsa, kimisi
inanir ve kimisi inanmaz, Krsna gercekten bu gezegende mevcutken, hatta gunumuze kadar
bile, herkes Krsna nin Tanrinin Yuce Sahsiyeti oldugunu anlamis degildi. Sadece birkac kisi,
Pandavalarin bes kardesi ve Vrindavan in genc kizlari, yalnizca bir elin parmaklari kadar,
diyelim ki tum nufustan, yuz ya da ikiyuz kisi diyelim, Onun Tanrinin Yuce Sahsiyeti
oldugunu biliyordu. Yoksa herkes “ O tipki bizden biri gibi siradan bir adam ama en guclusu.
Hepsi bu.” diye dusunmustu. Benzer sekilde diger gezegenlerdeki yaritanrilar, onlar da, “Ah
budala biri. Bir coban cocugu Tanri olarak dusunuyorlar.” diye dusundu, boyle safsata
karistirdilar. Ve ozellikle Indra, cennetsi krallik… cennetin krali.O… O cok gucluydu,
boylece dusundu ki, “Tanri niye gelsin ki? Tanrim, O gelemez.” Bu bir tahmindi. Hatta
Brahma bile tahminde bulundu. Ama Krsna Indra ya “Evet gercekten geldim." diye gostermek
istedi. Onun icin bu olay bugun, Govardhana-puja.

“Ya bu bir hurafeyse?” Bakin Krsna nasil konusuyır. “Ya bu bir hurafeyse ya da bazi gercek
etkisi varsa?” Hurafe altinda hicbirsey, dini ritueller yapmamalisiniz. Bu Krsna nin tavsiyesi.
Krsna insanlarin hurafe altinda herhangi birseyi yerine getirmesini sevmez. Farzedin ki
fedakarlik ediyorsunuz, eger bir toren yapiyorsaniz, mutlaka bilgi araciligiyla yapmalisiniz ki
bir sonuc olmali. Sonucu olmali. Tipki Vedik yazinlarda tavsiye edilen bir cok fedakarliklar
olmasi gibi, putresti-yagya. Putresti. Hic oglu olmayan bir adam farzedin ve bu fedakarligi
gerceklestirirse bir oglu olacak. Bu bir gercek. Benzer sekilde bir suru sey var. Oyleyse
herhangi rituel, dini ritueller… Simdi, Krsna ya gore… O ne kadar pratik. O dedi ki “Pratik
sonucu olmayan, pratik sonucu olmayan hicbir rituel gerceklestirilmemeli.” İnsanlar ateist
oldu cunku bu modern cagda sadece Hindu dininde degil Hristiyan dininde de, tum dinlerde
bircok rituel var. Ama diyorlar ki sadece formalite; hicbir etkisi yok. Hic etkisi yok. Bu cesit
ritueller, dini toren Krsna tarafindan onerilmez. Gercekten etkisini gormelisiniz.

Dolayisiyla birseyler pratik olmadiginda bir yasak haline geliyor. Gercekten bazi spirituel ya
da dini ritueller, isler araciligiyla bir sonuc aliyorsaniz o zaman cok iyi. Aksi halde hurafe.
Lord Caitanya nin fikri bu cunku tum bu Vedik buyruklari, fedakarliklar, bunlarin bu cagda
icre edilmesi mumun degil… Bunlar cok zor. Tum bu torenleri ve rituelleri gerceklestiricek
uzman bir lider yok. Bu nedenle, bu Hare Krsna yi aliskanlik edinin. Bunu aliskanlik edinin.
Rituele ihtiyac yok. Harcamaya gerek yok. Basit bir sekilde Tanri size dil verdi ve Tanri size
kulak verdi. Sadece soylemeye devam edin: Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare/
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare ve ruhsal gelisiminizi yerine getirecektir.
Benzer sekilde Krsna dedi ki, jnatva ajnatva ca karmani jano yam anustishanti: “Genellikle,
insan yiginlari, onlar cahil. Hurafe ya da gelenek olsun diye bilerek ya da bilmeyerek bazi dini
rituelleri yerine getiriyorlar.” Demek ki, vidusa karma-siddhih syat tahta na viduso bhavet:
“Ve budala olanlar, onlar sadece batil inanctan yapiyorlar.”

Onun icin Krsna batil inanc altinda birsey yapmanizi tavsiye etmedi. Hayir. Pratik sonu cicin
yapmalisiniz. Bu dogmatizm, tutuculuk—“Ah ne diye Hare Krsna yi soyleyeyim ki? Ben
Hristiyanim. Ben Yahudiyim”—bu tutuculuk. Eger Hare Krsna yi soylemekte gercekten
cosku buluyorsaniz, neden yapmayasaniz? Neden yapmayasiniz ki? “Hayir. Ben Yahudiyim.”
“Ben Hristiyanim.” “Ben Muslumanim.” Oyleki, bu ruhsal platformdan askin bir titresim.
Sizim İslaminiz, Hristiyanliginiz, Budizminiz, bu deri hastaligi. Bu… Cunku belli kosullarda
belli bir bedeniniz var bu yuzden boyle iddia ediyorsunuz. Ama gercekte bizler hepimiz ruhuz
ve bu ses titresimi ruhdan. Herkese cekici gelecek. Etkiyi gorun. O halde tutucu olmayin.
Demek istedigim, yobaz olmayin. Oyleyse Krsna sunu istiyor, kisi sadece gelenekten oturu
rituelleri takip etmemeli. Kisi sonucu gormeli.

Daima Soyleyin ve Mutlu Olun

Tarafindan sizin icin cevrildi. Umarim faydali bulmussunuzdur.


