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Unit 3: Citizenship, Diversity and the public services Task 1 (P5) In the Police it is important for this service

to recruit, develop and maintain a diverse work force to gain and build the trust of the community generally from ethnic minorities that live in todays society. The trust from the people will be gained by understanding the percentage of those who are living in the community, and then recruit the same percentage into the Police force to reassure the minority that they can be treated respectfully by their own people within the eyes of the law. The death of Stephan Lawrence on the 22nd of April 1993 is a horrific example of how the death of an innocent person influences the accusation in 1999 that the Metropolitan Police was famously accused of "institutionalised racism. This was because the Police was white male dominated; this incident and accusation influenced the recruitment of more ethnic minority. The recruitment process was recently changed in April 2003 to ensure all applicants face the same eligibility tests when applying for the service. Under the Police reform act of 2002, PCSOs were introduced to the police family, to enhance, reassure and contribute to decreasing crime by supporting the community by undertaking visible street patrols. This opened up a chance for women and ethnic groups to be recruited to represent and protect their community in the service. For example, in London it is thought that 25% of the civilians are ethnic groups, under the Home Offices regulations of 1999, England and Wales are expected to have an ethnic composition proportion within the work force to serve the local ethnic population.

However in the Royal Air Force the aim of the RAF's Equality and Diversity Strategy is to achieve a diverse, operationally effective work force in an environment free from harassment, intimidation and unlawful discrimination, in which all have equal opportunity and encouragement to realise their full potential. Diversity is, essentially, linked to equality and compliance with the law. The equality and diversity report of the RAF from March 2011. On the link above is a link to a PDF file which is the following report I am going to discuss. In this report on page six the RAF have received a national award for improving the inspiration for young women to join the RAF as Engineers, with the increase of female recruits has improved the representation of women in the male dominated trades. This shows how women can achieve as well as men, since the war women do not see themselves staying home and looking after the children anymore they have the right to have a career and live how they wish. Also with the increase of more women working within the services gives other women who are thinking of applying into the service gives them somebody to look up to and aspire towards.

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