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2 - I98o Pharmaceutisch Weekblad Scientific Edition I95

NARANG,K. K., and J. K. GUPTA(I976) J. Inorg. Nucl. amine tetraacetic acid. D. van Nostrand Company Inc.,
Chem. 3 8, 589; Ibidem (I977) Transition Met. Chem. 2, New York, r49.
I8L VAMASmTA,S., Y. SEVAMAand N. ISnlrAWA(I978) Expe-
SAWlCKI,C. a., and F. P. SCARINGELLI(I97t) Microchem. J. rientia 34,472.
r6, 657.
TURCZAN, J., and T. MEDWXCK(I972) J. Pharm. Sci. 6z, 434. Received July i98o
WELCHER, V. J. (I958) The analytical uses of ethylenedi- Accepted for publication July I980.


Under this heading abstracts will be published of doctoral dissertations that are of interest for the pharmaceutical sciences
and are submitted to Dutch universities, or to foreign universities by Dutch pharmacists. Abstracts should be submitted by
invitation only.

Comparative study of isolation procedures for essential oils

Hydrodistillation versus solvent extraction

A. KOEDAM 1, University of Leiden, June 26, I980

Promoter: Prof. Dr. A. BAERHEIMSVENDSEN(Leiden)
Referees: Prof. Dr. K.-H. gUB~-CZKA(Wtirzburg) and Prof. Dr. TH. M. MALn~GR~(Groningen)

The influence of hydrodistillation on the com- pH of the distillation water. Isomerization of

position of some essential oils has been de- cis-dihydrocarvone into t r a n s - d i h y d r o c a r v o n e
scribed. was catalysed by trace metals present in the
Part I (chapters I and 2) is c o n c e r n e d with seed.
volatile seed oils of some species of the U m b e l - In Part n (chapters 3, 4 and 5) the compo-
liferae. The effect of the time of distillation on sitions of some coniferous leaf oils isolated by
the composition of the oils from seed of ajowan, the techniques of hydrodistillation and solvent
caraway, coriander and cumin (chapter I) and extraction are compared. C h a p t e r 3 reports on
of dill (chapter 2) is examined. It is d e m o n - the hitherto uninvestigated A r n o l d fir ( A b i e s x
strated that the o r d e r of recovery of the oil arnoldiana Nitz.). The identity of 35 com-
constituents is d e t e r m i n e d by their rate of dif- ponents in the oil could be established. It is
fusion through the plant tissues. As this dif- shown that also with this fir species diffusion of
fusion is governed by the degree of solubility in the oil c o m p o n e n t s out of the oil canals pre-
the distillation water, the oxygenated com- dominates over the boiling points of the com-
pounds, although with higher boiling points, pounds during distillation. The a m o u n t of san-
distil before the hydrocarbons. In chapter i tene diminishes gradually as the p H of the dis-
evidence is presented to suggest that p - c y m e n e tillation water is lowered. Hydrolysis of esters
in the oils of ajowan and cumin is (partly) an during distillation is discussed; attention is fo-
artefact of distillation. The ratio o f c / s - d i h y d r o - cused on the problem of crystallization of com-
carvone to t r a n s - d i h y d r o c a r v o n e in dill oil pounds (e.g. borneol, camphor) in the con-
(chapter 2) was found to change with varying denser of the distillation apparatus. In the

~Department of Pharmacognosy, Gorlaeus Laboratories, University of Leiden, P. O. Box 9502, 2300 RA Leiden, The

Pharmaceutisch Weekblad II5-I98o I703

196 Vol. 2 - t98o Pharmaceutisch Weekblad Scientific Edition

chapters 4 (Leyland cypress) and 5 (Savin juni- their oil quickly, thus preventing the formation
per) special reference is given to the acidity of of artefacts.
the distillation water during isolation of the
compounds. Acid catalysis generated appreci- CONCLUSION
able amounts of terpinen-4-ol, ct- and y-terpi- The superficial oils of the Labiatae are well-re-
nene and terpinolene at the expense of sabinene covered by distillation because time-consuming
and its hydrates. The solvent extract of diffusion is ruled out. However, if diffusion is
Leyland cypress (chapter 4) contained some the rate determining factor during distillation
genuine sesquiterpene hydrocarbons which (as is the case with umbelliferous seeds and
could not be recovered by distillation. coniferous leaves), then solvent extraction has
Part lal (chapter 6) is concerned with the vol- to be preferred. This procedure eliminates dif-
atile leaf oils of two species of the Labiatae, viz. ferences in-distillation rate of compounds (as a
rosemary and sage. The experiments revealed result of diffusion) as well as rearrangements
that the oils distill almost quantitatively within i due to the acidity of the distillation water. It also
hour. The acidity of the distillation water is of avoids crystallization of high-melting com-
minor importance. Only at extreme pH values pounds in the condenser. In general it may be
(2-3) small effects on some constituents could stated that solvent extraction is superior to the
be noticed. These results are explained by the distillation method as it gives a more reliable
fact that the epidermal glands burst upon con- picture of the composition of essential oils as
tact with the (acidic) boiling water and give off present in plant material.

1704 ~I5-I98o Pharmaceutisch Weekblad

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