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Updated Facebook Tutorial For iPhone Techority

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Updated Facebook Tutorial For iPhone

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The below code is used to post a message to your user s Facebook wall. This code was taken directly fro m the sample provided by Ansca I didn t create it and my only goal is to help out those of you who haven t been able to get wall posting to work from your iPhone apps since this latest update. My only minor alterations are to make this easy for you to copy and paste. It s messy, it s got unneeded chunks in it and it s by no means the best way of doing this however it works perfectly and at the end of the day I don t want to leave you guys hanging for a week while I try to find time to make a nice little snippet for you. (I will do that in time, just not right now.) Follow the steps; 1. Copy json.lua and TableView.lua from the Facebook sample. (Applications, Corona, Sample Code, Networking, Facebook.) Put them in your project folder. 2. Paste the below code into your project. 3. Ensure your project folder has an image in it called facebook.png 4. Change APP ID to your own APP ID. 5. Replace my Boyfriend Grade specs with your own message, url, image, etc. (Don t just me based on that app. Please.) ----------------------------------------------------------------FCBO AEOK ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fcbo Cmad - aeok omn lclfCmad oa bomn lclLGU =1 oa OOT lclSO_ILG=2 oa HWDAO lclPS_S =3 oa OTMG lclPS_HT =4 oa OTPOO lclGTUE_NO=5 oa E_SRIF lclGTPAFR_NO=6 oa E_LTOMIF ----------lclfn inpi Tbe ,lbl l e ) oa c o n al( ae, e l i lbl hnpi (lbl)ed f ae e n ae n l e =l e o 1 e l e l i f hn e - f ad eeec - o f ne

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frkvi pis t)d o , n ar( o lclpei =" oa rfx " fri1lvld o =,ee o pei =pei . "t rfx rfx . \" ed n

Updated Facebook Tutorial For iPhone Techority

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Updated Facebook Tutorial For iPhone Techority

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lclaie =nl oa pKy i - Ntnee a ti tm - o edd t hs ie


11/16/11 lclaie =nl oa pKy i

i (apd)te f pI hn

Updated Facebook Tutorial For iPhone Techority

- Ntnee a ti tm - o edd t hs ie

lclfnto psmmg(vn) oa ucin otys eet fCmad=PS_S bomn OTMG fcbo.oi(apd clFcbo,{pbihsra" ) aeoklgn pI, alaeok "uls_tem ed n lclfBto =dslynwmg (fcbo.n" oa butn ipa.eIae "aeokpg) fBto. =10 butnx 0 fBto. =40 butny 2 lclru:netfBto)- Rmv ti ln i ntuigDrco oaGopisr(butn - eoe hs ie f o sn ietr fBto:dEetitnr"a" psmmg butnadvnLsee(tp, otys) ed n Then you re done! Build and test. This should work perfectly. (If you need help on the Facebook end check out the previous Facebook tutorial, now depreciated.) I know this is not a good tutorial, it s not even a real tutorial it s just to get those of you who are stuck at this point with Facebook up and going. On an important side note: For personal reasons, I may disappear for a few days sometime in the next few weeks. (I don t know when.) I would ask that if I am clearly not online (FB, Twitter, here, etc.) that you try not to email me if possible; I wont have access and so coming back to a bunch of emails could be a tad overwhelming. Thanks in advance for your understanding. I hope everyone has a happy and safe Easter and that although this tutorial is lousy as an actual tutorial that it will still help those of you waiting on Facebook posting to publish your app move forward now. Lastly, I know it s been a slow month with tutorials various things have effected this, both personal and professional and I hope that shortly this will change; but bear with me in the meantime I have some exciting stuff planned for the not too distant future. Peach Pellen
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Posted by Peach Pellen at 10:45 am

8 Responses to Updated Facebook Tutorial For iPhone


NIck Nebelsky says:

June 2, 2011 at 6:12 am

Peach, My Basketball Stats is an app I hired a developer to do for me in XCode. Will I be able to use this code with that code? Or will I need to have an app that was developed entirely on Corona SDK?


NIck Nebelsky says:

June 2, 2011 at 6:13 am

And where do I put the code? What file?


And where do I put the code? What file?

Updated Facebook Tutorial For iPhone Techority


Peach Pellen says:

June 2, 2011 at 6:49 am

Hi Nick, no you would need it in Lua, the language Corona uses. As to the Facebook code, in main.lua if you are not using Director, in any file that suits you if you are. Peach


Chasrles Ragona says:

July 8, 2011 at 9:03 pm

Anyword on if Ansca has fixed this for Android yet?


Peach Pellen says:

July 9, 2011 at 6:41 am

I believe in the latest daily build it might actually have been fixed; I can t be certain as I just woke up and have not yet had a chance to look at it properly but in the release notes for the latest build it appears it might have been addressed


Phillip says:
July 30, 2011 at 11:22 am

How do we know our app ID before we submit our app to itunes? Thanks


Peach Pellen says:

July 30, 2011 at 12:09 pm

When you create a page for it in iTunes Connect, but before uploading it, you get given an App ID. (You still have 3 months after that to upload it and still keep your chosen name, if that is your concern.) Make sense? Peach


Phillip says:
July 30, 2011 at 12:44 pm

Thanks a lot Peach!

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Updated Facebook Tutorial For iPhone Techority

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