Biotechnology and Genetic Modification Are Commonly Used Interchangeably

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Biotechnology and genetic modification are commonly used interchangeably.

Genetic Modification is a special set of technologies that alter the genetic makeup of organisms such as animals, plants, or bacteria. Biotechnology, as a more general term, refers to using organisms or their component such as enzymes to make products that include wine, cheese, beer and yogurt. GM products also known as "genetically-engineered or transgenic products" include medicines and vaccines, food, and food ingredients, feeds and fibers.

Bioteknologi dan pengubahsuaian genetik biasanya digunakan silih berganti.Pengubahsuaian Genetik adalah satu set khas teknologi yang mengubah komposisigenetik organisma seperti haiwan, tumbuh-tumbuhan, atau bakteria. Bioteknologi,sebagai tempoh yang lebih umum, merujuk kepada menggunakan organisma ataukomponen mereka seperti enzim untuk membuat produk-produk yang termasukwain, keju, bir dan yogurt. Produk GM yang juga dikenali sebagai "produkkejuruteraan genetik atau transgenik" termasuk ubat-ubatan dan vaksin, makanan,dan bahan-bahan makanan, suapan dan serat. GM is a trait-based technology. Researchers locate genes for their important traits- such as those conferring insect resistance or desired nutrients. For instance, in 2006, 252 million acres of transgenic crops were planted in 22 countries by 10.3 million farmers. The majority of these crops were insect-resistant soybeans, corn, cotton, canola and alfalfa. Other crops grown commercially or field-tested are a sweet potato resistant to a virus that could decimate most of the African harvest, rice with increased iron and vitamins components that may alleviate chronic malnutrition in Asian countries, and a variety of plants able to survive weather extremes. GM adalah teknologi berasaskan sifat. Penyelidik mengesan gen penting merekasifatsifat seperti orang-orang rintangan serangga yang memberikan atau nutrient yang dikehendaki. Sebagai contoh, pada tahun 2006, 252 juta ekar tanamantransgenik telah ditanam di 22 negara oleh 10.3 juta petani. Kebanyakan tanaman iniadalah serangga-tahan kacang soya, jagung, kapas, kanola dan alfalfa. Tanaman lain yang ditanam secara komersial atau bidang diuji tahan kentang manis kepada virus yang boleh menghapuskan kebanyakan tuaian Afrika, beras dengan besi yangmeningkat dan komponen vitamin yang boleh mengurangkan malnutrisi kronik di negaranegara Asia, dan pelbagai jenis tumbuhan yang dapat bertahan cuacaketerlaluan.

Your Genetically Engineered Thanksgiving

The Biotech Threat to the Organic Cornucopia and What You Can Do About It The Turkey

Most turkeys are raised on a diet of genetically engineered corn and soybean meal in a factory farm. Think it doesn't matter what the animal eats? Think again. When Monsanto's engineered genes were found in the blood of pregnant women and their babies, scientists concluded it must have gotten there through eating GMO-fed animals. Learn more: Read this amazing article on how your Thanksgiving turkey could poison you. Buy organic: At Local Harvest, you can find local, organic, pasture-raised and heritage breed turkeys. Take action: Sign the Millions Against Monsanto petition to label GMOs and food from factory farms. Milk, Butter, Cream & Cheese

Love mash potatoes smothered in butter? Vegetables prepared au gratin? Desserts topped with whipped cream and served a la mode? Beware of dairy products made with milk from cows shot up with genetically engineeered growth hormones (a.k.a. rBGH or rBST) in factory farms! Learn more: Check out our page on genetically engineered bovine growth hormone. Buy organic: Raw milk from cows raised on organic pasture is the healthiest. Take action: Boycott dairy made with artificial growth hormones! Tofu Turkey

Before the vegans get self-righteous, it's important to note that most soy is genetically engineered. Until GMO labels are the law, you'll need to carefully read the label and research vegan product lines if you want to avoid it. Learn more: Read the Cornucopia Institute's review of hexane-extracted soy ingredients in veggie burgers and nutrition bars. Buy organic: Tofurkey is non-GMO, Tofutti is not. If you don't want to spend your life reading labels, buy organic! Take action: Grocery stores that cater to vegans are packed with unlabeled genetically engineered foods. Ask Trader Joe's and Whole Foods Market to label their GMOs! The Stuffing Genetically engineered corn is toxic, according to data gathered by Monsanto and analysed by independent scientists. It's not just the cornbread stuffing. Watch out for high-fructose corn syrupand trans fats, often made from corn oil. And, now, sweet corn! This year, Monsanto began selling genetically modified sweet corn without even notifying federal regulators of, let alone gaining approval for, their first product to hit the produce aisle. Learn more: Read this important article describing how GMOs are already beginning to contaminate the 20,000 varieties of corn in Mexico and Central America. Buy organic: Garden? Support the organic seed growers preserving native and heirloom corn varieties

Crops and animals have been genetically altered through the years, with the purpose of providing more to the general public and to save more time, money and effort. However, the fast and growing effects might also have long-term damages to the environment and the community as a whole. The main goal of companies is to massproduce and make more compared to what first world nations are producing. Here are some more guidelines. About the GMO Chickens As far as we know now there are nogenetically engineered chickens. Unfortunately, through factory farming techniques, chickens are mass-produced

given GMO foods along with steroids causing the animals to grow faster and heavier compared to regular ones. For example, it can take regular chickens anywhere between 6 to 9 months to fully mature. Genetically modified chickens will only take 3 months to reach their full potential. This will mean that farmers and poultry houses can produce 2 to 3 times more compared to traditional methods. Availability will increase and sellers get to earn more by selling healthier and heavier products. Known Positive Effects Chickens raised on genetically modified feed means that farmers can produce more over a shorter period of time. In the past several restaurants and fast food chains have resorted to GMO chickens since these were relatively cheaper and are known to be of higher nutritional value. However, the rise of critics and other debates over the safety and efficacy of the processes triggered people to boycott the products. Farmers on the other side, do not need to exert as much effort or worry about their chickens getting diseases and face other concerns regarding pests and poultry problems, since the food and supplements based on GMO were giving these animals extra protection and immunity. Known Negative Effects Raising chickens in this way produced some known bad effects: The chickens are said to lay eggs that have significant links to cancer development. Farmers are at risk of losing their jobs and livelihood, once scientists develop a way to keep chickens healthy, regardless of the circumstances. There are ethical and moral concerns surrounding the practice, and mixing normal chickens with genetically altered ones can have ramifications to the species and ultimately change the way these birds are grown and bred. There are also health risks associated with continuous consumption of these animals. People might develop diseases and other respiratory problems in the long run, depending on what the animals were fed and the current condition of the consumer. There are also potential risks and damage to the environment.

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