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Smart Grids IEEE P2030

Claudio Lima
Vice Chair of IEEE P2030 Smart Grid Communications Architecture SG1 ETSI Workshop - Standards: An Architecture for the Smart Grid France, April 5th 2011
All rights reserved Copyright2011

The information contained here does not necessarily expresses the final opinion of the IEEE P2030 since this is still an working in progress. But it provides the basis for ongoing standards development discussions.

IEEE P2030 Smart Grid Key Highlights

The IEEE P2030 is a Standard Guide for Smart Grid Interoperability. It addresses the basic Smart Grid definitions, frameworks, challenges and three different architectural perspectives (Power & Energy, Communications and IT) with interoperability tables and charts. The architectures adopts a methodic end-to-end and system engineering approach to address the secure, modular and scalable Smart Grid interfaces and building blocks. IEEE P2030 has been voted and approved for ballot in the last General Plenary meeting (New Orleans, Feb 2011). The IEEE 2030 Series of standards will address more specific technologies and implementation of Smart Grid system (e.g. P2030.1 Electric Vehicle, P2030.2 Storage Energy Systems).
3 Source: IEEE All Rights Reserved to the IEEE

IEEE P2030 Smart Grid Interoperability Timeline

Almost DONE!
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IEEE P2030 Smart Grid Generic Framework

Methodological Interoperability Framework composed of: Three Interoperability Architecture Perspectives (IAP): Power System (PS) Communications Technology (CT) Information Technology (IT) IAPs Interoperability Tables

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Using the System Engineering Approach

TwoTwo-Levels SG System Architecture

The Smart Grid Foundational Layers

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Key Attributes
1. Broadest, All Inclusive Architecture (provide alternative paths). 2. Adopt a System Engineering Approach. 3. Define Key Actors and Critical Interfaces. 4. Methodological and Well Documented Procedure. 5. Top Down Approach (System to Sub-System Level). 6. Secure, Modular, Scalable and Interoperable. (define demarcation points between entities/actors). 7. Use Technology Neutral Approach. 8. Dynamic and Evolving Architecture. 9. Covers the Whole Utility Smart Grid Spectrum. 10. Useful to Stakeholders (utilities, vendors, SDOs, etc). 11. Seeks an International Perspective.
Source: IEEE All Rights Reserved to the IEEE 9

Important Smart Grid Design Principles

Secure Reliable Scalable Manageable Modular Future Proof

Recommended Smart Grid Characteristics

Open Standards-Based Interoperable

The Smart Grid Building Blocks

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IEEE P2030 Smart Grid Communications (SGReference Architecture (SG-CRA)

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SG Architecture Development Methodology

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IEEE P2030 Smart Grid Work: Architectures


IEEE P2030 Smart Grid Work: Tables & Charts



IEEE P2030 Architecture Perspectives

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IEEE P2030 Communications Technology Interoperability Architecture Perspective (CT-IAP)

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IEEE P2030 Power System Interoperability Architecture Perspective (PS-IAP)

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IEEE P2030 Information Technology Interoperability Architecture Perspective (IT-IAP)

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IEEE P2030 Interoperability Tables

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Example of Detailed Communications (CT) Interface Description

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IT Interfaces/Data Flows Description Table

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Power System Interfaces Types and Descriptions

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Sample Smart Grid Interface/ Application Mapping Table

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Typical Data Characteristics of Sample Applications

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IEEE P2030 Contact Information

For more information about the IEEE P2030, 2030 Standards Series (e.g. P2030.1 - Electric Vehicles, P2030.2 - Storage Energy Systems, P2030.3 - Testing Storage Energy Systems, etc), collaboration and partnership opportunities please contact:

Dick DeBlasio IEEE P2030 Chair

Email:, Phone: +1 303 275 4333

Thomas Basso IEEE P2030 Secretary

Email:, Phone: +1 303 275 3753

Bill Ash Strategic Program Manager, IEEE-SA

Email:, Phone: +1 732 465 5828
Claudio Lima

Source: IEEE All Rights Reserved to the IEEE

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