Are you interested in Vedic culture? Do you like colorful, festive days as well? Today is
Govardhana puja when Mount Govardhan near Mathura,India was lifted by Krsna and is the
day when people keep awake whole night and cook fifty four or 108 different types of food
for the bhog (the offering of food) to Krsna. This ceremony is called ankut which means a
mountain of food. Various types of food- cereals, pulses, fruit, vegetables chutneys, salads
and sweets- are offered to the Deity and then distributes as prasad to devotees and everyone.
This festival is in commemoration of lifting of Mount Govardhan by Krsna. According to the
Vedic scriptures before Krsna was born, Indra the God of rain, was the chief deity of Vraj
(Vrindavan,India). Then Krsna instigated the people to stop worshipping Indra. Indra wanted
to show his power over Krsna and brought about a cloud-burst which flooded the countryside
for many days. People were afraid that the result of downpour was a result of their neglect of
Indra. But Krsna assured them that no harm would befall them. He lifted Mount Govardhan
with his little finger and sheltered men and beasts from the rain. This gave Him the epithet
Govardhanhari. After that Indra accepted the supremacy of Krsna.

There is more to the legendary festive days that Srila Prabhupada here explains the difference
between vogue and hollow rituals and the practical results through knowledge.

Excerpts from a lecture by Prabhupada on Govardhana -puja

Prabhupada:Today Govardhanadhäré, Giridhäré, Lord Krsna, today lifted the mountain.

According to Vedic literature there are different demigods. Sometimes you will find in Greek
mythology the gods of the water, gods of the thunderbolt. These are not imagination. Actually
they are facts. But due to our insufficient knowledge we do not know how the material nature
is being controlled. So when Krsna was on this planet and He was playing the part of a
cowherd boy, and it was known to all over the universe that “God has come, taken
incarnation, and He is on the earth planet, and He is at Våndävana playing the part of a
cowherd boy...” So as if somebody, if there is incarnation of God, somebody believes and
somebody does not believe, when Krsna was actually present on this earth, it is not that
everybody understood that Krsna was the Supreme Personality of Godhead, not even up to
date. Only few persons, the five brothers of the Pandavas and the damsels of Våndävana, only
in the fingers’ count, say, out of the whole population, say, hundred or two hundred men
knew Him that He was the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Otherwise everyone thought that
“He is an ordinary man just like one of us, but most powerful. That’s all.” Similarly, the
demigods in other planets, they also thought, “Oh, he’s a foolish person. They are thinking of
a cowherd boy as God,” sophisticated, like that. And especially Indra, the heavenly
kingdom..., king of heaven. He was... He’s very powerful, so he thought, “What god he has
come? My God, He cannot come.” This was some speculation. Even Brahmä also speculated.
But Krsna wanted to show Indra that “Yes, actually I have come.” So that incidence is today,

… “Whether this is a superstition?” Just see how Krsna is speaking. “Whether it is a

superstition or it has got some actual effect.” You should not do anything, religious rituals,
under superstition. That is the recommendation of Krsna. Krsna does not like that people
should perform anything under superstition. Suppose if you are sacrificing, if you are doing
some ceremony, you must have thorough knowledge that there must be the result. There must
be the result. Just like there are many sacrifices recommended in the Vedic literature,
putreñöé-yajïa. Putreñöé. Suppose a man has no son, and if he performs that sacrifice, he will
have a son. That is a fact. Similarly, so many things there are.

So any rituals, religious rituals... Now, according to Krsna... How practical He is. He said that
“No religious ritual should be performed without practical effect, without practical effect.”
People have become atheist because in the modern age there are so many rituals in all
religions, not only Hindu religion, but Christian religion. But, they say, simply formality;
there is no effect. There is no effect. Such sort of rituals, religious ceremony, is not
recommended by Krsna. You must actually the effect.
…So when the things are not practical, that becomes a forbidden. If you actually get the result
by some spiritual or religious rituals, performance, then it is very good. Otherwise it is
superstition. Lord Caitanya’s opinion is that because all these Vedic injunctions, sacrifices,
they are not possible to be performed in this age... They are very difficult. There is no expert
leader to perform all these ceremonies and rituals. Therefore, take to this Hare Krsna. Take to
this. There is no need of rituals. There is no need of expenses. Simply God has given you
tongue, and God has given you ear. Just go on chanting: Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna
Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Räma, Hare Räma, Räma Räma, Hare Hare, and it will fulfill your
spiritual advancement. Similarly, Krsna said, jïätvä ajïätvä ca karmäëi jano ’yam
anutiñöhanti: “Generally, mass of people, they are ignorant. They perform some religious
rituals knowingly or unknowingly as a matter of superstition or custom.” So, viduña karma-
siddhiù syät. But one who is intelligent, he should know that “By this sacrifice, I must get the
result.” Viduño karma-siddhiù syät tathä na viduño bhavet: “And those who are fools, they,
simply by superstition, they do it.”

…So Krsna did not recommend that you should do something under superstition. No. You
must do it for practical result. This dogmatism, fanaticism—”Oh, why I shall chant Hare
Krsna? I am Christian. I am Jews”—this is fanaticism. If you find actually ecstasy by chanting
Hare Krsna, why should you not? Why should you not? “No. I am Jew.” “I am Christian.” “I
am Muhammadan.” Well, it is transcendental vibration from the spiritual platform. Your
Muhammadism, Christianism, Hinduisim, Buddhism, this is skin disease. This is... Because
you have got some particular body at particular circumstances, therefore you claim like that.
But actually we are all spirit soul, and this sound vibration is from the spirit soul. It will
appeal to everyone. See the effect. Then don’t be fanaticist. Don’t be, I mean to say, sectarian.
So Krsna wants that, that simply by custom, one should not follow the rituals. One should see
the effect.

Always Chant and Be Happy

Hope you have found it useful.

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